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中国女排与世界强队实力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用文献资料、录像统计等方法,对中国女排2004年奥运会和2005年7月大奖赛总决赛的比赛数据及比赛情况进行比较分析,探讨中国女排与世界强队的优势和差距。通过分析认为中国女排应在坚持“拼搏精神”、进一步提高心理素质和“快变”的优势外,加强跳发球、拦网威力和强攻是中国女排在今后大赛,及2008年北京奥运会取胜的关键。  相似文献   

运用录像观察、数理统计和对比分析等方法,对中外女排在第17届世锦赛中扣球技战术运用情况进行研究。结果表明:中国女排是以两边拉开进攻为主并结合高度与速度等快变战术为一体的技战术打法;进攻战术的总体运用效果十分理想,与其他各国相比扣死率较高且失误率低;后排攻在比赛中展现出了强大的实力,但在强攻和快攻方面与巴西、美国等欧美强队相比还存在一定差距。建议中国女排应进一步加强对强攻能力的训练,尤其要努力丰富年轻队员的大赛阅历以保证其技术发挥的稳定性;在面对欧美强队时应努力提高一传到位率,并加强进攻队员之间的掩护配合,使各种快变战术能够在比赛中得到有效发挥,并尽量避免自身进攻方式及手段的单一化。  相似文献   

本文根据第九届世界杯女排赛战术特点,对中国女排进攻战术进行了分析。1·中国女排进攻战术的特点从中国女排和主要对手进攻统计数据看,在扣球得分方面,中国女排2号位扣球得分最多为216分,占中国女排扣球得分总数的44·7%。本届中国女排进攻特点是继续保持了以快速多变为主的技、战术打法,充分利用2名副攻手赵蕊蕊和刘亚男的2号位跑动进攻,采用单脚背飞、背交叉、背快和时间差等快变技战术打法,使对手很难适应,取得了良好进攻效果。在以往的国际大赛中,中国女排的4号位强攻威力及效果总不如古巴、俄罗斯等世界强队,成为影响中国女排夺取世界…  相似文献   

中国女排战术运用特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国女排作为北京奥运会的东道主和卫冕冠军,确立再次夺取冠军的目标是毋庸置疑的,对于主要对手的战术分析是备战中一项非常重要的工作.通过对中国女排和巴西、意大利两队比赛的分析,发现主要存在战术组合丰富性较差,进攻点容易被盯防;多名队员间的掩护进攻较少;运动员的个人能力不强,影响了既定战术的实施等问题.为此提出,坚持创新型的快、变战术是中国女排战术组成体系中的根本;提高战术组合的纵深水平;保持防反水平,提高发接环节能力,提高一攻成功率.  相似文献   

韩平  贾勤 《少年体育训练》2007,(2):48-48,F0003
中国羽毛球队取得辉煌成绩的最重要的经验就是要保持我国羽毛球运动员的“快、狠、准、活”的战术思想,在任何情况下都要坚持“以我为主、以快为主、以攻为主”的战斗作风。这种战术思想和战斗作风对运动员的体能有很高的要求,需要运动员在速度、力量、耐力等各方面都达到很高的水平。中国羽毛球运动员一贯以体能好著称,在以往的重大比赛中体能常常显示出有一定的优势。为了保持中国羽毛球运动的长盛不衰,我们必须从青少年运动员抓起,打好基础,加强身体素质训练,使我们在国际大赛中能够有充足的体力保证技、战术水平的发挥。  相似文献   

通过第6届世界杯女排中、古、苏、美四强比赛的录像统计对比分析,中国女排为迎接巴塞罗那奥运会进行战术改革与创新势在必行。当前,中国女排在二维空间的战术攻已无明显优势,调攻没有体现整体配合快速多变的指导思想,需创新设计一套在一传不到位情况下的快变战术,开发三维空间的战术设计,为中国女排腾飞开创一条新路。  相似文献   

中国女排进攻战术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1991年世界杯、1992年瑞士杯、1992年奥运会中国对古巴女排三场比赛录像统计的对比分析,可以看出中国女排快变战术的攻击性呈下降趋势。而被有效拦阻率却呈上升趋势。中国女排只有从战术模式上大胆革新,才能使其再振昔日雄风。  相似文献   

