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LPM与Lp相比:由于□的引入,导致了初始符号与形成规则的扩张;从而引起了LPM的合式公式、原子公式、元语言变项和常项的取值范围,比Lp中相应部分的取值范围大大扩张;K、D、T、B、S4、S5与P相比:公理数量增多;变形规则增加,且相同变形规则的作用范围扩大;可推出的定理数量大大增加;推理能力大大增强。首次提出,模态命题逻辑系统的定理(公理)均是在古典命题逻辑系统的定理(公理)的子公式前用不同的方式添加模态词(包括空模态词)而得到。  相似文献   

目前在模态逻辑中,主要存在两种嵌入方法:一种是"坍塌嵌入",一种是"翻译嵌入";用周北海和A.Chagrov和M.Zakharyaschev对这两种嵌入方法进行有针对性的论述,可以发现:虽然正规模态逻辑系统S5不可坍塌嵌入经典命题逻辑P,但是"S5可以翻译嵌入P中",因此,通过定义翻译嵌入映射Tr4,从而证明了S5可翻译嵌入P;最终我们提出并证明了这样的定理:"翻译嵌入映射Tr4可以使得S5的所有子系统K、D、T、S4和B,以及系统KDc与KTc都能够翻译嵌入系统P中"。  相似文献   

Amazing Letters     
ATTITUDE=100%Sample Text如果令:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z分别等于百分之1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526那么Hard work(努力工作)H A R D W O R K=8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11=98%Knowledge(知识)K N O W L E D G E=11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7  相似文献   

模态命题逻辑的自然推理系统T^N、S4^N、S5^N与古典命题逻辑的自然推理系统P^N相比:形式语言有了扩张;推理规则增多,且相同推理规则的作用范围扩大;推出的定理数量增多;推理能力大大增强。  相似文献   

纵横字谜既是记忆单词的一种游戏,又是帮你用排列与组合的方式来学习和复习单词的一种方法。你能在每个空格上填一个合适的字母吗?试试看谁能拼得既快又准?别忘了有些不止一种拼法哟。1B I T 2 A R T 3B A D 4U S E 5F A R I R A S A T T D E R 6H A T 7H E R 8H I S 9N O W 10W H O A E I O H T R S W O 11B E D 12N O R 13A N D 14M U N 15D A D E O N U A D R D N D 16L A B 17K E Y 18U S A 19G O T 20H A D A E S O A B Y A T D 21M E T 22A T E 23D O G 24S E E 25P E N E T O E E T E G E N 26Y E T 27R I D E 28L I N E 29R I N G E I I I T D N N E E G 30W I T H 31F I V E 32K I N D 33Z O O I I I O T V N O H E D 34N O T 35H A S O A T S 1.BIT 2.ART 3.BAD 4.USE USE 5.FAR 6.HAT HAT 7.HER ICE ROW AIR SEA SEA ARE ARE AIR EVE TEN TWO DRY EAT EAR RED TEN TRY RED 8.HIS 9.NOW 10.WHO 11.BED 12.NOR 13.AND 14.MUM INK ONE HEN EAR ONE NOR USE SKY WET ONE DRY RED DRY MET 15.DAD 16.LAB 17.KEY KEY 18.USA USA USA 19.GOT AIR AGO EYE EYE SAT SIR SIT ONE DRY BOY YES YET ATE ARE ATE TEN  相似文献   

A W S P N F R Y L R I U OB T A T U E S D A Y N S SC U T R W N A Y K W R U ID D U R K S I O I E O N GE P R P O R R Y E D U D OF F D L F U N F E N P A KG N A M O N D A Y E G Y RH I Y R A S A I N S S W EI F R I D A Y L P D O A RJ D U W O R A W D A G F RK P R S R K I L S Y A U KL T H U R S D A Y F O N AA B C D E F G H I J J K BThere are sevendays in a week.What are they?快来和怪怪猫比一比,看能在图中找到七个与星期有关的单词来!上期答…  相似文献   

