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A sample of 1,114 urban children ranging in age from 5‐13 years was assessed for the occurrence of 25 stressful life events across the life span. Children reported an average of six events during their lifetimes. Developmental trends and gender differences were noted in terms of certain stressful life events (SLEs). The children were also rated by their teachers on a number of measures of adjustment to school. Children who had experienced three to eight serious SLEs were rated as less well adjusted on a variety of behavioural measures than those children who had experienced no such serious life events.  相似文献   

孤残儿童的社会交往能力、心理行为问题与寄养   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本研究运用"孤残儿童教育基本情况表"和"CBCL儿童行为量表"对寄养孤残儿童的社会交往能力和心理行为问题进行了调查,结果表明孤残儿童的社会交往能力普遍落后于正常儿童,并存在各种心理行为问题.寄养可促使孤残儿童社会交往能力的显著发展,但单纯的寄养不能解决孤残儿童存在的心理行为问题.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,选取614名大学生被试,考察生活事件、网络社会支持与网络成瘾倾向的关系。结果发现:生活事件和网络社会支持对网络成瘾倾向具有直接影响;生活事件还可以通过网络社会支持(主要是网络情感支持)间接影响网络成瘾倾向。该研究结果表明:生活事件和网络社会支持对网络成瘾倾向具有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

This study examined relations between early behavioral inhibition and social and school outcomes in Chinese children (N = 200). Data on behavioral inhibition were collected from a sample of 2‐year‐olds in China. Follow‐up data on social behaviors, peer relationships, and school performance were collected from multiple sources at 7 years of age. Behavioral inhibition was found to be positively associated with later cooperative behavior, peer liking, perceived social integration, positive school attitudes, and school competence, and negatively associated with later learning problems. Highly inhibited toddlers were generally better adjusted than others in social and school areas in middle childhood. The results indicate the distinct functional meaning of behavioral inhibition in Chinese children from a developmental perspective.  相似文献   

Variations in pubertal timing, specifically age at menarche, have been associated with several antecedents, both genetic and environmental. Recent research has considered a broader range of environmental stressors and their influence on the development of the reproductive system. In this investigation, the following possible antecedents were considered: ( a ) hereditary transmission, ( b ) weight and weight for height, ( c ) stressful life events, ( d ) family relations, ( e ) absence or presence of an adult male in the household, and ( f ) psychological adjustment. Subjects were 75 premenarcheal girls between the ages of 10 and 14 drawn from a larger longitudinal investigation of adolescent development. Girls were from white, well-educated, middle- to upper-middle-class families and attended private schools in a northeastern urban area. While breast development, weight, family relations, and depressive affect were predictive of age at menarche, family relations predicted age at menarche above the influence of breast development or weight. A trend for maternal age at menarche to predict adolescent's age at menarche was found. Weight for height, presence of an adult male in the household, and stressful events were not predictive of age at menarche. These complex interactions of biological and psychosocial development demonstrated here may account to some extent for the inter- and intraindividual variation observed in pubertal development.  相似文献   

概述刘景晨生平事迹,着重叙说他在方志修纂、《敬乡楼丛书》校印、图书馆事业、文物保护工作等方面的突出成就与社会影响。探讨他的诗作风格特色,借以透视其心路历程。  相似文献   

