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In this article we introduce a “head and heart” approach to community-engaged scholarship. Through the literatures of Aboriginal scholarship and engaged scholarship we reflect on a community-university research and program development project undertaken in response to health and education concerns of Aboriginal people in Canada. We suggest that the head and heart approach was crucial to the program’s success and provides access to an ethical space where multiple worldviews are recognized and where the importance of relational accountability becomes evident. We then examine the implications of this approach for engaged scholarship and higher education practices.  相似文献   

文章介绍了幼儿投掷能力的发展特点和教师支持幼儿投掷能力发展的策略。提出了教师要针对幼儿投掷动作的发展特点与规律设置适宜的投掷内容、创设适合的投掷环境、进行适当的动作指导;在支持幼儿积极主动愉悦参与运动的同时,有效促进幼儿投掷能力的发展,提升幼儿运动的品质。  相似文献   

Parent and School Partnerships in Supporting Literacy and Numeracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined home literacy and numeracy practices. It also focused on the roles of home and school in fostering Year 3 children's literacy and numeracy development in Australian schools. A parent survey of 95 parents from four schools, and focus interviews of parents, teachers and a school administrator within one school, provided the data for this study. Results showed that parents helped their children with literacy and numeracy at home. Most of this assistance is given with reading, some with writing and some with routine mathematics. Both parents and school personnel held the children's learning interests at heart and advocated for the formation of parent/school partnerships. Yet the discourses relating to school and home roles for assisting children's literacy and numeracy development provided contrasting views. Implications for school personnel are drawn from the results of this study.  相似文献   

本文以儿童发展的视角,首先阐述了儿童剧教育活动的由来;其次,依据多种发展心理学理论,分析了儿童剧在幼儿心智发展中的重要作用;再次,讨论了儿童剧在不同年龄段所产生的不同作用,指出这种特殊的教育活动对于幼儿认知发展的教育价值尤为重要。针对儿童剧的特点,文章进一步阐述了儿童剧对儿童心智发展及关键经验获得的作用机制,并以莺莺艺术幼儿园多年儿童剧探索的案例,说明了如何在幼儿园进行儿童剧教育活动的实践。  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning increasingly demonstrates benefits for student access and success, but evidence is still needed of the impact of these strategies on sustainable development of communities and their infrastructure. This case study examines a university Police and Society course that partners with four police departments to use both experiential learning and service-learning in the form of ride-alongs, simulation trainings, and written and physical examinations, as well as hosting a police–community relations event. Focus groups of students and officers reveal how service-learning and experiential learning build capacity for police–community relations. Orienting students toward officer procedures, requirements, and culture creates a learning opportunity for both students and departments, while police–community relations activities humanize officers and build public understanding and trust.  相似文献   

An end-of-century critique of the political and economic assumptions underlying five decades of international development assistance conceives it as a system of structural violence that prevented the people of Africa from realising post-colonial self-reliance. New impoverishment through neo-liberal democratisation and the conditionalities attached to structural adjustment, is reducing the quality of life through cuts in hard won economic, social and educational opportunity and their liberatory potential. Moving beyond schooling for sub-ordinate roles in the new society is the current conceptualisation of humans as depoliticised resources interfacing the machines of capitalist enterprise. This links to aid inspired capacity-building initiatives, which undermine the abilities of organisations and states to sustain essential routines and initiate indigenous innovation. At the same time, the victims of colonial and neo-colonial oppression, particularly women and peasants, as victims of other people's progess and mal-development, have unparalled holistic and ecological knowledge of what the production and protection of life is all about. From a post-victimology perspective, theirs are the new voices for liberation and transformation.  相似文献   

To provide meaningful science experiences for students, educators need quality science experiences themselves from which to draw. Informal learning contexts, such as museums, are well positioned to provide educators with these professional development experiences. We investigated the impact museum-created professional development experiences had on 54 elementary teachers. Quantitative data were collected through an exit survey and qualitative data through survey questions and interviews. We found a significant difference between how teachers rated these workshops and how they rated other workshops. Teachers reported that the workshops helped them to (a) increase science content knowledge, (b) understand the process of science-scientific fieldwork, (c) change instructional methods, (d) connect natural science content with formal instruction, and (e) learn about museum resources for the classroom.  相似文献   