有份遗产有五个可能的继承者———S、T、U、V和W。遗产为七块土地,编号为1~7。七块土地将按以下条件分配:1.没有一块地可以合分,没有一个继承者可继承三块以上的土地;2.谁继承了2号地,就不能继承其他地;3.没有一个继承者可以既继承3号地,又继承4号地;4.如果S继承了一块地或数块地,那么U就不能继承;5.如果S继承2号地,那么T必须继承4号地;6.W必须继承6号地,而不能继承3号地。[问题]●题1如果S继承了2号地,那么谁必须继承3号地?(A)S(B)T(C)U(D)V(E)W●题2如果S继承了2号地,其他三位继承者各继承两块地,那么三人当中没人能同时继承下列哪两块地?(A)1号地和3号地(B)1号地和6号地(C)1号地和7号地(D)4号地和5号地(E)6号地和7号地●题3如果U和V都没有继承土地,谁一定继承了三块土地?(A)只有S继承了三块地(B)只有T继承了三块地(C)只有W继承了三块地(D)S和T各继承了三块地(E)S和W各继承了三块地■答案1根据已知条件2,不能选(A);根据已知条件4,不能选(C);根据已知条件3和5,不能选(B);根据已知条件6,不能选(E);因此,选(D)。■答案2选(C)。...  相似文献   

现代逻辑将事物的模态归约为命题的模态,从命题层面上处理模态语句,古典模态词“必然”和“可能”就成为一类特殊的命题联结词,具备了逻辑算子的功能。由此,(1)模态算子□(必然)、◇(可能)作用于实然命题P而形成的模态命题□P和◇P,完全可视为负命题之外的又一类特殊的复合命题;(2)如果说“非”算子使原命题的意义和真值情况发生反转,那么,模态算子则使实然命题的意义和真值情况强化或弱化了。  相似文献   

一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.首项为1的无穷递缩等比数列{an}的各项之和为S,Sn表示该数列前n项和,则lim(S1 S2 … Sn-nS)为n→∞A.S1-S)B.(1C.S S 1)D.S S-1)((S1-S)(2.设z1=m2-2m-3) m2-4m 3)m!R),2=5 3i,当(((i zz1=z2时,则m=A.2B.4C.±4D.±23.已知函数(f x)=x2 2x a,!  相似文献   

小小的事实成就百分百。如果A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VW X YZ 分别等于 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 。那么H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11,只有98%(HARD WORK,意为努力工作)。  相似文献   

In response to the new needs for S/T/E/S-literate science teachers, an S/T/E/S-oriented ISMMC-IEE combination model of instruction was implemented in two specially designed undergraduate courses and one graduate course within college science teacher training programs. These three courses served as case studies for class-based, quasiquantitative pilot investigation aimed at gaining a deeper insight into some of the issues involved in the implementation in college of nontraditional, open-ended, problem-solving-oriented teaching strategies which are in dissonance with the cognitive or affective styles and functional paradigms of most students. This probe into the dissonance issue revealed that prospective teachers are capable of handling the new instructional model and do gain in their higher-level cognitive learning. However, undergraduates perceive these courses to be either difficult or not in accord with their needs, and their appreciation of the instructional techniques and style employed is different from that of graduate students accordingly. The current study suggests that although the ISMMC-IEE model is useful in S/T/E/S-oriented courses in science teacher training programs, special attention to the implementation stage is required to close the gap between students' and S/T/E/S educators' functional paradigms.  相似文献   

根据铁路运营管理流程,设计和开发了一套基于客户机/服务器(client/server,以下简称C/S)和浏览器/服务器(browser/sever,以下简称B/S)混合软件体系结构的铁路运营管理信息系统(ROIS).对C/S与B/S结构的特点进行比较,阐述实现B/S结构的关键技术,指出ROIS可采用C/S与B/S相结合的体系结构,并给出了实现该体系结构的总体构想.  相似文献   

每一个真值函数三值命题逻辑都可以翻译为模态逻辑系统S5。定义一般的三值命题逻辑的真值函数,并给出将任意的三值逻辑命题公式翻译成为模态公式的翻译方法。证明了每一S5模型,都存在有一个等值翻译的三值赋值。给出了一个将LP和K3翻译为S5的线性翻译方法。  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
W orld P opulation and R esources . P.E.P. Report.
M an on H is P ast . T he S tudy of H istorical S cholarship . By H erbert B utterfield .
D. H. L awrence —N ovelist . By F. R. L eavis .
E xploring E nglish C haracter . By G eoffrey G orer .
T he B ritish W ay of L ife . By K. B. S mellie .
G erman R omantic L iterature . By R alph T ymms .
T he S lave of L ife ; a S tudy of S hakespeare and the I dea of J ustice . By M. D. H. P arker .
N ature in S hakespearian T ragedy . By R obert S peaight .
B ritain B etween the W ars 1918–1940. By C harles L och M owat .  相似文献   

中外教育学学术期刊论文的英文摘要在情态表达的使用上有共同点,但其差异更为显著.二者在使用的情态表达频率总体相近的情况下,情态操作词和情态附加语都有较高的出现频率,而情态隐喻都是被使用次数最少的情态表达.但中文期刊偏好使用情态操作词、情态形容词和高值情态操作词,而外文期刊则更倾向使用情态附加语、情态动词和低值情态操作词.研究对增强学生关于情态的感知,提高学术论文作者的写作能力有一定的启示.  相似文献   

