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一、什么是并列句由并列连词(and,so,but,or等)把两个或两个以上互不依从,但意思紧密联系的简单句连在一起而构成的句子叫做并列句。其结构一般是:简单句 并列连词 简单句。二、并列句可以分成以下几种:1.表示联合关系的并列句:这类并列句常用并列连词and(和),not only...but also...(不但……而且……)等来连接,这时分句之间是并列关系或顺承关系。and一般不译出来。例如:After supper AuntW ang cam e inand she looked excited.晚饭后王阿姨进来了,她看起来很兴奋。They went to see him and I hadto take care ofm y younger brother …  相似文献   

英语中的因果关系非同寻常。“因”造成“果”,“果”来源于“因”。本文就谈谈“因”的表示方式。一、用句子表示原因1.用独立的句子表示原因。例如:He is notgoing to take partin the ball.He is very tired.他今晚不去参加舞会,因为他很累。2.用两个并列分句中的一个分句表示原因。例如:Im sure ofit;I saw it myself.对这件事我深信无疑,因为我亲眼所见。3.用并列连词for引导的分句表示原因。例如:It must have rained last night for the ground is allwet.昨天夜里一定下过雨,因为现在地面全湿了。4.用定语从句和上下文之间的逻辑…  相似文献   

A bronze statue     
1.Tom and Jack are both workmates. One day,they went quarreling with each other to the police station. 2.Tom said to the detective Jerry, “Last night,I turned off the light and went to bed.Suddenly I heard someone fighting.So I jumped out of the bed and went to see what was happening.”  相似文献   

我贫穷吗?我富裕吗?两个幼小的孩子给了我答案———They crowded inside the storm door —two children in ragged outgrown coats.“Any old papers, lady?”I was busy. I wanted to say no —until I looked down at their feet.Thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with sleet(冰雪).“Come in and I蒺ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”There was no conversation. Their soggy(浸水) sandals left marks upon the hearthstone. I served them cocoa and toast(烤面包)with jam to fight a-gainst the cold outside. Then I went b…  相似文献   

在英语中,句子中的某些部分经常被省略,这种语言现象一般出现在上下文相同的语境中,其目的是为了让句子言简意赅,避免重复。常见的省略有以下几种情况:1.并列句中常常省略第二个分句中出现的相同成分。例如:I haven t seen the film but I will(see it)one day.我没有看过这部影片,但有一天会看的。I asked John to go,butshe(asked John)to stay.我让约翰去,可是她却让约翰留下。I have Chinese(books)and English books.我有中文书,也有英文书。I cleaned up(the room)and then he painted the room.我打扫了房间,然后他油漆了房间。M…  相似文献   

Before I went to senior middle school, some peoples told 1. me.“A life of senior middle school is unforgetable.”2. While I first entered my senior middle school,everything 3. seemed unpleasant. Face all the strange things around me, 4. I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didn蒺t want 5. to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my 6. school record went from bad to worse, especially my 7. maths. I couldn蒺t even pass the exam. I lost the heart and 8. m…  相似文献   

In a Zoo     
Tony was very poor and wanted to get a job. One day he read in a news-paper that a man was wanted to work in a zoo.“That will be wonderful,”he thought,“I like animals, and looking after them will be interesting.”So Tony went to the manager of the zoo and asked for the job.“You look  相似文献   

AA man went to buy a piece of meat.He askedthe butcher(屠夫 ) to tell him the way of cooking itbecause he didn't know how to cook meat.Thebutcher told him how to cook it.“But I can't remember your words,”the mansaid,“Will you please write your words down forme?”Thebutcher was a good man and he wrotehiswords down for the man.The man went homehappily with the meat in his hand and the note(便条 ) in his pocket.A dog saw the meat,jumped athim and took the meataway.The man stood there.He did…  相似文献   

U nit2 7L ing Feng's diary一、语法项目英语中的并列句是由并列连词 and、but、or等连接起来的两个或两个以上的简单句。其结构为“简单句 并列连词 简单句”。在并列句中 ,各分句虽然在形式上是平等的 ,但不同的并列连词表示不同的关系。1.表示并列关系常用连词 and、so。例 :My mother bought me a new coat,and Iliked it very much.妈妈给我买了一件新衣服 ,我非常喜欢。This is our first lesson,so I don't know allyour names.这是咱们的第一堂课 ,因而我还不知道你们所有人的名字。2 .表示选择关系常用连词 or。例 :L et's …  相似文献   

Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the river where we used to swim in. When we got there, to our surprise, the river had been polluted seriously.Last Sunday, my friends and I went to the river where we used to swim in. When we got there, to our surprise, the river had been polluted seriously. I n my memory, the water in the river was clean and clear. But now it is very dirty. There is a lot of rubbish floating on the river. How terrible it is! I observed carefully around the river, I fo…  相似文献   

1.楼下那个人睡不着觉。[误]The downstairs man couldn’t go to sleep.[正]The man downstairs couldn’t go to sleep.[析]以today,here,there,downstairs,upstairs, below,above等作定语修饰名词时常放在名词之后。2我正想出去,铃响了。[误]I just went out when the bell rang.[正]I was just going out when the bell rang.[析]由when连接的两个分句,其中—个谓语动词是延续性,另一个谓语是终止性动词时,此处的when是并列连词,意为“这时 (突然)”,所以要将went out改为was going out.  相似文献   

A Happy Moment     
美国程若愚,12岁 I think one of the happy moments in my life is when I graduated from the elementary school. 我想在我生命里小学毕业的时刻是一个快乐的时刻。 Last year I went to America and went school there. We had a graduation ceremony. At that ceremony I got a lot of awards. I got an All As' award. I was really happy because only two students in my class got this award. When my name was called to get the award, I couldn't even believe it. At this moment I thought a lot. I recalled the time when I first arrived in America. 去年,我到了美国上学。我们举行了一个毕业典礼。在典礼上,我获得了许多荣誉,还获得一个“全A”奖。我真的非常高兴,因为班上只有两位同学获得这个荣誉。当我的名字被念到获得这个奖项时,我几乎不敢相信。此时此刻,我思绪万千,回想起了我刚到美国时的情景。  相似文献   

Summer Holiday Last summer holiday, I went to Hangzhou and visited my grand-parents. I went there by plane. I played with my cousin on the first day of the holiday. The next day, I visited the West Lake(西湖). It was very beautiful. I went boating(划船) on the lake.  相似文献   

(A) One day, Mr Black went into a restaurant. He put his coat on achair near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of his coat. Afterhis meal he put on the coat, then he found there was much money in oneof his pockets. He immediately realized that someone else had taken hiscoat away by mistake. “Whose coat is this?”he thought. He saw a waiternear the door, so Mr Black said to him, “Somebody put a lot of money inmy coat. I have no time to wait for him. I have to go. Return it to him,please.”The waiter took the money and went away. A moment later, an-other man came with a coat just like Mr BlackKs. “IKm sorry, ” said theman. “I took your coat and you got mine. Please give me my coat and the  相似文献   

Today is Saturday. It is sunny and warm. I went shopping with my good friend. On our way to the supermarket, we saw a purse on the road. We picked it up. There was some money and an ID card in it. We went to a police station with the purse. Then we gave it to a policeman. When I went back home, I told my parents about it. They were very happy and said, "you're our good child. We are proud of you!" I am very happy today.  相似文献   

Male or femaleA woman visited the zoo and asked akeeper whether the zebra(斑马)was male ora female.“Madam,”replied the keeper,“that is aquestion that should be of interest to anotherzebra.”SleeplessnessMary went to see a doctor and said,“Doctor,I can!t sleep.”The doctor asked,“Did you try counting?”“Yes,I counted to487465.”answered Mary.Then the doctorasked,“Surely you fell asleep?”“No,then it was morning.”Marywas disappointed(失望)and answered.Ten secondsTom!s grandma care…  相似文献   

My Dearest Gertrude, You will be sorry,and surprised and puzzled,to hear what a ~(1))queer illness I have had ever since you went.I sent for the doctor and said,“Give me some medicine,for I'm tired.”He said,“Non- sense and ~(2))stuff!You don't want medicine.Go to bed!”  相似文献   

One day my father went to Baiquan.On hisway to the bus stop,he saw an about ten-year-oldchild crying by the road.Then my father went tohim and asked why he was crying.He answeredthat he lost the money that his mother gave himfor a new pen.Then my father said,“Don’t cryany more.I’ll give you the money as much as youlost.”  相似文献   

Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times. American Style: This book deserves to be read several times.Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and getup early.American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.Chinese Style: I went to the sea. American Style: I went to the beach.  相似文献   

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