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From apprentice to colleague: The metamorphosis of Early Career Researchers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
While the studies of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) have contributed politically important insights into factors hindering ECRs, they have not yet achieved a theoretical understanding of the causal mechanisms that are at work in the transition from dependent to independent research. This paper positions the early career phase in a theoretical framework that combines approaches from the sociology of science and organisational sociology and emphasises the transitional process. In this framework, the early career phase is considered as containing a status passage from the apprentice to the colleague state of their career in their scientific communities. In order to capture the mechanisms underlying this transition, it is important to analyse the interactions of these careers as they unfold over time. The usefulness of this approach is demonstrated with a pilot study of Australian ECRs. We show (a) that misalignments of the three careers stretch the transition phase; (b) that the two major factors affecting the transition are a successful PhD and a research-intensive phase prior to normal academic employment; and (c) that the most important condition hindering the transition is the lack of time for research. It can be concluded that as a result of a ‘market failure’ of the university system, the transition from dependent to independent research is currently being relocated to a phase between the PhD and the first academic position.  相似文献   

Dissertation committees are complex social arenas that underscore expertise, image, and peer relationships—all of which affect professional identity and advancement. This study presents a sampling of how early career women faculty members learn about and negotiate their participation on dissertation committees. Research questions focused on participants’ concerns about the social and political aspects of participation viz à viz peer relationships and faculty rewards. We analyzed interview data using both holistic and constant comparative methods, resulting in a working model of active participation across three domains: knowledge, access, and membership. We also identified developmental trends of dissertation committee engagement across the early career.  相似文献   

欧洲社会对知识教育高度重视,持续对人才培养进行投资,以推动社会创新进步和可持续发展。作为人才培养基地,研究型大学不仅为欧洲社会输送了大量人才,更在全球知识交流体系中发挥了重要作用。一些博士后研究人员可能继续在大学里从事学术工作,也有很多研究人员离开学术界去公共、私营部门等其他领域寻求发展。尽管学术界以外的劳动力市场就业良好,但博士后研究人员仍期待更具吸引力的职业前景。欧洲研究型大学联盟由此提出,建议大学、研究机构等最高教育层完善政策措施,提高博士后研究人员的职业吸引力,以促进学术创新和知识交流;充分肯定博士后研究人员作为不断增长且日益重要的独特研究群体的重要作用;在招聘、晋升等职业发展中满足博士后研究人员多样性的需求;公共、私营部门可与大学、研究机构展开合作,促进博士后研究人员的技能迁移,并消除职业流动的障碍;采取研究资助计划和就业支持政策,帮助博士后研究人员获取研究能力之外的职业技能,促进博士后研究人员在学术界与公共、私营部门之间的流动性。  相似文献   

千里马有,伯乐难寻! 一年一度的大学毕业生招聘工作即将拉开帷幕。我突然想起两位女性的求职经历,感叹女大学生的择业还真不怎么乐观,伯乐难寻! 随着国民受教育年限的提高,女孩子的家长们总希望自己的孩子能接受更多更高的教育,以增加择业的竞争法码。殊不知,书读得越多,择业  相似文献   

亿万名媛——Ivanka Trump(伊万卡·特朗普) 出生日期:1981年10月30日 国籍:美国 身高:1.79米 职业:曾经为模特,现为特朗普地产集团副总裁. Ivanka Marie Trump is an American businesswoman,writer,socialite,heiress,fashion model,the daughter of Czech (捷克的) model Ivana Trump and American business magnate Donald Trump.She is one of the boardroom judges on her father's reality show The Apprentice (真人秀节目《学徒》).  相似文献   

为深入了解影响跨专业硕士研究生生涯适应力的相关因素及提高措施,选取了生涯适应力较高的15名学生作为访谈对象,使用扎根理论的质性研究方法对访谈结果进行三级编码分析。结果发现跨专业硕士生涯适应的影响因素包括跨考准备因素、跨考状态因素、学校因素、专业因素和自我因素共五个因素。可以从社会支持、应对方式、自我提升和生涯准备四个方面去采取相关措施提升跨专业研究生涯适应力,使跨专业硕士生能更好的面对生涯转换和适应新的生涯环境。  相似文献   

本文通过对男女研究生性别角色观念及其择业意向的调查,探讨男女研究生性别角色观念的差异及其对择业的影响,从而为其更好地发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