研发服务业的发展对于创新体系的构建和完善具有重要意义,是经济增长的重要源泉之一。通过建立面板数据模型进行实证研究表明:我国东、中、西部地区大部分省份研发经费和研发人员的投入对经济增长的影响不显著,科技成果对经济增长的影响显著;海西地区的研发经费的投入对经济增长的影响在5%的置信水平下显著为正,但其研发人员的投入对经济增长的影响不显著,海西地区江西的科技成果对经济增长的影响在1%的置信水平下显著为正,而福建的科技成果对经济增长的影响不显著。  相似文献   

模态逻辑涉及的“必然性”具有多样性,作为逻辑系统定理的逻辑规律体现了逻辑的必然性,而模态谓词逻辑中反映“从物模态”的公式中的必然算子则主要体现了事实的必然性。同时,模态系统中的模态公理,从另一个侧面对该系统中的“必然性”概念的逻辑特性作了描述。“必然性”概念的界定与“可能世界”密切相关。在分析现实世界中事物的本质属性时,应限制可能世界概念的范围,摒弃现实世界的非真实情形。  相似文献   

During simultaneous discrimination training, there is evidence that some of the value of the S+ transfers to the S?. When the value of the S+ is altered outside the context of the simultaneous discrimination, two very different predictions are made concerning its effect on its S?, depending on whether one views the S+ as an occasion setter or as a stimulus capable of transferring value. In four experiments, pigeons were trained with two similar simultaneous discriminations, A+B? and C+D?, and two single-stimulus trial types, A and C, (in which A always had greater nominal value than C). According to value transfer theory, on test trials, B should always be preferred over D, because B and D should be affected by the net values of A and C, respectively. According to an occasion setting account, however, D should be preferred over B because the presence of D signals a higher probability of reinforcement for responding to C than when C is alone, and/or the presence of B signals a lower probability of reinforcement for responding to A than when A is alone. In all four experiments, the pigeons preferred B over D, a result consistent with value transfer theory. Thus, an S? can acquire value from an S+ even when that value is conditioned in a “context” different from that of the simultaneous discrimination.  相似文献   



This study aimed to compare the learning curves of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 and L5/S1 levels.


We retrospectively reviewed the first 60 cases at the L4/5 level (Group I) and the first 60 cases at the L5/S1 level (Group II) of PELD performed by one spine surgeon. The patients were divided into subgroups A, B, and C (Group I: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60; Group II: A cases 1–20, B cases 21–40, C cases 41–60). Operation time was thoroughly analyzed.


Compared with the L4/5 level, the learning curve of transforaminal PELD at the L5/S1 level was flatter. The mean operation times of Groups IA, IB, and IC were (88.75±17.02), (67.75±6.16), and (64.85±7.82) min, respectively. There was a significant difference between Groups A and B (P<0.05), but no significant difference between Groups B and C (P=0.20). The mean operation times of Groups IIA, IIB, and IIC were (117.25±13.62), (109.50±11.20), and (92.15±11.94) min, respectively. There was no significant difference between Groups A and B (P=0.06), but there was a significant difference between Groups B and C (P<0.05). There were 6 cases of postoperative dysesthesia (POD) in Group I and 2 cases in Group IIA (P=0.27). There were 2 cases of residual disc in Group I, and 4 cases in Group II (P=0.67). There were 3 cases of recurrence in Group I, and 2 cases in Group II (P>0.05).


Compared with the L5/S1 level, the learning curve of PELD in a transforaminal approach at the L4/5 level was steeper, suggesting that the L4/5 level might be easier to master after short-term professional training.

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
An Agreed Understanding? S. Sandow, D. Stafford, P. Stafford
The Activities Catalog A comprehensive guide to the Activities Catalog B. Wilcox, G.T. Bellamy and others
Micros for Children with Special Needs Mary H. Hope
High Risk Infants: Identification, Assessment & Intervention Louis Rossetti
The Dictionary of Developmental and Educational Psychology R. Harré, R. Lamb (eds.)
Secondary Schools for All? John Sayer
Science for All David J. Reid, Derek Hodson
Helping Clumsy Children with Handwriting J. Alston, S. Bedford
The Caring Role of the Primary School K. David, T. Charlton
Effective Integration Sylvia B. Howarth
Learning Disabilities, Medicine, and Myth Robert B. Johnston
Helping Children Read Roger Morgan  相似文献   

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