This study employed a 2-year longitudinal design to examine the relation of stressful life events and social supports to psychological distress and school performance among 166 early adolescents (mean age = 13.5 years). A prospective approach was utilized to control for initial levels of adjustment when examining the relation of Time 1 stress and support variables to Time 2 psychological distress and school performance. Both stress and support variables made significant contributions to the prediction of subsequent psychological distress. Stresses, but not supports, made a significant contribution to the prediction of subsequent school performance. Evidence for reciprocal and interactive linkages was also found, including effects of psychological distress and school performance on subsequent stresses and supports, and greater adaptive impact of school-based supportive resources under conditions of heightened risk outside of school. Implications for ecological and transactional models of development relating to the targeting and efficacy of preventive efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究使用社会技能提升系统(Social Skills Improvement System)(以下简称SSIS)教师评定问卷对广东省42所幼儿园、397位4-5岁幼儿社会技能进行为期一年的追踪研究,以探讨4-5岁幼儿社会技能的发展。结果表明:4-5岁幼儿社会技能整体处于中等水平且存在性别差异,女童优于男童;幼儿社会技能随幼儿年龄的增长逐步发展。研究进一步提出了提升4-5岁幼儿社会技能的建议:重视对社会技能低下幼儿的筛查,为幼儿社会技能的发展创设良好的支持环境。  相似文献   

The Social Skills Improvement System-Rating Scales (SSIS-RS) is a multi-informant instrument assessing social skills and problem behavior in children and adolescents. It is a revised version of the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS). A Norwegian translation of the SSRS has been validated, but this has not yet been done for the Norwegian translation of the SSIS-RS. This study compared the Norwegian versions of the SSRS and the SSIS-RS administered to samples of children (aged 8–12 and 13–16?years) and their parents and teachers (n = 599). The results indicated moderate to strong relations between the common subscales across all forms of the two instruments and acceptable to excellent internal consistency across all common subscales. We conclude that the SSIS-RS is a good instrument for measuring social skills and problem behavior among children and adolescents in Norway.  相似文献   

Children living in low‐income households face elevated risks of behavioral problems, but the impact of absolute and relative income to this risk remains unexplored. Using the U.K. Millennium Cohort Study data, longitudinal associations between Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire scores and absolute household income, distance from the regional median and mean income, and regional income rank were examined in 3‐ to 12‐year‐olds (= 16,532). Higher absolute household incomes were associated with lower behavioral problems, while higher income rank was associated with lower behavioral problems only at the highest absolute incomes. Higher absolute household incomes were associated with lower behavioral problems among children in working households, indicating compounding effects of income and socioeconomic advantages. Both absolute and relative incomes therefore appear to influence behavioral problems.  相似文献   

One of the modules in the course Food Chemistry at Wageningen University (Wageningen, The Netherlands) focuses on quantitative problem-solving skills related to chemical reactions. The intended learning outcomes of this module are firstly, to be able to translate practical food chemistry related problems into mathematical equations and to solve them and secondly, to have a quantitative understanding of chemical reactions in food. Until 3 years ago the learning situation for this module was inefficient for both teachers and students. For this learning situation a staff/student ratio of 1/25 was experienced to be insufficient: the level of student frustration was high and many students could not finish the tasks within the scheduled time. To make this situation more efficient for both students and teachers and to lower the level of frustration, digital learning material was designed. The main characteristic of this learning material is that it provides just-in-time information, such as feedback, hints and links to background information. The material was evaluated in three case studies in a normal educational setting (n = 22, n = 31, n = 33). The results show that now frustration of students is low, the time in classes is efficiently used, and the staff/student ratio of 1/25 is indeed sufficient. A staff student ratio of around 1/40 is now regarded as realistic.  相似文献   

This study examined reciprocal contributions between academic self-perceptions and academic achievement. Data were collected each year in four consecutive years from a sample of children in China (initial N = 1,156; 581 boys; initial Mage = 9.33 years). Analyses using random intercept cross-lagged panel models revealed that the effects of academic achievement on self-perceptions tended to be more evident in lower grades and the effects of academic self-perceptions on achievement tended to be more evident in higher grades. Latent growth curve analyses showed that the initial level of academic self-perceptions and achievement moderated the growth of each other. The results indicate the contributions between academic self-perceptions and achievement that occur in a progressive cascading manner in Chinese children.  相似文献   

