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苏霍姆林斯基是前苏联当代著名的教育理论家和教育实践家。在此我们将对其儿童音乐教育思想进行初步的探讨,通过学习和借鉴有益的经验,来丰富和促进我国儿童音乐教育的发展。  相似文献   

高素质幼儿教师的培养与教师的专业化发展   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
幼儿教师教育已成为影响幼儿教育发展的重要因素。对幼儿教师教育与幼儿教育关系的探讨,对幼儿教师的在职现状的分析以及对幼儿教师教育培养模式的探索与研究,如培养目标、课程设置、教育内容、教学方法等方面的改革与创新,是教师教育中迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

Several recent investigations have shown that abusive and neglectful parents exhibit deficits in skills for interacting with their children. In the current study, an inattentive and neglectful parent was taught to provide positive verbal and physical attention towards her 4-year-old child. Training was accomplished using a “bug-in-the-ear” microphone device while the parent interacted with her child in a clinic playroom. After use of the device was discontinued, the parent continued to use the newly trained skills at rates higher than during baseline. Four month follow-up and at home observations were suggestive of skill maintenance. Training of this kind may prove useful for parents who lack skills for effective interaction with their children.  相似文献   

In US v. Williams (2008), the Supreme Court upheld the PROTECT Act; this law's “pandering provision” prohibits the distribution and solicitation of child pornography, but does not distinguish between real child pornography and “virtual” child pornography (images that are digitally created or manipulated and do not depict a real child). Situating this case at the intersection of rhetorical studies of the law and queer studies, I read the Court's opinions as rhetorical and cultural texts that circulate a strategic figuration of the child that emphasizes its sexual purity, vulnerability, and whiteness, and disavows the queerness of childhood desires. I argue that the Court's decision virtualizes the figuration of the child through the performative “collateral speech” act, ultimately conflating virtual materials with real children. Furthermore, I contend that the language of the law, as it taxonomizes and disciplines illicit desires, also expresses desire through its passionate figurations of childhood innocence and adult sexual morality.  相似文献   

Most research investigating the effects of physical child abuse on children's development has been based on uncontrolled or poorly controlled studies having small samples, no long-term follow-up, and weak instrumentation. These studies, as well as some which have been more carefully designed, have generally suggested seriously detrimental developmental consequences in physical, intellectual, behavioral, and emotional areas. Some recent controlled follow-up studies challenge such a negative picture of abuse. In particular, a study by Elmer, which is probably the most carefully conducted study yet done, found that the harmful effects of abuse dissipated years after the abusive incident and that socioeconomic status (SES) and related factors may be more important than abuse in determining the course of child development. To improve the quality and clarity of future research on developmental effects of child abuse, this paper discusses, in four major areas, problems which plague the research. Definition: The extent, type, and frequency of abuse should be more carefully defined to allow studies to be compared. The types and amounts of social service interventions should also be specified. Generalization: Research should include more middle and upper SES children, more of the mildly and moderately abused, and more neglected children to allow generalization to the total population of maltreated children. Causality: Since developmental deficits may be the cause as well as the effects of abuse and because outside factors such as SES may lead to both the abuse and the deficits, there is a need for large-scale longitudinal studies which can untangle the cause and effect web of abuse by following children from birth and measuring many factors which might affect development (e.g., SES, birth abnormalities, abuse). Statistical Analysis: Future studies should always use statistical analysis and should obtain larger samples and utilize outcome and classification measures with demonstrated reliability and validity to increase statistical power.  相似文献   

Building on research that has identified community characteristics associated with child maltreatment, this study investigates the adequacy and equity of the child welfare response at the county level. The study focuses on states in the U.S. south with demographic characteristics that make it possible to disentangle county racial composition from county rurality. County-level child maltreatment data were merged with data from the U.S. Census and other publicly-available sources for the 354 counties in four southern states. Results from multiple regression models indicated that, despite a greater preponderance of risk factors typically associated with child maltreatment, rural, majority African-American counties had lower rates of reported and substantiated child maltreatment compared to other southern counties. Cross-sectional results were consistent across three years: 2012, 2013, and 2014. The findings suggest that children and families in rural, majority African-American counties in the South may not be receiving adequate or equitable responses from the formal child welfare system.  相似文献   

When George A. Roeper enlisted the aid of Dr. A. Harry Passow and other leaders in the field to help George convert his Michigan independent school to focus on gifted children in 1956, there was only one other elementary school in the country at the time devoted exclusively to gifted child education. Though his wife and school cofounder, Annemarie, later became quite well known in the field, George also wrote and spoke extensively about gifted children and their education. Those writings and speeches were rarely published but have been preserved in The Roeper School Archives. In this first in-depth examination, George’s writings display insight and prescience about the challenges and rewards of educating gifted children, touching on problems that still preoccupy the field, such as inclusive identification and motivation, all rooted in his humanistic point of view.  相似文献   

