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This study attempted to measure the generalization of the counseling skills learned via the microcounseling paradigm to the actual counseling setting. Twenty practicum counselors were assigned to two groups: (a) experimental group, training focused on the microcounseling skills of attending behavior, reflection of feeling, and summarization of feeling and (b) control group, no training. Measurements of the microcounseling skills were obtained at four intervals: (1) pretraining, (2) posttraining, (3) counseling session I, and (4) counseling session II. Results indicated that experimental subjects evidenced greater learning and retention of skills in reflection of feeling and summarization of feeling. There were no significant differences between subjects on attending behavior skills. Results are discussed with implications for training counselors via the microcounseling paradigm.  相似文献   

This article reports a systematic, one-year follow-up of trainees taught three human relations skills. Results support the conclusion that response-contingent behavior decreases when supervisor reinforcement is not present. The results and their implications for training support personnel and counselors via the microcounseling paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the counselor educator as a model who can combine positive reinforcement techniques, imitative learning, and microcounseling skills to shape student-counselor development. Pertinent research and theory are reviewed.  相似文献   

The transition to university is considerably more complex for both students and staff than it was a few years ago. For example, class sizes and the cultural diversity of students have increased, while the academic ability of students has decreased. If we are to produce engineering professionals who possess the necessary attributes for lifelong learning, then there needs to be a paradigm shift in the way first‐year students are treated. To this end, an orientation programme designed to break the ice between students and staff and among students, and a staff‐student mentoring scheme have been implemented in the School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology. A new course unit, Technology and Society, designed specifically to improve the teamwork and communication skills of students, has also been implemented. This unit is designed to increase students’ awareness of the university's facilities and its expectations and to provide an overview of the many facets of the engineering discipline. Each programme has been considered to be a success by both students and staff. This paper emphasizes the need to accommodate the growing cultural and educational diversity of first‐year students, the impersonal feeling of a university, the ‘little fish in a big pond’ feeling, the feeling of not knowing any university staff, especially academics, and not knowing what is really expected of them, especially in terms of learning strategies and how their chosen field of study fits into the more global aspects of the community.  相似文献   

Basic skills training has emerged as an important element in educating counselors and other helping persons. Although the literature on small groups contains numerous schemata for describing and categorizing the behavior of group leaders, none was discovered which was specifically developed as a basis for systematic skill training in the leadership of counseling groups. The author identifies a set of basic group leadership skills to be used in a systematic skills training approach. The skills fall into two broad categories, teaching and group management. Definitions and examples of the skills are provided, and the author discusses adaptation of a microcounseling format for training in group leadership skills.  相似文献   

This article outlines an instructional paradigm that guides the design of interventions that build skills in computer-mediated communication (CMC). It is applicable to learning at multiple levels of communicative proficiency and aims to heighten awareness, the understanding of the impact of media configurations, the role of cultures and social contexts in mediated communication, and forward research in the service of instructional designs for CMC. This paradigm broadens the scope of Hymes’ (Sociolinguistics, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972) theory of communicative competence, which is often applied to foreign language learning contexts, to include online interaction. The paradigm addresses the nuances of mediated communication through recognition of the situations and modes that intersect in online spaces. The paradigm is designed for learning situations that provide time and access to mediated environments where learners develop values for communication skill through practical experiences and structured reflection. This approach to creating instruction has at its core certain values, including risk-taking by participating in unfamiliar contexts, appreciating mediated-communication configurations as unique modalities, and placing CMC skills development within larger sets of pedagogical goals. This instructional paradigm does not assume that verbal fluency, grammatical competence, skill in either writing or speaking, nor membership in any age group translates directly to skill in CMC. The methods presented here have been selected because they build tolerance and appreciation for divergent viewpoints. The methods are (1) building interest by having learners select specific media situations, (2) facilitating collaboration by constructing safe spaces, (3) directly teaching CMC reading skills, (4) using examples and matched non-examples, (5) investigating CMC principles in real world examples through structured discussions, (6) showing the process of different communications’ development, and (7) using roles in discussion designs.  相似文献   

兴趣是获取知识、拓宽视野、丰富心理活动的重要动力。学生对体育课和足球运动的兴趣,将直接影响他们学习的积极性及对所学技术的掌握程度。在足球教学中,我们采用游戏的教学方法和教学手段,注重提高学生的学习兴趣,形成快乐的情感体验,充分享受足球带给他们的乐趣。  相似文献   

