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1 There ——some water in the bottle. A.have B.has C.are D.is 【分析】本题主要考查there be句型与动词have/has的区别。前者只表示“某地存在某人或某物”,后者主语是人。表示“某人拥有某物”。本句含义为“瓶子里有一些水”,并未强调其归谁所有,故应用there be句型,又因some water为不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,因此答案是D。  相似文献   

在英语中there is/are表示“存在”和have/has表示“所有”这两个概念时,译成汉语往往用一个“有”表达,在练习当中,尤其在写作时,会使很多同学烦恼,不知该选哪一个“有”好。要使用好这两个“有”,同学们要注意以下几方面。1、There be句型由“There be 主语( 地点状语)”构成,这一句型表示在某地存在“有”多少人或物。因此,这一句型的句子里大多数有地点状语。如:There are30desks in the classroom.教室里有30张桌子。There is a book in the bag.书包里有一本书。而如果表示某人或某物“有”什么,通常用“have/has”。如I have a pen…  相似文献   

thereis和thereare中文意思是“有”,但它们指“存在的有”;have和has也是“有”的意思,它们指“所有”。如:Thereareabigcarinthemiddleofthestreet.路中央有一部大汽车。Ihavetwosistersandnobrothers.我有两个姐妹,但没有兄弟。Shehasthreebeautifulpairsofshoes.她有三双漂亮的鞋子。Exercises:Fillinblankswith″thereare(is)″or″have(has)″⒈youanynewpencils?⒉anydesksandchairsintheroom?⒊Myfathersomethingtotellyou.⒋Inthispocketsomemoney.⒌alotofEnglishbooksinthelibrary.there are(is)与have(has)的区别和用法!大…  相似文献   

英语中“There be,have,have got,has,has got”都可以表示“有”的意思,但用法不同。1.There be句型由“There is/are 某物/某人 某地/某时”构成,大致相当于汉语“某地/某时有某物/某人”的说法。句子中的is/are必须和紧跟其后的名词在数方面一致。即第一个名词是单数或不可数名词,be用is;第一个名词是可数名词复数,则be用are,即遵循英语中的就近一致原则。There be句型的否定式是在be后加not。is not可缩写为isn’t;are not缩写为aren’t.其一般疑问句式是Is/A rethere...?其肯定/否定回答分别是Y es,there is/are.和N o,there isn’…  相似文献   

英语中表示“有”有下列几种形式: 1.表示某处/时有某物用there be句型; 2.表示某人/物有某物用have(has)形式; 3.既可用there be也可用have表示“有”的句型;  相似文献   

[原句1] I think there will be more pollution. (P.3) [考点] There_______a football match tomorrow. (2004四川眉山) A.has B.is going to have C.are going to be D.is going to be [解析]选D。一般将来时用在there be句型中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,而不能用have,也就是说要用there is (are)going to be…/there will be…而不用there is(are)going to have…/there will have…[原句2]It seems that everyone loves to bow!(P.8)  相似文献   

初一英语第 2 1、2 2单元的两个主要语法项目 ,there be句型和现在进行时 ,都是初中阶段的重点。下面针对以上两个重点语法项目进行正误辨析 ,请同学们认真分析比较 ,争取熟练、准确掌握。一、there be句型1 .误 :There have two pencils on the desk.正 :There are two pencils on the desk.说明 :表示在某地有某人或某物 ,英语要用there be句型。即 :there is/ are 人 /物 状语 (表地点 )。例 :房子后面有棵树。There is a tree behind the house.have也是“有”的意思 ,但它表示一种所有关系 ,不表示存在。例 :Ihave a knife.我有一把…  相似文献   

“to have”与“there is(are)”这两个句型在概念上有明显的不同:一个是“有”;一个是“存在”.学生在初学阶段,容易把它们混淆起来,经常会说出或写出“On thedesk has a book.”之类的错误句子.这类句子的出现,反映出我们教师在讲授过程中有脱离实际的毛病,忽略了学习英语的特点,不注意活的语言训练,以致使学生听不进去,上不了口,记忆不牢.为了探讨“there is(are)”句型的教学,上学期我们进行了尝试.在一堂课里主要解决“there is(are)”句型的肯定式和否定式,使学生明确区分它与个“totave”的不同用法.在教学过程中,我们比较着重抓听、说这个环节,使学生在通过大量的听、说练习之后,逐渐理解和运用这两个句型  相似文献   

1.I have a sister.我有一个姐姐(妹妹)(L33)have是一个动词,表示所属关系,意思为“……有……”。当主语是第三人称单数时,要用have的第三人称单数形式has;当主语是其他人称时,用have。例如:They have a new car.他们有一辆新车。Kate has a little cat.凯特有一只小猫。2.Jim and I are good friends.我和吉姆是好朋友。(L33)  相似文献   

一、句子改错(单句辨错)要求:下列各句有A、B、C、D四个划线部分,其有一处是错误的,将其相应的字母标号填人句后的括号内,并在横线上加以改正。例1There is going to have a volleyball match inA B C Dthe gymnasium this evening.答案:C;be解析本句考查的是同学们十分熟悉的表达形式there is going to be...表示将要有一场排球比赛;很明显应该将have改正为be;have拥有、占有,表示所属关系;there be表示客观存在;there is going tobe表示将要进行、将会有。例2—Where is your daughter?—She has been toA B CCanada.答案C;gone解…  相似文献   

