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昨天,三部委召开全国研究生教育工作会议,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、国务院学位委员会主任委员刘延东同志出席会议并发表重要讲话.延东同志的讲话对研究生教育改革发展作出了全面部署,对全面深化综合改革、提高研究生教育质量具有重要意义. 相似文献
We systematically searched five databases to assess the potential of concept mapping-based technologies to promote self-regulated learning in science education. Our search uncovered 17 relevant studies that investigated seven different types of learning technologies. We performed a narrative analysis assessing how each technology affects self-regulated learning through cognitive, metacognitive, and motivation strategies, according to Schraw et al. (2006)'s model. We suggest concept mapping technologies may affect self-regulated learning through enhancing these strategies to varying degrees. Computer software was particularly useful for developing cognitive strategies through ease of use. Teaching agents were particularly useful for developing metacognitive strategies by coupling visualisation of knowledge patterns with performance monitoring, aided by a teaching metaphor. Finally, mobile devices and teaching agents were most effective in enhancing motivation. Effects on knowledge gains remain unclear due to small sample sizes. 相似文献
在信息化社会里,信息及信息资源越来越成为社会发展的决定性力量,日益成为科技、经济、教育社会发展的主导因素。信息只有通过人类的使用才能转化为生产力,因此怎样满足用户的信息需求成为关键,本文通过对影响用户信息需求的因素进行分析得出一些措施来满足用户的信息需求。 相似文献
文章探讨了未来图书馆存在的基本形态模式——复合图书馆,并对什么是复合图书馆进行了阐述。作者认为复合图书馆中的信息用户从事信息活动将受到知识结构、集成服务、信息技术等方面的影响。 相似文献
Examination of the efficacy of clinical supervision has accrued limited evidence, partially due to lack of a clarity or consensus on what constitutes supervision outcomes. This not only leads to inconsistency across studies evaluating supervision outcomes but also falls short of providing guidance for clinical supervisors to systematically evaluate the efficacy of their work. We present a practitioner-oriented, evidence-informed, and pan-theoretical framework that connects a broad range of outcomes to the supervision process, including proximal, intermediate, and distal outcomes. We discuss how several practitioner-friendly instruments related to these outcomes can be incorporated into supervision practice and contribute to a more holistic assessment of supervision outcomes. We also discussed supervisory strategies, such as strategically attending to and balancing multiple levels of outcomes and incorporating a theoretical lens to our framework. 相似文献
Evidence-based research relevant to social work practice has grown dramatically. This article describes a method that was implemented to teach master's and doctoral social work students how to synthesize and evaluate evidence-based interventions for social work–related problems and populations. The method includes eight steps: conceptualize the problem and define the research question(s); conduct a systematic search; define study inclusion and exclusion criteria; identify and categorize types of interventions and outcomes; rate the studies' methodological rigor; determine outcome attainment; combine outcome attainment and study rigor, and compare the evidence across studies. Two examples are presented of the implementation of this approach along with a discussion of the challenges and limitations. 相似文献
档案用户网络利用反馈信息的收集工作,有利于档案工作者了解网络档案用户的利用需求,完善档案网络利用服务,进一步开发档案信息资源,充分实现档案的价值。因此,加强对档案用户网络利用反馈信息收集的问题,是值得档案工作者的高度重视的。本文主要是从档案用户网络利用反馈信息的收集途径及收集工作时须注意的几个问题作一下探讨。 相似文献
This paper discusses the arguments for and against electronic publication and explores the potential acceptance for an electronic journal in the communication discipline. Using electronic mail, 85 users of a computer communication system were surveyed to determine the factors that would influence their decision to submit research reports to an electronic journal. The survey indicates that a majority of respondents would use an electronic journal to publish research reports and that most viewed publishing as a way to communicate about their work rather than a means for advancing in the field. The survey provides evidence that willingness to electronically publish decreased with higher occupational positions (from Masters student to Associate Professor) with this trend reversing itself at the level of Full Professor. 相似文献
工科,作为我国的第一大学科,拥有着最多的专业和师生,其发展与生产实践紧密相关,其人才需求也与市场环境密切相连。因此,探索工科大学生职业生涯教育路径之意义不言而喻。本文以光电信息类专业为例,探讨工科大学生人才培养中的生涯教育问题。 相似文献
构建中等和高等职业教育、应用型本科统筹发展,学历教育与职业培训并举,满足人民群众多样化的职业教育需求的开放的现代职业教育体系,培养适应经济社会发展的中高级技术、技能人才和高素质劳动者,是一项系统工程,需要加强顶层设计和分类指导,鼓励各地大胆探索,进一步推进中职教育和高职教育,以及应用型本科的衔接,科学选择我国职业教育发展模式。 相似文献
正确认识高职教育的内涵和特征是高职办学的依据,高职教育具有高等性和职业性两个根本属性,高等性和职业性两者相互统一,共同组成完整的高职教育系统。高职教育须紧紧围绕高等性和职业性要求设置教学体系,在充分体现高等性和职业性要求的教学过程中,着力培养学生的职业能力。 相似文献
温纳的技术政治哲学研究经历过从技术的自主性到技术的政治性,从技术的梦游到技术的民主控制的转变。文章通过对这种转变的研究,结合近年来其对现代技术所作的反思和批判,对技术政治哲学研究的实质和特点进行了分析和评价。 相似文献
帮助和引导大学生牢固树立社会主义核心价值体系是一项系统工程。从大教育观出发,构建有效教育机制,可以推进这一系统工程,即以校园文化建设为基础,以教师群体行为文化建设为先导,以各类组织建设为抓手,以学习和实践平台建设为依托,构建起合力教育机制,切实有效地引导和帮助大学生牢固树立和积极践行社会主义核心价值体系。 相似文献
针对作物叶水势的连续测量问题,提出一种软测量建模新方法。该方法结合土壤-植物-大气连续体理论,选取8个易于获取的作物微环境信息作为辅助变量,利用自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)实现对作物叶水势的软测量建模。通过对实验数据的Matlab仿真表明,该模型方法简单有效,具有较高的软估计精度。 相似文献
技术会聚已成为目前科技发展的必然趋势。为应对技术会聚,大学学术组织应有所创新。大学学术组织应是多元、复合、并存、互补的组织系统,应有竞争、开放、流动、高效的运行机制,应有科学整合、开放共享的资源高效管理模式。 相似文献