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构建竞技体育和谐师徒关系的契约论思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
和谐的师徒关系是竞技体育和谐健康发展的重要保障。从契约论角度,分制度和伦理两个层面对师徒关系问题进行探讨和审视,提出构建我国竞技体育和谐师徒关系的对策:加强法规及制度建设、培植共同价值观以增强师徒凝聚力、主动营造和谐关爱的氛围、保持效率与公平的动态平衡。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the nomological validity of the Amotivation Inventory–Physical Education (Shen, Wingert, Li, Sun, & Rukavina, 2010b Shen, B., Wingert, R. K., Li, W., Sun, H. and Rukavina, P. B. 2010b. An amotivation model in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 29: 7284. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) scores by examining the associations of ability, effort, value, and task characteristics amotivation beliefs with self-determination theory variables. Data were collected from 401 fifth- and sixth-grade students, 416 middle-school students, and 401 high-school students. After providing support for the correlated four-factor structure, the hierarchical structure, internal consistency, and composite reliability of the Amotivation Inventory–Physical Education scores, large negative correlations emerged with perceived autonomy support by the PE teacher; needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness; identified regulation; intrinsic motivation; and students' subjective vitality. Strong positive correlations were obtained with unidimensional amotivation and external regulation, and weak correlations were obtained with introjected regulation. Also, multidimensional amotivation beliefs partially mediated the relationship between the need for autonomy and subjective vitality. The results provided support for the nomological aspect of construct validity of the Amotivation Inventory–Physical Education scores.  相似文献   

在社会学分析范式下,以本土社会体制结构的变迁为切入点,梳理我国"教练员-运动员关系"结构形成及发展变迁的历程。把握"教练员-运动员关系"结构特征演化规律,探解在市场经济体制发展过程中遭遇的困境,提出对"教练员-运动员关系"结构再造的理念与策略。研究认为,我国"教练员-运动员关系"结构的形成是源于传统社会家族伦理观念对人际关系普遍的道德约束,同时也继承了传统社会师徒关系的"身份等级"特征。进入市场经济体制后,尤其在我国体育职业化改革的实践过程中"教练员-运动员关系"结构的演化虽不是自发形成的,却在经历着一场从"身份"向"契约"的进程。同时也正在遭遇本土社会文化与制度所带来的发展困境。然而,这样的困境却可以通过对契约关系结构中弱势群体的身份化进行弥补,是基于对"身份"特征中道德认同意义上考虑形成的"契约式身份"。  相似文献   

教练员与运动员的关系,是从事竞技体育的社会群体中最基本、最核心的关系。我国相关研究存在的问题主要表现为:重视教练员,忽略运动员;静态研究多,动态研究少;国外理论移植多,本土理论建构少;定量研究多,质性研究少等。建议:根据我国政治、经济、文化和社会制度的内在要求,科学设计研究方案,进一步拓宽研究视野,有针对性地开展动态追踪研究,对国外理论进行改造移植,加强本土化理论体系建构,推动教练员—运动员关系研究向科学化、系统化、本土化方向发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy using data collected from students in secondary school physical education classes. Dependent measures were examined for construct, concurrent, and predictive validity, as well as internal and temporal reliability. The results of the investigation indicated the following. First, confirmatory factor analyses for the dependent variables (outcome likelihood, outcome value, outcome expectancy) revealed a suitable fit of the data with a hypothesized factor structure. Second, significant associations between these variables and other personal beliefs and values provided sound evidence for the concurrent validity of outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy. Third, results of regression analyses revealed that outcome likelihood and outcome value had strong predictive validity in predicting physical activity behaviors. Finally, the internal reliabilities of self-report scales for the outcome likelihood, outcome value, and outcome expectancy over a three-semester period were satisfactory. The temporal reliabilities were also acceptable.  相似文献   


