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民族器乐合奏课是普通高等院校民乐专业学生必修课程之一。其目的在于培养和提高学生的民族音乐修养,民族音乐表现力和民族管弦乐合奏能力。而对比训练正是培养提高学生民族音乐素质的有效途径。抑扬对比,提高学生音乐情感表达能力;顿挫对比,增强学生音乐节奏控制能力;刚柔对比,促进学生音乐力度把握能力;明暗对比,培养学生音乐色彩表现能力;徐疾对比,加强学生音乐速度掌握能力。  相似文献   

运用纵向对比法、横向对比法、相似对比法、正误对比法和左右对比法等方法,能够提高毽球教学效率,促进技术的正向迁移,防止干扰。正确运用对比教学法对开发学生智力,启发学生参与教学,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力等都有良好的作用。  相似文献   

在古诗词教学中运用对比的手法,不仅有助于学生自主探究能力的发展,同时也能开拓学生思维的广度和深度,切实提升古诗词教学的整体效益。教师可引领学生通过对比背景,探寻诗歌的内在本质;通过对比方法,发展学生的语用能力;通过对比情感,走进诗人的内心世界。  相似文献   

运用对比策略,是加强读写结合的一种有效的途径。教学中,引导学生和原文对比,对不同的描写进行对比,对不同的文体、文题进行对比,能够有效激发学生对课文立意、构思等表达技巧的领悟,提高学生写作的能力。  相似文献   

谢毅 《山东教育》2014,(5):42-43
对比法是小学数学练习中最常用、最典型的方法。通过对比,可以帮助学生找出题目的相同点和不同点,透过现象看本质,沟通知识之间的内在联系;通过对比,可以帮助学生梳理解题思路,归纳解题方法:通过对比,可以训练学生的思维能力,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力:通过对比,可以化繁为简、化难为易,帮助学生找出共性的规律.达到举一反三、触类旁通的目的。那么,怎样在练习中进行有效的对比呢?  相似文献   

笔者以对比语言学中对比分析理论为基础,对英汉思维习惯和英汉句法结构进行对比分析,试图探索其对学生英语句子方面的影响,培养学生的英语句子意识,进而提高学生的英语写作能力。  相似文献   

民族器乐合奏课是普通高等院校民乐专业学生必修课程之一。其目的在于培养和提高学生的民族音乐修养,民族音乐表现力和民族管弦乐合奏能力。而对比训练正是培养提高学生民族音乐素质的有效途径。抑扬对比,提高学生音乐情感表达能力;顿挫对比,增强学生音乐节奏控制能力;刚柔对比,促进学生音乐力度把握能力;明暗对比,培养学生音乐色彩表现能力;徐疾对比,加强学生音乐速度掌握能力。  相似文献   

文言文阅读和作文写作是高中语文教学两个非常重要的板块,也是不少学生的痛点和难点。引导学生掌握对比论证是教学《过秦论》和《五代史伶官传序》的重难点。同时,对比论证也是学生作文写作中的痛点。通过教学对比论证的方法,可指导学生将课内的阅读输入和课外的写作输出连接起来,以培养学生的理性思辨能力。  相似文献   

对比法,其本质在于同中求异,异中求同,是语文阅读教学的新思路。在小学语文阅读教学中,巧用对比法,可以调动学生阅读思考的积极性,帮助学生深化文本理解,提高学生阅读理解、比较鉴赏和创新思维能力;可以有效提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生在对比中深入理解文本内容,进而促进学生语言品味、感悟能力的提高。那么,该如何巧用对比,让小学语文阅读教学更高效呢?本文以《画杨桃》一课为例,探究对比教学的几种有效策略。  相似文献   

要让学生深度理解与掌握物理概念,必须立足于相应表象的建立。通过适切的对比实验来引发认知冲突,"启思引探",是促进学生深度建构物理概念的有效举措。主要途径有:创设反常性对比实验,调动学生思维的积极性;创设易混性对比实验,优化学生思维的品质;创设同质性对比实验,挖掘学生思维的深度;创设类推性对比实验,发展学生思维的广度。  相似文献   

矛盾分析方法与系统分析方法之间具有辩证统一性,矛盾是有系统性的矛盾体,而系统则是包含着矛盾的系统。矛盾分析方法为系统分析方法提供指导,为系统分析方法的具体实施提供可能;系统分析方法是矛盾分析方法的丰富发展,为矛盾分析方法的运用作进一步的补充;矛盾分析方法与系统分析方法在实践中达到真正的统一。正确分析二者之间的内在联系,为我们进一步研究事物提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

目前在电路分析教学中常用的仿真是基于图形的电路仿真软件Matlab/Simulink,但不能可视化仿真非线性电路和具有运放的电路,针对这个过程中产生的不足,提出在基于Simulink的集成工具箱Plecs中对相关电路进行仿真,给出了详细的仿真方法,同时利用Plecs的示波器强大的图形数据分析工具对仿真波形进行了图形分析,结果表明:与理论分析的结果完全一致,证明在Plecs中进行电路分析仿真更加方便有效。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2007,17(4):427-435
CSCL research has given rise to a plethora of analysis methods, all with specific analysis goals, units of analysis, and for specific types of data (chat, threaded discussions, etc.). This article describes some challenges of CSCL-analysis. The development of an analysis method for negotiation processes in multidisciplinary teams serves as an example of how these challenges occur in practice. Results reveal a number of tensions with regard to establishing reliable coding procedures without compromising validity, such as how to define codes, and rules for applying codes. The discussion offers some guidelines for content analysis of CSCL-data.  相似文献   