Despite the dominance of instrumental, psychological approaches to educational theory and practice in North America, a different understanding of the value and dynamics of education is often articulated informally in cultural representations (e.g. fiction and feature films) and in personal recollections. This alternative understanding is one in which the personal characteristics of a teacher or professor, and the relation between student and teacher are often paramount. Through reference to existing research and to examples drawn from real‐life practice, this paper presents a broadly existential and explicitly relational way of understanding education, or, rather, pedagogy. It gives special emphasis to the way that such an understanding has been articulated in the text Vergessene Zusammenhänge: über Kultur und Erziehung [Forgotten Connections: On Culture and Education] by Klaus Mollenhauer. The paper describes how the insights of Mollenhauer and other writers regarding an existential and relational pedagogy were translated and adapted for a North American course in teacher education, and how such a course can serve as an important ingredient in nurturing undergraduate students who are becoming teachers.  相似文献   

把对口支援工作看作是一种助人行为,并从助人行为的影响因素即受助者、助人者和情境因素三方面,分析对口支援工作中支援高校的动力,并构建了支援高校动力分析图。从增加互动,明确责任;榜样示范作用壮大对口支援队伍;追求高层次需要,提升动机;宣导主流价值,提高认识四方面提出了加强支援高校"助人"动力的对策。  相似文献   

在儿童的发展过程中可能存在U型曲线,即在良好的行为表现之后会紧随着一段较差的行为表现时间,然后又出现更好的行为表现.儿童的语言获得、概念形成、问题解决、艺术创造等方面的发展都可能存在U型曲线.教育工作者在评价儿童发展,或以儿童发展评价作为其他评价的基础时,必须意识到儿童发展可能存在U型曲线,以保证评价更加符合实际.  相似文献   

华德福教育:儿童个性发展的教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国教育提出要发展学生个性。但在基础教育过程中如何发展学生个性,这是值得广大教育工作者认真研究的问题。华德福教育作为欧洲新教育思想的支流之一,经过80多年的发展,从欧洲走向了全世界,并受到联合国教科文组织的重点推荐。笔者对华德福教育对儿童的个性培养和发展进行了全面的研究,发现其独到的发展儿童个性理念、个性化课程和教学方法及评价方法,希望这些认识能够为我国基础教育所借鉴。  相似文献   

This article describes how a research–practice partnership has informed the iterative development of a web-mediated early childhood language and literacy professional development (PD) intervention. Funded through the Investing in Innovation (i3) program, this new PD model is based on an effective in-situ intervention. As we translated the face-to-face model into a largely web-mediated approach, we partnered with educators to ensure that the resulting intervention was feasible and effective in real-world classrooms serving children at risk. Specifically, an educator advisory board provided ongoing input about the PD. Further, pilot teachers completed the training and provided feedback through a survey about the usability and effectiveness of the training modules, coaching, and instructional strategies in classroom settings. Findings suggest that research–practice partnerships that gather teachers’ situated, comprehensive, and insightful perspectives can be invaluable in developing PD interventions. Collaboration between school districts and university researchers is essential in this iterative development process.  相似文献   

东西部高校对口支援的实践与经验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为贯彻落实西部大开发战略,教育部于2001年6月启动了“对口支援西部地区高等学校计划”。五年多来,东西部高校对口支援工作成效显著,受援高校在人才培养、学科建设、科研合作、校园文化建设等方面取得了突出进步。对口支援推动了我国高等教育的区域协调发展,提升了西部地区高校办学质量,为西部地区培养人才作出了很大贡献。本文总结和分析了五年来东西部高校对口支援工作的成效和成功经验,并提出了对口支援下推动高等教育与所在地区协调发展的理论模式。  相似文献   

Children with limited English proficiency are known to be at higher risk of school failure than their peers. Risk starts early, and the achievement lag of these children often widens with age and progression in the educational system. This study attempted to determine the effects of a 2-way bilingual education program on the literacy development of at-risk kindergarten students who had lower English proficiency and were in a higher failure risk bracket than a comparison group who had higher initial English competence and participated in regular education. Students in the experimental group were instructed in English approximately 70% of the time and in Spanish approximately 30% of the time. At the end of the 1st grade, no statistically significant differences were found between the 2 groups on the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) or a combination of 6 other indicators of English literacy development.  相似文献   

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