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(食)字由“(亼)”和“ (皀)”两部分构成。当我们结合“(食)”→“(即)”→“(饗)”→“(既)”这一系相连贯的古人用食动作,或者“”→“(飤)”→“”这一过程分析时,就会明确食字所从的“(亼)”象盖形,本义为盖子。食字所从的“皀”字甲骨文作:,其象:食器中堆满饭(小米饭)的形状(上部的数点表示饭散发的热气或香气)。食字由这两部分构成,但又不是如《说文》及《注》所认为的:食是会意字,意思由“亼”与“皀”两字所会。实际上(食)为象形字,象:食器中堆满饭并盖上盖子之形;它与(皀)字的意思相同都指:食器中堆满饭,二者仅有的不同在于(食)有盖子(皀)没有盖子。这是食字的本义,由这个意思可引出仅指食器中的饭食之食物,食物是供人吃的,由此又可指食用之食,如甲文(食麦)。在吃食的过程中食器中堆积如小山般的饭食会逐渐缺少,这就有了缺损义,由此又可指日月食,如(月有食)。吃食在一个时间段进行,由此又可指时间,如(大食)(小食)。  相似文献   

从我国疫情发生的频率和此次新冠肺炎疫情造成的严重后果来看,后疫情时代"食育"已不是个人"私事",而成为牵涉到公共利益与安全的"公事"。长期以来,国人存在不良的饮食习惯和饮食文化,缺少对大自然生态平衡的维护。基于教育制度学独特视角,有必要去思考中国现有的"食育"制度是否真正贯彻落实到国民的教育过程中,在这个提倡"五育融合"的教育新时代,更有必要将"食育"与德智体美劳教育贯通起来,培养有高度生命意识和尊重自然规律的时代新人。  相似文献   

This study is a follow-up of 47 children previously reported, who were referred to one paediatric unit and found to be “at risk” of child abuse. They were classified as “Satisfactory” (12), “Unsatisfactory” (18), and “Uncertain” (17), on the basis of breakdown of natural parenting, growth failure, developmental delay, behaviour disturbance and nonaccidental injury. Three years later, of 6 “unsatisfactory” children still with natural parents, 3 were unchanged and 3 had deteriorated. Of 10 fostered children from this group, 4 were considered normal and 5 had improved. Of 17 children in the “Uncertain” group, 3 are reclassified as “Satisfactory,” 3 are now “Unsatisfactory” and in 3 significant organic disease makes attribution of disability difficult. Ten out of 12 children in the “Satisfactory” group have remained in this category. These findings point to the conclusion that in those families where child rearing practices are so poor as to produce emotional and developmental impairment, the usual social work support and other conventional methods are not able to reverse the harm and in some cases to prevent further deterioration.  相似文献   

We discuss the current socio-cultural situation surrounding parenthood on the basis of an extensive literature review. A distinction is drawn between the constructs of “parenthood” as a social role and “parenting” as a process of raising children. We describe the main social trends: Modern parenthood is analyzed and problematized in connection with the specific features of the modern challenges faced by young educated parents. These trends include the following: the disappearance of understandable models of how to raise children in a family that were taught to parents when they were themselves children, the explosion in the number of ways in which a family can be raised, and a growing number of parenting products and services. All of these factors are symptoms of the decline of “natural” parenting and its replacement by a set of consciously planned strategies. The article shows that as educated members of the population refer to expert knowledge to guide them as parents, it gives rise to a new level of uncertainty due to the fact that the recommendations that are given are inconsistent with each other. A discussion of the transformations in family and upbringing practices shows that they have evolved from a child-centric model to an adult-centric one. Thus, we provide supporting evidence for the conclusion that modern parents raise children against the backdrop of many (perceived and unconscious) contradictions, including, in particular, the one between the growing importance placed on career and life success and the continuing value placed on parenthood, which cannot but affect the parent’s experiences. The growing interest in the study of parental identity and self-efficacy represents a promising research area.  相似文献   

The mental and emotional state so very evident in the article entitled “A Plea for the Middle Ground in Education” is not an uncommon phenomenon among teachers who are engaged in the arduous task of changing habits and attitudes and standards. Nor is it limited to teachers. Among prison guards, army officers, college administrators, church deacons and vestrymen, policemen, parents, hospital nurses, and all other institutionalists, there are many persons whose feeling of security and certainty are rudely shaken by reforms or radical changes of procedure and aims.  相似文献   