第9届世界杯女排前六强队网上实力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘健辉 《体育与科学》2004,25(4):56-58,62
运用文献资料法、录像统计法、比较分析法等方法,对第9届世界杯女排比赛中国队与前六强队比赛技术统计资料进行比较分析,通过分析得出:中国女排世界杯夺冠,主要是快速多变的进攻战术得到了较好的运用、心理素质稳定、失误少的结果。但是,中国女排网上实力与世界强队相比没有绝对优势。提示现代世界女排比赛朝着女子排球男子化和“速度排球”的方向发展。指出中国女排应进一步加强接发球的训练,以保证快速多变的进攻战术运用,对拦网的判断和移动的速度进一步加强训练,不断提高拦网的能力。  相似文献   

快速多变仍是中国女排取胜的法宝──观四国女排赛的启示朱唯唯一、从四国女排赛看女排的现状。四国女排赛是中国女排今年首次亮相参加国际大赛。通过对比赛的观战,使我们看到了中国女排在郎平教练的带领之下,经过了一个冬训,队伍已达到了较高的水平,无论是技术、战术...  相似文献   

通过对中国女排里约奥运会8场比赛的技术统计资料分析,将中国女排在里约奥运会比赛的经历总结如下:分进“死亡之组”增大了中国队实现目标的难度;小组赛年轻的中国女排技、战术发挥失常;淘汰赛中国女排发扬出中国女排精神,面对困难彰显强者本色;中国女排在进攻上与强队相比仍有差距,但依靠较少失误赢得冠军;里约夺冠与主教练郎平密不可分;排球技术比精神更重要.  相似文献   

This study compared the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of specific playing positions and positional playing groups in sub-elite rugby league players. Altogether, 415 sub-elite rugby league players underwent measurements of standard anthropometry (body mass, height, sum of four skinfolds), muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10-m, 20-m, and 40-m sprint), agility ("L" run), and estimated maximal aerobic power (multi-stage fitness test). Props were significantly heavier and had a greater skinfold thickness than all other playing positions. Centres, fullbacks, and hookers were faster than props over 40 m. When the data were analysed according to positional commonality, props were taller, heavier, had a greater skinfold thickness, were less agile, and were slower over 10 m than all other positional groups. The hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups were significantly faster over 40 m than the backrowers and props positional groups. In addition, the hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups had significantly greater estimated maximal aerobic power than the props positional group. The results of this study demonstrate that few physiological and anthropometric differences exist among individual playing positions in sub-elite rugby league players, although props are taller, heavier, have greater skinfold thickness, slower 10-m and 40-m speed, less agility, and lower estimated maximal aerobic power than other positional groups. These findings provide normative data for sub-elite rugby league players competing in specific individual positions and positional playing groups.  相似文献   


This study compared the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of specific playing positions and positional playing groups in sub-elite rugby league players. Altogether, 415 sub-elite rugby league players underwent measurements of standard anthropometry (body mass, height, sum of four skinfolds), muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10-m, 20-m, and 40-m sprint), agility (“L” run), and estimated maximal aerobic power (multi-stage fitness test). Props were significantly heavier and had a greater skinfold thickness than all other playing positions. Centres, fullbacks, and hookers were faster than props over 40 m. When the data were analysed according to positional commonality, props were taller, heavier, had a greater skinfold thickness, were less agile, and were slower over 10 m than all other positional groups. The hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups were significantly faster over 40 m than the backrowers and props positional groups. In addition, the hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups had significantly greater estimated maximal aerobic power than the props positional group. The results of this study demonstrate that few physiological and anthropometric differences exist among individual playing positions in sub-elite rugby league players, although props are taller, heavier, have greater skinfold thickness, slower 10-m and 40-m speed, less agility, and lower estimated maximal aerobic power than other positional groups. These findings provide normative data for sub-elite rugby league players competing in specific individual positions and positional playing groups.  相似文献   

通过对2002—2011年四大网球公开赛的发球进行长期跟踪研究,结果表明:世界网球运动在过去的十年中发生着很大的变化。发球速度在不断增加,ACE球数量不断增多,双误的数量持续减少;运动员的发球速度与身高呈正相关,获胜方平均身高一般比对手高1~2cm,发球时速平均快2~4km;在所有的场地上,运动员的发球局优势越来越明显,尤其是温网,出现抢七的几率最高,每盘打的局数最多;法网的发球速度在大幅增加,但ACE球的数量少于其它3个大满贯网球赛事。  相似文献   

