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MrandMrsLinmeetMrandMrsYanginarestaurant(饭馆).Theyareallthirsty(口渴的).Awaitercomestotheirtable.Heasksthemwhattheywouldliketodrink.Onemansays,“Ionlydrinkorangejuice.”Onewomanaskstheotherwoman,“Doyoulikemilk?”MrsLinsays,“MyhusbandandIdo  相似文献   

This article offers a first look at teacher educators’ (N = 336) perceptions of their technology competencies based on the Teacher Educator Technology Competencies (TETCs; Foulger, Graziano, Schmidt-Crawford, & Slykhuis, 2017). The participants generally rated their competence levels highly in relation to the TETCs. Although many participants reported that the TETCs adequately reflected the competencies required of them, they suggested various additions and changes to the TETCs. This mixed-method study advances understanding of teacher educators’ perceptions of the importance of various competences to their work and offers feedback from the field regarding which competencies might be missing from the TETCs.  相似文献   

The contemporary interest in researching student agency in science education reflects concerns about the relevance of schooling and a shift in science education towards understanding learning in science as a complex social activity. The purpose of this article is to identify problems confronting the science education community in the development of this new research agenda and to argue that there is a need for research in science education that attends to agency as a social practice. Despite increasing interest in student agency in educational research, the term ‘agency’ has lacked explicit operationalisation and, across the varied approaches, such as critical ethnography, ethnographies of communication, discourse analysis and symbolic interactionism, there has been a lack of coherence in its research usage. There has also been argument concerning the validity of the use of the term ‘agency’ in science education research. This article attempts to structure the variety of definitions of ‘student agency’ in science education research, identifies problems in the research related to assigning intentionality to research participants and argues that agency is a kind of discursive practice. The article also draws attention to the need for researchers to be explicit in the assumptions they rely upon in their interpretations of social worlds. Drawing upon the discursive turn in the social sciences, a definition of agency is provided, that accommodates the discursive practices of both individuals and the various functional social groups from whose activities classroom practice is constituted. The article contributes to building a focused research agenda concerned with understanding and promoting student agency in science.  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

In this article, we explore and identify the varied roles that have been assigned over time to the master reading teacher at the secondary level. Despite the fact that there are fewer master reading teachers (MRTs) at the secondary level, they are often required to take on even more responsibilities than MRTs at the elementary level. Secondary MRT roles have included working as a reading interventionist and instructor, reading coach, and school liaison to homes and community. Additionally, secondary MRTs also take on the role of content/disciplinary reading expert. Based on our literature review, we argue that the wide-ranging and multi-faceted roles assigned to the secondary MRT may not be the best deployment of responsibilities. We suggest that the roles of the secondary MRT be re-examined for the purpose of defining specific and limited roles and responsibilities to be assigned to these professionals so as to maximize their effectiveness within those identified domains of responsibility.  相似文献   

A total of 100 parents in 15 Day Care (DC) in Sydney, Australia were surveyed to obtain their views about the different roles of care and education in DC services. Both parents with children under 3 years old and parents with children 3 and above expected a substantial component of education in their child’s DC program. Both groups of parents expected both care and education for their children, and expected a reasonable level of professionalism and qualifications in the staff. These results challenge assumptions about care for infants and education for older children. Policy makers need to attend to parents’ needs and wishes and should be aware of the important value of human resources investment through improved DC services.  相似文献   

一、教材分析本单元的话题是IT技术,计算机的发展史和机器人,涉及到计算机的结构、历史、发展、运用等各方面。阅读部分采用了拟人化的修辞手法,以第一人称的身份按时间顺序向读者介绍了计算机近百年来的发展历程。要求学生掌握以时间为线索的文章的特点,并能通过填写时间表归纳出文章的主要信息。除了让学生了解以上内容外,该部分内容还  相似文献   

The toothy A sian fish—snakeheads arefar from the river’s only invaders. O ver tim ethe Potom ac has been altered by hum an.There are A sian clam s and thickets of grassoriginally from Southeast A sia. Largem outhbass(黑鲈) and channel catfish(鲶 鱼), trans鄄planted from other parts of the U nited States,share the Potom ac w ith carp(鲤 鱼) native toA sia.Feral goldfish have been spotted—biggerand brow ner than usual after being liberatedfrom their fishbowls. A nd scientists estim ateth…  相似文献   

Finland and Shanghai are strong performers in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The current study explored the similarities and differences in educational effectiveness between these 2 strong performers. To this end, 14 predictors representing student background and school process characteristics were selected from the PISA 2009 database. The results show that the Finnish educational system is more efficient in transforming given inputs, specially student background characteristics, into reading achievement, while the general condition of the school climate in Shanghai, in terms of value and effect size of the predictors, contributes a large part to its comparative strength in reading achievement. Suggestions for improvement at school and system level are given.  相似文献   

