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We describe six hallmarks of high quality service-learning and explain how these considerations guided the development of a Transitional Coaching Program (TCP) during the first three years of implementation. We have demonstrated that the TCP is acceptable, feasible, and sustainable. Improvements have been seen in the degree of impact on learning objectives, but statistically significant change has not yet been achieved. This project highlights the importance of looking beyond satisfaction and engaging in rigorous assessment of learning objectives and ongoing quality improvement through attention to best practices and evidence-based, continuous quality improvement.  相似文献   

Given that thoughtfully developed formal after-school programs can make a difference in the academic performance of schoolchildren, and that some public schools are implementing their own on-site after-school curricula, this study sought to identify programmatic features that appear to be associated with successful after-school programming. Qualitative methods were used and the study site was the Manchester Youth Development Center, which has a twenty-five-year record of effective service. The six elements found as salient were that both structure and autonomous space are provided; academic achievement is supported; the program is culturally consistent (in the present case, African-American cultural patterns are evidenced); there is a core of committed authoritative adults; the leadership is child-centered; and the environment is safe.  相似文献   

Working with at-risk youth presents unique challenges for rural agencies and organizations. This study describes the results of a life-skills management program, Survival Skills for Youth (SSY), that was organized and delivered to rural youth via collaborative efforts of education and noneducation agencies. The program was replicated with 10 groups of rural youth in Tennessee and Missouri (N = 114). All programs were a collaborative effort of 2 or more organizations, such as University Extension, school districts, juvenile justice programs, and state human service or workforce development programs. Pre- and postevaluations of knowledge of life management concepts, self-esteem, and social skills showed SSY to be effective in changing the attitudes and behaviors of rural youth. Performance and generalization of the skills in natural settings were also demonstrated. Interagency partnerships were shown to be an effective means of providing extracurricular life-skills management workshops for at-risk rural students.  相似文献   

Current policy efforts that seek to improve learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) emphasize the importance of helping all students acquire concepts and tools from computer science that help them analyze and develop solutions to everyday problems. These goals have been generally described in the literature under the term computational thinking. In this article, we report on the design, implementation, and outcomes of an after-school program on computational thinking. The program was founded through a partnership between university faculty, undergraduates, teachers, and students. Specifically, we examine how equitable pedagogical practices can be applied in the design of computing programs and the ways in which participation in such programs influence middle school students' learning of computer science concepts, computational practices, and attitudes toward computing. Participants included 52 middle school students who voluntarily attended the 9-week after-school program, as well as four undergraduates and one teacher who designed and implemented the program. Data were collected from after-school program observations, undergraduate reflections, computer science content assessments, programming products, and attitude surveys. The results indicate that the program positively influenced student learning of computer science concepts and attitudes toward computing. Findings have implications for the design of effective learning experiences that broaden participation in computing. (Keywords: computational thinking, programming, middle school, mixed methods)  相似文献   

Researchers of after-school tutoring primarily focus on educational outcomes with little attention to the social dynamics of such programs. In our qualitative case study, we examined the nature of interactions among tutors in a tutoring program at a homeless shelter for families. Employing Bourdieu’s concepts of social capital and field, we found that the dynamics between tutors were complex, with tutors jockeying for position amid contestations over the rules and organization of the tutoring sessions. The implications include the significant impact that the dynamics among tutors can have on the overall program.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions prepare future faculty members for multiple roles, including teaching. However, teaching professional development programs for graduate students vary widely. We present evaluation data from a high engagement program for STEM doctoral students. We analyzed the impact on three cohorts of participants over three academic years and identified the components most influential upon their teaching professional development. Participants found the year-long teaching assessment project and the disciplinary and reflective focus instrumental for improving their knowledge of teaching and learning. We recommend these components for the design of other such high-engagement programs.  相似文献   