Purpose: Maximal heart rate (MHR) is an important physiologic tool for prescribing and monitoring exercise in both clinical and athletic settings. However, prediction equations developed in adults may have limited accuracy in youth. The purpose of this study was to systematically review and analyze the available evidence regarding the validity of commonly used age-based MHR prediction equations among children and adolescents. Methods: Included articles were peer-reviewed, published in English, and compared measured to predicted MHR in male and female participants <18 years old. The standardized mean difference effect size (ES) was used to quantify the accuracy of age-predicted MHR values and a priori moderators were examined to identify potential sources of variability. Results: The cumulative results of 20 effects obtained from seven articles revealed that prediction equations did not accurately estimate MHR (ES= 0.44, p < .05) by 6.3 bpm (bpm). Subgroup analyses indicated that the Fox equation (MHR = 220–age) overestimated MHR by 12.4 bpm (ES = 0.95, p < .05), whereas the Tanaka equation (MHR = 208–0.7*age) underestimated MHR by 2.7 bpm (ES = ?0.34, p < .05). Conclusions: Age-based MHR equations derived from adult populations are not applicable to children. However, if the use of age-based equations cannot be avoided, we recommend using the Tanaka equation, keeping in mind the range of error reported in this study. Future research should control for potential pubertal influences on sympathetic modulation during exercise to facilitate the development of more age-appropriate methods for prescribing exercise intensity.  相似文献   

The complexity of learning has plagued the educational establishment for decades. Recently, ideas of complexity theory and complex adaptive systems have made headway in how we think of institutions of learning. This study developed and tested an instrument for the modeling of underlying social structures, as an element of complexity, within the physical education learning environment. Currently, there are no instruments capable of producing valid and reliable models of underlying student social networks in physical education classes. This study sought to develop and test one of the first instruments for the explicit purpose of this modeling. The Network Examination for Student Socialization was developed as a product of this effort. Testing demonstrated the Network Examination for Student Socialization is both a reliable and valid instrument for modeling underlying student social structures within physical education classes. It is hoped that in years to come, the Network Examination for Student Socialization can play a key role in the study of complexity within physical education.  相似文献   

基于广东省东莞市体育用品制造业企业的调研数据,以交易成本理论和资源基础观点为理论基础,将环境、企业间和企业自身三方面因素的变量进行整合,从理论和实证两方面研究影响我国体育用品制造业商业网络关系嵌入程度的内外部因素及相互作用。结果显示:①体育用品制造业企业所处环境不确定性越高,环境系统性越强时,其商业网络成员间形成关系嵌入的程度越高;②体育用品制造业商业网络成员间互补资源的资产专用性程度越高,商业网络所拥有的关系资本越雄厚时,其商业网络成员间形成的关系嵌入程度越高;③体育用品制造业企业的商业网络重组经验和信息处理能力对其商业网络成员间的关系嵌入程度无显著的影响。  相似文献   

体育彩票业的关系营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对湖北省彩民的调研数据,通过建立结构方程模型,对关系活动、关系质量、关系收益以及顾客资产的价值增值之间的关系进行探讨,分析彩票行业中影响顾客关系管理实施的因素,并提出促进体育彩票业可持续发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

从信息运动和体育信息运动的概念出发,着重论述了网络环境下体育信息运动的主要影响因素,并针对存在的问题,结合4种影响因素提出了5条建议,以期能给体育信息运动建设提供有益的理论参考,改善体育信息的运行环境,推动我国体育信息事业的发展。  相似文献   

徐平 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(3):312-313
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法,对全国4所体育院校运动训练专业与体育教育专业篮球专选组的学生进行调查,分析在教育教学活动过程中,师生关系中的教学关系及人际关系两个层面的特征,及其对不同专业师生间关系的影响。通过对两个专业学生各方面特点的差异进行对比与分析,提出师生关系在作用过程中,如何作出的相应的调整,以提高教育教学效果。  相似文献   

现代足球的发展在强调球星个人作用的同时,更注重球队整体的攻守平衡。球星是球队整体的一部分,二者相互依存,相互作用,球星的作用建立在整体的水平之上,球星的特长只有融于整体才能收到最佳效果。因此,通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法探讨球星与整体的关系,为最大潜能的发挥球队整体水平提供有效的理论认识。  相似文献   

