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The goal of the current study was to establish the factor validity of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment (Robertson-Wilson, Lévesque, & Holden, 2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) using confirmatory factor analysis procedures. Another goal was to establish internal reliability and test–retest reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis results of this study supported a slightly altered version of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment's school physical activity environment subscale. Internal reliability was adequate, while test–retest reliability was questionable. In brief, the pattern of findings indicated that while the original Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is likely adequate for some research purposes, a slightly modified version (Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment-R) was psychometrically stronger. However, given the distinct differences in samples used in the original validation study and the current study, more research on the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire Assessing School Physical Activity Environment is needed to determine if the current results and Robertson-Wilson et al.'s (2007 Robertson-Wilson, J., Lévesque, L. and Holden, R. R. 2007. Development of a questionnaire assessing school physical activity environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 11: 93107. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) results are sample specific.  相似文献   


Although questionnaires are useful for evaluating patterns of physical activity in populations, they need to be validated. The objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) in a Spanish population. The participants wore a uniaxial MTI Actigraph (Computer Science and Application, Inc.) accelerometer for 7 days and self-completed the IPAQ questionnaire twice, to assess its reliability. Criterion validity was assessed by comparing data from the IPAQ and data from the MTI. The final sample included 54 adults for the validity analysis and 66 adults for the reliability analysis. The correlations (r) between the IPAQ and the accelerometer were 0.29 (P<0.05) for total physical activity (MET · min?1 · day?1) versus total counts per minute, 0.30 (P<0.05) for time spent in vigorous activity, and 0.34 (P<0.05) for time spent sitting. The IPAQ showed a good reliability coefficient for total physical activity (r=0.82, P<0.05), vigorous activity (r=0.79, P<0.05), moderate activity (r=0.83, P<0.05), and time spent walking (r=0.73, P<0.05). Total time spent on work-related physical activities (r=0.92, P<0.05), on household-related activities (r=0.86, P<0.05), and leisure-time physical activities (excluding walking) (r=0.82, P<0.05) showed good reliability coefficients. Bland Altman analysis showed that discrepancies between the two methods increased with the amount of moderate and vigorous physical activity undertaken. In conclusion, the long version of the IPAQ has acceptable validity for the measurement of total and vigorous physical activity, and good reliability coefficients for application in the Spanish population studied here. The questionnaire showed poor validity for reporting moderate-intensity activity in this Spanish population.  相似文献   

中学生身体锻炼态度调查问卷的编制与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、走访座谈、开放式问卷调查三种途径形成初始问卷。初始问卷项目按照认知、情绪和行为意向三个维度归类排列,采用5级Likert量表进行评定。以沈阳地区358名中学生为研究对象进行测试,经研究所得的《中学生身体锻炼态度调查问卷》,包括认知、情感、行为倾向三个层面,可以用于测试中学生身体锻炼态度的认知、情感、行为倾向,进而客观、准确地调查中学生的身体锻炼态度,对提高体育教学效果起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

为了了解安徽省合肥市区中学生参与校外体育活动的体育现状,探索构建弱势群体学生的体育服务网络,为学校、社区、家庭合力开展中学生校外体育活动提供参考.通过调查研究结果显示:1.学校、家庭、社区在组织学生校外体育活动上未能发挥应有的作用.2.中学生参与校外体育活动存在较大的盲目性和随意性;锻炼的手段和方法不够科学.3.活动内容传统单调,不能充分满足学生的个性爱好和活动内容多样化的需要.从发挥社区、家庭体育的作用方面提出相应对策.  相似文献   

通过对受试者的问卷调查和专家的结构式访谈,结合动机理论,假设了体质测试受试者动机理论模型。根据该理论模型,编制体质测试受试者动机问卷,对北京市2005年国家国民体质监测的成年组(20—69岁)252名受试者进行了问卷调查。调查结果经过项目分析和结构方程模型分析.问卷中6个分量表的内部一致性系数均在0.7以上,假设模型各拟合指标是c2/df=2.203,CF1=0.976,TL1=0.971,RMSEA=0.075,检验的结果表明该问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