The term “flipped” or “inverted” classroom includes a broad range of pedagogical innovations, and has recently received a significant amount of press. Although flipping an entire course might be a more extreme step than most are able to take, we discuss modular ideas for change that can be more easily implemented. This paper offers the perspective of four faculty members at different institutions who have all flipped material in statistics courses that were already highly interactive and activity-based. We share common pitfalls and core ideas that were found among diverse environments.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the educational attitudes and practices of two groups who can be regarded as extreme forms of integration and non-integration among undocumented immigrants. The Polish group consists of “employment illegals” who are allowed to remain in Belgium for a period of three months only but, who stay well beyond this time and moreover engage in illegal employment. The Eastern European Romany Gypsies are comprised of “residence illegals” whose presence in Belgium is completely illegal and who moreover find it extremely difficult to obtain work. Finally, the role of education in the raising of the children of groups is explored.  相似文献   

Four naive pigeons were given six generalization tests in extinction after periods of pretraining in which S+ appeared with food reinforcement and S? appeared in extinction. An analysis of sequential effects among presentations of test stimuli showed that the overall gradient was influenced differently by stimuli at the extremes of the continuum of test stimuli and by S+ and adjacent stimuli. Gradients consisting of responding in each stimulus when it was preceded by an extreme stimulus tended to peak at S+, while gradients produced when each stimulus was preceded by S+ or an adjacent stimulus tended to show a peak shift. This was true whether the overall gradient showed a peak shift or not. Two naive subjects were added and four additional tests were given after pretraining in which unequal frequencies of reinforcement accompanied both S+ and S?. Results of all 10 tests show that sequential effects occur during generalization testing in extinction and that these “local dimensional effects” are unlike local contrast. These stimulus-specific sequential effects may greatly influence overall gradient form.  相似文献   

戴海光 《铜仁学院学报》2011,13(4):21-25,29
苏曼殊是清末民初萃集革命与创作于一身的“奇人”。综观他的六部小说,在清新飘逸、温柔凄艳的文字中,蕴含着浓厚的恋母仇父情结,而个人无意识和集体无意识恰恰是这种情结出现的根源。这种情结的作用,导致了苏曼殊在小说中呈现出过分地褒扬女性而极度地贬低男性的两极对立的情感取向。、  相似文献   

In this essay, Nancy Vansieleghem starts from the observation that parents nowadays are addressed as individuals in need of parental expertise and advice. She maintains that the notion that we are living in a permanently changing society has created a context in which parents feel that they no longer “know” what is good or bad for their children. On this view, parents need to learn how to manage their parenthood. Vansieleghem questions the need for expertise and advice that is characteristic of our new mode of understanding parenting. In developing her argument, she borrows from Michel Foucault the notion “figure”—in this case, the type of parents who understand themselves as in need of expertise in order to respond to their children—and she draws further on Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the state of exception. Vansieleghem concludes by detailing the figure of the residual self as one that understands parental care as something that can and should be managed beyond concepts such as “disciplinary power” and “normalization.”  相似文献   

李洪财 《家教指南》2016,(6):119-123
"莫食"是秦汉简中比较常见的时称,过去有不少出土文献将此时称读为"暮食",作为下午的时称看待。通过本文梳理可知,莫食应确定为上午时称,并表示"不食"之意,含义和时间范围大致相当于出土文献中的廷食、食坐。秦汉出土材料显示,至少在西汉中期仍然是一日两餐,并无材料能明确证明,此时已经开始出现早中晚一日三餐制。  相似文献   


Learning disabilities are associated with mental health, behavioural and social difficulties. Developmental dyslexia is a particularly salient example of a learning disability that is associated with social and emotional consequences that are not considered primary features of the disorder. These issues can remain and, in some cases, escalate in adulthood. Practitioners should be made aware of the consequences of the emotional impact of such learning disabilities. The following is a comprehensive review of over 100 journal articles investigating the emotional consequences of developmental dyslexia. Articles published between 1980 and 2018 were found using keywords “dyslexia” and “emotion” or “internalizing behaviour”, “externalizing behaviour”, “depression” or “anxiety”. This review provides an overview of the literature investigating the emotional consequences of developmental dyslexia and suggestions to avoid or at least minimize these consequences on the individual, their family and society are provided.  相似文献   