Current and recent policy around curriculum and pedagogy for English in England has seen a lack of principled thinking about what the subject should be and how it should best serve the needs of children. In postwar England, in London in particular, teachers and academics working within the London Association for the Teaching of English (L.A.T.E.) were engaged in just such principled thinking, driven by the need to formulate a ‘new' English in the context of a changing school landscape and a changing school population. Central to L.A.T.E.'s work was the focus on the child, and the need to devise a model of the subject that was, at its core, responsive to the experience, interests and language of students. Given the direction central policy around English has taken in the past 20 years, this article considers the importance of reevaluating L.A.T.E.'s work, and considers two key conferences in the history of the Association as important watershed moments in the development of these aspects of ‘London' English. In doing so, it argues that the questions for which L.A.T.E. members sought answers are precisely those that should be asked today, but that seem to be absent from policymakers' debates about English.  相似文献   

Creativity was an enduring interest for George Roeper. For him, gifted children represented the divergent thinkers who could change the trajectory of the world. In this 1962 presentation to parents at the school, he discussed his findings about the differences between intelligence and creativity—how they overlap, how they differ, and how they are assessed. As an active educator, George was unable to contribute as much in formal publications as he might have. Presentations such as this one are our best view into the depth and insight of the man. As a contemporaneous account, it also gives us a view into attitudes in the early years of gifted child education.  相似文献   

Three cases of whiplash shaking injury of infants are presented. All children presented with seizures and had minimal signs of external injury. Examination of the retina revealed extensive retinal hemorrhages. These were missed on initial examination and were only discovered after pupillary dilatation. The presence of these palecentered retinal hemorrhages suggested the diagnosis of child abuse and skeletal surveys and thorough social histories confirmed the diagnosis. Despite extensive retinal hemorrhages, computerized axial tomography (C.T.) scan showed minimal inter-hemispheric bleeding. In contrast to the "Battered Child Syndrome," all the findings in whiplash shaking syndrome of infants are subtle and demand an awareness, an index of suspicion and a thorough examination which may include extensive retinal examination following dilatation of the pupils. This latter examination is frequently not performed by family physicians and residents so that the syndrome may be missed. A fourth case is also discussed where shaking is admitted on initial presentation but said to be done for resuscitation. This poses an immense diagnostic dilemma to the pediatrician since in this case the child presented later with all the signs of physical abuse.  相似文献   

素质教育体制下,政府的基础教育课程价值取向发生了改变,导致政府课程管理模式发生了转型。这使得幼儿 教师由原来的“教书匠”转变为了新课程活动状态中的“研究者”、“开发者”,即由原课程的“忠实”角色转向了新课程的“创生” 角色。由此,适应新角色成为了幼儿教师在新课程活动中所面临的主要任务。  相似文献   

Parents in Prison is an innovative family support service housed at the Tennessee State Prison for Men. Developed in response to inmates' recognition of the need for child abuse and neglect prevention services relevant to men who are in prison, the program model has potential for becoming a major service delivery strategy. Leadership for Parents in Prison is provided by an inmate committee which receives consultation and assistance from a community advisory board and an institutional sponsor. Program components--correspondence and classroom courses, monthly events featuring community guest speakers, and family-focused social activities and projects--address family needs during incarceration and upon return to community living. These diverse components and the flexible service delivery format permit widespread inmate participation not readily available in a prison setting. Parents in Prison successes demonstrate that the period of incarceration can be used to improve parental skills and knowledge and to strengthen family relationships. They also demonstrate the viability of a family support service which relies on inmate leadership, community volunteer participation, and institutional support. The future success of this model depends on replication in other prison settings, dissemination of the program products which have been and continue to be developed, and rigorous, systematic examination of the impact that participation has on child abuse and neglect problems associated with a father's incarceration.  相似文献   

