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语义韵是语料库语言学家Sinclair在利用语料库KWIC检索方法进行语言研究时发现的一种超常词语搭配现象。这种现象引起了国内外众多语料库语言学家的关注和研究,并对其定义和分类进行了详尽的界定和描述。实践中,本族语者有故意违反语义韵以造成语义韵冲突的倾向。其目的是用来或含蓄或生动地表达语者的微妙态度和情感。  相似文献   

卢鹿和黄瑞红两位研究者基于语料库做了一些对比研究,发现中国学习者同本族语者在语义韵使用方面存在一些差异。该文研究发现,语义韵迁移是造成以上差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Recent eye movement experiments offer preliminary evidence that skilled readers activate word‐level prosodic information when silently reading sentences. This paper reviews the role of eye movements during reading as well as the preliminary evidence for prosodic processing. A new experiment examines whether prosodic processing differs for high and low frequency words. Readers' eye movements were monitored while reading target words presented in sentences preceded by parafoveal previews that either contained the exact initial syllable of the target (i.e. the congruent preview condition) or the initial syllable plus the next letter (i.e. the incongruent preview condition). Reading times on high frequency words did not differ in the congruent and incongruent preview conditions, but reading times on low frequency words were faster in the congruent condition. The implications of the present result and previous studies are discussed in terms of phonological hub theory, which is a production‐based theory of word recognition during skilled silent reading.  相似文献   

词原为一种依声填词的音乐文学样式,后演变为长短句的抒情格律诗,其间既有关联,又有不同,这也就使词乐研究与词律研究既同出一门而又有分别。由于曲谱的唱法失传,现代的词乐研究已多非真正意义的音乐研究,而是音乐文献的考释,人们更多地关注词之起源的理论探讨。词律研究也从传统的词谱、词韵的制定,转向领会词之文字声情的声调之学,具有文艺学性质。  相似文献   

语义韵律研究及对英语教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语义韵律是人类所有语言共有的特征。语义韵律的发现是现代语料库语言学的重要贡献之一。本文在介绍近年来学术界对英语语义韵律研究成果的基础上,认为语义韵律是英语学习和使用过程中不可忽略的重要内容,无论是对英语教师的教学还是对学生的学习,均具有极为重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article looks at adult women's experiences of literacy and literacy learning in a remote area of Western Nepal. As part of a research degree at Sussex University, I spent eight months living in a small village community where an American aid agency was implementing a development programme, comprising of a literacy class with follow-up income-generating activities for women. Drawing on an “ideological” approach to literacy research, I investigated how women and men of differing ages and economic backgrounds used literacy in their everyday lives. My research aimed to move away from the simple polarisation of women and men, traditional and developed, to analyse what meanings of literacy and gender were shared or disputed between different groups of people and how they reacted to literacy interventions by a foreign aid agency.By looking at three main kinds of literacy practices which so-called “illiterate” women participated in—existing everyday practices such as religious reading; new everyday practices such as account keeping introduced by the aid agency; and the literacy class which ran every evening in the village—this article analyses how women reacted to different kinds of literacies and what they gained from attending a literacy class. Everyday literacies tended to be seen as separate or even in opposition to the literacy class or new practices since they were learnt informally in the home. Many new literacy practices, such as form filling or keeping minutes, were viewed by both men and women as symbolic of the agency's authority but not necessarily useful. The literacy class introduced women to new roles as “class participants” and more participatory methods of teaching, but they preferred the kind of education seen in local schools so encouraged the teacher to adopt chanting methods and mirror the hierarchical teacher–pupil relationship.Though the women contested the dominant model of literacy and gender presented to them by the aid agency—that reading and writing would help in their existing role as mothers or wives or were useful for income generating—they wanted to become “educated” by attending the literacy class. They felt they gained a new identity through becoming literate and valued the additional social space that the class gave them as a group of women from differing backgrounds. Certain new practices like creative writing, though imposed by the aid agency, were welcomed by women at the class as enabling them to have a new voice.  相似文献   

汉语情感语音的语料设计与韵律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代语音学的研究中,语音语料库的设计至关重要。本文着重讨论了汉语普通话情感语音的语料库设计与采集。首先我们对情感语音研究中往往混为一谈的“情绪”和“态度”在概念上做了严格的区分,然后采用角色扮演的诱导式方法,设计并采集了四种基本情绪和五个态度类的语音语料。在讨论了语音标注和韵律数据处理方法后,我们通过听辨实验考察了情感语音的感知特性,并通过声学分析着重探讨了各类态度语音的韵律特征。  相似文献   