论发展体育产业与增加社会就业的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于美娜 《体育科研》2006,27(4):41-43
失业现象是我国现阶段存在的重大社会问题,在党中央号召建设社会主义和谐社会的前提下,如何解决就业问题已成为当务之急。体育产业作为国家第三产业的组成部门,对社会、经济发展所起的作用越来越大。采用文献资料法和比较法,仅就发展体育产业对增加社会就业的问题进行初步探讨。得出体育产业的发展和其对国民经济的带动作用,为社会提供更多的就业机会的结论。  相似文献   

体育运动与心理健康关联性分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
心理健康的内涵在于要有平和的心境、正常的心态、稳定的心情.本文表述了现代人心理健康状况,重点分析了运动对心理健康的积极意义,针对人的各种心理障碍制定了运动处方。  相似文献   

陈建国 《体育科技文献通报》2011,19(4):78+104-78,104
本文运用文献资料、个案分析研究等方法,通过校园网络资源,探讨校园体育文化下的网络资源对乒乓球教学的影响。本研究的基本目标推动了高校校园对体育文化下网络资源应用乒乓球教学的建设和发展。  相似文献   

家庭成员的健康、和睦与社会的发展稳定息息相关,家庭体育将逐渐成为人们未来休闲生活的新潮流。而学校体育教育是培养家庭成员体育锻炼意识的基础,笔者就学校体育与家庭体育相互作用,相互影响等诸多关系的探讨,对二者的健康发展和提高人们的生活质量进行有益的探讨。  相似文献   

电视是人类社会独有的社会现象,随着电视媒体自身的高速发展,其已成为了大众生活中不可或缺的构成要素,它在现实生活中为人们构筑了一张隐型网络,深入到大众生活的方方面面,体育也因此渗透到了大众生活的每一个角落.因而,对电视媒体与我国体育的关系进行研究,对于促进两者的持续、有序发展有着一定的积极意义.为此,文章运用文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法,对电视媒体与我国体育的互动关系进行了论述.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the accuracy of critical power (CP) and W? (the curvature constant of the power-duration relationship) derived from self-paced time-trial (TT) prediction trials using mobile power meters to predict 16.1-km road cycling TT performance. This study also aimed to assess the agreement between functional threshold power (FTP) and CP.

Methods: Twelve competitive male cyclists completed an incremental test to exhaustion, a FTP test and 4–5 self-paced TT bouts on a stationary bike within the lab, and a 16.1 km road TT, using mobile power meters.

Results: CP and W? derived from the power-duration relationship closely predicted TT performance. The 16.1-km road TT completion time (26.7 ± 2.2 min) was not significantly different from and was significantly correlated with the predicted time-to-completion (27.5 ± 3.3 min, = 0.89, < 0.01). CP and FTP were not significantly different (275 ± 40 W vs. 278 ± 42 W, > 0.05); however, the limits of agreement between CP and FTP were 30 to -36 W.

Discussion: The findings of this study indicate that CP and W? determined using mobile power meters during maximal, self-paced TT prediction trials can be used to accurately predict 16.1-km cycling performance, supporting the application of the CP and W? for performance prediction. However, the limits of agreement were too large to consider FTP and CP interchangeable.  相似文献   

文章通过文献综述的方法阐述了体质、健康及心理健康的定义、标准,探讨了体育锻炼对心理健康的促进作用。通过对国内外关于体质与心理健康的关系问题的研究综述,表明现在研究已表明体质与心理健康存在相互关系,心理与体质的相互影响关系有待进行一步研究。  相似文献   

美国职业体育联盟中的劳资关系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对美国四大职业体育联盟的商业化运作机制研究,揭示了职业体育产业化经营的基本特征,剖析了职业体育劳资关系的本质。结论:职业体育俱乐部所有与球员之间存在着既合作又冲突的利益关系,相互间的利益博弈将始终贯穿于职业体育的发展过程中,良好的法制环境是职业体育得以发展的制度保障。  相似文献   

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