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美国教师教育的新模式及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国专业发展学校(PDS)是一种新的教师培养模式,是通过强化中小学和大学的合作伙伴关系,共同培养教师、开展合作研究而建立起来的,其在促进教师专业发展方面取得了可喜成果,对我国教师教育有重要的启示。结合我国教师教育改革与发展的趋势特点,我们应该在实践与理论上借鉴PDS的经验,这既符合国际教师教育改革的趋势,也是我国教师教育发展的大方向。  相似文献   


School–university partnerships also known as professional development school (PDS) partnerships provide potential for universities and schools to establish partnerships that can benefit university faculty, school teachers, university students, and school students. This study examines the impact of a PDS partnership in which the author served as a school-based mathematics coach for two years in a high-need elementary school. Data sources included interviews, surveys, and field notes from classroom observations. Inductive qualitative analyses which were situated in a multi-level framework for researching professional development found that teachers posed more cognitively demanding mathematical tasks and high-level questions in year two compared to year one of this project. Further, student achievement was noted on both state-wide and district-created assessments. Also teachers reported that the school-based approach to professional development led to some teachers taking on more informal leadership roles to support their colleagues’ mathematics instruction. Implications for school-based learning opportunities across the world include the need to establish specific university–school partnerships, and carefully designing research studies to examine the impact of these learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a study in which the discourse within 75 professional development school (PDS)-related publications was examined to determine where the power, influence, and representation lies in PDS partnerships, as indicated by how those partnerships are described in writing. The results found that while university faculty overwhelmingly wrote the articles, their perspectives and experiences were under-represented in the literature and, moreover, their influence within the partnerships appeared to be negligible. School and university administrators were similarly absent in PDS writing. Significantly, university authors and researchers represented themselves in a way that was highly deferential to practitioners and denigrated the role of theory and research in PDS work. In contrast to the traditional image of university dominance of partnerships, this research suggests that the real power and influence in PDS partnerships are the classroom teachers. The paper concludes with suggestions for creating a new, shared PDS discourse that tries to blur the artificial lines between theory and practice.  相似文献   

This article documents the self-study processes and findings of a collaborative research group that examined a professional development school (PDS) partnership. Drawing on the scholarship of self-study of teacher education practices and theoretical perspectives consistent with third space, we conceived our collaborative study group as a learning community aimed at uncovering the complexities of school–university partnerships while seeking new directions for an effective partnership. Data were collected from a variety of sources. Themes were developed based on some identified areas of focus consistent with the group's objectives, which included deciphering the state of our PDS collaboration, our preservice teachers' learning experiences, and insight into faculty as learners in professional relationship. The study revealed that experiential disparity existed within and among faculty and students in various PDS sites as a result of poor communication as well as divergent models of collaboration and philosophical goals between faculty and mentor teachers. Disparity in the learning experiences among the preservice teachers was attributed to the quality and scope of the partnership. This study resulted in better understanding of our roles as hybrid educators and recognition of mentor teachers as critical bridges in a PDS partnership.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the recurrent challenges of professional development school (PDS) partnerships experienced by many countries. It does so by conceptualizing PDS partnerships as endeavors to cross institutionally and epistemologically developed boundaries between teacher education, schooling, and academic research. After introducing what we call a multilevel boundary crossing approach, we look at the startup years of one academic PDS partnership, scrutinizing the successive learning mechanisms that were evoked at the institutional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. The case study narrative illustrates the multilevel nature of boundary crossing and reveals different learning mechanisms in different phases and at different levels. For example, whereas coordination initially occurred at all levels, transformation occurred in later years mainly at the intrapersonal level. The study sheds specific light on the intrapersonal level by showing the significant and challenging role of various brokers in establishing both horizontal and vertical connections across and within the organizations involved. Despite being important leaders of the partnerships’ activities, we observed how brokers prevented others from becoming more involved. We propose that partnerships should carefully consider the sort of learning processes they aspire to and can realistically expect at different levels and moments in time and accordingly consider how they want to position the various actors.  相似文献   

美国PDS与教师专业化发展及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国在20世纪80—90年代逐步建立了一批PDS(Professional Development School,专业发展学校)。PDS是美国大学的教育学院与地方的公立中小学或学区合作成立的一种师资培训学校。这种学校融教师职前培养、在职培训和学校改革为一体,为大学教师和中小学教师提高自身素质,改善自身专业发展提供了一条有效可行的途径。教师专业化现已成为国际教师教育改革的一大趋势,研究PDS这一实现教师专业化发展的有效模式,对我国当今的教师教育改革仍具有重要的启示与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Professional development school (PDS) contexts are increasingly being viewed as powerful sites for the preparation of future teachers in the USA. One of their documented strengths is in the fostering of preservice teachers’ inquiry within collaborative frameworks that result from the partnerships between university teacher education programmes and schools. This article focuses on one inquiry-based PDS programme, describes five inquiry projects carried out by interns in the programme, and presents interns’ perceptions on engaging in inquiry during their yearlong internship. The discussion that follows explores the potential of the inquiry approach in PDS contexts to reform the teacher education practicum.  相似文献   

