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This article provides an analysis of the reasons why educational institutions choose to internationalize the services they offer, how universities are internationalizing and to explore who is participating in the internationalization process. It not only addresses the theory surrounding the internationalization of education but also the practical issues of implementing it and making it accessible to students from a wide range of socio-economic situations. A case study of a summer study program in Poland for students from the Monterrey Tech (in Spanish El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM), Cd. Juarez Campus, Chihuahua, Mexico, is used to explore two theoretical questions: can equality of opportunity be achieved for all students in the process of the internationalization of education and what are the characteristics of the internationalization of education which affect development? These issues take on concrete forms when an educational institution attempts to internationalize the education it offers. At that time, organizations and the people in them must confront questions such as: what strategies can be implemented to internationalize the education offered and how can students of fewer economic means be included in the international opportunities available? My focus is on the benefits and costs to the undergraduate student with an emphasis on examining equality of opportunity for each student.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of co-designing used in a project undertaken by the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM), the agency for development of Mexico (NAFIN), and the consulting authors to jointly produce a business development program for medium and small companies in Mexico. The first element of the program was a total quality training program, and the second was the design and development of facilitators/consultants' training for the instruction and dissemination of the quality program. This paper examines the project from the perspective of the role that values, and more specifically value conflicts, play in transfer effectiveness between nations. It proposes that transfer without significant modification and interpretation to fit local world views and practices is generally dysfunctional, and offers co-designing as a viable strategy to obviate traditional conflicts. The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments made by Robert Baker, University of Southern California, on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

在成人教育中采用虚拟仿真技术开展教学实训或课程实验将是教育信息技术发展的一个重要趋势,本文通过已搭设的远程开放实验平台开展土建专业建筑施工课程的虚拟仿真实训教学研究,并分析教学过程中的优缺点,为今后在成人教育中进一步拓展远程虚拟仿真实训提供参考。  相似文献   

The African Virtual University (AVU) is attempting to address the huge and unmet demand for educational services in Africa and presents the experiences, lessons, and adjustments being made to achieve improved effectiveness and relevance. This university seeks to address these issues by harnessing the power of modern information and communications technologies (ICTs) to provide cost-effective education and training. AVU is the only institution offering technology-based distance education for the whole continent and has a first-mover advantage. The intervention of the African Virtual University will result in increased access to quality education, improve access to quality literature internationally, and enhance interaction among African academics and between them and the rest of the world.  相似文献   

从认知到情境:高等职业教育教学理念的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育与高职教育之间的"鸿沟"与高职教育"高素质技能型人才"的培养目标决定了高职教育教学理念应从重视"认知"转为重视"情境"。基础教育与高职教育之间存在较大的差异,从目前来看,基础教育并没有为学生接受高职教育做好充分的准备,情境教学在高职教育中将大有作为。因此,"双师型"师资队伍建设、实训基地建设和学生学习方式的转变应与情境教学的实施方式相协调。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate three recently established entrepreneurial organisations created to deliver education and training to new audiences of learners at a distance. Each of the organisations -- the University of Michigan's Academic Outreach Program, the University Center at Northwestern Michigan College, and the Michigan Virtual Automotive College -- is involved in multiple complex partnerships with internal and external entities, including government, industry, and education. Paying particular attention to the structures, strategies, and processes of these organisations, we argue that their emergence signals the evolution of a postsecondary knowledge industry in which permeable boundaries, new competitors, and market sensibilities are converging to challenge the fundamental nature of postsecondary education.  相似文献   

大学具有人才培养职能,在培养模式上与职业教育一样,都是采用专业教育方式。专业教育起源于职业,大学专业教育往往注重职业性,人文精神常因大学专业教育的职业性而被丧失。大学专业教育强调职业性无可厚非,但人文精神不可或缺。人文精神是大学精神的一个重要内容,高素质人才应当是“文职”兼优。大学专业教育需要超越职业性,不断开拓人文精神,达到专业教育与人文精神伦理发展的统一。  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate three recently established entrepreneurial organisations created to deliver education and training to new audiences of learners at a distance. Each of the organisations ‐ the University of Michigan's Academic Outreach Program, the University Center at Northwestern Michigan College, and the Michigan Virtual Automotive College — is involved in multiple complex partnerships with internal and external entities, including government, industry, and education. Paying particular attention to the structures, strategies, and processes of these organisations, we argue that their emergence signals the evolution of a postsecondary knowledge industry in which permeable boundaries, new competitors, and market sensibilities are converging to challenge the fundamental nature of postsecondary education.  相似文献   

Costing, the process by which an organization's costs are determined, is one of the most useful policy-making and management tools available to higher education leaders throughout the world. Yet despite the ongoing demand for analytically derived cost information in higher education, the use of costing for policy and management purposes is only now gaining momentum. This article reports the results of the first known application of U.S. costing methods to an institution of higher learning in Latin America - the Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), a prestigious independent university in Mexico. This study elucidates differences in direct and indirect instructional costs among the UDEM's seven academic colleges and discerns reasons for variations in these costs. Based on the correlation and regression analyses performed, the student-faculty ratio, the average class size, and the total number of courses (a measure of curricular breadth) were among the major factors creating differences in instructional costs among the seven colleges. An important implication of this study is that potential economies are available if faculty productivity levels are increased. Thus, UDEM could conceivably double the existing average class sizes and student-faculty ratios in several of its colleges without any deterioration in the quality of instruction.  相似文献   

