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中国哲学的起源之文化独特性起源于《易经》,其根本哲学思想是以不变应万变,彰显了中国汉语字词和数系的构造模式之文化独特性,在表达形式上强调“以类合类”,渗透在中国数学文化之文化独特性,构造了强调类别的数学课程《九章算术》的原型,体现了中国数学教育的文化独特性,即突出强调不变元素(双基)和变异元素(变式)的数学教学思想框架,具体表现在“课程的问题设计”上,强调“一题多解”、“一题多变”和“多题一解”的问题变式的结构,形成了最新代数发展理论模型——螺旋变式课程设计模型.这一模型将有助于从国际视野理解中国数学教育,也为代数的教育发展提供了独特的潜在的设计框架.  相似文献   

In this essay I argue that online education, artificial intelligence, and market pressures are driving higher education to adopt the industrial model and to find a new paradigm for delivering education at low costs. In addition, there is tremendous pressure from the federal government to make universities more accountable while making higher education less expensive and more accessible. I argue that in the future faculty members will not be engaged with students in the ways in which they have historically been engaged and that the structure and operations of higher education institutions will be very different. New, potential paradigms are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

为新世纪编写的《新实用汉语课本》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本介绍了中国国家汉办规划教材《新实用汉语课本》的主要编写原则,即以语言结构教学为基础,加强功能的教学,同时课体现化内容。  相似文献   

邓小平理论的“主要创立者是邓小平”。邓小平理论在本质上是创新性的、开拓性的。开拓创新自始至终体现在其理论的形成和发展过程之中。邓小平理论创新,既源于当代中国的客观实际和实践,又源于邓小平同志个人的理论素养和坚定的党性以及对人民无私奉献的情怀。  相似文献   

The understanding of nature and nurture within developmental science has evolved with alternating ascendance of one or the other as primary explanations for individual differences in life course trajectories of success or failure. A dialectical perspective emphasizing the interconnectedness of individual and context is suggested to interpret the evolution of developmental science in similar terms to those necessary to explain the development of individual children. A unified theory of development is proposed to integrate personal change, context, regulation, and representational models of development.  相似文献   

学生干部队伍建设的好坏直接影响高校学生工作的成效。如何建设一支高效精干的学生干部队伍是辅导员的首要工作。学生干部的选拔是前提,培养是关键,管理是保障,这三个环节是高校学生干部队伍建设的核心,本文对这个核心进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

This special issue is dedicated to recentdevelopments within cognitive load theory (CLT)and identifies some instructional implicationsof the interaction between informationstructures and cognitive architecture. Thepresent article discusses the different studiesin this special issue. An important conclusionis that recent CLT research recognizes thelearners' level of expertise as an importantfactor mediating the relation between cognitivearchitecture, information structures, andlearning outcomes. In this context, we discussthe role of expertise in CLT research and therole of CLT in expertise research. Based onthis discussion, the use of CLT as a tool todevelop expertise is identified as a verypromising approach.  相似文献   

过去的认知和认知发展研究偏重于对激活过程的考察,随着当前认知科学和神经科学的进一步发展,从新的角度在更高的层次重新触发了人们对认知抑制及其发展机制的兴趣,使之成为国际认知和认知发展领域正在迅速崛起的一个重要课题。从无意向抑制和有意抑制两个方面的介绍可了解认知和认知发展领域近期关于抑制及其发展研究的状况和进展。  相似文献   

In this article, we trace the evolution of collaborative consultation paradigms, compare and contrast traditional versus emerging paradigms, and call for a series of action research projects which will result in new paradigms. The result hopefully will be improved educational and consultation services for all children.  相似文献   