Job loss researchers have focused on the physical and mental well being of White working and middle class men, their families, friends, and coworkers to with immediate reemployment as the outcome. This study focused on low-income rural women dislocated workers and their decision to enroll in community college for retraining or seek immediate reemployment. Participants were 125 women (86 white, 39 African American; x = 42 years) who held a high school diploma or GED and who were laid off from manufacturing jobs within the last 2 years. Differences between two groups of women based on demographic variables and Transition Guide and Questionnaire-Modified (TGQ-M) scores were examined. The TGQ-M was developed to assess an individual's ability to cope with life transitions, based on Schlossberg's (1995 Schlossberg , N. K. , Waters , E. B. , & Goodman , J. ( 1995 ). Counseling adults intransition: Linking practice with theory. , 2nd ed. , New York : Springer . [Google Scholar]) model of 4Ss (situation, self, supports, and strategies). One group enrolled in community college for retraining while the other group sought immediate reemployment. Findings revealed significant relationships between level of education and race/ethnicity and community college retraining. African-American women in this sample perceived themselves as having less support in coping with job loss. Women who chose community college had higher TGQ-M scores overall. Race/ethnicity and perception of support from others were the best predictors of community college retraining. Women, especially older women of color, have the hardest time finding quality employment after layoff. This study raised questions about the reasons why fewer African-American women in this sample enrolled in community college for retraining and had lower Supports scores than white women. Implications for counseling and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

根据澳大利亚毕业生就业委员会发布的《2014年研究生就业去向报告》对澳大利亚研究生就业现状和就业策略进行了梳理和分析,为进一步推进我国的研究生就业工作提供思路。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - While gender diversity in leadership has been shown to benefit organizations and promote innovations, women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions in...  相似文献   

Coursework masters degrees in Australia have experienced rapid, decentralised growth since deregulation at the end of the 1980s. The result is an extraordinarily high level of diversity and some confusion as to standards, strategic positioning, purpose and educational approaches. Throughout this period of growth, a sense that large-scale (often distance-education based) collaboration between universities and with industry would be beneficial has not always led to successful outcomes. Using a new collaborative, industry-funded postgraduate coursework program as a case study, this paper describes the issues that decision-makers need to address and evaluates the challenges and benefits of the coursework masters in higher education. The outcomes of industry surveys, student interviews and action research suggest that postgraduate coursework can facilitate technology transfer and aid capacity building, through mechanisms similar to ‘mode 2’ research. With some additional systems to ensure sustainability and standards, this could position coursework masters to be uniquely valuable nationally.
H. ForsythEmail:

This study addresses career aspirations and planning among non-managerial women. Results indicate career goals often are adapted to meet other life circumstances; and that family responsibilities, job security, and organizational support systems influence career success and satisfaction. Recommendations for organizationally based career initiatives focused on women in non-managerial positions are provided.  相似文献   

澳大利亚高校的生涯辅导不仅获得了政府政策的支持,还拥有专业化的实施机构和人员;不仅面向临近毕业的学生和全体在校生,也面向已毕业校友和留学生.它所体现出的早期性、全面性、网络化、协同性及针对性特点,对我国高校生涯辅导的开展有重要的启示.  相似文献   

每一个人都在社会群体中占据一定的位置,围绕这一位置,社会对个体会有一定的要求或期待。当个体依照社会的期待去履行义务,行使权力时,就是在扮演一定的角色。在现实生活中,人们需要扮演各种各样的角色。当一个人所承担的多种角色难以胜任时,便会发生角色冲突。多重角色冲突普遍体现在现代职业女性身上,其中事业角色和家庭角色的冲突最为明显(文中特指此类冲突)。了解职业女性角色冲突的表现,分析职业女性角色冲突产生的原因,从职业女性角色冲突中寻求市场商机是企业持续发展的战略选择。  相似文献   

通过对2005-2014年中国期刊网上的25篇“研究生职业决策效能感”文章,运用文献研究法进行分析,结果表明,研究生群体中特殊群体研究很少;研究视角较狭小,以教育学、心理学为主;研究方法较单一,多为问卷调查法;研究领域较窄,主要集中在现状调查及关系研究.研究生职业决策效能感的研究亟待加强,尤其应加强理论研究,构建相应的理论体系.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, increasingly explicit attention has been made in the policies of, and guidance from, various funding and overarching bodies to the overall concept of good practice in the development and management of research staff in higher education institutions. That has embodied the concept of developing researchers over the career life cycle. After outlining key aspects of the general trend, this article focuses upon some of the nuances and complexities of the concept of the career life cycle of researchers. Reference is made to illustrations of developmental strategies.  相似文献   

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