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美苏两国在20世纪的崛起、强大和1991年苏联的解体与美国全球霸权主义的开始衰落,是世界现代史上影响深远的事件。探讨两国兴衰成败的经验教训并从中获得启示具有重要意义。本文运用历史比较方法,对两国发展的历程作某种梳理,力求从中获得一些带规律性的认识。  相似文献   

为平衡中国在湄公河地区日益上升的区域影响力,美国试图将湄公河地区纳入其"印太战略"框架,并构建了"湄公河—美国伙伴关系"这一新的合作机制。该机制进一步扩大了《湄公河下游倡议》的合作内容,从广度和深度两个层次推进美国同湄公河区域国家的战略合作。当前,美国与湄公河区域国家在经济和政治层面仍存在分歧,考虑到美国国内政治问题激化以及拜登政府的全球战略调整、缅甸国内动荡的政治局势,以及中国在湄公河地区地缘影响力的日益提升,美国试图通过"湄公河—美国伙伴关系"搅乱中国周边地区的企图很难如愿。  相似文献   

An increasing number of Christian colleges are adding football programs as a way to boost enrollment among men and ethnic minorities. No systematic study has attempted to measure these outcomes. We tested the relationship of football to percent male, percent non-White, and first-year retention at 125 U.S. colleges and universities affiliated with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). Our findings revealed that football at Christian colleges is associated with more men on campus, but not with more ethnic diversity. In addition, Christian colleges with football retained fewer students from first-year to second-year than did Christian colleges without football. We discuss the implications of our findings and offer suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

美国微冒犯的概念过去特指美国白人对美国黑人的一种很微妙的种族歧视,现在指的是那些源于定型化的偏见所产生的一切对边缘群体或非常态、非特权群体的带有轻视意味的言行、态度,姿势或倾向。美国校园微冒犯表现形式多样而微妙,对目标对象可能造成身心消极影响,其应对策略中的对话和去标签化,可以作为约束我国校园微冒犯的两种应对思路。  相似文献   

冷战对全球化的影响表现在其所造成的两大对立国际集团内部的高度协调在分割世界的同时,又对世界市场的一体化具有直接的推动作用。美国的霸权则通过维护冷战期间西方集团的政治稳定,帮助确立和维持战后资本主义世界市场的自由化和多边开放,从而推进了国际经济向全球经济转化,全球化由此而迅速发展。全球化对冷战的影响则表现在促使冷战期间的两极国际体系比较稳定地运行,并且导致冷战以和平的方式宣告终结。同时,全球化还地美国霸权的消长起决定性的作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore, based on a nationally representative sample, U.S. college students' uses of the Internet in their studies and their perceptions of academic life online, and changes in both perception and use since a 2002 report on the topic. Findings show that overall Internet use for academic purposes has increased. Students report generally positive opinions about the Internet's utility for academic work, but satisfaction with it for academic interactions may be on the decline.  相似文献   

近年来,中美两国贸易关系日趋紧密,但贸易摩擦也在不断升级。从美国数次大规模贸易战的史实出发,分析美国发动贸易战的动因、途径等,在此基础上,探究中美贸易摩擦的国内外原因,以及中美贸易战的直接影响和间接影响,对我国应对美国贸易战及贸易摩擦具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The author estimates the impacts of the local rate of unemployment and the Great Recession on the quit and graduation rates of the U.S. construction trade apprentices over the 2001–2014 period. Trade union participation in training sponsorship had a strong influence on attrition rates. The impacts of the business cycle and the Great Recession on the attrition rate also varied across sponsor types. During downturns, apprenticeship duration of the quitters in union-employer jointly sponsored programmes was longer, suggesting that the trainees were able to stay with the programme as jobs become scarcer. However, during the Great Recession the quit hazard among these trainees increased, which indicates declining long-term career prospects. In contrast, apprentices in unilateral multiple-employer programmes dropped out at faster rates during the downturns, except during the Great Recession. The increase in the staying power of the quitters in employer-only programmes during the Great Recession is a puzzle. The eventual probability of cancellation was lower among the union-employer joint programmes than in the employer-only programmes, although the difference narrowed down during the Great Recession.  相似文献   

This essay examines (a) the causes of growth, elaboration and differentiation in middle-level collegiate administration; (b) the roles and status of mid-level administrators; and (c) the functions of national occupational associations in the professional lives of these campus officials. It is based on data gathered in an extensive search and analysis of the literature, a survey research questionnaire, and structured interviews with more than two hundred administrators, faculty, and search committee chairpersons at twenty colleges and universities of different sizes and types.The metaphor lords, squires, and yeomen represents a conceptual model for understanding the roles and prospects of mid-level collegiate administrators: they are in the center of a status hierarchy that permits only limited mobility. The effects of organizational size and complexity on middle-management functions, the way these functions are organized, and their specialized nature have much to do with the value dilemma of service for others versus control of activities which confronts collegiate administrators in both U.S. and European institutions.This research was supported by the Exxon Education Foundation in 1977.  相似文献   

美苏《雅尔塔秘密协定》满足了苏联在远东的利益要求,换得苏联出兵东北,消灭了日本关东军。可以说,苏军进入东北与美苏黑幕交易有直接关系。战后,因美国插手中国事务,美苏冷战已露端倪,苏联从东北撤军问题一波三折,这也与美国的态度和做法有关。美国的压力又是苏联最终实现撤军的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

While much criticism has been leveled at graduate education in major United States colleges and universities in the recent past, this study investigated the style and format variables related to preparation of the dissertation and associated matters. The results of this study indicate that a significant amount of introspective evaluation of the dissertation process and product has taken place over the last five years. Technological advances, quality concerns, and increased student involvement in the preparation process have been recognized and incorporated into new dissertation requirements, and a trend toward decentralized monitoring of dissertation preparation is evident from the results. Also presented are comparative information and data contrasting current practices with those reported in a 1975–76 survey of the same population. In both cases the response rate for the survey was greater than 85%, thus providing a very definitive picture of the current status of dissertation preparation.  相似文献   

1933年,面对严重的内忧外患,国民政府中的亲英美派向美国大量举借棉麦。他们此举是想拉近与美国的经济关系,以应对日本愈来愈严重的侵略威胁。由于日本的破坏和蒋介石的不支持,借款没有达到制约日本的目的,亲英美派也在政治上严重受挫。棉麦借款为以后的对美借款树立了模式上的参照,中美之间的经济关系也因此建立起来,这是它的成功之处。  相似文献   

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