Mixed-dyadic data, collected from distinguishable (nonexchangeable) or indistinguishable (exchangeable) dyads, require statistical analysis techniques that model the variation within dyads and between dyads appropriately. The purpose of this article is to provide a tutorial for performing structural equation modeling analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal models for mixed independent variable dyadic data, and to clarify questions regarding various dyadic data analysis specifications that have not been addressed elsewhere. Artificially generated data similar to the Newlywed Project and the Swedish Adoption Twin Study on Aging were used to illustrate analysis models for distinguishable and indistinguishable dyads, respectively. Due to their widespread use among applied researchers, the AMOS and Mplus statistical analysis software packages were used to analyze the dyadic data structural equation models illustrated here. These analysis models are presented in sufficient detail to allow researchers to perform these analyses using their preferred statistical analysis software package.  相似文献   

Statistical mediation analysis is used to investigate intermediate variables in the relation between independent and dependent variables. Causal interpretation of mediation analyses is challenging because randomization of subjects to levels of the independent variable does not rule out the possibility of unmeasured confounders of the mediator to outcome relation. Furthermore, commonly used frequentist methods for mediation analysis compute the probability of the data given the null hypothesis, which is not the probability of a hypothesis given the data as in Bayesian analysis. Under certain assumptions, applying the potential outcomes framework to mediation analysis allows for the computation of causal effects, and statistical mediation in the Bayesian framework gives indirect effects probabilistic interpretations. This tutorial combines causal inference and Bayesian methods for mediation analysis so the indirect and direct effects have both causal and probabilistic interpretations. Steps in Bayesian causal mediation analysis are shown in the application to an empirical example.  相似文献   

考试质量分析是高校教学质量监控的重要环节,也是反思教学、评价教学效果的重要信息.长期以来由于方法手段的制约,大量原始数据不能转化为考试质量分析的有效信息.本文在教学管理与质量监控的操作层面上,设计了考试质量分析的管理目标框架、信息流向结构、量化分析标准、质性分析模块和信息反馈路径,构建了为教师、管理者、决策者服务的、基于教学管理信息平台的考试质量分析系统.  相似文献   

教学分析研究现状之思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于教学分析对教学设计、教学评价、教师教学反思等有着显著的现实意义,教学分析的研究正在受着各国教育研究者的广泛关注,各种教学分析理论和方法层出不穷。该文对要素分析、交互分析、基于建模的教学系统分析这三种具有代表性的教学分析理论进行了分析和比较,以期帮助人们深入理解教学分析的各种理论,并为人们预测教学分析发展趋势提供一定的思路。  相似文献   

针对学科动态发展,以机械故障诊断为例,采用文献计量分析软件VOSviewer绘制考虑不同因素的文本标签、密度和耦合地图,分析机械故障诊断动态发展的研究领域、机构和人员情况。利用文献计量分析软件HistCite以弥补VOSviewer在文献引用指向分析上的不足。研究表明VOSviewer能为机械故障诊断动态发展提供较为全面和准确的分析,可作为其它学科动态发展分析方法。  相似文献   

Rhetorical analysis, an approach to critical discourse analysis, is presented as a useful method for critical policy analysis and its effort to understand the role policies play in perpetuating inequality. A rhetorical analysis of Character Matters!, the character education policy of a school board in Ontario, Canada, provides an illustrative example of the method’s contributions to the field. I identify rhetorical appeals of Character Matters! texts that aim to persuade the policy’s audience to support a predominantly traditional approach to character education. I then present contributions of rhetorical analysis for critical policy research and possibilities of rhetorical analysis for democratizing policy processes. I conclude by considering possible implications for York Region if the rhetoric of Character Matters! successfully convinces its audience to support the traditional approach to character education it advocates.  相似文献   

Academic deans annually negotiate for a fair share of university resources. Without quantitative accreditation standards to serve as minimum guidelines, the competition is more difficult. Peer institution comparison, derived from the analysis of quantitative data on resource and productivity variables, assists by providing less biased justification for budget requests. In this study, data from a national study of doctoral-granting teacher education programs was used for a factor analysis of key resource and productivity variables. Seven alternative cluster analysis methods were used and compared. Three follow-up procedures (analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and classification analysis) tested the cluster analysis results to verify the differences between clusters and their internal homogeneity on three different cluster solutions. The classification analysis showed that 88.2% of the 76 programs were correctly classified on the five-cluster solution produced using Ward's minimum variance method. The practical use of such data suggests that Cattell's pattern of profile similarly is a useful beginning to compare programs on factor scores; following that, raw data on each key variable might be used to prepare individual program profiles for more specific comparison.  相似文献   

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