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Absctract. This article describes a two‐year study addressing the effectiveness of a highly structured, systematic tutoring intervention implemented by minimally trained college students with two cohorts of at‐risk first‐grade readers. Participants were 61 first‐grade children in Cohort 1 and 76 first‐grade children in Cohort 2. Tutors participated in three one‐hour training sessions and received occasional on‐site assistance. Individual tutoring sessions were scheduled for three to four times each week for one school year, with each cohort receiving approximately 10–14 hours of instruction across 44 sessions. The curriculum included a game to teach phonemic awareness and letter‐sound correspondence, structured word‐study activities, reading of leveled books, and simple comprehension strategies. Significant differences were found on measures of phonemic awareness and nonsense word reading for both cohorts. For Cohort 1, but not Cohort 2, significant differences were also detected for real‐word identification. Our results support using tutors to provide additional assistance and instruction in early reading, even when tutors are not professionally trained teachers.  相似文献   

在美国,自上世纪70年代中期以来关于导师指导在教育、管理和心理学领域日益受到关注,近些年关于导师指导促进大学生,尤其是促进本科生学业成功的研究不断增多。同时为了适应国家对高等教育中导师指导和相应改革措施,对美国导师指导的文献进行梳理,力图重构并更新导师指导的概念和特征,综合并批判性地分析美国近20年发表的有关导师指导大学生的文献,并提出相应建议来改进导师指导的研究。  相似文献   

Students’ personal predictors of academic success are particularly relevant for first-year college students, given the specific challenges that these students face when entering higher education (HE). Academic success in HE has been related to multiple factors, including the students’ approaches to learning (SAL), satisfaction (linked to commitment and persistence), study time (effort), and prior academic achievement. This study analyzes the combined effect of these predictors on perceived academic success. Data from 247 students was collected using the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students and other specific measures to assess presage and process variables of academic success. Although academic success is multidimensional and difficult to explain, factors such as prior academic achievement, satisfaction with the course, SAL, and study time contribute to explain perceived academic success in first-year college students.  相似文献   

学术素养是研究生的核心竞争力,加强我国高校研究生学术素养的培育,是提高研究生培养质量的重要举措。而在研究生成长、成才和学术素养培育过程中,导师是直接责任人,导师起到至关重要的作用。文章介绍了清华大学某一知名教授学术团队培养高素质研究生的理念、措施和学术素养培育的16字法则,以期对其他高校的研究生培养管理起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - While college education is a key to upward mobility, low-income students are substantially less likely to earn bachelor’s degrees than their more economically...  相似文献   

大学生的信息素质是其个人素质的重要组成部分,对其以后的发展非常重要。在阐述大学生信息素质现状的基础上,提出了大学生信息素质的基本要求,并对图书馆如何培养和提高大学生信息素质提出了策略。  相似文献   

This article reports on a collaborative effort recently undertaken between librarians and faculty at Toronto's Seneca College to develop and implement an online, interactive tutorial for first-year business students enrolled in the College's School of Business Management. The concept for this tutorial arose when library management was approached by the Acting Chair from the College's School of Business Management to partner with them in developing a library tutorial that would be incorporated into the curriculum of this newly created course, and that would accommodate its over 600 first-year students. Library management agreed, and proposed developing a self-paced online, interactive tutorial that would utilize current Web-based technology. The primary pedagogical goals were to increase student knowledge of library resources in general, and business resources in particular, and to increase levels of information literacy and basic research skills. With the help of the College's Centre for New Technology and the Centre for Professional Development, the result was a five-module tutorial entitled Library Research Success that, in addition to its main content, also incorporated hands-on exercises at the end of each module, live connections to the Library's Web site and electronic databases, as well as two assignments, which were submitted electronically to professors at the end of the tutorial by each student, and which composed 25 percent of their final mark. Feedback from both faculty and students has been overwhelmingly positive, and efforts are currently underway to adapt this tutorial to meet the needs of other student groups within Seneca College.  相似文献   

Among 68 students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, academic success was positively correlated with time management skills and freedom from financial stress. As a group, students with higher grade point averages reported fewer coping resources than did academically lower achieving students. Less academically successful students likely spend more time using coping mechanisms and therefore may have less time to study. Implications for professional practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨互联网对青少年学科素养与教育发展的影响有重要的理论与实践意义。本文基于我国北京、上海、江苏和广东四省市参加的国际学生评估项目(PISA)测试数据,利用倾向得分匹配法控制了样本选择性偏误,考察了互联网使用时间对中学生学科素养的影响,并重点探讨了互联网使用动机对两者关系的调节作用。研究发现,在控制了学生心理及行为特征、学校网络环境和家庭经济社会文化背景的情况下,周一至周五上网6小时以上的学生沉迷网络,会导致其数学、阅读及科学素养显著更低。互联网使用时间通过上网娱乐动机和学习动机这两种机制作用于青少年学业发展,对学生学科素养的边际效应随着上网娱乐频率的提高而不断增强;相反,其边际效应随着上网学习频率的提高而渐趋减弱。网络沉迷的青少年群体分布出现明显的异质性,长时间沉迷网络而导致低学科素养主要存在于农村地区、家庭经济社会文化地位较低的弱势亚群体,从而导致既有的教育不平等进一步扩大,由此网络沉迷对青少年教育发展的消极影响应引起教育学界和政策制定者的重视。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - Many degree-seeking college students struggle academically and ultimately never graduate. Academic challenges and persistence within the major are especially salient...  相似文献   