内战前美国的家庭教育是美国近代社会文化的一个重要组成部分。它的存在和发展受到了当时政治、经济、宗教等方面的影响,同时也是社会进步的产物。虽然学校教育在当时已出现了初步的繁荣,但贯穿教育始终的家庭教育在这一时期仍起着不可替代的作用。在国家初建、百废俱兴之时,家庭教育担负起了提高民族素质的伟大任务。它承前启后,继往开来。本文主要从内战以前的美国家庭教育的发展背景和所起作用着手,从当时的学校教育发展状况、宗教影响、社会性质、奴隶制度和女权运动等方面简析内战前美国的家庭教育。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings in a study of the incidence of periosteal elevation in children and its possible relationship to child abuse. Two separate sets of radiographs of the skeleton of children were taken for a variety of diagnostic purposes. The suspected abuse set consisted of 59 radiographs taken for suspected child abuse. The mean age for all patients examined was 1.22 years whereas, the mean age for patients with cortical thickening was 0.5 years, suggesting that cortical thickening occurs in a relatively young population. Cortical thickening was assessed by reason for examination. A significant difference (p = .05) was detected with 6/8 (75%) of the patients with cortical thickening from the suspected child abuse groups and only 2/8 (25%) of the patients from the seizure-diagnostic category. The two infants who were noted to have periosteal elevation but were not suspected of abuse had experienced unusual circumstances, one was wearing an abduction splint and the other was a severely hypotonic premature. It is our impression that periosteal thickening is not a normal finding in infants and does not represent a consequence of normal infant care practices. In each case in which cortical thickening was detected, there was evidence to suggest that the child had experienced abnormal or rough handling. As a result of these findings, we believe that cortical thickening of the long bones detected on radiograph is an indication of child abuse.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine subjects who had less than 1, 2, to 3, and more than 3 years of teaching experience were given either a favorable, neutral, or unfavorable fictitious psychological report to read, describing a kindergarten child. Subjects then watched a 5-year-old child in a videotaped testing session. Expectancies toward the child were evaluated using report card grades the subjects expected the child to receive at the end of first grade. A multivariate analysis of variance with five subject area grades as the dependent variables revealed significant multivariate main effects for experience and psychological report. Significant univariate interactions in science and social studies, and social and emotional development suggested that teachers with more than 3 years of experience may have reduced susceptibility to biasing influences in psychological reports.  相似文献   

Although the studies of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Early Child Care Research Network (this issue) and of Watamura, Donzella, Alwin, and Gunnar (this issue) identify the potential of child care to affect children's adjustment, how these effects are produced remains unclear. In this commentary, it is argued that there is a need to expand child care research by considering one of the most important, but unrecognized, contributors to child care effects-peers. Research is reviewed that suggests that children's interactions in same-sex peer groups at child care affect their short- and long-term adjustment. We consider how research on early peer influences can inform the findings of the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network and Watamura et al. studies, aswell as contribute to the next generation of child care research.  相似文献   

The growing literature on sexual abuse within the family is reviewed within the context of a simple model which emphasises the role of sexual factors and de-emphasises some of the more "dynamic" factors which many other authors have stressed. Evidence from a number of studies is quoted and found to support the view that fathers engaging in sexual activity with their daughters often have unfulfilled sexual needs. They often find the child or children sexually attractive and use a variety of strategies both to deal with their own inhibitions against sexual involvement with the child and to overcome the child's own potential resistance. Furthermore, these parents often find themselves in situations which provide a special opportunity for undetected abuse and they also strive to arrange such circumstances. A view of sexual abuse as primarily fulfilling sexual needs could well lead to a significant change in the management of cases in which sexual abuse has already occurred or is seen as likely to occur.  相似文献   

保教结合是国家明确提出的幼儿园工作开展原则,针对目前学前教育领域普遍存在的重教轻保现象,以幼儿教师必须掌握保育技能为出发点,结合我校央行支持的保育实训室建设,以建设保育实训室的必要性为出发点,围绕在实训室建设中必须以职业认证要求、幼儿园对从业人员要求及相关课程要求为依据,提出了实训室建设的实训项目设计和具体使用过程中对于设备购置、时间安排、耗材使用的设计.  相似文献   

为了解,临沂地区植物寄生线虫分布情况,2007年在临沂地区开展了植物寄生线虫调查,调查中发现了拟滑刃属三个种.伞菌拟滑刃线虫Aphelenchoides agarici具有口针基部加厚;侧线3条;受精囊含盘状精子;尾末端具一刺状尾央突等特征.双尾拟滑刃线虫kAphelenchoides bicaudatus具有头部缢缩,侧线2条;雌虫尾末端二叉状等特征.林伯拟滑刃线虫kAphelenchoides limberi具有口针基部球小,侧线4条,尾末端钝圆等特征.  相似文献   

试论儿童心理的产生和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者从系统论、矛盾论的观点仅就儿童心理产生和发展的基本理论问题作系统分析和探讨后认为,在影响和制约儿童心理发展的因素中,除了遗传和环境、学习和教育之外,非常重要的一个因素就是儿童原有的心理结构和与之相联系的意识的能动性。因为儿童心理是开放的自组织结构,任何外部因素都通过该组织系统而发挥作用。  相似文献   

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