Part-time postgraduate students make up a significant proportion of the student population, yet their experience remains poorly understood. In this article, a multi-phase, explanatory mixed-method study conducted within Tasmanian health and human services provides some answers. Students reported improved job performance, self-esteem and increased motivation to learn as primary outcomes. Other benefits of significance included an increased ability to manage change and increased job satisfaction. At the other end of the scale, fewer than half of all respondents agreed that part-time postgraduate study led to increased pay or remuneration, and only one-quarter of respondents believed their study led to improvements in personal relationships. There were significant associations between organisational placement and perceptions of benefit. The managers of those who were studying were less likely to perceive either increased job satisfaction or improved job performance in their subordinates. Amongst postgraduate, mature-age, part-time student respondents, their prior experience in higher education, professional background, seniority in the organisation, age and gender were also associated with differing perceptions of the benefits of higher education. These results add to the body of knowledge around the human, social and identity capital benefits associated with lifelong learning, and this study provides guidance for students, employers and universities.  相似文献   

This qualitative study builds on the previous body of emergent literacy research by investigating the use of storybook reading with parents during morning transition times through observation on fifteen toddlers (2- to 3-years old), their parents, and teachers in a university preschool classroom. The focus of this study is to investigate whether storybook reading with parents eases morning transitions for young children as well as fosters their literacy development. Additionally, this study seeks to understand how storybook reading with parents during morning transitions affects the partnership between parents and teachers. The findings of this study contribute to the literature showing that (1) reading a book with parents during morning transition times may provide smooth transitions, (2) it may help with direct interactions between teachers and parents and with direct parental involvement in a school setting, and (3) storybook reading with parents in class during morning transition times may lead the child to engage in independent reading.  相似文献   

Who Counts?     
This article recovers a 1972 essay from James Moffett entitled ‘Who Counts?’ that the National Council of Teachers of English commissioned at the onset of US standards and accountability reforms. The essay historicises NCTE’s positions on teacher accountability by comparing its recent positions on teacher evaluation and the Common Core Standards with Moffett’s opposition to behavioural measurement and business-federal collusion in education reform. These historical juxtapositions highlight how NCTE’s recent policy agenda has reconfigured ‘who counts’ in US English education: its positions now hedge NCTE’s longstanding critiques of behavioural measurement in English, mix quality assurance with professional development, and adopt the educational priorities of federal grants, corporate philanthropy and private sector partners. The article de-naturalises NCTE’s political realignment and considers how Moffett’s prescient critiques of ‘who counts’ in English education might inform individuals’ and organisations’ positions on standards and accountability reforms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of why college students seek psychological treatment by examining indicators of psychological distress. A secondary goal was to assess the utility of screening for treatment need via a brief self‐report measure of distress. Two samples (1 clinical, 1 nonclinical; N= 8,380) were examined via logistic regression analyses to identify meaningful predictors of treatment‐seeking behavior. Clinical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Imagine the challenge of being immersed in a dynamic learning network where you play brinkmanship with being overwhelmed by a plethora of information, comments, and conversations on a topic of intense interest to you. Through adept facilitation, the comments and encouragement of fellow participants, and your own perseverance, you develop a network of personal connections which serve as metaphorical flying buttresses creating enough stability that you are able to learn in a new, yet profoundly meaningful way – the connectivist massive open online course (cMOOC) way. Through the lens of autoethnography, five seasoned educators collaboratively reflect on their motivation for participating in their initial cMOOC. They analyze their lived experience, what they found most engaging, and most importantly, they grapple with why cMOOC communities often endure past official end-dates. This article attempts to provide insight into the thrill and depth of learning and connection possible through participation in cMOOCs.  相似文献   

The contributions of six important reading-related skills (phonological awareness, rapid naming, orthographic skills, morphological awareness, listening comprehension, and syntactic skills) to Chinese word and text reading were examined among 290 Chinese first graders in Hong Kong. Rapid naming, but not phonological awareness, was a significant predictor of Chinese word reading and writing to dictation (i.e., spelling) in the context of orthographic skills and morphological awareness. Commonality analyses suggested that orthographic skills and morphological awareness each contributed significant amount of unique variance to Chinese word reading and spelling. Syntactic skills accounted for significant amount of unique variance in reading comprehension at both sentence and passage levels after controlling for the effects of word reading and the other skills, but listening comprehension did not. A model on the interrelationships among the reading-related skills and Chinese reading at both word and text levels was proposed.  相似文献   

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