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1972年<教育修正案第9条>的颁布为美国性别公平课程的建构奠定了重要的法律基础.美国政府和各种组织确立了一系列政策和措施来改变女生在数学、科学和体育等课程中的不利处境,并开发出了专门的性别公平课程.重视性别平等教育立法和经费保障;注重性别问题与种族、收入水平等问题的交互作用;性别公平课程的建构与实施一体化,是美国建构性别公平课程的主要经验.但美国建构性别公平课程的模式尚需进一步改革,<教育修正案第9条>所确定的平等理念也面临新的挑战.  相似文献   

Girls and boys are still far from equal in U.S. elementary and secondary schools. Research on teacher-to-student and student-to-student classroom interaction patterns, reviews of curricular materials, and data on participation in extracurricular activities suggest that the school climate is less encouraging for girls and young women than it is for their male classmates. Even testing and assessment procedures give an inaccurate picture of girls' abilities and thereby limit their options. This article reviews current research and makes specific recommendations for actions to create a more gender equitable environment in the nation's schools.  相似文献   

It has been a key goal to achieve equity in education in Australia and Norway over the last 50 years. This article offers a historical case-oriented comparative analysis of the promotion of equity in education in these 2 countries. While equity in education is primarily understood as students’ learning outcomes in national and international tests, such as the OECD’s PISA studies, the analysis in this article is based on Espinoza’s distinction between equality and equity, which allows for a more complex understanding. The article investigates striking differences in how the governments in Australia and Norway have attempted to enhance equity through education, and discusses factors that may have impeded this process.  相似文献   


This paper offers a review of school-based sexuality and relationship education as it relates to gender and sexual minority (GSM) students. Framed by a queer theory lens, the paper examines four main topics: (a) sexual health and relationship risks for GSM youth, (b) comprehensive school-based sexuality education as a protective factor for sexual health and relationship risks, (c) the current availability of relevant sexuality education for GSM students in the United States, and (d) inclusive schools as a social determinant of health. The author advocates for health equity, and offers suggestions for inclusive, comprehensive sexuality and relationship education to provide relevant, accurate, positive information for all students.  相似文献   

This article explores the difference between parental involvement, where parents' activity levels at school are primarily structured by schools, and parental engagement, where parents have a more active voice in how they take part in what goes on in schools. This difference is underscored as a means of illuminating ways of addressing the issue of racialized disproportionality in special education and acts of school discipline, particularly in urban settings. We highlight the ways schools need to transform the often microaggresively oppressive ways parents are invited into their children’s education process, as well as the way schools value the knowledge parents bring. Effective ways of activating parental engagement as a means of creating authentic community engagement are also examined. Additionally, recommendations are provided on how to prepare novice teachers to develop plans and goals alongside parents in order to help these new educators develop a pedagogical stance that authentically values the importance of one of schools’ most important stakeholders–parents.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):263-270
Abstract. Perceptions of student/professor competence and the reasons for a "chilly" classroom were investigated through a survey of 2,042 students from seventy-seven liberal arts colleges. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests showed statistically significant different responses by gender for all the questions. The perceptions of competence survey showed mixed results. With regards to professor competence, female students were much more likely to believe that male professors were viewed as more competent and treated with more respect. With regards to reasons for a "chilly" classroom, neither female nor minority students cited gender or race as a primary reason. In fact, the three most frequent reasons given by all students (regardless of race or gender) were difficulty of course content, professor's teaching style/personality, and personality style of classmates.  相似文献   

性别公正的出场是社会历史发展的必然趋势,是在实践、质疑、反思新中国以来妇女解放运动理论的基础上,对男女平等内涵的发展与注释。构建先进性别文化的提出从理念上把性别公正作为核心的价值诉求,但是我国现阶段的性别文化发展现状决定了实现性别公正还有很长的路程要走,如理论层面上多种性别文化理论并存,大众文化领域尚未形成合力,政策法规中还存在很多不公正的方面。突破现状首先应从理论创新入手,坚持"一体"与"两翼"的紧密结合;其次要宣传与研究并重,在大众文化领域逐层推进;同时要引导和规制并行,建立全面立体的法律法规体系。  相似文献   

如何促进教育公平尤其是流动儿童群体在学校教育中的性别公平是一个重要的问题。以流动儿童在上海市小学课堂教学中的师生互动及课堂表现的性别差异为切入点,分析导致流动儿童受教育过程性别差异的原因,以及影响不同性别儿童受教育质量差异的因素,有助于缩小流动儿童群体在城市学校教育中的性别差距。采用半结构式访谈及课堂观察等质性研究方法对上海市10所小学进行的实证研究显示:流动儿童群体尤其是低收入且以体力劳动为主家庭的流动儿童受教育质量的性别差异最大;这部分儿童所在家庭中传统的"重男"观念对儿童性别角色的社会化分工产生了初次影响,而学校教育和课堂教学过程中的师生互动与教师评价再次强化了其性别角色差异,并逐步导致学生课堂行为和受教育质量的性别差异。为缩小这一性别差距,除学校教育外,更需要流动人口提升对子女的家庭教育意识,加强与学校教育的沟通与合作。  相似文献   