Both students and advisers often assume that a lighter academic load during the first year of college will result in greater student success. This article examines that assumption. Academic load is measured in terms of credit load and course difficulty; success is measured in terms of GPA and retention. The experiences of a sample of first-year students at a comprehensive regional university are examined. While the credit loads for which students register are related to academic ability and prior academic success, the difficulty level of courses for which these students register is not. Variation in student credit loads is reduced because weaker students are required to take developmental courses but do not drop a corresponding number of college-credit courses. Contrary to common assumptions, students who register for more credits tend to earn higher GPAs and have greater retention even after controlling for academic ability, prior academic success, on-campus employment hours, and other background characteristics. Students who register for more difficult courses, however, tend to earn lower GPAs and experience lower retention. Any effect of credit load on retention appears to work through GPA. While much of the effect of course difficulty on retention also works through GPA, course difficulty does have a separate negative effect on one-year retention. While the possibilities that weaker students might be more successful with lighter credit loads or that stronger students might be more successful with more difficult courses were investigated, no significant interactions between prior academic success, academic load, and success were found.  相似文献   

The work at the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk (CRESPAR) has been guided by the Talent Development model, a comprehensive paradigm for school reform. The Talent Development model asserts that all students can learn in demanding, high-expectation academic settings. This goal is reachable if schools are committed to implementing multiple, evidence-based activities to "overdetermine success," and if all relevant stakeholders are genuinely involved, supportive, and held accountable. First, however, the traditional function of schooling must be redirected from that of classifying, sorting, and weeding out students to maximizing every child's potential for academic development. The model is itself a work in progress. Research done at CRESPAR is presented to demonstrate how we are building and evaluating it, with the ultimate aim to contribute to preparing our nation's children for productive participation in their communities and society at large.  相似文献   

This article presents a longitudinal study, over eleven years, of the academic progress of a cohort of design students (n = 475) at a major Australian university. The students were from four different spatial design disciplines: architecture, industrial design, interior design, and landscape architecture. The article identifies cognitive variables that may predict future academic success. This research uses regression analysis to identify correlations across a range of variables, in particular exploring the relationship between university entrance scores, subjects studied at school (art and graphics) and academic success as defined by university grade point average and time to completion. This study shows that prior knowledge in art and graphics is not a useful predictor of future academic success, while university entrance scores and first year performance are related to ongoing academic success. These results suggest that for the design disciplines explored here, discipline‐specific prior knowledge is not an important requirement for university entrance.  相似文献   

一、前言学习归因研究领域已经取得了丰硕的成果,特别是在中小学生的归因研究方面更是成绩斐然,对于普通大学生的有关研究也正在进行之中。但对于高职校学生的归因研究还处于起步阶段,对于这个群体的研究较少,这有其客观原因。我国的高职校现在正处于改革发展中,还有许多不稳定  相似文献   

Learning to read becomes a difficult task for many children, particularly if they have not been reared in early childhood settings where literacy-based activities, interactions, or materials are prevalent. This study examined the impact that providing a college-level course in research-based instructional strategies for literacy development to early childhood educators had on the development of early reading skills in the preschool children they taught. In addition, impact on children’s rates of literacy skill attainment was examined when a coaching component (i.e., a Literacy Coach) was added.  相似文献   


The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an intervention—Quality English and Science Teaching 2—designed to help English language learners (ELLs) and their English proficient classmates develop academic language in science, as required by the Common Core State Standards. The intervention consisted of supplementary instructional materials and professional development. Participants included 1,309 students, of whom 353 were ELLs. Sixty sections taught by 15 teachers in seven middle schools were randomized within teacher to the intervention or the control condition. Treatment effects were tested separately for academic language and science knowledge. For the whole group, results indicated posttest differences favoring the treatment group sections were statistically significant for academic language and science. For ELLs however, posttest differences favored the treatment group for academic language only. Follow-up analyses investigating implementation found that treatment fidelity was related to gains in both academic language and science knowledge for the group as a whole and for ELLs. Effect sizes suggest the intervention was promising in promoting the academic language in science of both ELLs and their English proficient classmates.  相似文献   

介绍了台湾大学写作教学中心的做法,即以“以写促研”为指导思想全面促进研究生学术表达能力与批判思维能力的生成,在正式课程中开设以“全体参与、多维分层、同侪磋商”为特征的规范性课程,在课外活动实践中施行包含讲座与短期工作坊、写作急诊室和三分钟学术简报在内的多元补充式教学,在制度保障上则以群体审议制度为中心,持续鼓励高水平师资践行规范性教学实践。  相似文献   

对留学生的个人特征、学习动机与学业成绩进行比较分析,学习动机主要从学习成就、职业价值、社会取向成就、技能成就四方面进行调查研究。采用随机抽样的方法选取100名学生,利用SPSS 19.0对样本数据进行分析,结果表明:年级、年龄及性别对留学生的学习动机水平和学业成绩均无显著性影响;不同学科对学生学业成绩有一定影响;学业成绩与学习动机呈显著正相关,与职业价值动机相关程度最高;社会取向动机对学习动机水平相关程度最高;学习动机水平与学业成绩呈极显著正相关关系。同时,针对留学生的学习动机与学业成绩现状,提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   


This study addressed the role of the reflection-informed learning and instruction (RILI) model on students’ academic success by using CourseMIRROR mobile system. We hypothesized that prompting students to reflect on confusing concepts stimulates their self-monitoring activities according to which students are expected to review their understanding, search for related knowledge, and try to identify the confusing concepts. With this student-reflection information, instructors can thus address students’ difficulties effectively, which can lead to enhanced academic success. We tested our hypothesis by conducting a semester-long quasi-experimental study in undergraduate industrial engineering classes (N?=?153). The analyses revealed that students in the RILI condition performed significantly better than students in the control condition (Cohen’s d = .82). In addition, reflection analysis showed that both quality and quantity of reflections were significantly associated with exam performance. Surveys indicated users highly valued the RIFI model; they rated CourseMIRROR favorably and said they would continue to use it in future classes.  相似文献   

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