Although graduation rates are rising, the high school dropout problem remains a national crisis, and evidence-based information about interventions for at-risk students is critically needed. Prior research shows that Check & Connect, an individualized mentoring program, has positive effects on school persistence and progression for students with disabilities. This study examined the efficacy of Check & Connect with general education students who showed early warning signs of risk for dropping out of high school in a large urban district. The sample included 553 students with the lowest predicted probabilities of on-time graduation based on attendance, behavior, and course performance in Grades 8 and 9. Students were randomly assigned to receive a Check & Connect mentor for three years, starting in the summer after Grade 9, or not. Findings suggest the program was implemented with fidelity, except with students who left district schools. Check & Connect did not have any statistically significant impacts on measures of engagement, academic progress, the likelihood of dropping out, or graduation. These results are discussed in the context of other literature on mentoring and dropout prevention.  相似文献   

This study, supported by the Flinders University Research Budget, evaluated the effects of an integrated four‐week bridging course for postgraduate overseas students. It was funded by the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau and focused on the students' academic writing skills in terms of English grammar, expression and spelling as well as on structure, argument and critical analysis. Quantitative data was gathered from the training group and two control groups, one made up of overseas peers, the other of local postgraduate students. Further qualitative data were gathered from the training group through Journal entries and regular discussions. Results showed a significant improvement in expression and structure in the training group's writing from pre‐ to post‐training, with a significantly higher mark awarded by independent raters to post‐training writing. While significant differences between the two overseas groups and the local control group had been recorded on most variables before training, some of these were reduced between the training group and the local group after training. Although results were positive overall, students continued to produce high rates of errors in grammar and to display weaknesses in developing an argument. Journal entries suggested that students began their studies in a state of gross over‐confidence and moved through doubt and concern before reaching a more accurate estimate of their abilities at the end of the bridging course.  相似文献   

Students’ personal predictors of academic success are particularly relevant for first-year college students, given the specific challenges that these students face when entering higher education (HE). Academic success in HE has been related to multiple factors, including the students’ approaches to learning (SAL), satisfaction (linked to commitment and persistence), study time (effort), and prior academic achievement. This study analyzes the combined effect of these predictors on perceived academic success. Data from 247 students was collected using the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students and other specific measures to assess presage and process variables of academic success. Although academic success is multidimensional and difficult to explain, factors such as prior academic achievement, satisfaction with the course, SAL, and study time contribute to explain perceived academic success in first-year college students.  相似文献   


Considerable research evidence supports the provision of explicit instruction for students at risk for reading difficulties; however, one of the most widely implemented approaches to early reading instruction is Guided Reading (GR; Fountas & Pinnel, 1996), which deemphasizes explicit instruction and practice of reading skills in favor of extended time reading text. This study evaluated the two approaches in the context of supplemental intervention for at-risk readers at the end of Grade 1. Students (n = 218) were randomly assigned to receive GR intervention, explicit intervention (EX), or typical school instruction (TSI). Both intervention groups performed significantly better than TSI on untimed word identification. Significant effects favored EX over TSI on phonemic decoding and one measure of comprehension. Outcomes for the intervention groups did not differ significantly from each other; however, an analysis of the added value of providing each intervention relative to expected growth with typical instruction indicated that EX is more likely to substantially accelerate student progress in phonemic decoding, text reading fluency, and reading comprehension than GR. Implications for selection of Tier 2 interventions within a response-to-intervention format are discussed.  相似文献   

Undergraduate research experiences may increase persistence in STEM majors. We describe a research program that targets first-year students selected for their curiosity and attitudes towards science. We explain the implementation of the program over 3 years and present evaluation data using a group of matched controls. Participants and controls pursued STEM degrees at equivalent rates, but participants were significantly more involved in research. Initial laboratory interest and mentor pairing may have played a role in this finding. Female participants, particularly those with male laboratory mentors, engaged in more research than men.  相似文献   

Remedial mathematics at the college level has evidenced strikingly low retention and passing rates. It has been shown that at least 25% of the variation in student performance is explained by students’ affective variables such as attitudes, study skills, and mathematics anxiety. This study endeavored to address affective variables by: (a) incorporating the teaching of study skills into an elementary algebra course; and (b) identifying at-risk students and assigning these students “coaches,” who functioned both as tutors and counselors, providing regular personalized assistance. The results showed that the attrition rate was significantly lower in the treatment groups, and the overall passing rate for coached students was significantly higher.  相似文献   

