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This study examined the effects of Reading Recovery on children's motivational levels, and how motivation may contribute to the effect of the intervention on literacy achievement. Prior studies concluded that Reading Recovery was positively associated with increased student motivation levels, but most of those studies were limited methodologically. The achievement and motivation levels before and after the intervention of Reading Recovery students and similarly low-performing first-grade students were compared using structural equation modeling. It was found that Reading Recovery had a .31 treatment effect on achievement after controlling for baseline achievement and motivational differences among the treatment and comparison students. Reading Recovery also was associated with greater average levels of posttest motivation, and motivation was found to mediate the treatment-achievement relationship. This study highlights how important it is for early reading interventions to consider the role motivation plays in literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to advance an alternative perspective on the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and in particular to examine critically the assertion that these processes are antagonistic such that the will to learn for its own sake is inhibited by the presence of extrinsic, tangible rewards and incentives such as school grades. The presumption of an antagonistic relationship largely depends on the theoretical perspective adopted. An alternative interpretation based on need achievement theory leads to distinctly different conclusions. Exploring this new perspective allows one to identify both the conditions under which intrinsic motives may coexist with extrinsic motives as well as to consider some of the means by which intrinsic motives and caring about learning can be stimulated in their own right in school settings.  相似文献   


The goal of the present study was to investigate the mediating effects of reading amount and metacognitive knowledge of strategy use in the relationship between intrinsic motivation and reading comprehension among secondary school students. We hypothesized that reading amount and metacognitive knowledge of strategy use in Grade 6 will mediate the relationship between intrinsic motivation in Grade 5 and reading comprehension in Grade 7 while taking into account the reciprocal relationship between intrinsic motivation and reading comprehension in Grades 5 and 7. Within the framework of the German National Educational Panel Study, 3,829 secondary school students were included in the analyses. Based on the analyses of structural equation models, we found significant indirect effects of intrinsic motivation on reading comprehension through reading amount and metacognitive knowledge of strategy use. The results of exploratory analyses on moderating effects of sex and the levels of reading skills are also discussed.  相似文献   

外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究外语阅读焦虑与阅读成绩的关系,利用外语阅读焦虑量表,对随机抽查的150名英语专业的大学生进行测试,并就阅读焦虑与阅读课程成绩和阅读理解成绩进行研究。结果表明:同非英语专业学生一样,英语专业学生普遍存在英语阅读焦虑;英语阅读焦虑与英语阅读学业成绩及阅读理解回顾成绩之间存在显著性负相关,阅读焦虑与阅读理解多项选择成绩之间没有显著性负相关关系。  相似文献   


The Student Background survey administered along with achievement tests in studies of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement includes scales of student motivation, competence, and attitudes toward mathematics and science. The scales consist of positively- and negatively keyed items. The current research examined the factorial structure of the 18-item motivational scales in fourth-grade mathematics in the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Survey data from six European countries were analyzed. In comparisons of alternative models, the fit was adequate when three correlated factors were specified and negative keying was taken into account as a latent factor, or with correlated uniquenesses among negatively keyed items. Participants reading achievement scores correlated systematically to negative keying with coefficients ranging from .254 to .395 in the six samples. Unlike their higher-scoring peers, fourth-graders with lower reading achievement responded differentially to similar items depending on the direction of item keying, in such a way that their motivation scores were biased downward. Implications about the use of reverse keying in surveys for young students are discussed.  相似文献   


Across 20 years, pathways from math intrinsic motivation and achievement (ages 9–17) to high school math course accomplishments and educational attainment (age 29) were analyzed. Academic intrinsic motivation was the theoretical foundation. To determine how initial status and change in motivation and achievement related to course accomplishments and educational attainment, a latent curve model was fit to data from the Fullerton Longitudinal Study. Levels of motivation and achievement at 9 had positive, direct, and mutually indirect paths to course accomplishments. Dual declines in motivation and achievement related to course accomplishments, directly for achievement, and indirectly for motivation via achievement. Greater decline corresponded to fewer course accomplishments which in turn predicted, and served as a mediator to educational attainment. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

表扬是在教学领域中运用较为广泛的一种手段但是在不同的条件下,表扬的作用是不同的,尤其是对儿重而言,更是如此。研究表明,表扬的真诚性、归因、自主性、标准和期望、及时性和频率都会对动机造成影响。  相似文献   

中学生成就目标的确立与否、确立的成就目标的类型以及对所设定目标的评价性反应这三个因素都会对中学生的成就动机产生影响。成就目标定向对教育的启示,主要表现为教师应该帮助学生设定个性化的成就且标,以更好地激发中学生的成就动机。  相似文献   