诗学理论中的"性情"说,发展到宋代,受到理学的深刻影响.北宋的中后期开始,理学思想及方法对于诗歌理论和诗学方法的渗透,儒家传统诗教中的"情动于中,而形于言"的内涵,因理学的观念和概念的提出而扩充了.其中首先是对"发乎情志"的界定.此时的"情志",已经不是原先单纯的出于自然的诗人个人情感,而是所谓合乎"天理"的"自然",这样,诗人的自然之情便要受到某种制约,而不是像先前那样,是随意的流泻.这里藏伏下来的因素,日后便成为后代诗学方法中,强调"性情"与"法度"统一的先兆.诗学理论与实践中,所谓的"自然"与"法度",或者"性情"与"法度"的统一,在"理"和"道"的层面上,根本无法实施,而只能落实到具体的诗歌技巧如"平仄"的运用中去.理学范畴中的矛盾最后导致诗歌创作实践中摹拟措施的产生.严羽及<沧浪诗话>中的许多观点的形成,都与宋代理学观念与方法有联系,而并非仅仅是"以禅喻诗".甚至可以说,严羽只是对前期深受理学方法影响的唐诗观的一次专业性总结.  相似文献   

Three brief instructional programs for beginning counselors are described. Each program is for the purpose of inducing entry-level social skills that support effective counseling interaction. Design of microcounseling activities for a class-size group is detailed. Pilot data and experimental data are presented demonstrating gains in observable learner behaviors. Implications for a competency-based counselor education format are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以布卢姆的掌握学习理论为依据,结合体操技能教学特点,设计了掌握教学模式,并开展了实验研究。结果显示,运用掌握学习法的教学效果优于常规教学,大多数学生均能在较短时间内掌握所学技能,获得技能学习的成就感,激发了其学习兴趣和积极性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore student and supervisor perceptions regarding application within the workplace of skills and concepts learned in distance education university courses offered by interactive audio/video. The courses were degree requirements for a programme that focused on hunan resource development. Transfer of learning from the classroom to the workplace did occur. This study suggests that the individual and the organisation benefited by this ability to transfer knowledge and skills from the learning environment back to the working environment. Supervisors and students indicated that students were better employees as a result of attending the hunan resource development programme. Students reported feeling more qualified and confident while supervisors reported observing enhanced leadership qualities among students.  相似文献   

The Direct-instruction Model favors the use of teacher explanations and modeling combined with student practice and feedback to teach thinking skills. Using this paradigm, this study incorporates e-learning during an 18-week experimental instruction period that includes 48 preservice teachers. The instructional design in this study emphasizes scaffolding, observational learning, mastery of critical-thinking skills, guided practices, cooperative learning, providing feedback, self-reflection, online discussions, and active participation in an online learning community. This study employs 2 critical-thinking tests, 2 inventories, and 1 open-ended reflection questionnaire; and students’ scores on the pretest and posttest are compared via the Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance. The primary findings are as follows: (a) all participants preferred the instructional design in this study; (b) the experimental instruction effectively improved the preservice teachers’ critical-thinking ability as well as their professional knowledge and personal teaching efficacy concerning critical-thinking instruction; (c) the mechanisms contributing to the effectiveness of the experimental instruction mainly included discussing and sharing, observational learning, self-reflection, guided practice, and the learning community.  相似文献   

This study explores the development of student teachers’ skills in implementing collaborative learning (CL) using a multilevel repeated measures design. Participants were 105 pre-service teachers that were trained in CL implementation. The results indicate that student teachers generally perform well in implementing CL. Further, it appears that these skills increase over time, although no linear growth can be found. Student teachers’ skills development appears to be positively connected with their general feeling of teaching efficacy. Surprisingly, training and students’ pedagogical knowledge have no significant impact.  相似文献   

Children's learning involves, in the simplest terms, assimilating knowledge and understanding and acquiring skills though being, doing and feeling. This requires a connection at a personal level. Furthermore, learning is given to fluctuation determined by the needs of the individual and the requirements of the educational system. This research project is concerned with the specific needs of pupils in the UK who undergo the process of transition between primary (Key Stage 2, age 7–11) and secondary schooling (Key Stage 3, age 11–16). It is at a time when there are reported increases of anxiety that affect pupils' self‐esteem where perhaps a different kind of learning is required. The project suggests that a modified curriculum will support the pupils' transformation, through a visual arts creative learning framework.  相似文献   

