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目的运用"中国家庭追踪调查"(CFPS)中关于城镇社区和成人的调查数据,揭示邻里效应与体育锻炼关系的内在机制,以期为中国城市社区健康促进提供参考。方法运用HLM 6.08软件对数据进行分层分析,脉络关系采用脉络模型处理。结果居民年龄(p<0.001)和自评健康(p<0.01)经检验,具有统计学差异。优势邻里指数的参数估为正值,表示控制个体层次的解释变量对体育锻炼时间的影响后,优势邻里指数对社区平均体育锻炼时间有正向影响效果。优势邻里指数增加一个单位,各社区居民平均体育锻炼时间可提高0.29。结论邻里效应是影响居民体育锻炼的一个重要中介变量。  相似文献   

本文通过对足球运动员素质情况与技术运用状况关系的分析,指出了对定性数据用经典的回归分析来处理是不妥的,表明了广义线性模型是描述定性数据的较为合适的模型,并结合足球运动员数据的实例给出了用广义线性模型来分析二项数据的具体方法。  相似文献   

In 2013, the former Royal Gymnastic Central Institute, now the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH), celebrated its bicentenary. The purpose of this paper is to describe, by means of a literature review, the holding blocks that have contributed to the continuity of the oldest institute for PE teacher education in the world. For the first hundred years Ling gymnastics represented a legitimate system for the schooling of the body, the promotion of health and the rehabilitation of the sick. This resulted in strong markers of exclusivity, keeping the institution together. The next hundred years saw the discontinuity of Ling gymnastics, including medical gymnastics, and a call for sport education. The new cornerstones were exercise science research and the establishment of the Institute as an autonomous university college with the assignment to meet society's continued need for knowledge of how to support healthy citizens. Today's challenges for GIH include dealing with a changing society, the conflicting dimensions of (competitive) sport, and the more philanthropic ideas of body and physicality.  相似文献   

在社会体育专业应用型人才的培养过程中,对体育保健学进行课程改革,通过对教学模式、教学内容、教学方法和手段等的研究和实践,提出了培养应用型人才的新举措与方法。  相似文献   

本文是对美国科克利《社会中的竞技——问题和争议》一书的理解,由此引发的对国内“sport——体育”问题的思考。  相似文献   

自体育统计学科出现以来,统计方法在体育领域的应用和研究有了长足的进步,但统计方法本身的局限使解决体育实际问题受到约束,笔者多次呼吁和解析。结合数据挖掘(DM,)知识发现(KDD)等新热点技术,要关注相关领域的技术进展,如数据挖掘技术,对于提升统计方法的应用效果和学科建设有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、理论分析与逻辑分析等方法,以多层次治理理论为依据,探讨我国体教融合的发展困境及完善对策。多层次治理视域下,体教融合协同治理框架应包括利益协同、行动协同、制度协同与目标协同四个维度。目前的发展困境:相关部门行动目标不统一;基层政府缺乏行动互通性;实施层面管理缺位,组织实施混乱。完善对策:加强多部门的沟通交流,树立协同精神;创新多层次治理体系的组织结构设计;创设各主体间平等合作环境及利益驱动机制;完善管理监督机制,促进体教融合切实发展。  相似文献   

国外体育全球化研究现状、问题及启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用文献资料分析法对国外学者研究体育全球化的现状与未来面临的课题进行归纳、分析和评价。集中讨论国外体育全球化研究所关心的体育全球化意义、含义、特征、体育媒体全球化、民族国家体育发展与全球化等五大课题,提出未来我国体育发展在体育全球化进程中可能面临的问题。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法对20世纪80年代以来,对以北美地区体育消费市场研究为主的西方体育消费市场研究中所涉及到运动赞助市场、球迷市场以及观赏性体育消费市场3个方面进行总结,并在归纳其研究特征的基础上,讨论西方体育消费市场研究是如何围绕"消费者行为"和"市场要素"之间的有机联系展开研究的,进而阐明基于理论建模的西方体育消费市场研究的视角定位与方法论问题,可以用于参考并开启中国体育消费研究的新视域。  相似文献   

Organizational stressors can potentially elicit a number of undesirable consequences for sport performers. It is, therefore, imperative that psychologists better understand the demands that athletes encounter via their exploration and assessment. However, although researchers have identified a wide range of organizational stressors in competitive sport, they have yet to develop a measure or indicator to assess them. In contrast, scholars in other psychology subdisciplines have designed measures of organizational-related stressors, which have the potential to inform the advancement of stress research in sport. The purpose of this article is, therefore, to review psychometric issues in organizational stressor research and discuss the implications for sport psychology. The narrative is divided into four main areas: conceptual and theoretical issues, item development issues, measurement and scoring issues, and analytical and statistical issues.  相似文献   

文化人类学视野中的游戏、体育与民族传统体育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从人类学的研究视角出发,以文献综述和逻辑推理为主要研究方法,把游戏、体育和民族传统体育之间的关系作为研究对象.主要研究结果有:游戏的本质是自由,它标准化之后的形态--体育的本质也是如此;游戏是体育和民族传统体育的根源,而体育和民族传统体育之间没有必然的因果关系;脱离体育的源头和它所依存的文化内涵而解读体育,从而想当然地阐述民族传统体育,是不科学的;必须从人类学的视野来重新思考体育和民族传统体育.  相似文献   

