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The purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine (a) the degree to which reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure, and reading frequency later in life can be predicted by earlier measures of the same variables; and (b) the degree to which path models and common-factor models explain the correlational structure of the development of these four aspects of reading. During five years, a cohort of 363 primary school children was followed. A variety of tests for the four aspects of reading was administered in grades 2 through 6. To answer the first question the quasi-simplex model from Guttman and Jöreskog was used. To answer the second question a path model and the ‘multi-wave, multi-variable’ model from Jöreskog and Sörbom was employed. It appeared that the scores for reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure, and reading frequency measured at a particular point in time could be predicted quite well by measures of the same variables at the preceding point in time. The precision of the prediction for reading comprehension and vocabulary was found to be better than for reading pleasure and reading frequency. Further, a shared common factor did not appear to underlie the development of reading comprehension, vocabulary, reading pleasure and reading frequency. Just as the development of reading comprehension and vocabulary appears to have a common source, the development of reading pleasure and reading frequency also appears to have a common source. Reading pleasure and reading frequency run rather autonomously with respect to reading comprehension and vocabulary. Résumé Cette étude longitudinale avait pour objectifs de déterminer (a) le degré de fiabilité des prédictions de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence des activités de lecture par une mesure antérieure des mêmes variables et (b) le degré d’explication des interactions entre l’évolution de ces quatre aspects de la lecture, fourni par l’analyse des pistes causales et les modèles factoriels courants. L’enquête a suivi une cohorte de 363 élèves de l’enseignement primaire pendant cinq ans. Toute une série de tests portant sur ces quatre domaines a été administrée aux élèves du deuxième au sixième degré. Pour répondre à la première question, nous nous sommes servis du modèle “quasi-simplex” de Guttman et Jöreskog. Pour répondre à la seconde, nous avons utilisé l’analyse des pistes causales et les modèles “multi-wave” de Jöreskog et Sörbom. Nous avons constaté que les résultats de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence de l’activité de lecture mesurés à un moment détermin? pouvaient être prédits de manière satisfaisante par la mesure des mêmes variables à un moment précédent. La précision de la prédiction de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire était plus élevée que celle obtenue pour les aspects “plaisir de lire” et “fréquence des lectures”. En outre, aucun facteur commun sous-jacent à l’évolution de la compréhension de la lecture et du vocuabulaire, du plaisir de lire et de la fréquence de la lecture n’a pu être mis en évidence. Nous avons tout au plus constaté que la compréhension de la lecture et du vocabulaire ont une source commune, tandis que le développement du plaisir et de l’intensité de la lecture en ont une autre. Plaisir de lire et intensité de lecture semblent se développer d’une manière plutôt autonome par rapport à la compréhension de la lecture et du voculabulaire. (Traduction: Norberto Bottani, directeur SRED, Genève, Suisse.)  相似文献   

作为泛读课堂教学不可缺少的重要补充,泛读课外阅读学习需要关注个体学生的不同阅读兴趣与需求,帮助学生成长为具有自主阅读能力的人。必读、选读、定题读三合一泛读课外学习模式旨在改革传统大学泛读课外阅读现状,将传统的“完全教师控制”模式、“完全放任”模式转化为教师与学生商讨式的“必读、选读、定题读综合学习”模式。模式的核心在于激励学生进行主动的、自主的、有目标的课外阅读。它鼓励学生在课外阅读中的合作学习、师生之间的沟通交流。通过阅读开发学生高级思雏,并提高他们开展延展性活动的能力。其最终目标是培养学生的自主阅读意识和能力,使学生逐步掌握自主阅读所需的语言学习认知策略和自我管理元认知策略。  相似文献   

Children's Literature in Education - A 4-E model of cognition suggests that it is embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended. All these elements are permeated by a fifth...  相似文献   

<正>文科的研究者不可能不读书,不先做一个读书人,怎能够去著述与传道呢?这听起来很常识的话,却也未见得成为常态,逆推过去,大多数的所谓成果如何而来,真难以揣测。但可见许多的文科领域内的人,每遇一问题,并非去回过头来读书,而是习惯了依赖知网,轻轻地输入一个关键词便可获得良莠不齐的相关文献,继而择其所需,在文档上纵横编织,最终可得一无人关心其实质的成果。  相似文献   

图式、理解与阅读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心理语言学认为图式是语义记忆网络中的一种信息贮存结构.在语言理解和记忆中的作用是根据已知信息对新信息进行加工.阅读是为了汲取新知识,获得新信息.在阅读过程中读者大脑中已有的语言图式、内容图式和形式图式与文章中信息的相互作用决定了读者对文章的理解程度,是影响阅读理解的主要因素.采用相应阅读策略进行训练,可提高阅读力.读者语义记忆中的图式越多越完善,阅读效率就越高.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,科学技术的进一步发展,外语越来越受到人们的重视。在学习和工作中,越来越多的人需要使用英语,这就要求我们具备较强的阅读能力,才能跟得上时代科学技术的迅猛发展,在未来多变的社会中立于不败之地,才能真正做一个21世纪的有用人才。  相似文献   

