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法国大革命被神话的外衣下有极其丑陋的一面,路易十六--这位无辜地成为了法国大革命牺牲品的法国国王,曾经为化解国家财政危机而励精图治,为支持法国大革命而拥护君主立宪,最后用自己的生命换来了法国大革命的进一步发展,这样一位国王,我们应当重新认识和评价。  相似文献   

Louis Braille     
One day Louis was in arestaurantfriend read 1 ofwith a friend. The an article about awriting that could beused in the 2 . It was called“ight writing” . Louis was ex-cited. He went to the 3 ofthe system and asked manyquestion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rationale for doing philosophy with children. It suggests a rationale that differs from more usual arguments supporting philosophy with children—for such reasons as that it will enhance problem solving-skills or will help pupils' thinking to be more logical. These worthy objectives are not denied but only considered somewhat subordinate to the rationale proposed. This is presented in three steps. In the first step the issue of whether philosophy should be done with children is considered in the context of claims that children may be too young to do philosophy or too inexperienced in the ways of academic discipline to be able to discern proper philosophy. These objections are weighty enough, especially in view of general teacher reluctance to engage with philosophy itself in any form. In the second part, I invoke the common sense philosophy of Thomas Reid as a method of philosophy particularly significant for, and appropriate to, philosophy for children. Finally, I show how these aspects arising out of my understanding of Reid's philosophy can help resolve at least some of the misgivings people have about doing philosophy with children. It is hoped that these discussions will illuminate the question of how it may be appropriate for children to do philosophy in classrooms today.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,阿尔都塞明确指认以往人们对马克思的种种误读,提出“回到马克思”的口号,并形成了自己的一套独特认识论方法,主要包括症候阅读法、问题式、断裂说、理论实践、马克思主义是反经验主义等观点。其实,这也就是阿尔都塞自己的认识论。近年来,国内对此进行了诸多有益的研究和探讨,值得我们认真回顾和梳理,以期将研究引向纵深方向。  相似文献   

近年来,国内就有关阿尔都塞的认识论问题进行了有益的研究和探讨,主要包括症候阅读法、问题式、断裂说、理论实践、马克思主义是反经验主义等观点,文中对此进行了简要的回顾和总结,并提出自己的观点,以期将人们对阿尔都塞的研究引向纵深方向。  相似文献   

19世纪初期,一位法国盲人少年运用他的智慧将原用于军事密报的"巴比耶点写法"改造为简单实用的盲文系统。这就是今天国际通用的"布莱叶点字法盲文",它成了全世界盲人学习知识的有力工具。  相似文献   

在2009年央视春节联欢晚会上.刘谦在几乎所有的中国人面前登台亮相.得利于他高超的魔术表演技术。他很快就闻名世界.在那次令人印象深刻的表演上.他使得女主持人的钻石戒指出现在一只完好的鸡蛋里.大多数人也许认为那是不可能的.  相似文献   

S. Mahadevan 《Resonance》2007,12(1):15-22
For a scientist, making a seminal contribution even in one area of science is a matter of joy and pride. To be able to start several fields and contribute significantly to all of them is indeed a rare feat. Louis Pasteur belongs to this rare breed of scientists. He was a chemist, microbiologist, immunologist, and biotechnologist, all rolled into one. He founded the field of stereochemistry, established the foundations of modern microbiology, disproved the theory of spontaneous generation, demonstrated the microbial basis of fermentation, and derived vaccines against several bacterial and viral diseases. His contributions to human welfare in one life-time are more than what others can aspire to make over many lifetimes. His approach, based on logic and reason, helped to shape the modern scientific outlook.  相似文献   

阿尔都塞是不是结构主义者,他与结构主义是什么关系,人们对此仍然众说纷纭,莫衷一是,文中仅对国内近年来有关这一问题的研究状况稍加梳理,并就研究中存在的一些问题略述己见。  相似文献   

李佳白是19世纪下半叶来到中国的美国长老会传教士,在清末民初来华传教士中有一定的地位。他为了更好地实现传教目的,学习中国礼节、研究儒家文化、与官民结交,探究深入中国社会的方法。李佳白的治水建议和赈灾活动,是他从事世俗活动的开端。他为教会购置房产引发教案,学术界对此案的论述值得商榷。  相似文献   

Reid and Valle (in this issue) illustrate how discourse within the field of learning disabilities (LD) determines what can and cannot be said and shapes what counts as knowledge or truth. Because basic assumptions about disability often remain unquestioned, Reid and Valle ask us to focus on the epistemological foundations of the field of LD. They demonstrate how discourse, far from being simply an academic or abstract theoretical pursuit, has direct material consequences for people labeled as having LD. In this response, I highlight some of the ways that the discourse in the LD field is getting in the way of truly transforming education for all learners and impeding our ability to ask the hard questions about our own complicity in issues such as the overrepresentation of students of color and the inaccessibility of general education learning environments.  相似文献   

《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》是马克思在继《1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争》之后,又一部反映法国革命的巨著。其主要分析了法国革命的发展阶段以及各个阶级在革命中的作用,最深刻地揭示了波拿巴上台的戏剧场面。作为法国革命中的一个重要角色,小资产阶级在革命中体现了对共和国议会民主制的向往,体现了激进的不断要求改革和进步的要求。小资产阶级在法国革命中扮演了不断推进革命进程的作用,体现了资产阶级民主共和制在法国的重要性。  相似文献   

Andrew Reid's essay on the value of education in this journal distinguished the intrinsic features of education from what education is for, the latter being ultimately located in the promotion of personal well-being. At a meta-ethical level, this response accepts Reid's claim about ultimate location, but challenges his view that prudential goods are desire-independent, arguing for a desire-dependent conception based on supra-individual, but not always universal-human, preferences. It also questions his claim that the source of educational value lies in the intrinsic features of education, rejecting the suggestion that epistemological rather ethical considerations should be the starting-point.  相似文献   

从17世纪中叶到18世纪初,法王路易十四奉行“一个君主、一种法律、一种信仰”的政策。宗教统一政策是他绝对君主政策的一个重要组成部分,对法国的社会生活产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

人们之所以把阿尔都塞称为结构主义者,主要是出于其处于法国“结构主义运动”的大背景下对结构主义认识方法的影响。然而,事实上,阿尔都塞的哲学思想有三个渊源,他不仅继承了结构主义特别是拉康的结构主义的思想和方法,而且还吸收了巴歇拉尔历史认识论和斯宾诺莎唯理论的某些思想观点。因此,与其说阿尔都塞是一个结构主义者,不如说他是一个“唯科学主义者”更为合适。  相似文献   

通过分析路易十四在四次战争中的外交活动来揭示他的对外政策及其实质,这些活动包括每次战争中当时外交目标的调适、所施展的各种外交手段;为此首先讨论了法国外交思维形成的历史过程,从而认为:路易十四的外交活动不是和平的使者,而是制造战争的工具,这就是其对外政策实质。  相似文献   

通过考察阿尔都塞思想的三个渊源,发觉阿尔都塞不仅继承了结构主义的思想和方法,而且还吸收了巴歇拉尔历史认识论和斯宾诺莎唯理论的某些思想观点。与其说他是一个结构主义者,不如说他是一个“唯科学主义者”更为合适。  相似文献   

《阿诗玛》是云南彝族撒尼人的民间叙事诗,有多个诗歌版本以及电影等文本形式。文章试图重新进入形成“阿诗玛”的各种文本,从政治叙事、潜在的爱情叙事、民间寓言等角度对《阿诗玛》进行再解读。  相似文献   

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