随着优质教育公平时期的到来,承认正义从微观过程中弥补分配正义的相对优势作用,逐渐获得认可。相对于偏向宏观制度保障的分配正义,承认正义将实践教育公平的重点置于教育过程中的承认和满足,从祛除蔑视和促进承认两个维度构建学校内部公平体系。尊重学生基本权利、满足爱的需要、开放评价体系、承认多元能力,是实现学校内部公平的主要抓手。  相似文献   

This article tells the story and explores the significance of Notre Dame's efforts over the past 18 years to serve the pressing needs of underresourced elementary and secondary schools throughout the United States, with a special focus on the faith-based sector—and more particularly, Catholic schools. These schools are increasingly fragile but possess a well-documented track record of success educating low-income minority students. The closure in 1976 of Notre Dame's Department of Education left open an institutional space for entrepreneurial initiatives and new partnerships responsive to the needs of schools across the nation. Attentive to the manifold ironies inherent in the founding (in the mid-1990s) and growth of the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program and Notre Dame's Institute for Educational Initiatives in which ACE is housed, the authors discern a pattern in which seeming deficits and obstacles repeatedly spark innovative responses and powerful alliances among a diverse range of stakeholders united by common goals. Drawing upon lessons learned, both through failures and successes, these reflections suggest roles that institutions of higher learning might play to improve the quality of education in faith-based, private, and public schools.  相似文献   

学校与社区的互动是学校与社区关系的重要表现形式,二者的互动也是学校发展与社区发展的必然要求。农村学校与社区互动有其价值所在,主要表现在:农村社区资源使学校课程资源得以丰富;培养学生对社区的认同感和归属感,加速学生个体社会化的进程;促进教师专业发展;提升农村劳动力素质。  相似文献   

教育过程性别公平是指从性别的维度审视教育内部的公平问题,使每一个学生不因具有某一生理性别而使其发展受到影响。教育过程的性别公平不只是关注女生的发展,而是同时关注男生与女生的发展。意志自由与选择自由是教育过程性别公平的首要原则;教育过程性别公平的最终目标是同时致力于女生与男生的最优发展,而不是致力于教育结果的性别均衡;价值多元是实现教育过程性别公平的关键;教育过程性别公平的真正实现必须同时促进四种性别认知的转变。  相似文献   

Although they face many obstacles in common with other at-risk communities, Native Americans encounter other obstacles specific to their sociohistorical context. North American national policies imposed on Indian communities have resulted in political, social, and economic subjugation of a wholesegment of the national population. The historical context of this relationship continues to influence contemporary classrooms through institutionalized social relations, educational practices, and goals, all of which may be at odds with those of Native American communities and their perceived educational needs. The geographical and social isolation of many Native American reservation communities hinders recruitment and retention of competent teachers and administrators. Communication is impeded by both subtle and profound cultural differences between school personnel and the families they purport to serve. Native American leaders work to make teaching methods and curricula responsive to local tribal situations. Often, tribal efforts, expectations, and needs are at cross-purposes to national professional organizations, educational standards, and accreditation agencies that strive to achieve and maintain national uniformity in education practice. These obstacles are mountainous, but some guidelines for success are discernible; we have a map of the territory, and although there are no smooth roads across it as yet, we know how the land lies. For the obstacles, and for means of overcoming them, specific examples are drawn from our work in the Pueblo of Zuni in New Mexico.  相似文献   

Poor white children, often with roots in Appalachia, can present puzzling and intractable challenges for the multicultural educator. These students are not considered in multicultural textbooks, yet they face language and dialect issues, low educational attainment, under-representation in curriculum, and negative cultural stereotypes. This article details the history, language, dialect, and school experiences of marginalized ethnic Whites; explores problems inherent in representation related to race, class, and marginality; and discusses action research on pre-service education intended to strengthen teachers' perception of the special problem of marginalized Whites. This work highlights the importance of problematizing and expanding “basic” categories and terms such as “black,” “white,” “urban,” and “rural” to consider important differences of experience—an imperative in an education profession committed to diversity and social justice.  相似文献   

This article presents a rationale as well as a proposal for a religious literacy curriculum in U.S. public high schools. Relying on the Religious Education curriculum currently in use in the United Kingdom, the authors sketch a religious literacy curriculum designed to help students thrive in a pluralistic and democratic society. In order to help young citizens develop the skills, dispositions, and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly global, pluralistic, and democratic society, they need to become religiously literate. For students to be religiously literate they must learn to respect the religious other as well as understand the role of religions in contributing to civic life.  相似文献   

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