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bservation. We     
ed that the Ge content in the oxide layer increased with the Ge content in SiGe layers, Ge content in the oxide film decreased with the increase of oxidation temperature and with the increase of time length. Rejection of Ge results in piling up of Ge at the interface between the growing SiO2 and the remaining SiGe which for  相似文献   

We are the champions We are the champions广告中出现过CBA夺冠后也出现过这首歌仿佛是为体育而生2007年4月22日,里昂、凯尔特人和奥林匹亚科斯纷纷提前问鼎联赛冠军,“We are the champions”成为他们最好的表达方式。法甲champion:里昂  相似文献   

相信大多业余爱好实况足球的朋友见到We2002的时候就像左手摸着右手一样熟悉,当然很多爱好游戏的朋友在生活中很热爱足球比赛,球迷的身份给了他们接触足球游戏的渴望,同样,接触足球游戏,操纵着自己的队员在绿茵场上驰骋的感觉让他们更加全方位的投入到足球中去。 进入我们的主题。电子世界里的足球游戏达到We2002可以说再想有所突破就已经很困难了(Ds1),这是一款很大众化的游戏,换言之,在经历了几年的沉淀以后,它已经成为足球爱好者不可或缺的一部分。 我会选择中国队,平心而论,这支中国队在能力特点上还是有很大的提高的,无论是核心队员的突出,技术含量的提高,甚至整体的打法,都与米卢时代的球队情况很相似,尽管你把选择的红方框或绿方框放在中国队的位置,他的各项指标  相似文献   

一头卷发,明的福克斯剃了光头也同样够酷,连续在洛杉矶冠军戒指之后,大头的他又有所斩获,最近他在忙着拍运动鞋《体育画报》评为了美最性感运动员。看他一脸恬淡的笑,还真有  相似文献   


六年前的四月,金州血雨腥风。"We believe"的喊声如暴风骤雨席卷湾区。"大胡子"戴维斯、"杰克船长"和"扣篮王"他们投出的球如同匕首一般插进了达拉斯牛仔们的心脏。奥克兰甲骨文球场里留下了太多的故事,太多的情与义,太多的同仇敌忾。金州匪帮的出现让NBA这潭死水有了生机。时至今日,很多人依然缅怀那只飞扬跋扈的金州匪帮。  相似文献   

当我们逐渐老去的时候,便开始考虑是否该留下点什么。当一切都变得徒劳之后,人生似乎只剩下了回忆。 2000年,美联社评选世纪最佳球队,1995-1996赛季的公牛当之无愧当选,他们在那个赛季创造了空前的72胜10负,而这之后的NBA也再没有球队达到过这个纪录。看看那年的总冠军戒指,你就会知道他们获得了怎样的荣耀。戒指的正面四枚金光闪闪的总冠军奖杯,周围环绕着72颗钻石。戒指的侧面打造着“72 WINS GREATEST TEAM”……时光荏苒,总有一天会蹦出个身穿骑士23号队服的小屁孩歪着头问你乔丹是谁?历史不应该被忘记,在老的只有回忆的年代,我们依然被曾经感动过的事情感动。  相似文献   

喻强 《时尚球类》2006,(3):50-50
阿妹用她独特的嗓音把保龄球这项高雅室内体育运动的独特气质吟唱得淋漓尽致。而如今保龄球在中国的发展真的“很寂寞”。 中国保龄球在经历了上个世纪90年代中期的“黄金时代”和本世纪初的“黑铁时代”之后,它的发展仍然吸引着众多体育学者的注意。保龄球在中国的兴衰历程正是我们研究如何在中国推广一项体育运动的生动教材。[编者按]  相似文献   

Psychological resilience is important in sport because athletes must constantly withstand a wide range of pressures to attain and sustain high performance. To advance psychologists’ understanding of this area, there exists an urgent need to develop a sport-specific measure of resilience. The purpose of this article is to review psychometric issues in resilience research and to discuss the implications for sport psychology. Drawing on the wider general psychology literature to inform the discussion, the narrative is divided into three main sections relating to resilience and its assessment: adversity, positive adaptation, and protective factors. The first section reviews the different ways that adversity has been measured and considers the potential problems of using items with varying degrees of controllability and risk. The second section discusses the different approaches to assessing positive adaptation and examines the issue of circularity pervasive in resilience research. The final section explores the various issues related to the assessment of protective factors drawing directly from current measures of resilience in other psychology sub-disciplines. The commentary concludes with key recommendations for sport psychology researchers seeking to develop a measure of psychological resilience in athletes.  相似文献   

