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A group of children aged 9 and 10 were asked what signified Christmas to them. The children had all English as a mother tongue and were in the traditional mainstream English culture pattern. The children were asked: (1) to write random ideas on Christmas; (2) to define certain terms used in the nativity story, otherwise seldom used; (3) to identify unmarked greetings cards, isolating if possible reasons for their identification.

Afterwards, they heard a reminiscence of Christmas in another land, and applied their imagination to drawing cards appropriate to that.

The whole exercise was in the context of trying to give explicit reasons for signs which have implicit basic cultural significance, and the authors raise the question of whether at least partial knowledge of reasons is important in this type of semiological context, and whether making intuitive knowledge explicit could make a difference to learning.  相似文献   

你知道我从不认为我能穿越火海 我从没想过我能忍受煎熬 我从来就没有攀登高峰的力量 直到我没有退路 毫无退路 当你的内心受到冲击 我会付出所有 这就是我的命运  相似文献   

我在退休后,笔耕不辍,历经艰辛,出版《〈世说〉新探》一书,其精神支柱和动力之一是来自恩师程千帆教授的言传身教。人总是要有一点精神的,即使退休了,也要发挥潜能,老不废学,与时俱进。几年来,我坚持退而不休,从容读书,对《世说新语》进行了深入的研究,实现了一定的突破和创新,其研究成果受到了学术界的认可和赞许。实践证明,治学之道一是广泛搜集、阅读和考证有关资料;二是贵在创新,做到立论新颖、角度新鲜、实事求是。  相似文献   

Jay Rayner 《考试》2013,(3):32-34
我家厨房的一角,有一整排的书架,上面摆满各形各色的菜谱,而哪一本也不是只摆摆样子用的。每一本菜谱,都被我翻得起了卷角,还难免带着各种酱汁的污渍,仿佛它们曾经历某家番茄调味酱工厂煤气大爆炸后的酱的洗礼。  相似文献   

段翔 《中学生英语》2004,(12):26-27
“May I ... ?” Nobody could imagine how happy and how proud I felt when I was the first one in our little village to become a junior school student! I knew it was not easy for a girl from a moun-tainous area like me to enter a middle school. In the eyes of every villager, I was no longer a little girl with short pigtails but a “a big fish in a  相似文献   

This study examines imagined professional and linguistic communities available to preservice and in-service English as a second language and English as a foreign language teachers enrolled in one TESOL program. A discursive analysis of the students' positioning in their linguistic autobiographies suggests that the traditional discourse of linguistic competence positions students as members of one of two communities, native speakers or non-native speakers/L2 learners. The analysis also suggests that contemporary theories of bilingualism and second language acquisition, in particular Cook's (1992, 1999) notion of multicompetence, open up an alternative imagined community, that of multicompetent, bilingual, and multilingual speakers. This option allows some teachers to construe themselves and their future students as legitimate L2 users rather than as failed native speakers of the target language.  相似文献   

如果你研读马云的人生,你会发现,在前37年里,他的人生就充斥着两个字:失败。37岁之后,他突然就飞黄腾达了,秘诀就四个字:永不抱怨。我接触的成功人士加上我自己的体会,让我对这四个字的认识越来越深,成功的秘诀就是这四个  相似文献   

Your presence is a gift to the world, You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be- Take it one day at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles, And you'll make it through what comes along. Within you are so many answers, Understand, have courage, be strong.  相似文献   

海明威在《老人与海》中成功地塑造了桑提亚哥的形象。本文试图从形象、语言及社会意义三个方面分析揭示主人公所表现出来的刚强坚毅、永不言败的精神——准则英雄的形象。  相似文献   

《无声告白》作为美国华裔女作家伍绮诗的处女作,讲述了一个跨种族结合的家庭在美国社会的艰难融合。文章通过运用解构主义批评方法进行分析,研究小说中实际上被颠覆的传统婚姻伦理关系、亲子伦理关系和对"美国梦"的祛魅,以求得出对文本新的理解。  相似文献   

在美籍华裔女作家伍绮诗的作品《无声告白》中,女主人公莉迪亚面临着身份建构的难题。后殖民学者霍米·巴巴在《文化的定位》中提出的"杂糅性"和"第三空间"为文化殖民背景下少数族裔寻求身份建构提供了重要线索。对美籍华裔女性来说,霍米·巴巴的理论也是帮助她们利用自我意识抵抗美国白人文化权威、平衡文化身份、完成身份建构的有效策略。而莉迪亚正是缺乏相应的自我意识,忽略了自我身份的"杂糅性",无法在中美文化身份中找寻出一个居间的"第三空间",从而在身份建构的过程中走向了失败,最终以自杀的方式结束了她痛苦而短暂的一生。  相似文献   

《无声告白》是美国华裔女作家伍绮诗的代表作,讲述了一个混血华裔家庭的生活,表上看似是成功幸福的一家,但在背后这个家却承受着巨大的种族和社会压力。本文将从身份认同角度着重来分析以詹姆斯为代表的二代华裔移民在美国社会所面临的生活困境和自身华裔身份认同危机。  相似文献   

这些运动员证明,并非只有个子高才会表现出色。你是否曾经因为个子矮小而经历过困难的时光?这种情况时常会发生在运动场上。在很多运动项目中,教练和观众们往往认为你长得  相似文献   

Never Grow up     


Never Give Up     
Nevergiveup,Neverlosthope.Alwayshavefaith,Itallowsyoutocope.Tryingtimeswillpass,Astheyalwaysdo.Justhavepatience,Yourdreamswillcometrue.Soputonasmile,You’lllivethroughyourpain.Knowitwillpass,Andstrengthyouwillgain.译:永不放弃,绝不心灰意冷。坚守信念,它会使你应付自如。难捱的时光终将过去,就如以往那样。只要有耐心,梦想一定会实现。微笑吧,你会走出苦难。痛苦终会过去,你将重获力量。Never Give Up@charlie Remiggio @耿志华…  相似文献   

Never Give up     
"Never give up!" I've heard this a thousand times,but not until I was taught by these experiences of my life did I realize its true meaning. I have been learning how to ride the unicycle[独轮脚踏车] since I was only six years old.In the year before my learning,I had seen many other students ride a "one wheel cycle" on the playground and perform confidently on the stage.That was so cool! But riding a unicycle was not as easy as expected,since I had to keep my balance on the one wheel.  相似文献   

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