以创新教育为核心的中国教育现代化是当前我国深化教育改革与发展的主要任务。创新教育与传统教育以知识为导向不同,更加强调学生能力的发展,也被称为"能力导向教育"。能力导向教育的落地首先需要明确能力导向教学范式的意涵、特征和应用模式。PISA测试作为一种国际公认的典型的能力测试范式,为能力导向教学范式提供了理论观照和实践指引。从PISA测试对学生能力培养要求来看,能力导向教学范式是一种以学生所掌握的学科知识为基础,将其与知识应用领域的真实情境相联系,旨在促进和发展学生的问题解决、批判性思维、社会沟通等核心素养和21世纪技能的教学范式。它具有基于真实的问题情境开展教学、学习过程由概念化转向模型化、聚焦高阶思维发展等主要特征。深入到教学实践领域,能力导向教学范式的典型模式是基于项目的学习,强调知识在真实问题情境中的运用和做中学的实践哲学。能力导向教学范式不仅能够在教学实践中真正改变知识导向占据主导地位、为应试而获取知识的教育现状,更有助于开拓以发展学生核心素养和21世纪技能为主导的创新人才培养新格局。  相似文献   

A group-based educational programme on life skills was implemented with eleven participants with moderate learning difficulties, aged 17–18 years, for nine months. The aim of the programme was to enhance autonomy by means of group cohesion and the teaching of social skills. Teaching was based on the internalisation cycle model. The analysis of group processes was completed by means of content analysis of the teacher's detailed reports. Students' outcomes were computed on three questionnaires that were administered at the beginning and end of the programme: the Quality of Life questionnaire ( Schalock & Keith, 1993 ), The Progress Assessment Charts of Social Development ( Gunzburg, 1972 ), and the Self-Concept scale (Fitts,1964). Significant changes occurred in the area of social integration; at the end participants expressed a more positive feeling concerning friends. Significant improvements occurred in nearly all areas of social skills: self-help, socialisation, communication and occupation. No changes occurred in the self-concept; it was high and positive at the beginning and at the end the programme. The findings confirm the efficacy of a group-based educational programme with participants with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

"听写法"与英语听力教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在英语学习过程中,听力往往是薄弱环节。“听写法”不但能以写促听,而且能提高听力策略、听力技能和培养学生积极的情感体验。  相似文献   

Our schools and educators face a compelling responsibility to serve society by fostering the transformations needed to set us on a path to sustainable development in the 21st century. Education for sustainability is a new paradigm for a life long learning process that leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem solving skills, scientific, technological, and social literacy, and commitment to engage in responsible actions that will help ensure an environmentally sound, socially just, and economically prosperous future for all. This paper and the preceding paper, from a soon to be published book, Education for a Sustainable Future: A Paradigm of Hope, edited by Keith A. Wheeler, focus on the need to have science imbedded at the core of the education for sustainability paradigm and the need to increase and enhance teacher education to better be able to develop the necessary interdisciplinary thinking and transformative learning for the new millenium.  相似文献   

Conclusion Technology advancement is shifting our education paradigm. The role of the instructor is changing from an information-giver to a facilitator. Students no longer passively receive information but may become instructional resources in class. Given opportunities, they may be self-learners and self-trainers. In a multimedia course, the instructor employed teaching methods allowing her to be a facilitator and her students to be self-learners. It was discovered that the course motivated students; fostered active, meaningful, and constructive learning; enhanced critical thinking skills; and increased students’ confidence. Class observations, interviews, and student feedback revealed that the new teaching methods and new role of the instructor had a positive impact on student learning. As a university professor in Instructional Technology, the author might have experienced the education paradigm shift and its impact on the role of an instructor earlier or faster than instructors of other subject areas might. However, the new paradigm is expected to spread widely in education. As NCATE stated in 1997, teachers need to develop a new understanding, new attitude, new approach, and new role. Every instructor should be open to the changes and explore the possibility of creating a learning community in which instructors, students, and community members may contribute, benefit, and generate meaningful learning experiences. One can only look forward to participating in the dynamic learning and expect its positive impact on our society.  相似文献   

情境德育作为德育方式,属于情感德育范式的组成部分。按照构建主义学习理论的要求,在高校教育教学、德育实践活动中,创设富有生命力和创造性情景,能够使学生获得真实感受,丰富情感体验,培育情感品质,奠基"意义建构"价值基础,进而调整和改善自身思想品德结构。因而,高校情境德育的价值理念重在以境育情,以情动人,通过创设情境,使学生获得多途径真实感受、多形式活动体验、多层次的情感认知,进而提升情感品质,增强思想道德素质,推进德育目标的实现。  相似文献   

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