Scientist-teacher partnerships are a unique form of professional development that can assist teachers in translating current science into classroom instruction by involving them in meaningful collaborations with university researchers. However, few reported models aim to directly alter science teachers’ practices by supporting them in the development of curriculum materials. This article reports on a multiple case study of seven high school science teachers who attended an ongoing scientist–teacher partnership professional development program at a major Southeastern research university. Our interest was to understand the capacity of this professional development program for supporting teachers in the transfer of personal learning experiences with advanced science content and skills into curriculum materials for high school students. Findings indicate that, regardless of their ultimate success constructing curriculum materials, all cases considered the research grounded professional development supports beneficial to their professional growth with the exception of collective participation. Additionally, the cases also described how supports such as professional recognition and transferability served as affordances to the process of constructing these materials. However, teachers identified multiple constraints, including personal learning barriers, their classroom context, and the cost associated with implementing some of their curriculum ideas. Results have direct implications for future research and the purposeful design of professional development experiences through scientist-teacher partnerships.  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校:探索、经验与启示   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
教师专业发展学校是实现教师职前培养与在职培训一体化的一种新的探索。它在认可中小学校对于学生发展的价值的基础上,强调学校也是教师发展的场所。教师专业发展学校不仅促进了实习教师的专业成长和中小学生的发展,而且也为大学教师和中小学在职教师提供了对话的平台。专业发展学校的发展历程为我们提供了许多有益的启示:实习教师的“临床实践”是其完成教师角色转变的必经之路;教师教育必须与学校教育改革实践紧密结合;教育理论与教育实践的沟通必须在理论主体与实践主体的“对话”中实现。  相似文献   

School/university partnerships often expand teachers’ professional development options beyond the traditional inservice model. This research explored the range of professional development opportunities for teachers in four secondary schools affiliated with the same school/university partnership. All teachers at the partner schools were administered surveys, and 24 teachers—six from each site—were selected for in-depth interviews, structured tasks, and informal observation. Using adult workplace learning as a framework, the author examines the types of opportunities teachers find most valuable, identifies conditions needed for meaningful professional development activities, and discusses implications for practice.  相似文献   

This article addresses the challenges PDS partnerships face as they go to scale. Based on Coburn's (2005) notions of scale, the article uses organizational theory to analyze data from a ten-year qualitative meta-synthesis of PDS partnership research. Based upon the analysis, the article offers four recommendations: PDS partnerships should sustain strong trajectories of research regarding their work; Stakeholders in PDS partnerships need to ensure that faculty and staff have adequate support to thrive; PDS partnerships need to be based upon enabling bureaucratic structures; and PDS partners need to create opportunities to engage with each other in positive, normative spaces.  相似文献   

Benefits of collaborative action research for the beginning teacher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beginning teachers are confronted with many issues as they begin their teaching careers, issues, such as classroom management, individual differences, behaviour problems, dealing with parents, and so on. Many beginning teachers take professional development seminars in an attempt to deal with these and other issues. Professional development seminars, however, may not address the specific issues faced by beginning teachers but rather focus on approaches that are more global. In this paper, we argue that the best approach to professional development is through a collaborative action research model. By extending the partnerships established between student teachers, mentor teachers and university supervisors during student teaching into the beginning teachers' career, many of the everyday problems can be confronted within a supportive network. Several recommendations are offered for beginning and maintaining productive CAR relationships.  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校的构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教师专业发展学校是以中小学为基地,由大学或教育科研机构和中小学合作建立的旨在促进教师专业发展的教学研究共同体。本文在分析教师专业发展学校特征的基础上,对构建教师专业发展学校的整体架构以及教师专业发展学校的运作载体与策略进行了初步探索,以期能对我国构建教师专业发展学校有所裨益。  相似文献   

Teachers’ professional growth is far better documented within elementary professional development schools than it is within multi-site school partnerships at the secondary school level. This article fills an empirical gap by focusing on the professional development of 35 secondary school teachers and two professors within a school/university teacher education partnership focused on one content area. The University of Georgia Network for English Teachers and Students (UGA-NETS) is attached to a Research I institution and committed to on-going, discipline-based, collaborative inquiry and the education of 25 teacher candidates each year. Analysis of surveys, focus group and individual interviews, field notes, and documents across 5 years reveals that participants perceive 4 sites for their own professional development: individual school and university classrooms, school and university departments, the teacher network, and teacher education locally and beyond. The author also presents challenges to professional development within multi-site and secondary school partnerships including disturbing the status quo and the question of agendas, levels of buy-in, and diversity and equity.  相似文献   