“国际巨舰”WE战队的成立和之后所举行的一系列活动,是我们国内电子竞技玩家近期经常谈论的一个话题.甚至已经引起了国际范围的广泛关注。本期由Replays.net网站的著名撰稿人9527为我们带来这样一篇文章,其中包含了很多大家所关心的消息和一些独家提供的资料。让我们一起预祝WE取得好的成绩。  相似文献   

<正>The ninth China Art Festival closed its curtain at Guangzhou Grand Theatre recently.At the solemnly closing ceremony,the Acrobatic show Life-Sunshine directed and performed by Guangdong Acrobatic Troupe got"Wen Hua"award which is the highest governmental award for the 13~(th) professional stage art.In the meantime,it won other"Wen Hua"series awards such as"Best Director","Best Performance"and"Best Stage Light Design". In 2009,this show was delicately prepared for the Ninth Army Art Festival and won the"Best Show"and"Best Director"Awards at the festival.For the past one year,the acrobats' cooperation with the stage crew and their presentation have made a big progress.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to estimate the ratio of male and female participants in Sports and Exercise Medicine research. Original research articles published in three major Sports and Exercise Medicine journals (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, British Journal of Sports Medicine and American Journal of Sports Medicine) over a three-year period were examined. Each article was screened to determine the following: total number of participants, the number of female participants and the number of male participants. The percentage of females and males per article in each of the journals was also calculated. Cross tabulations and Chi-square analysis were used to compare the gender representation of participants within each of the journals. Data were extracted from 1382 articles involving a total of 6,076,580 participants. A total of 2,366,968 (39%) participants were female and 3,709,612 (61%) were male. The average percentage of female participants per article across the journals ranged from 35% to 37%. Females were significantly under-represented across all of the journals (χ2 = 23,566, df = 2, p < 0.00001). In conclusion, Sports and Exercise Medicine practitioners should be cognisant of sexual dimorphism and gender disparity in the current literature.  相似文献   

Gymnastics judges and former gymnasts have been shown to be quite accurate in detecting errors and accurately judging performance. Purpose: The purpose of the current study was to examine if this superior judging performance is reflected in judges’ gaze behavior. Method: Thirty-five judges were asked to judge 21 gymnasts who performed a skill on the vault in a video-based test. Classifying 1 sample on 2 different criteria, judging performance and gaze behavior were compared between judges with a higher license level and judges with a lower license level and between judges who were able to perform the skill (specific motor experience [SME]) and those who were not. Results: The results revealed better judging performance among judges with a higher license level compared with judges with a lower license level and more fixations on the gymnast during the whole skill and the landing phase, specifically on the head and arms of the gymnast. Specific motor experience did not result in any differences in judging performance; however, judges with SME showed similar gaze patterns to those of judges with a high license level, with 1 difference in their increased focus on the gymnasts’ feet. Conclusion: Superior judging performance seems to be reflected in a specific gaze behavior. This gaze behavior appears to partly stem from judges’ own sensorimotor experiences for this skill and reflects the gymnasts’ perspective onto the skill.  相似文献   

Prior to the subtraction of Section 28 from the 1988 Local Government Act in 2003, a substantial amount of research was published that specifically examined the experiences of lesbian physical education (PE) teachers. This article contributes to the existing academic literature by exploring the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual teachers working in a post-Section 28 school environment. Drawing on life history interviews of two lesbian PE teachers, we offer insights into how the abolition of Section 28 has affected their lives. Comparable to previous studies, both women reported feeling fearful of the consequences of identifying as lesbian and employed various strategies in order to maintain a divide between their public and private lives so as to conceal their sexual identities from colleagues, pupils and parents. However, in contrast to much of the previous literature, we found that the teachers in this study also identified with narratives of resistance. Despite being fearful of coming out at work, they nevertheless remained committed to coming out when the context is appropriate, to challenging the heteronormative symbolic order configured around the heterosexual/homosexual binary and to more proactively promoting sexual diversity and tolerance in schools.  相似文献   

In this study, we used social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) to examine the development of female athletes' career interest in coaching and, specifically, the impact of contextual factors (female coaching role models, working hours, and perceived discrimination) on coaching self-efficacy and outcome expectations. Participants were 205 predominantly White, heterosexual female student athletes. A path analysis indicated that role models and working hours predicted coaching self-efficacy, which predicted coaching outcome expectations. Additionally, coaching self-efficacy, coaching outcome expectations, and contextual factors predicted coaching interest. Practical implications are discussed as well as suggestions for further research in this relatively unexplored area.  相似文献   

4月8日-10日,2012 PRINCE(王子)Who’s Next.秋冬产品订货会在广州文化假日酒店举行。来自全国各地的经销商,不仅在第一时间接触认识了王子品牌的最新产品,更是极大感受到了王子品牌对中国市场的重视程度。  相似文献   

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