In July 2002, the National College for School Leadership (NCSL) held a 'Leading Edge' seminar focused on the contribution that leaders in special schools can make to the development of Inclusive policies and practices. The day gave colleagues working in specialist contexts an opportunity to share examples and experiences of current initiatives and to speculate about future trends and developments in inclusive education. In this article, Robin Attfield and Chris Williams, Assistant Directors in Programmes and Research respectively at the NCSL, explore the context in which the seminar took place and some of the themes and issues that emerged from discussion on the day. At the end of their paper, they summarise the key messages that the special school leaders who attended the seminar wished to communicate to a wider audience and articulate a further role for leaders in special schools in the development of inclusion.  相似文献   

This paper explores the social dimension of lifelong learning from the perspective of demographics, with particular focus on the issue of the birth of fewer children, which has become one of the most important current social issues in Japanese society. When considering the relationship between lifelong learning and demographics, the issues arising from an ageing population are usually the focus of policy‐makers. This perspective often overlooks crucial children’s issues, such as child development and the influence of the child’s daily environment. This paper suggests that it is necessary to analyse the issues arising from a society with fewer children independent of the concept of an aged society with fewer children in an attempt to emphasize these essential issues. The presented relationship between lifelong learning and the issues surrounding the birth of fewer children is based on two perspectives. The first perspective seeks to remove barriers such as the economic burden of educating children and the traditional stereotypical gender‐roles that have contributed to the birth of fewer children. The second perspective includes a response to the negative influences that the birth of fewer children has had on family’s experiences of child rearing and on children’s growth. Specifically, this paper develops the second perspective by focusing on three aspects: the development of children’s social skills; children’s growth as influenced by a high adult:child ratio; a decline in the quality of child rearing. Three issues are identified as necessary in order to build a Japanese society that fosters children: (1) embracing the concept of the ‘family‐friendly company’; (2)creating opportunities for mixed age groups to participate in learning programmes based on communities and schools; (3) reconsidering an intergenerational exchange programme.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This article presents a conceptual model of cross-cultural alignments in education in the digital era. The intention was to explore and respond to...  相似文献   

The history of education shows a long-standing, comprehensive rejection of teaching based on discovery, exploration and individual experience—the cornerstone of the hypermedia revolution in education which we are told to expect in the near future. By looking at some of the many failed past attempts to change rigid educational practices into malleable, free-form ways of learning, the author argues that any such revolution in education is probably further away than is supposed by many of those working in the field of interactive technologies.  相似文献   

In this short paper the desired components of teacher competence in Information Technology (IT) are identified and set against the current situation amongst teachers in the United Kingdom. Strategies to ‘bridge the gap’ between the two are outlined, and some current projects by the National Council for Educational Technology designed to address this training need are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine how assessment is enacted and negotiated in a school project that involves multimodal composition. The case is a project on advertisement in which lower secondary students collaboratively composed multimodal commercials about various products and topics. The theoretical framework is based on sociocultural perspectives on learning and assessment, and video data of classroom interaction are subjected to detailed analysis. The findings document the consequences of decoupling production and assessment practices. The analysis show that written texts and multimodal texts have different statuses in the project because of how they are assessed and that this has consequences for students’ participation as learners. In addition, the analysis shows how students position themselves differently towards resources that are intended to help them in summative assessment situations. We discuss issues that teachers may reflect upon when planning and executing multimodal composition in schools.  相似文献   

The notion of student-centred learning is often not defined; within the pedagogic literature it is generally associated with constructivism or principles associated with a constructivist environment such as building on prior knowledge, purposeful active learning and sense-making. An informal enquiry into conceptions of university staff prior to this study revealed a variety of interpretations warranting greater clarification and context. This interpretive study using a constructivist grounded approach focused on academic staff in art and design. It revealed a broader, more holistic conception of student-centred learning which is largely ignored in the literature and included ideas such as personal growth, consciousness raising and empowerment. It raises the question of whether humanist interpretations of student-centred learning should be more explicitly considered across the disciplines.  相似文献   

Inclusive education: a critical perspective   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Gulliford Lecture 2002 was given by Professor Geoff Lindsay, Director of the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) at the University of Warwick. Professor Lindsay's lecture, on which this paper is based, addressed a number of key topics, including the development of inclusion and inclusive practices; models of special educational needs and disability; and the values that underpin our thinking about these matters. Basing his argument on the research evidence, Professor Lindsay provides a searching critique of prevailing notions about inclusion and of current approaches to research. His conclusions will be of interest to everyone concerned with the education of children and young people with special educational needs.  相似文献   

英语词汇搭配研究一直停留在字和词的固定搭配层面,而现代英语词汇搭配已经超出传统的语言观,搭配的定义变得宽泛,搭配的跨度越来越大。梳理现代英语词汇搭配的定义和概念,探索英语词汇的特殊搭配模式,即"语义韵"和"类连接",能够帮助我们更好地了解英语词汇搭配内部的互联关系及其语义脉络的生成机制。  相似文献   

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