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蓬勃发展的现代教育思想和理论对传统教育的观点,手段和理念进行着一次彻底的变革,促使每一个教师不断地用现代课堂教学理论、现代信息技术充实自己,由师道尊严向学道尊严转换,由以教师为中心向师生互动的课堂教学模式转换,由传授知识的培养学生创新精神和实践能力转换,由单一的学科教学向一专多能和双师型教师转换。  相似文献   

关松林 《职教论坛》2004,(4S):53-55
20世纪世界职业技术教育的发展异常活跃,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。当人类进入21世纪时,它的发展将会怎样?可能会表现出什么特点和趋势?这是令人关注的重要课题。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革为教师教育改革带来了新的机遇和挑战,作为引导基础教育改革、引领基础教育发展的教师教育应如何做出应答?作为师范化学教师本人在课程整合的探索与实践中作了一些有益的尝试.  相似文献   

我国经历着由计划经济向市场经济的转变,由市场经济向知识经济过渡转变并结合的重要历史时期,面向经济主战场的成人高等教育怎样适应经济改革的要求,就必须从教育观念等方面实施全方位的教育模式转换。  相似文献   

根据《自动检测与转换技术》课程特点,通过课程整合教学,提出提高该课程教学效果的有效方法及几点建议。  相似文献   

教育心理学的整合与超越   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
整合取向的研究范式将学习与教学置于多维的动态框架中进行探讨,超越以往单维取向的局限,成为目前教育心理学领域的主流趋势。这主要从三个方面体现出来:一是心理学与教育学的实质性整合,二是认知、动机、情绪以及其他不同心理成分的整合,三是个体因素与情境因素、尤其是社会情境的整合。  相似文献   

本根据实地考察的材料,分析美国的教育体制和高等职业教育的特点,提出对于我国方兴未艾的高等职业教育的启示。人本教育思想、注重教育的实效性等在我国当前高等教育大众进程中不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教育技术与课程整合可借助现代信息技术手段和教育理论优化教学过程,提高教学效率。从原理、技术、设计三个层次探讨整合的方法和原则,可以更好地促进整合过程,也利于整合后的课堂发挥更好的效果。  相似文献   

教学理论与技术整合的里程碑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近百年的教学理论与实践的发展大致经历了行为主义、认知主义和建构主义三大历史阶段。文章对斯金纳、加涅、皮亚杰、布鲁纳等在教学理论与技术整合过程中里程碑式的人物及其理论进行了梳理,有助于我们更好地理解现代教育的真正含义。  相似文献   

Special educators are uniquely challenged to be content experts in all curricular areas, including mathematics, because students in their caseloads may require academic instruction in any area. However, special educators with math phobia may be limited in their ability to provide effective instruction to their students with mathematical deficits or needs, and they may experience additional challenges in their professional and personal lives. This qualitative study seeks to better understand the nature of math phobia in two special educators through extensive interviews, journaling, and observations in math experiences, with a number of primary themes identified. Several potential resolutions for the issues emerging from math phobia in special educators are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

当前,很少有哪位教师没有意识到转变学生学习方式的重要性,在观念层面上都能把促进学生学习方式的转变作为新课程的重要目标。但是,在谈到促进学生学习方式转变时,许多教师只停留在“技术层面”上,只关注自主、合作、探究的操作规程,关注运用中的  相似文献   

文化与科技融合在出版产业领域的一个显著表现,就是数字出版产业的崛起。历史规律和经济现实向人们证实,文化科技融合是出版产业数字化转型的原动力。然而如何使文化科技融合从“国家话语”进入“市场话语”,激发市场活力和创新能力,乃是目前文化产业,特别是数字出版产业亟需解决的问题,需要企业、政府和社会的协同努力。  相似文献   

A large body of research supports the conclusion that early reading instruction in English should emphasize phonics, that is, the teaching of grapheme–phoneme correspondences. By contrast, we argue that instruction should be designed to make sense of spellings by teaching children that spellings are organized around the interrelation of morphology, etymology, and phonology. In this way, literacy can be taught as a scientific subject, where children form and test hypotheses about how their spelling system works. First, we review arguments put forward in support of phonics and then highlight significant problems with both theory and data. Second, we review the linguistics of English spellings and show that spellings are highly logical once all the relevant sublexical constraints are considered. Third, we provide theoretical and empirical arguments in support of the hypothesis that instruction should target all the cognitive skills necessary to understand the logic of the English spelling system.  相似文献   

Question: At this early stage how do you feel about the transition from sixth-form life to life in higher education? Answer: I'm rather unsure as I expected that the standards expected would be harder but they're not; e.g. in English instead of expecting a greater understanding of certain ‘principles’ we have already studied, the subject has taken a shift in a different direction (is this clear?). Instead of doing character studies and interpretation of texts, we are applying headings such as ‘sonnet and ode’, ‘authority’, ‘varieties of non fictional prose’. (Laura, in a written questionnaire completed in her first year at university)  相似文献   

Federal legislation in the United States currently mandates that technology be integrated into school curricula because of the popular belief that learning is enhanced through the use of technology. The challenge for educators is to understand how best to teach with technology while developing the technological expertise of their students. This article outlines a framework of technological literacy designed to help educators understand, evaluate, and promote effective and appropriate technology integration.  相似文献   

调查结果显示,57%的流动儿童的同学关系比较融洽,36%的流动儿童的同学关系不好,7%的流动儿童的同学关系一般.大部分在公立学校就学的流动儿童的同学关系比较融洽,与城市当地学生的关系也比较好,但也有部分流动儿童有自卑感、孤僻感和受歧视感.同质交往是公立学校就学流动儿童的交往特征,他们交往的主要对象是同为流动儿童性质的同学和邻居.在私立学校就学的流动儿童内部整合程度较高,出现了程度较高的文化融合.但是,这个群体的流动儿童很容易与城市当地儿童发生冲突.调查结果证实了家庭经济地位、文化差异和空间隔离对社会融合的影响.  相似文献   

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