Utilizing an interview, a questionnaire, and observations during labor, delivery, and the postpartum period, a sample of one hundred mothers was identified as at high risk for abnormal parenting practices. These mothers were randomly divided into a “High-Risk Intervene” group (N=50) and a “High-Risk Nonintervene” group (N=50). The “Intervene” group received comprehensive pediatric follow-up by a single physician, a lay health visitor, and/or a public health nurse in the home. The “Non-intervene” group received routine care, although the results of these screening procedures were shared with the physicians and nurses responsible for their ongoing care. Another group of 50 mothers, who delivered during the same time period and who were assessed as low risk in terms of abnormal parenting practices, served as controls. When the children were approximately two years old (mean age 26.8 months), 25 families in each of the three groups were chosen at random for detailed evaluation.  相似文献   

This essay begins with the observation that the term “voice” is frequently used in rhetorical studies literature. Interestingly, rhetorical “voice” means different things to different scholars. This essay seeks to accomplish two tasks related to “voice.” First, it clarifies the conceptual confusion regarding “voice” found in the literature by relating it to a tension between “speaking” and “language.” Second, to avoid this tension, this essay presents a case study in which a notion of “voice” is posited that is constitutive of the public acknowledgment of the ethical and emotional dimensions of public discourse.  相似文献   

自2011年微信出现后,微信平台的发展势头迅猛,并在大学生网络通讯方式中占有很大比重。在微信平台的影响下,当代大学生的学习习惯也随之发生了变化。主要呈现为:倾向短小简洁的学习材料;倾向快速浅显的学习方式;倾向直观有序的学习任务;倾向互动参与性的学习方法。微信平台在大学英语隐性课程构建中具有传播方式的多样性、传播速度的即时性、传播信息的生动性、信息交互的时效性、消息内容的丰富性等优势。基于微信平台构建大学英语隐性课程,可从"微"化课堂构建、"微"材料资源、"微"团队任务、"微"竞赛、"微"评体系、"微"资料库及"微"生活平台等方面实施,最终将隐性课程学习延伸到师生的"微"生活中。  相似文献   

伊犁地区民族饮食文化研究(之二)--民族饮食文化变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放使具有良好生态环境的伊犁经济得到了前所未有的发展,人民生活水平大幅度提高。这首先体现在人们的饮食方面发生了较大变化。在饮食结构、饮食习惯、饮食方式、饮食消费等诸多方面,开始从温饱型迈入小康型;从吃饭只是为了填饱肚子向吃得科学营养、吃得健康长寿方面转变;吃饭已经不再只是满足人们的生理需要,而是一种社交,一种享受,一种感情交流的纽带。  相似文献   

“物极则反”是中国辩证思维的重要命题 ,战国时期的《易传》就阐发了这一思想。但它作为一个命题 ,是由汉代京房提出来的。至北宋欧阳修发展为“物极而必反”说 ,丰富了历史领域的辩证法思想。程颐继承此说 ,视其为事物变化的必然规律 ,所谓“极而必反 ,理之常也”。王夫之依据其神化学说 ,重新检讨这一命题 ,认为物极必反并非普遍规律 ,而只是事物变化的一种形式 ,不能将它公式化。这标志着人类对事物变易法则的认识更加深化了。  相似文献   

从中国文化深层结构来看,道德情感化的心理结构形成了缺失个体人格和价值维度的群体性观念,孩子不被认为是“独立的个体”,而是需要依赖于人的“附属物”。强加期望、溺爱无度、打骂教育等家庭教育误区都是植根于这种深层文化结构。  相似文献   

U.S. community colleges are considered historical sites of educational access and opportunity for social mobility for nontraditional students. Theoretically framed in Acker’s theory of gendered organizations, this qualitative study explores low-income pregnant and parenting student mothers’ experiences with community colleges, spaces that are designed for an abstract, “ideal student.” Gendered analyses of in-depth interviews from 17 low-income pregnant and parenting student mothers across three community colleges in the Northeastern U.S. reveal compromised classroom and campus wide experiences that negatively impact processes of education and social growth. Findings illustrate the complexity of experiences for this marginalized student group who “do school” in institutional spaces that fail to meet their needs as students with multiple roles. Recommendations for institutional supports are offered.  相似文献   

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