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The hypothesis of acting White has been heatedly debated and influential over the last 20 years or so in explaining the Black–White test score gap. Recently, economists have joined the debate and started providing new theoretical and empirical analyses of the phenomenon. This paper critically reviews the arguments that have been advanced to support and refute the hypothesis. This review particularly covers the analyses in economics because the economic analyses are relatively new and usually neglected in other disciplines. Also, nationally representative data are emphasized, whenever possible, to improve the generalizability of the arguments. This review concludes that although the analyses in both non-economics and economics are thought-provoking and compelling in some respect, a substantial body of empirical evidence is inconsistent with the assumptions of and results from the analyses.  相似文献   

强迫交易罪若干问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
强迫交易罪是1997年刑法新增罪名之一。该罪客体、客观方面、主观方面的构成特征,及强迫交易罪与其它相似犯罪的区分问题,是需要予以界定的。  相似文献   

在司法实践中,各级人民法院在没有明确法律规定的情况下,行使着更改指控罪名的权利.这是强职权主义传统的沿袭。法官可以在不妨碍辩护权行使和在指控罪名的框架内,根据事实和法律直接变更指控罪名,其他情形下应商请公诉机关变更诉讼。  相似文献   

21世纪是科技发达,信息爆炸的时代,人类依然生活在彷徨、忧愁、烦恼、没有安全感中。身处多元文化社会.东西方人不同的审美观和诠解方式,难以在文学作品中对人生、人性、社会、政治传统文化进行更高更深更广阔的挖掘。如何甩掉各自的文化大包袱。在彼此的大传统文化里交会、互为影响并有所跨越、互参或超前,这有待进一步探索研究。  相似文献   

现代法治国家的主要标志之一是宪法至上 ,而宪法能否进入诉讼程序是树立宪法权威的关键所在。从宪法发展的基本趋势、宪法的法律性特征以及我国的现实情况等因素来看 ,我国建立宪法诉讼制度已成为一种必要和必然。  相似文献   

This study examined family-oriented stressors on acculturative stress in 83 African American college students attending a predominately White university. Results showed that family pressure for participants not to acculturate, pressure to maintain ethnic group language, perception of Acting White, and acculturation level were related to higher acculturative stress for participants. After controlling for acculturation and general stress, family pressure to maintain the ethnic group’s language and perception of Acting White accounted for a statistically significant proportion of the variance in acculturation stress. The findings emphasize the need to recognize culture-specific stressors of college students. Implications for mental health providers are discussed.  相似文献   

不真正不作为犯的问题,历来就有“未解之题”和“最难且未令人满意地解决的难题”之称。不真正不作为犯是开放的构成要件,它的构成要件的行为是违反作为义务的不作为,但是该作为义务的内容及范围并不明确,在认定时需要法官予以补充,在实际应用时有许多疑问。作为义务是不作为犯罪的核心,反映了不作为犯罪的基本犯罪事实和构成要素之本质特征。随着社会不作为事件的不断发生,迫切需要对不真正不作为犯的“作为义务”进行统一正确的界定。  相似文献   

目的:研究大黄素对脑缺血再灌注小鼠记忆功能的保护作用.方法:采用改进的Himori法暂时性阻断小鼠两侧颈总动脉制备脑缺血再灌注损伤模型,进行避暗实验、穿梭实验、常压耐缺氧实验、断头耐缺氧实验和亚硝酸钠中毒耐缺氧实验,观察大黄素(10.0,1.0,0.1 mg·kg-1,ip)对脑缺血再灌注小鼠记忆功能和耐缺氧能力的影响,并对各剂量组小鼠脑组织和血液中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-PX)活力和超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活力进行测定.结果:大黄素可改善脑缺血再灌注损伤所致的记忆功能障碍,明显延长小鼠耐缺氧生存时间,增加GSH-PX和SOD活力.结论:大黄素对脑缺血再灌注损伤小鼠记忆功能有保护作用,其作用机制可能是通过增强抗氧化酶GSH-PX和SOD活力,提高脑组织对氧自由基的清除能力和耐缺氧能力,从而减轻缺血再灌注引起的脑组织损伤.  相似文献   

Jamie Lew 《The Urban Review》2006,38(5):335-352
Ogbu’s theory of “burden of acting white” has been one of the most frequently cited studies to explain black and white achievement gap. However, emerging studies have argued that Ogbu’s theory may be limited when examining variability of school achievement among black and white students. Research shows that in addition to culture, other social forces, such as class, peer networks, and school context may play a significant role when accounting for minority students’ academic aspirations and achievement. In the midst of this on-going debate, however, there is a limited understanding of how, if at all, theory of “acting white” plays a role for racial groups other than black and white students. By extending the discussion beyond a black-and-white discourse, this research examines how Asian American students in two different social and economic contexts, negotiate their race and ethnic identities. Framed by a prevalent model minority stereotype that conflates Asian Americans with whiteness, the findings show that portrayal of Asian “success” much like black “failure” cannot be explained solely on their cultural orientation. By comparing experiences of two groups of Korean American students—both high- and low-achieving—in different economic and school contexts, this study illustrates how the two groups of Korean American students adopt different racial strategies depending on their socioeconomic backgrounds, peer networks, and school contexts. Using Korean American students in urban schools as a case study, this research complicates and challenges our understanding of the role of culture in school achievement and illustrates how culture intersects with class, race, and schools. Jamie Lew is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban Education, Rutgers University-Newark, 110 Warren Street, Newark, NY, 07102-1814, USA  相似文献   