体育统计学科建设与发展的立足点——统计思想   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
笔者分析了体育统计学面临的两个主要问题 :统计理论与实际应用的矛盾 ;提高体育工作者的统计素质问题。进而从学科性质、理论要求和应用的需要等方面论证了体育统计学科的建设与发展应以统计思想为立足点 ,并阐述了其可行性  相似文献   

《体育法》作为指导、规范体育事业发展的部门法,在推动体育事业发展,加快法治进程中有着重要的地位。中国现行的《体育法》颁布于1995年,已经严重滞后于时代发展的需求,存在着不少的问题。因此,新时代体育事业的发展必然要倒退《体育法》的修改与完善。文章从此出发,首先介绍了中国《体育法》立法历程与现状,继而从依宪立法、法治理念、多元法治、良法善治四个角度阐述了《体育法》的修改理念,最后就如何修改《体育法》提出了对策建议,包括加强《体育法》基本内容修改、加大群众体育立法保障、增设体育产业章节内容、增设"体育纠纷解决"章节内容等。  相似文献   

选题、统计方法和概念———论体育科研的几个基本问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了体育科研中选题、统计方法和基本概念等问题,提出选题力求妥当,要以探讨和解决问题为准绳;体育统计中指标内容选择的首要标准应是逻辑上的正确性;论文写作中力求避免文字错觉和概念偏差。  相似文献   

The University of Urbino is composed of 10 different faculties, the youngest of which is the Faculty of Sport Sciences. Local interest in sport games and athleticism dates from early Renaissance, and Urbino's citizens still continue to cultivate the passion for such activities. For many centuries participation in physical exercise had been largely neglected on the national level, but after the Italian unification of 1861 interest in gymnastics experienced remarkable growth due to its function in reforming and uniting the identity of the population. In the fascist era mass sport affirmed and was the pride of Mussolini; two academies were founded for the training of highly specialized male and female teachers of physical education and sports. But after the fall of the regime these activities had a difficult time being accepted. Finally, in the 1960s a number of ISEF schools (Advanced Institute of Physical Education) were founded and among them that of Urbino; later, in 2000, the government gave universities the option of establishing their own schools of sport sciences. Urbino promptly closed its ISEF and opened the Faculty of Sport Sciences. The paper makes frequent references to both the broad framework of national physical education and sport and the more modest reality of Urbino.  相似文献   

1998~1999年中文体育类核心期刊载文及引文分析   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
李军 《体育科学》2000,20(5):19-21
通过文献资料法和数理统计法对我国10种中文体育类核心期刊的载文量、载文地域分布、载文中课题及获奖论文类型、引文量、引文语种以及引文年进行了统计分析。结论:我国中文体育类期刊的出版周期普遍较长;各期刊的作者群存在明显的地域性;“名牌期刊”在吸引高质量文章上仍占优势;10种核心期刊的平均引文量为5.29篇;半衰期为6年,衰减系数为34.9%。  相似文献   

武汉体育学院积极建设休闲体育公共产品供应与休闲体育科技攻关、咨询服务于一体的休闲体育实践平台。不断加强休闲体育专业学生实践能力培养,强调能文会武,全面提升综合能力与素质,突出专业特色,加强专业认证与就业指导,校内外相结合,采取实践基地校企共建机制,加强学生实践指导,打造创新型教学团队。  相似文献   


Our understanding of the relationship between physical activity and health is constantly evolving. Therefore, the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences convened a panel of experts to review the literature and produce guidelines that health professionals might use. In the ABC of Physical Activity for Health, A is for All healthy adults, B is for Beginners, and C is for Conditioned individuals. All healthy adults aged 18–65 years should aim to take part in at least 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, or at least 75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or equivalent combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities. Moderate-intensity activities are those in which heart rate and breathing are raised, but it is possible to speak comfortably. Vigorous-intensity activities are those in which heart rate is higher, breathing is heavier, and conversation is harder. Aerobic activities should be undertaken in bouts of at least 10 min and, ideally, should be performed on five or more days a week. All healthy adults should also perform muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week. Weight training, circuit classes, yoga, and other muscle-strengthening activities offer additional health benefits and may help older adults to maintain physical independence. Beginners should work steadily towards meeting the physical activity levels recommended for all healthy adults. Even small increases in activity will bring some health benefits in the early stages and it is important to set achievable goals that provide success, build confidence, and increase motivation. For example, a beginner might be asked to walk an extra 10 min every other day for several weeks to slowly reach the recommended levels of activity for all healthy adults. It is also critical that beginners find activities they enjoy and gain support in becoming more active from family and friends. Conditioned individuals who have met the physical activity levels recommended for all healthy adults for at least 6 months may obtain additional health benefits by engaging in 300 min or more of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 150 min or more of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week, or equivalent combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activities. Adults who find it difficult to maintain a normal weight and adults with increased risk of cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes may in particular benefit from going beyond the levels of activity recommended for all healthy adults and gradually progressing towards meeting the recommendations for conditioned individuals. Physical activity is beneficial to health with or without weight loss, but adults who find it difficult to maintain a normal weight should probably be encouraged to reduce energy intake and minimize time spent in sedentary behaviours to prevent further weight gain. Children and young people aged 5–16 years should accumulate at least 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per day, including vigorous-intensity aerobic activities that improve bone density and muscle strength.  相似文献   

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