阅读图书,可从认知、欲望和意志、情感和审美等角度,推动大学生人格经由趋真、趋善、趋美的途径,获得全面、均衡、统一的发展。要有效引导大学生读书,大学就必须提供一种以读书为社会准则的文化环境。校园读书文化,通过社会遗传和行为控制深刻影响主体心理结构,对大学生进行全方位的人格模塑。  相似文献   

Usha Goswami 《Literacy》2008,42(2):67-74
Brain imaging offers a new technology for understanding the acquisition of reading by children. It can contribute novel evidence concerning the key mechanisms supporting reading, and the brain systems that are involved. The extensive neural architecture that develops to support efficient reading testifies to the complex developmental processes that underpin the acquisition of literacy. Here, I provide a brief overview of recent studies, analysed within a cognitive framework of reading development.  相似文献   

教科书作为教学实施的依据之一,其科学的编排体例等对教与学都有重要指引意义。1933年,傅东华编著《复兴初级中学国文教科书》创新编撰239条“暗示”,诱导学生对于教材内容作分析、综合、比较之研究,期使获得透澈之了解,及深入之欣赏。这些“暗示”从功能上可分为告知式、启思式、混合式三种类型。傅东华通过全新编撰的“暗示”,以期联结编者、作者、教师、学生四个主体的意志,通过明确文章解读的关键点、指示课文的读写结合点、设置多样的言语实践点,将阅读和文章作法紧密联系,以提升学生的读写能力。  相似文献   

This study examined associations between classroom-level reading fluency, comprehension, interest in reading, and teaching practices. Participants were 466 children from 21 classrooms. Reading fluency and interest were assessed at the beginning and end of Grade 1, reading comprehension at the end of Grade 1. Teaching practices were observed with the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM). Teachers were more likely to use teacher-directed methods in classrooms where children had poorer initial reading fluency. In classrooms with mostly child-centered methods, children showed better reading fluency, comprehension, and higher interest, whereas in classrooms with predominately teacher-directed practices, children had lower reading comprehension at the end of Grade 1. Findings highlight the need for teacher education programs to incorporate discussions about the benefits and disadvantages of different teaching methods.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined oral and silent reading fluency and their relations with reading comprehension. In a series of structural equation models with latent variables using data from 316 first-grade students, (a) silent and oral reading fluency were found to be related yet distinct forms of reading fluency, (b) silent reading fluency predicted reading comprehension better for skilled readers than for average readers, (c) list reading fluency predicted reading comprehension better for average readers than for skilled readers, and (d) listening comprehension predicted reading comprehension better for skilled readers than for average readers.  相似文献   


This article explores the close association between higher education and reading. I draw on the resources of literary studies to illuminate the phenomenon of educational ‘engagement’. I explore the accounts of reading offered in the phenomenological literary theory of Rita Felski and Marielle Macé and extend their ‘stylistics of existence’ into higher education to elaborate engagement’s ‘eventful’ character: it is not in the power of teacher or student to ‘bring about’ engagement. In place of pedagogical ‘method’, I demonstrate how Padraig Hogan’s treatment of education as the ‘courtship of sensibility’ is consistent with this phenomenological treatment of engagement. I am thus able to illustrate how engagement is in tension with instrumental approaches to teaching and learning. I conclude by offering an ethical relation of mutual belonging to subject matter as a corrective to the centrality of ‘knowledge’ in recent attempts to unify the different degrees and objects of engagement.  相似文献   

全息阅读是打破原有阅读空间的局限和壁垒,指向核心素养的深度阅读方式。全息阅读的项目式学习、个性化阅读方式与未来学习关注学习者精神生长的特质相契合,是未来学习发展学生综合素养的重要阅读方式。全息阅读通过整体架构"纵横+"校园阅读生活,全方位设计阅读场馆情境、创设一公里行走沉浸式场馆阅读圈等方式,实现从学科本位走向全人发展,成为连接未来学校的新型学习方式、未来教育的阅读新样态。  相似文献   

Reversal errors play a prominent role in theories of reading disability. We examined reversal errors in the writing of letters by 5- to 6-year-old children. Of the 130 children, 92 had a history of difficulty in producing speech sounds, a risk factor for reading problems. Children were more likely to reverse letter forms that face left, such as <d> and <J>, than forms that face right, such as <b> and <C>. We propose that this asymmetry reflects statistical learning: Children implicitly learn that the right-facing pattern is more typical of Latin letters. The degree of asymmetry that a child showed was not related to the child’s reading skill at Time 2, 2¾ years later. Although children who went on to become poorer readers made more errors in the letter writing task than children who went on to become better readers, they were no more likely to make reversal errors.  相似文献   

This article is based on the presidential address I delivered at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, held in June 2005 in Toronto. I trace the development of my interest in instructional research in, first, beginning reading and, more recently, in comprehension, and I describe studies designed to improve the reading of children with learning disabilities and others at risk for academic failure. I conclude with reflections about what our field has accomplished over the last few decades and with suggestions about what might profitably be given further attention at the present time.  相似文献   

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