A cohort of children was followed across the first 2 years of their middle school experience. Utilising a multi‐method, longitudinal research design, children's school peer networks were described as they moved from sixth to seventh grades. Next, predictive relations between these school peer network variables in sixth grade and seventh grade adjustment was determined. Results indicated that social groupings became more gender integrated from sixth to seventh grades. Further, adjustment can be explained in terms of children adjusting to gender roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the same component processes are involved in reading acquisition for children with varying levels of proficiency in English in kindergarten and the first grade. The performance of 858 children was examined on tasks assessing basic literacy skills, phonological processing, verbal memory, and syntactic awareness. There were 727 children who were native English speakers (NS children) and 131 children who spoke English as a second language (ESL children). Although ESL children performed more poorly than NS children on most measures of phonological and linguistic processing in kindergarten and first grade, the acquisition of basic literacy skills for children from both language groups developed in a similar manner. Furthermore, alphabetic knowledge and phonological processing were important contributors to early reading skill for children from both language groups. Therefore, children learning English may acquire literacy skills in English in a similar manner to NS children, although their alphabetic knowledge may precede and facilitate the acquisition of phonological awareness in English.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - University support to students’ transition to university life can be divided into three dimensions, namely: academic adjustment, social adjustment and...  相似文献   

采用《社会支持评定量表》和《生活质量量表》对河北省农村老年人进行抽样调查。结果表明,农村老年人的社会支持对生活质量有显著影响,不同来源的社会支持对生活质量的影响不同,其中主观支持的影响更为显著。要改进农村老年人的社会支持、提高生活质量,就要充分发挥政府职能和家庭养老功能,同时改进农村老年人及其家庭成员的养老意识。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study assessed the effects of parents' marital transitions and pubertal development on grandparent-grandchild relationships. 9- to 13-year-old children, their mothers, and maternal grandparents from 186 Caucasian, middle-class families including 73 intact families, 64 mother-custody, single-parent families and 49 stepfamilies completed questionnaires focusing on the degree of children's "relationship involvement" (perceived closeness and frequency of contact) with maternal grandparents at 2 time periods 13 months apart. Children also completed questionnaires 9 months later during a third interview. Grandparents, and especially grandfathers, were more involved with grandchildren from single-parent families (supporting the "latent function" hypothesis). The pubertal status results supported the "emotional distancing" hypothesis for grandfather-granddaughter relationships (higher pubertal status, less involvement) and the "stress buffer" hypothesis for grandsons' relationships with both grandparents (greater change in physical development, more involvement and greater perceived closeness).  相似文献   


Brazilian higher education institutions face a complex and challenging environment as the national market in education is becoming more competitive. International investment, a decrease in the population of potential students, and the proliferation of innumerable small institutions add to this complexity. Organizations are becoming flatter and the key managers within them are deans. Although deans are required to act as managerial experts, they are usually selected from the teaching body of the institution. In this paper, a group of deans from a large private institution gave their self-assessment of their academic and managerial skills. The results revealed that they tend to have a high perception of their managerial skills, even though they have no previous managerial experience or formal training. This underlines that senior academic administrators cannot simply assume that deans, by the nature of their work environment, are proficient in managerial skills; neither that they can easily identify inadequacies nor have them self-corrected. To accomplish the necessary institutional changes to face the complexities of the current globalized education market, a new assessment culture has to be implemented in the academic environment.


This study examined reciprocal contributions between shyness‐sensitivity and social, school, and psychological adjustment in urban Chinese children. Longitudinal data were collected once a year from Grade 3 to Grade 6 (ages 9–12 years) for 1,171 children from multiple sources. Shyness‐sensitivity positively contributed to social, school, and psychological difficulties over time, with the most consistent effects on peer preference and loneliness. Social and school adjustment negatively contributed to the development of shyness‐sensitivity. The initial levels of shyness‐sensitivity and social and school adjustment moderated the growth of each other, mainly as a resource‐potentiating factor. The results indicate the significance of shyness‐sensitivity for adjustment and the role of adjustment in the development of shyness‐sensitivity in today's urban Chinese society.  相似文献   

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