韦国锋 《高教论坛》2005,2(2):157-160
本文主要论述在<一个孩子都不能落后>(NCLB)的教育法案推行过程美国大学与中小学合作开展的教师教育活动,讨论NCLB对教师资质和素质以及合作伙伴项目的规定,在陈述大学与中小学对NCLB回应的基础上,探讨了美国大学与中小学旨在推进教师专业发展的伙伴关系.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展学校:理念、实施与问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
教师是在实践中发展和成长的,教学和学习密不可分,中学和大学是“共生关系”。PDS蕴舍的这些理念,在实施过程中,要求实习教师、在职教师、大学教授以及其他参与人员都扮演着与以往不同的角色。角色的转换将直接影响PDS的成效和未来发展。随着该教师教育模式的推进和发展,PDS将取得显著成效。但也存在着学校教师参与积极性不高、大学教授角色转变困难、文化制度阻碍实施等不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses findings related to the relationship between a university researcher acting as the external agent and three self-selected teachers involved in a professional learning and research project. The role of an external agent in supporting teachers’ professional development is of interest because it has not always been a role that has benefited teachers. The focus centres on how these three teachers viewed this role at the end of a two-year partnership. The wider project is centred on developing these teachers’ proficiency and knowledge of the value of iPads to both their own professional growth and classroom practices as well as their students’ learning. Some digital aspects of the project have already been addressed by Wright and colleagues, but not the perceptions of teachers regarding what value they put on the external agent role. Bevins and Price’s conception of school/university partnerships inspired this focus on wondering about the impact of the researcher acting as an external agent intersecting with teachers’ professional lives as we tracked their progress in using the iPads.  相似文献   

美国PDS政策述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国在20世纪80年代以后逐步形成了“建立PDS(Professional Development Schools,专业发展学校)促进教师专业发展的政策”(简称PDS政策)。一些有影响的政策制定部门,例如霍姆期小组、美国教师教育鉴定委员会、全国教学和未来委员、美国教育部会等都就PDS的有关问题制定了相应政策。这些政策的颁布和实施,有效地促进了教师专业发展,促进了教师专业发展的一体化、终身化,促进了大学与中小学的联合,强化了中小学促进教师专业发展的功能,推动了积极探索实现教师专业发展途径的尝试。  相似文献   

An extensive body of research has indicated the benefits of collaborative, contextualised and enquiry-based learning for teachers’ professional development and school improvement. Yet professional learning is also known to be constrained by a number of factors, including the organisational limitations of schools, conflicting cultural practices and wider political demands. Schools–university partnerships have been developed to overcome some of these difficulties by transcending particular school contexts and offering alternative theoretical and practical perspectives. The complex combination of motivations, backgrounds and working contexts in such partnership work calls for attention to the individual and collective learning experiences of those involved, including the ways in which school and university contexts are, or could be, effectively bridged. This paper focuses on understanding the learning experienced by a cohort of teachers and school leaders involved in a two-year schools–university partnership Master of Education (M.Ed.) course in England. A mixed group of 15 experienced primary and secondary teachers and school leaders reflected on their learning at five points of time during and shortly after completing their M.Ed. course. Qualitative analysis of the group’s interview responses and reflective writing led to the identification of six related aspects of personal and professional learning experience: being a learner; learning as part of professional practice; widening repertoire; changing as a learner; personal growth; and critically adaptive practice. The identification and visual representation of these aspects of experience emerging within the group offers useful insight into teachers’ perspectives on learning in school and university contexts and their experiences of progression over time. We conclude that more explicit and central attention to the professional and personal learning elements of schools–university partnerships can help to resolve some of the binary ‘theory–practice’ tensions that have been extensively discussed in relation to partnership programmes and teacher professional development. There is a need to acknowledge variation in teachers’ learning experiences within schools–university partnerships, bearing in mind the ongoing nature of this reflective process with each new group of school and university colleagues. Analysis of participants’ learning experiences in school and university contexts also draws attention to the wider structures, values and cultures that influence, and are influenced by, schools–university partnership work.  相似文献   

While key conceptions and the status of environmental education (EE) have been reported at various international, regional, national and local levels, those in play in the schools of Quito (Ecuador) are still relatively unknown. Of particular interest to this study are private schools: they are considerable in number in Ecuador and elsewhere, yet remain largely underrepresented in national and local studies. Therefore, a survey with a focus on conceptions of EE was administered to teachers (74) and pupils (748) of the third-, fourth- and fifth-years (7–10?years old) of elementary education, in 22 private schools in Quito. Using Sauvé's categorization of conceptual currents in EE, findings suggest a strong conservationist theme among teachers whereas pupils approach EE from both conservationist and naturalist perspectives. In terms of the status of EE, implementation is still limited to classrooms and in teacher professional education and development. Consideration of diverse conceptual currents is strongly recommended in teacher professional development, and the strengthening of EE-related partnerships between schools, homes and communities.  相似文献   

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