This study investigated a Tier 2 intervention in the context of a Response to Intervention (RTI) model for 123 fourth grade students who were identified as having a high probability of reading failure. A randomized control trial was used to evaluate the effects of a 24 session multi-component supplemental intervention targeting fluency and expository comprehension of science texts. Intervention students performed significantly higher on comprehension strategy knowledge and use and science knowledge, but not on word reading, fluency, or other measures of reading comprehension. Moderators of intervention effects were also examined; children at higher risk in the intervention condition appeared to benefit more in comparison to lower probability children in intervention and compared to higher probability children in the control condition.  相似文献   

改革现有学生学业成绩评价制度,构建素质教育的评价模式在推进素质教育的过程中具有重大的理论和现实意义。文章就学生学业成绩评价改革提出几点建议。平时成绩与终结性考试成绩相统一构成升学成绩,作为招生录取的依据,建立考试诚信制度。建立学科档案袋,实施任务表现性评价,让学生更充分地表现自己。量性评价与质性评价相结合,使学生在原有基础上提高,促进学生的全面发展。学生学业成绩评价改革要求教育工作者转变传统教育观念,提高评价能力。学生学业成绩评价改革是一个系统工程,需要政府的政策保障以及家长、社会各界的参与和支持。  相似文献   

学业辅导对于高职院校回应学生期待、加强思想政治教育、服务经济社会发展和促进自身发展均有重要价值。高职院校学业辅导存在“六重六轻”典型问题,学业辅导体系亟待完善。基于“以学生为中心”的基本思想,系统构建了包括三维核心内容、六支辅导队伍、六类工作平台和四方支持系统的学业辅导体系框架,并就体系内部关系作出分析。  相似文献   

结合研究生学术道德的内涵和所包含的具体内容,采用开放式问卷和专家评价相结合的方法获得问卷题目,编制了包含正确的学术道德认知、健康的学术道德情感、坚强的学术道德意志、端正的学术道德行为四个维度的量表。通过对185个样本进行因素分析,发现本量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以初步作为研究生学术道德评价的工具。  相似文献   


To examine the usefulness of the Slossen Intelligence Test (SIT) and the Quick Test (QT) with poor readers, the relative validities of the SIT and the QT were examined by comparison to the more comprehensive Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). Intercorrelations of fifty-six poor readers, scores on all three tests were obtained. SIT and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r =. 60) were significantly more closely related than were QT (Total) and WISC (Full Scale) IQ’s (r = .49) although scores from both of the brief tests were significantly correlated with WISC scores. The results are discussed in terms of test characteristics, and implications are drawn in terms of purpose for testing.  相似文献   

This study explored the yearlong learning processes of two first-year secondary science teachers participating in an online mentoring program, through examination of their written dialogues within the program and other data. Using a case study method, this study (a) explored the patterns of written dialogues between the two new teachers and their mentors over the course of a year, (b) documented pertinent topics of importance, and finally (c) illustrated the new realities created in the mentees’ classrooms as a result of the online mentoring process. Penelope and Bradley, who taught at an urban school and at a suburban school respectively, were selected as subjects. Our analysis revealed that the two pairs of mentee–mentors showed different participation patterns that affected the intensity of the creation of new realities, and affected whether the mentees tried/vetted new teaching practices suggested by their mentors. Yet, analysis also revealed that certain elements in the written dialogues between pairs were found to be similar, in that construction of knowledge was evident between both pairs when friction developed and appropriate teamwork emerged to deal with it. The topics of greatest interest and importance within the dialogues were those related to the logistics of the school system and the processes and methodologies of teaching. These results suggest that online mentoring programs are an effective dialogical tool for transferring the knowledge of experts to novices, and for thus expediting the professional induction and growth of new science teachers.  相似文献   

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