随着体育全球化进程的不断加快,未来黑龙江省也将更广泛的参与到国际赛事的中,对于运动员英语水平提出了更高的要求。本文阐述了黑龙江省普通高校高水平运动员的英语教学现状,对英语教学存在的问题进行了分析,从改革教学目标、丰富教学方法、拓展教学内容、完善教学评价等方面提出了加强黑龙江省普通高校高水平运动员英语教学的对策。  相似文献   


Team games conceptualized as dynamical systems engender a view of emergent decision-making behaviour under constraints, although specific effects of instructional and body-scaling constraints have yet to be verified empirically. For this purpose, we studied the effects of task and individual constraints on decision-making processes in basketball. Eleven experienced female players performed 350 trials in 1 vs. 1 sub-phases of basketball in which an attacker tried to perturb the stable state of a dyad formed with a defender (i.e. break the symmetry). In Experiment 1, specific instructions (neutral, risk taking or conservative) were manipulated to observe effects on emergent behaviour of the dyadic system. When attacking players were given conservative instructions, time to cross court mid-line and variability of the attacker's trajectory were significantly greater. In Experiment 2, body-scaling of participants was manipulated by creating dyads with different height relations. When attackers were considerably taller than defenders, there were fewer occurrences of symmetry-breaking. When attackers were considerably shorter than defenders, time to cross court mid-line was significantly shorter than when dyads were composed of athletes of similar height or when attackers were considerably taller than defenders. The data exemplify how interacting task and individual constraints can influence emergent decision-making processes in team ball games.  相似文献   

Future drop-outs (n = 27) and continuing (n = 41) female competitive gymnasts were compared with respect to their physical, performance and injury characteristics measured through a large battery of tests completed while they were participants in competition. Included were anthropometric variables, body composition and somatotype, strength, flexibility, endurance, power, speed and balance measurements, and previous injury information. Differences were examined through t-tests and through discriminant analyses of principal components. The results indicate that the drop-outs were as a group distinguishable from the continuing gymnasts: they were significantly older, taller and heavier which may account for the finding that they were significantly stronger, more powerful and faster, and had greater endurance. They also had a slightly more linear/ectomorphic physique with less muscularity, and performed better on most flexibility tests. Only in a gymnastic-specific flexibility variable did the continuing gymnasts out-perform the drop-outs. It was concluded that it was mainly the age factor, and presumably the social and psychological factors associated with it, that distinguished the future drop-outs from the continuing gymnasts, and that factors related to the physical make-up and performance capacities of gymnasts cannot readily predict withdrawal from the sport.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对16—18届足球世界杯的81个头球进球情况进行统计、分析。结果显示:开场后16min-30min和75min-90min是头球进球集中时间段;头球进球的主要区域是禁区内的中央地带,特别是进攻5区;跳起射门与转身射门是头球进球的主要技术动作方式;边路进攻与定位球是头球进球的主要战术手段;进球队员以身材高大的前锋与后卫为主。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、观察法和比较分析法,对参加2013年全运会"青少年组"女排集训的16支青少年女排队伍的运动员的部分身体形态和身体素质的现状进行分析,并对身体形态和身体素质与运动成绩进行相关性分析,旨在找出其身体形态和身体素质的现状及其与运动成绩之间的规律,为我国青少年女排的选材和训练提供参考。研究表明:我国青少年女排已逐渐出现高大化的趋势,但身体素质仍需要得到进一步的提高;青少年女排各项身体形态和身体素质对运动成绩都有着不同程度的影响,且各队间的差异较大。  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 ± 0.8 years (mean ± s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 ± 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 ± 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

During the 1997 Federation Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (FISA) World Junior Rowing Championships, the anthropometric characteristics of 245 female junior rowers aged 17.5 +/- 0.8 years (mean +/- s) were assessed. Twenty-seven body dimensions (body mass, 6 heights or lengths, 4 breadths, 10 girths and 6 skinfolds) were measured in total. The elite female junior rowers were taller (174.5 +/- 6.2 cm) and heavier (69.5 +/- 6.2 kg), with greater length, breadth and girth dimensions, but lower skinfold thicknesses than a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) girls of the same chronological age. An anthropometric profile chart was constructed that was rowing-specific and norms were established. Compared with scullers, sweep rowers were heavier (+4.2 kg) and taller (+2.8 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth). Sweep rowers also had greater skinfold thicknesses (except for the thigh and calf skinfolds). Finalists were heavier (+3.6 kg) and taller (+3.9 cm), with greater length, breadth (except for femur width) and girth dimensions (except for calf girth) than non-finalists. No significant differences were found for skinfold thicknesses between finalists and non-finalists.  相似文献   

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