Assessing the Effects of Changing Institutional Aid Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1994, enrollments of nonresident students have been declining at The University of Iowa. Since nonresident students pay over three times as much tuition as resident students, have historically comprised 35 to 40% of each fall's incoming class, and the enrollment declines are disproportionately among high-ability students, this trend is particularly troubling. In an attempt to reverse this decline, administrators decided to offer a new scholarship to selected nonresident students. This article demonstrates how the effects of this policy proposal were modeled in an attempt to provide decision makers with timely and useful information.  相似文献   

朱晓荣 《海外英语》2011,(5):192-194
《人与鼠》一直被读者和批评家们公认为"反映美国二十世纪初流动农业工人受剥削的悲惨境地,以及他们兄弟般的团结友爱"的经典之作,而小说作者斯坦贝克也被视为"无产阶级代言人"。该文抛开社会学角度的阶级立场,从小说人物的象征化、主人公莱尼与乔治对回归土地的渴盼和作者对自然溢于言表的赞美之词三个角度,发掘作者隐藏在表层背后的更深刻的生态主义自然观:对"人类中心论"下被征服和掠夺的、处于弱势的自然的同情和担忧。  相似文献   

当今中外侦诉关系可分为侦诉合一关系模式、侦诉独立关系模式、侦诉分立制约模式。长期以来我国在配合制约原则指导下构建的侦诉分立制约模式导致我国侦诉关系的错位,应当在借鉴国外处理侦诉关系的经验基础上,以侦诉一体化为目标模式,对我国侦诉关系予以重构。  相似文献   

申诉制度是高校内部一种学生权利救济机制,体现并健全了学校管理应"以学生为本"的核心思想.提出申诉是学生依法享有的权利,保护学生申诉权利是学校应当履行的相应责任.  相似文献   

文学和孤独的关系血浓于水。对于一个真正追求真、善、美理想的人生的人来说,孤独使他更加深刻,是更加明智地体验美好的人生的最有效的途径。新课程标准指导下的中学语文教材,在选择文学作品时既关注作品本身的审美情趣和文化内涵,也重视文学对人生的教育意义。与“孤独”有关的课文不胜枚举。当感受孤独,并因此而烦恼时,别忘记用心体会语文教材中众多的浸染了“孤独”色彩的文学作品。  相似文献   

检察机关是否在公诉书中指控被告人具体的罪名,法院应否拥有变更罪名权,对司法公正有着深层的影响,同时影响到法院的司法审判的逻辑与被告人辩护的方式,并涉及到犯罪理论的界定.只有明确检察机关指控罪名的责任,罪由法定才能真正实现,才能使检察机关真正承担举证责任,才能使法院处在中立的超然地位,才能保障被告人辩护权的行使,从而实现刑事司法公正.  相似文献   

Kim Jeffries studied psychology at The City University. She now teaches at Welsh House Farm School in Birmingham. Tim Pring was a teacher in special education. He now lectures in psychology at the Centre for Clinical Communication Studies at The City University. The authors describe a teaching programme to improve a handicapped pupil's graphic and visual perceptual skills. They provide also an example of the evaluation of results with a single subject, thus taking up a theme in the article by Hancock and Alston in the prior number of the Supplement.  相似文献   

杀人罪关系到每一个社会成员的生命安全与整个社会的安定,自古以来在立法司法上都占重要地位。世界各国关于杀人罪的立法也不尽相同,而当前,我国以故意杀人罪为主的杀人罪,定罪量刑的跨度极大,重罪轻罚或轻罪重罚现象严重,严重地违背了罪责刑相称原则。笔者认为,在我国刑事立法中应该按主观恶性和客观方面对杀人罪进行罪名细化,对相关内容进行规范,使其定罪量刑趋向明确合理,以打击刑事犯罪,维护社会的稳定与和谐。  相似文献   

诬告罪在中国源远流长,先秦文献中已有论及,此后历朝法律都做出了详细规定。“诬告反坐”是中国古代惩罚诬告罪的基本原则,带有浓厚的报复主义色彩,但在不同时期其侧重点又有所不同。系统研究古代的诬告犯罪,有助于完善中国现行刑法关于诬告陷害罪的一些立法规定。  相似文献   

从证据学的角度而言,经济犯罪与其他刑事犯罪相比较,在证据内容,证明关系,形式要件,证据的合法性等方面具有一定的共性,但学界对经济犯罪的证据特性研究与认知不够,经济犯罪的证据特性可归纳为可计量性,高技能性,多附带性,新复合性,从而,在司法控诉的过程中,时常遇到对经济犯罪的控诉举证不实,举证不当,举证不合法,举证不足,举证不力等方面的问题,并因此影响到定罪量刑的质量。  相似文献   

文章首先回顾了优选论的理论框架,接着试图对英语责备语回应策略进行优选论分析。在采用礼貌原则和合作原则等某些语用准则作为制约条件时,发现制约条件的不同的等级排序是产生不同回应策略的根本原因。  相似文献   

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