Non-exercise equations developed from self-reported physical activity can estimate maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) as well as sub-maximal exercise testing. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire is the most widely used and validated self-report measure of physical activity. This study aimed to develop and test a VO2max estimation equation derived from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form. College-aged males and females (n = 80) completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form and performed a maximal exercise test. The estimation equation was created with multivariate regression in a gender-balanced subsample of participants, equally representing five levels of fitness (n = 50) and validated in the remaining participants (n = 30). The resulting equation explained 43% of the variance in measured VO2max (standard error of estimate = 5.45 ml·kg–1·min–1). Estimated VO2max for 87% of individuals fell within acceptable limits of error observed with sub-maximal exercise testing (20% error). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form can be used to successfully estimate VO2max as well as sub-maximal exercise tests. Development of other population-specific estimation equations is warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop a reliable and valid questionnaire for the self-evaluation of teacher effectiveness in physical education (SETEQ-PE). Initially, 90 items, based on the findings of the international bibliography on teacher effectiveness and effective teaching, were formed and then categorized in 11 thematic units (phase 1). The questionnaire was completed by in-service physical education teachers (N?=?470) in phase 2 (N?=?250) and phase 3 of the study (N?=?220). In each phase, the appropriate modifications were made on the basis of internal consistency and construct validity of the instrument. The final form of the SETEQ-PE consists of 25 items that evaluate six domains of teaching in physical education. The results showed that the self-evaluation questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool that can be used for assessing the work of the physical education teacher. Further, this tool might probably enhance a teacher's knowledge, understanding, motivation, and attitudes towards teaching.  相似文献   

目的 探讨小学儿童体力活动与身体素质、骨密度的关联,为促进小学儿童体质健康干预策略提供理论基础.方法 通过ActiGraph GT3X+型加速度计与CM-200超声骨密度仪分别对扬州市某小学313名六年级学生进行体力活动水平与骨密度的测量,最后对小学儿童身体素质指标进行测试.结果 与结论男孩的MVPA与50m跑、1mi...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop the Physical Activity Class Satisfaction Questionnaire (PACSQ). In Study 1, qualitative data were collected from 16 students. The results, coupled with a review of the relevant literature, helped to construct the various dimensions of satisfaction. In Study 2, a quantitative questionnaire was developed and administered to 194 students; based on the results, slight changes were made to the questionnaire. Additional data were then collected in Study 3 from 179 students to test the revised questionnaire. The PACSQ consists of nine dimensions of satisfaction: Mastery Experiences, Cognitive Development, Teaching, Normative Success, Interaction with Others, Fun and Enjoyment, Improvement of Health and Fitness, Diversionary Experiences, and Relaxation. The findings have implications for physical activity class instructors and for program managers.  相似文献   

从体力活动的概念及IPAQ的相关应用、国内中学生体力活动流行趋势、IPAQ与国内中学生生活方式对比研究、IPAQ监测中学生体力活动的注意事项等几个方面,对与中学生周体力活动量的相关问题进行了阐述,表明对中学生进行体力活动监控具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   


Response distortion is an acknowledged concomitant variable in psychometric research. Although the influence of response bias on the Estimation scale of the Physical Estimation and Attraction Scales (PEAS) has previously been considered for adolescent males, experimental evidence concerning the sensitivity of the adult versions of both the Attraction and Estimation scales to “faking” has not been provided. To determine this sensitivity, adult versions of the PEAS were administered to male and female undergraduates (N = 122). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups and received either “fake bad,” “fake good,” or standard instructional sets. Results generally supported the view that the total score on each of the Attraction and Estimation scales is relatively insensitive to attempts to “fake good.” However, attempts to “fake bad” consistently resulted in a significant decrease (p < .01) in both Attraction and Estimation scores as compared to a standard control group. These findings suggest the need for a criterion to detect suspected “fake bad” Attraction and Estimation responses and possibly a “fake good” Attraction response. Statistical procedures for determining test bias indicated that specific PEAS items discriminated between the experimental and control groups, and these items were incorporated into embedded scales for the detection of a distorted PEAS response. Evidence for the predictive validity of these “fake bad” and “fake good” scales was provided.  相似文献   

教师是知识分子的重要组成部分,是科教兴国的中流砥柱。是开拓现代化科学领域的人梯。通过文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法了解他们的健身现状和行为特点,分析影响他们参加健身的因素,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

营造学校体育社会心理环境的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法对学校体育社会心理环境的概念及构成要素、营造理想学校体育社会心理环境的意义及如何营造等内容进行了详细阐述,目的在于进一步明确学校体育社会心理环境的价值,让更多的教育工作者重视学校体育社会心理环境建设的重要性。  相似文献   