The academic award restructuring of 1991 established a trial period for academic staff appraisal for the purposes of staff development. The trend in Australia towards more formal performance management for academics has occurred during a period of substantial change to the structure of higher education and institutional management, and brought debate on whether appraisal, for either summative purposes (where performance assessment is for remuneration or promotion purposes) or formative purposes (where the emphasis is on planning personal development), is appropriate for academic staff. Arguments have been put forward for the benefits of appraisal processes with primarily developmental intent. Thus far there have been reports of the characteristics and processes of appraisal schemes, but less data on outcomes; in particular, little evidence to indicate the extent to which schemes lead to worthwhile staff development. This paper reports selected findings of a study of the evolving appraisal scheme of The University of Melbourne. The study was conducted after the scheme's second year of operation by the Centre for the Study of Higher Education which played an advisory role in an internal review of the scheme. The findings reveal some uncertainty among staff about the intentions of the scheme, and tensions between summative and formative purposes, perhaps not surprising given the contentious issue which staff appraisal has been in higher education. Nevertheless, positive outcomes were identified, but possibly too few to claim that the scheme was fully achieving a developmental objective. These findings raise questions about the effectiveness of academic staff appraisal nationally and suggest that it is time to reconsider the policy linkage between appraisal and staff development.  相似文献   

本文是对宣勇教授所著<大学变革的逻辑>一书的书评."学科组织"是该书针对大学组织提出的一个核心概念,也是论证现实问题的逻辑起点和落脚点.笔者将该书的主要逻辑归纳为"学科组织理论",这一逻辑揭示了大学组织的一些本质属性.从理论范式的角度看,该理论具有应然和理性选择的特点,却难以解释具有实然以及制度约束特征的大学组织现象,这是改进此理论可以考虑的方面.受该书的启发,笔者提出了研究大学组织变革的几条思路:大学是受外部制度环境影响明显的组织.大学组织活动的复杂性,要求研究者采取复杂的思维方式.大学组织的基层学术活动,要着重处理好知识的分工与整合之间的关系.大学组织嵌入其特定的社会和历史背景中,需要研究大学组织与社会之间的互动关系.我国大学目前存在的主要问题是缺少独立性.  相似文献   

儿童的人格结构及其对社会的反应方式主要受儿童早期家庭生活环境影响.卡伦·霍妮的神经症理论强调家庭环境和早期人际关系特别是亲子关系在儿童人格形成和发展中的重要作用,这一理论对现代家庭培养儿童健康的人格具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

《纽约三部曲》是奥斯特对后现代人的身份展开的一次探寻之旅。通过戏仿传统侦探小说,奥斯特揭示了小说人物身份的迷失:他们的身份或是存在于一种虚无缥缈的自我想象,或是被延推到一堆达不到终极的文字,或是迷失于寻求他者的认同中,从而反映出后现代语境中人的身份的不确定性和模糊性。  相似文献   

网络时代的学习理论新进展:关联主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关联主义自2004年西蒙斯提出以来就备受关注。有人说它是数字时代的学习理论,也有人提出质疑。从关联主义提出的时代背景看,其时的行为主义、认知主义和建构主义三种主流学习理论学习观的局限性已面临着时代的挑战;而数字时代学习理论之关联主义,包括其对节点、连接和网络等基本概念的理解,对学习的解释及其八个基本原理等,为数字时代进一步探讨学习的本质提供了有益借鉴,找出学习理论研究发展的新方向。  相似文献   

With the waning of influence of Piaget's theory and the shortcomings of information-processing perspectives of cognitive growth, cognitive developmentalists lack a common set of broad, overarching principles and assumptions—a metatheory—to guide their research. Development biology is suggested as metatheory for cognitive development. Although it is important for developmentalists to understand proximal biological causes (e.g., brain development), most important for such a metatheory is an evolutionary perspective. Some basic principles of evolutionary psychology are introduced, and examples of contemporary research and theory consistent with these ideas are provided.  相似文献   

This article reflects upon the experience of teaching and research in comparative education to reconsider the potential of the field for the new millennium. In doing this, specific attention is given to ways in which comparative perspectives have traditionally been applied, or misapplied, in educational policy debates and the related academic literature. The potential of comparative studies to increase our understanding of the complexities of educational processes is underlined. The uncritical 'borrowing' of educational policy and practice is challenged, and the contemporary need for educational research that recognises the significance of culture, context and difference is highlighted.  相似文献   

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