A reciprocal effects model linking emotion and achievement over time is proposed. The model was tested using five annual waves of the Project for the Analysis of Learning and Achievement in Mathematics (PALMA) longitudinal study, which investigated adolescents’ development in mathematics (Grades 5–9; = 3,425 German students; mean starting age = 11.7 years; representative sample). Structural equation modeling showed that positive emotions (enjoyment, pride) positively predicted subsequent achievement (math end‐of‐the‐year grades and test scores), and that achievement positively predicted these emotions, controlling for students’ gender, intelligence, and family socioeconomic status. Negative emotions (anger, anxiety, shame, boredom, hopelessness) negatively predicted achievement, and achievement negatively predicted these emotions. The findings were robust across waves, achievement indicators, and school tracks, highlighting the importance of emotions for students’ achievement and of achievement for the development of emotions.  相似文献   

This study examined the independent and interactive effects of supplement format (knowledge map vs. text vs. no supplement) and strategy (cooperative learning vs. cooperative teaching vs. individual study) on learning. After training and practice sessions, subjects studied a science and math passage over which they were tested. Two individual difference measures were also taken and combined into a general ability score. Repeated-measures analysis of variance of the recall variables indicated that (a) high ability subjects outperformed low ability subjects, and (b) cooperative learning with map supplements had a mutually facilitative effect on the low ability subjects’ recall.  相似文献   


The academic achievement of junior college students was felt to be strongly influenced by their motivation. A Motivation Check-Sheet was designed and administered to entering freshman at a junior college. The check- sheet scores doubled the amount of variance accounted for in the students’ academic achievement. The procedure lends itself to wide application.  相似文献   

基于PISA 2018数据,对中国四省市和芬兰学生的学业成就动机、阅读教学感知进行比较分析.结果发现:就学业成就动机而言,虽然中国学生的动机指数显著高于芬兰学生,但芬兰学生的动机结构更优;就阅读教学而言,中国学生感知到的课堂环境更为积极;在动机方面,中国学生的阅读成绩主要靠学业竞争型动机驱动,芬兰学生则主要受任务掌握型动机影响;在教学方面,不同教学指标对两地学生阅读成绩的影响趋势相同,认知激活策略运用对中国学生的阅读成绩影响最大,教师适应性教学则对芬兰学生的阅读成绩影响最明显.为提高我国学生的阅读素养,教育行政部门、学校和教师可以尝试从以下方面着手:充分了解学生的学习心理,优化其学业成就动机结构;进一步深化语文课程改革,探索有效的阅读教学方式;继续促进教育公平,关注处境不利学生与男生的阅读水平.  相似文献   

成就动机是人们取得成就的内部动力。研究表明,成就动机存在性别差异,即女性的成就动机水平低于男性。文章对成就动机的性别差异的成因进行了分析并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

成就动机与学生学习   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成就动机与学习成绩有正相关 ,激发学生的学习动机是提高学习成绩的前提条件之一 ;学习动机与成功概率密切相关 ,布置适合学生实际的学习任务 ,让学生以适度的“成功率意识”去从事学习 ,可激发学习动机。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between teacher specialization and the reading achievement of fourth-grade students in Sweden. The empirical base is data from PIRLS 2011. The main method of analysis is a two-level regression. Results revealed a positive relationship between reading achievement and teacher education relevant for subject and grade level while there was no relationship between reading achievement and teaching experience. The relation between reading achievement and teacher specialization remained significant when the influence of parents’ educational levels and students’ early reading abilities were controlled for. A tendency of compensatory effects could be observed, with teacher specialization having a stronger effect in low-performing classrooms. The findings support the conclusion that relevant teacher education is of importance for teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

成就动机与教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学设计的首要步骤是对学习者进行分析.其中,对学习者学习风格之一的成就动机进行分析是很重要的一环.本文在简要介绍成就动机理论的基础上,探讨了成就动机理论对教学设计的启示,提出了一个基于成就动机的教学设计模型.  相似文献   

表扬与内在动机关系的新观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有些理论研究表明表扬对内在动机有促进作用;而另一些理论则证明了表扬对内在动机有损害作用。Jennifer Henderlong和Mark R Lepper引入了五个概念变量(conceptual variables)对这两种理论进行了整合与提升,指出自主性、归因方式、自我效能感、真诚性、行为标准和期望是影响表扬效果的重要因素。这些都能够促进对本领域未来研究方向的思考。  相似文献   

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