情态动词must,can,could,may和might均可表示推测,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况做出语气强弱不同的推测.在运用情态动词表示推测时,我们应该着重把握以下几点: 一、把握推测语气的特点,选择恰当的情态动词 例1(2016年西宁卷)—Look! Why are there so many people? ——There are some policemen.I think there____a traffic accident. A.must have B.can have C.is going to be D.must be 例2(2016年丹东卷)—Please be quiet.Our teacher is coming. ——It____be our teacher.She has gone to Beijing.  相似文献   

Unit13Merry Christmas!1.He's gone to England with his family.〔辨析〕have gone to与 have been tohave(has) gone to表示“去了某处或到某处去了”,强调现在人不在这儿 ,不涉及是否到达。 have(has) been to表示“到 (去 )过某处”,强调现在人已不在那个地方。如 :(1) He has been to England.(即 He once visitedEngland,but he is not in England now.)(2 ) He has gone to England.(即 He is now inEngland or on his way to England.)〔练习〕— Where is Jim?— He England.A.has been in  B.has been toC.goes to  …  相似文献   

考点一:动词be的形式动词be常用的形式有以下几种:1.动词be在各种时态中的形式:现在时am熏is熏are鸦过去时was熏e鸦将来时will/shall be熏would/should be或am/is/are going to be熏/were going to be鸦完成时have/has/had been;2.与情态动词连用,构成“there+情态动词+be”的形式;3.与seem,appear,used to等表示状态的词语连用,构成“therem(s)/appear(s)/used to be...”;4.“There be...”句式中的be有时用com e,enter,follow,arrive熏m熏happen等动词代替,但不能用have代替。例如:There happened to be nobody in the room.碰巧那时房…  相似文献   

【词语过关】otherother用作形容词时,意思是“其余的;其他的”,可修饰单/复数可数名词;others泛指“另外的人或物”。例如:I have no other place to go.我无处可去。Do you have any other questions?你还有别的问题吗?Each of us must think of others.我们每个人都必须为他人着想。the other特指“其余的”,当其后接单数可数名词时,表示两者中的另一个;当其后接复数可数名词时,表示某一范围内其余所有的人或物。例如:Jack has two cups.One is black,the otheris red.杰克有两只杯子。一只黑色,另一只红色。There are fifty students in our class;twenty are boys,the other students are girls.我们班有五十名同学,二十名是男生,其余的都是女生。the others表示“(一定范围内)其余的人或物”。例如:I know only one or two of the students.The other...  相似文献   

英语和我们的中文一样,也有不少的近义词,虽然意思相近,但还是有一定的差别的,如新目标七年级英语课本常见到there be句型,其中文译成“有”之意,be随后面名词的单复数变化而变化,即可写成there is…there are…,都是“有”的意思,另外动词have,has也是“有”的意思。  相似文献   

两者都表示“有”的意思,在用法上既有区别又有联系。下面进行详细讲解。一、there be表示某处或某时“存在、有”某人或某物。它强调的是一种客观存在。在句中的结构是There is/are+主语+地点(时间)状语+其他。例如: 1.There is a bird in the tree. 2.There are many people at this time of day. 注1:there be结构其实是一种倒装句,句子  相似文献   

选D。一般将来时用在there be句型中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,而不能用have,也就是说要用there is(are)going to be…/there will be…而不用there is(are)going to have…/there will have….  相似文献   

广东三年独立命题都考查了倒装句型,请看:(2004广东30)Of the making of good books there is noend;neither any end to their influence man!s lives.A.there is B.there areC.is there D.are there(2005广东23),Carolina couldn!t get the dooropen.A.Try as she might B.As she might tryC.She might as try D.Might she as try(2006广东33)So difficult it to work out theproblem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.A.I did find B.did I findC.I have found D.have I found2004年考查以否定词neither开头,句子需要倒装,又因end是单数,故答案是C;2005年考查as表示“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,需要将动词原形提前,构成倒装,故答案是A...  相似文献   

My Dream Home     
My dream home is near the sea.It has 2 floors and there are 10 rooms in it.It has a big living room and five nice bedrooms.I have a big study of my own.Behind the house,there is a big football field.I can enjoy playing football with my friends there.And I also like walking on the beach with my parents after supper every day.  相似文献   

Children conceived via assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are nowadays a substantial proportion of the population. It is important to follow up these children and evaluate whether they have elevated health risks compared to naturally conceived (NC) children. In recent years there has been a lot of work in this field. This review will summarize what is known about the health of ART-conceived children, encompassing neonatal outcomes, birth defects, growth and gonadal developments, physical health, neurological and neurodevelopmental outcomes, psychosocial developments, risk for cancer, and epigenetic abnormalities. Most of the children conceived after ART are normal. However, there is increasing evidence that ART-conceived children are at higher risk of poor perinatal outcome, birth defects, and epigenetic disorders, and the mechanism(s) leading to these changes have not been elucidated. Continuous follow-up of children after ART is of great importance as they progress through adolescence into adulthood, and new ART techniques are constantly being introduced.  相似文献   

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