借鉴体育活动风险和风险认知相关领域的研究成果,探讨高中生体育活动风险认知问题。首先,在阐述高中生体育活动风险的基础上,提出高中生体育活动风险分类和风险特征,并分析了风险认知在高中生体育活动中的重要作用;其次,界定了高中生体育活动风险认知概念,并分析出高中生体育活动风险认知特征和影响因素;最后,提出运用心理测量范式对高中生体育活动风险认知进行量化研究。  相似文献   

以新一轮基础教育课程改革为契机,学校课程改革的背景,学校体育校本课程开发为切入点。运用文献资料法,逻辑推理及分析法对学校体育校本课程开发过程中影响因素的分析,旨为学校体育与校本课程的开发提供参考意见。  相似文献   

为调查上海市青少年休闲体力活动的参与情况及性别和校别差异,采用仪器测量法对上海市青少年的休闲体力活动进行调查。结果显示上海市青少年平均每天的休闲体力活动时间明显不足。男女生休闲体力活动时间存在显著性差异,男生休闲体力活动时间明显高于女生;中小学休闲体力活动时间存在显著性差异,小学生的休闲体力活动时间比中学生长;不同等级家庭社会经济地位的青少年休闲体力活动的时间没有显著性差异。青少年休闲体力活动促进需要学校和家庭的共同参与,学校要适当减轻学生的课业负担,父母亲也不要给孩子额外的学习压力。  相似文献   

目的:应用社会生态学理论,研究我国体质弱势青少年的体力活动环境状况与发展机制。方法:对我国初中、高中和大学阶段的3 769名体质弱势学生(男生1 907人,女生1 862人)进行体力活动环境调查,采用验证性因子分析等方法建立体力活动环境的生态学模型,分析各环境维度的交互关系。结果:体质弱势青少年体力活动环境因素可概括为由5个二阶因子和8个一阶因子所组成的社会生态学模型;二阶因子间整体联动性不理想,"学校环境-人际环境"、"人际环境-个体因素"及"政策环境-学校环境"的路径系数较高,其余路径系数主要在0.7以下;二阶因子得分由高到低依次为学校环境、政策环境、个体因素、人际环境和社区环境。结论:体质弱势青少年体力活动环境机制可采用社会生态学模型加以解释,模型中近端因素对个体的影响高于远端因素,体力活动环境总体不佳,发展不均衡、不充分、不协调的问题较突出,学校环境和政策环境优于社区环境和人际环境。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对我国构建和谐社会目标下学校体育的地位和发展进行探讨。分析认为,学校体育的功能和构建和谐社会的内涵具有一致性,学校体育的发展对我国构建和谐社会目标的实现起促进作用。但是,当前我国学校体育的功能未得到充分发挥,将来应进一步从贯彻落实中央政策、增加投入、改革学校体育等方面入手,促进学校体育功能的发挥,实现学校体育发展和和谐社会构建的良性互动。  相似文献   

通过对北京市海淀区中学生参加课余体育锻炼的情况进行调查,分析海淀区中学生参加课余体育锻炼的现状。调查发现:课余体育锻炼是学生参与面最广、内容最为丰富、形式最为多样的课余体育活动领域。随着现代学校体育理论与实践的不断发展,课余体育锻炼越来越受到教育者的重视。体育教师应抓住学生的共性充分了解个性,并结合学生自身的锻炼方法去开展课余体育锻炼。  相似文献   

目的:本文旨在了解苏州地区初中生体质与体力活动现状,并分析体质与体力活动之间的相关性,以期为苏州市初中学校针对性地提高学生体力活动和体质水平提供科学依据。方法:对苏州某初中657名初中生进行体质测试,对其中280名初中生发放"Bouchard体力活动日记"和Yamax Digi-walker701型计步器,记录其每天的步行数,共记录一个星期。用Excel软件和SPSS软件对数据进行分析处理。结果:初中男、女生周末步行数与体质成绩呈显著性相关,相关系数分别为0.200(p〈0.01)和0.157(p〈0.05);周末静坐时间和一周静坐时间与学生的BMI存在显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.143(p〈0.05)和0.111(p〈0.05)。结论:初中生的体力活动与体质有一定关系,周末的体力活动量对于学生的体质影响较大。  相似文献   

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