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在共生观念中,传统与现代是一脉相承的,传统与现代的实质就是继承与创新,继承是手段,创新是目的。设计师只有在共生观的指引下,对传统文化内涵进行深入的研究,多借鉴他人经验,利用先进的技术手段,从多方面进行艺术创造,才能不断设计出符合人的时尚追求,适应人们审美文化需求的设计作品。  相似文献   

This paper takes the view that the problems surrounding the evaluation of university teaching have more to do with the values and structures of the university system rather than of arguments as to whether or not teaching can be evaluated. Following an examination of the value, structural and interpersonal context in which university teaching takes place, an innovation persepective is discussed which explains the process of innovation in terms of the characteristics of the host system. This perspective is then used to assess the acceptability of two broad formal approaches to the evaluation of university teaching: one relating to the evaluation of teachers themselves (‘appraisal’) and the other relating to the evaluation of teaching provision (‘validation’). Although this analysis concludes that appraisal accords more closely with the values and structures of the university system, recent events indicate that universities are having to consider validation as a consquence of earlier failures to evolve mechanisms for the evaluation of teaching more in keeping with their own values.  相似文献   

This article reports a case study that described and analyzed the changes in the Danish school culture induced and encouraged by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results. The educational policy and reforms that were temporally connected with the publication of the PISA 2000 results are outlined and the related socioeconomic and sociopolitical influences are explicated. Furthermore, we investigated to what degree the PISA science assessment framework and test system were in accordance with the Danish educational goals in science in order to discuss the relevance of PISA as a catalyst for the educational actions taken. The results of our inquiry revealed areas of good correspondence and fundamental differences related to values underlying the Danish school system and PISA, respectively (e.g., Bildung orientation versus cognitive skills/competency orientation, different learning/assessment paradigms). We argue that such differences are crucial when considering curricular relevance, validity, and the use of PISA as an agent of change on the national level.  相似文献   

认知语境和隐喻表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认知语境是内化于大脑中的一系列语境因素,以及在此基础上形成的认知推理能力。认知语境理论是对传统语境理论的深化和发展,而隐喻不仅是一种修辞方式,更是一种思维方式。要正确地理解隐喻表达,就要寻求双方共有的认知语境,去理解话语的真实含义。  相似文献   

在全球化语境下,中国文学批评面临三方面的危机:一是批评家的离去与批评视野的转移;二是批评原创性的匮乏;三是批评家的道德感的淡漠.据此,当代文学批评重建的可能性方案为:要建立当代文学批评的民族立场;批评家要关注现实,直面人生与现状;批评家要有自己的心灵尺度和价值立场.  相似文献   

本文定义了一类新的解析函数加权 Orlicz 空间,获得了此空间上的再生核公式以及有关算子的有界性定理。这些结果是 Bergman 空间上的相应结果的有效推广。  相似文献   

The author describes her work as Education Officer for Thames Television. Broadcast ETV has failed to make as much impact as it should because of teachers’ difficulties in finding time to integrate television into their teaching, and producers’ difficulties in discovering programme styles which work for children familiar with adult viewing. There is a real need for greater D.E.S. involvement both in sponsoring research on children's media comprehension and in encouraging teacher training in television use.  相似文献   

Studies which purport to demonstrate the adverse effects of television on the behaviour and moral standards of young people are consistent in that they refer to the media in isolation. It is frequently forgotten that television is merely one of many cues available to the child. Parents, peers and the demand characteristics of situations are more important as determiners of our social behaviour.

Experimental studies have demonstrated, however, that some children are more prone to be influenced by television than others, variables such as intelligence and the lack of a specific competence being of importance. Experiments are discussed which demonstrate that the extent of a child's pre‐experience affects the amount he is influenced by filmed models, and also that working‐class children are more influenced than their middle‐class counterparts because of their more limited experiences. It is suggested that a child's experiences “innoculate” him against the influence of television. Studies which show that children from relatively deprived home backgrounds are less able to fantasise and therefore are more vulnerable to the impact of television support the idea that the more deprived the child's own environment the greater the impact of television.  相似文献   

终身学习背景下培训与继续教育的公平及其政策课题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
培训与继续教育在人力资源的持续开发、促进就业、增强劳动者与企业的竞争力、缩小知识与技能差距、促进社会公平方面发挥着不可替代的作用,是我国在构建终身学习体系和学习型社会过程中需要大力加强的领域。本文主要探讨了在我国培训与继续教育需求持续增大且趋向高级化与多样化的背景下,培训与继续教育中不同人群参与机会与成本分担上的差距状况,并从促进培训与继续教育公平的角度,提出应加强制度保障与公共服务体系、完善成本分担机制、促进培训与继续教育机会与内容的多样化等政策建议。  相似文献   

WTO机制的法律经济学分析及其对我国的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO的主要机制体现了经济学的内涵,并具有经济学含义的重要价值观。将法律经济学这一学科理论和工具用于更透彻地分析WTO的法律问题,对促进国际社会的效率、公平和秩序起到促进作用,同时对中国加入WTO采取正确的对策也是有益的。  相似文献   

在全球化的历史语境下,中国电影艰难地跋涉在“走向世界”、“走向国际”的征程中。面对强大的西方文化霸权,中国电影是通过夸大渲染所谓民族文化差异、营造东方奇观去迎合西方观众的猎奇心理,还是通过对西方文化认同、接受的急切表达来证明自己的国际身份?中国电影到底该如何抒写自己的文化身份,有效地树立新世纪的中国形象,已成为我们必须做出回答的问题。  相似文献   

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