职业教育观伴随着经济社会发展在不断完善,主要经历了原始职业教育观、传统职业教育观到现代职业教育观的重大转型。当下,在终身教育思想指引下,强调大职业教育观,实现职业教育与职业培训的有机结合。与此相对应,职业教育专业建设须在建立职业教育"立交桥"、探索校企深度合作制度和推进职业资格证书制度等方面实现真正突破。  相似文献   

Various studies show that local higher education provision and the distance to the nearest university effect study behavior. The probability of university participation increases with the geographical proximity of an institution of higher education. In this study we extend the question to the choice of subject of study and the specific institution using a human capital approach with reference to the ETH Zurich, Lucerne University and teacher training colleges. On the basis of a representative survey of holders (n?=?1454) of the higher education entrance qualification in German-language Switzerland, we show through regression analysis that the distance to the nearest university also has an effect on choice of subject and institution. The results are of policy relevance because they indicate a provision-induced study demand. Furthermore, they show that study behavior is not influenced by distance for students with a high socio-economic status. This can be understood as an indication that the importance of the proximity of a university is actually founded in the difference in study costs.  相似文献   


This article describes differences between on‐campus and distance learners by knowledge, skills, and abilities. On‐campus doctoral students at Texas A&M University were compared with doctoral students enrolled in a distance education program offered jointly with Texas Tech University. Student perceptions of their competency levels were gathered using a mixed mailed/Internet questionnaire. On‐campus and distance education students had different levels of competence. Competency models can serve faculty and administrators as an assessment tool for strategic decision making and development of courses and curricula. This study provides a model for benchmarking competencies and provides baseline data for making such changes.  相似文献   

如何培养适合基础教育特别是农村基础教育需要的优质师资是河南地方高校正在积极探索的问题。周口师范学院作为河南地方师范院校之一,根据农村基础教育对师资的独特要求,注重提高师范院校教师群体的教育专业化水平,加强师德教育、推行"(4-X)+X"人才分类培养模式、开设凸显教师综合素质和职业技能的教师教育课程平台,增加实践教学内容与环节,提升学生从教技能与技巧,有针对性地教育和培养师范生,使师范毕业生在走上工作岗位后真正地成为适合农村基础教育需求的优秀师资。  相似文献   

Bozen/Bolzano is situated in a trilingual region in Italy of which the three mother tongue languages are German, Italian, and Ladin (the latter only spoken by 4 percent of the population). The aim of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, which was founded in 1997 and launched its first programmes in 1998, is to offer its students a multilingual, practice-oriented education that meets the demands of the local and the European labour market. Trilingual educational activities are conducted in German, Italian, and English in the case of the School of Economics and its courses and in the course programmes in Industrial Engineering. The only exception is found in the Faculty of Education. This Faculty offers the German-, Italian-, and Ladin-speaking students separate training sections.  相似文献   

我国高等教育步入一个新的发展阶段,教育部关于高等教育的工作重心由前一阶段高度重视规模发展,转到在规模发展的同时,更注重提高质量。在新的背景下,探索多层次人才培养模式成为高校必须认真思考的问题。为适应高等教育的发展,北方工业大学机械设计及其自动化专业进行教学改革,提出多层人才分流培养模式,同时对人才培养模式的教学改革内容进行探索。  相似文献   

日本专修学校的历史发展及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本的专修学校创建于1976年,是招收初中毕业或高中毕业的学生对其进行职业训练,培养国民职业或实际生活所需的能力和提高国民的一般文化教养水平的高等职业教育机构。在日本政府的大力支持下,日本的专修学校能够根据当地经济结构调整的要求设置专业和课程,注重实践教学环节,大力提高培养人才的质量。日本专修学校以灵活的办学方式和过硬的人才培养质量赢得了日本社会各界的广泛赞誉和大力支持,因而在较短的时间内获得了长足的发展,已成为日本国内对国民进行职业培训和各方面终身教育的主要高等教育机构之一。我国高等教育改革中应当借鉴日本发展专修学校的成功经验,大力发展我国的高等职业技术教育,不断提高我国国民的文化素养和职业技能。  相似文献   

夏洛特·古娜瓦德娜博士(Charlotte N.(Lani)Gunawardena),是美国新墨西哥大学教育学院组织学习和教学技术专业远程教育和教学技术方向的教授,其研究兴趣主要有在线社区中知识的社会建构,在线学习的社会文化情境和社会存在理论,远程教育系统的设计、评价和实施,成人学习,以及跨文化交流和培训等。目前她作为世界银行在斯里兰卡的顾问,在巴西、墨西哥、挪威和土耳其等国家做顾问工作。古娜瓦德娜博士还获得了富布莱特法案基金的学者地区研究奖,并于2004-2005学年在摩洛哥和斯里兰卡从事相关研究工作。  相似文献   

This rejoinder is in response to criticism against the African Virtual University (AVU), an internet-based education modality, by Amutabi and Oketch [2003. Experimenting in distance education: the African Virtual University (AVU) and the Paradox of World Bank in Kenya. International Journal of Educational Development 23, 57–73]. By closely focusing on AVU “foreignness”, its equity effects, as well as questions about its sustainability, this riposte argues that the origins, developments and modus operandi of the new virtual educational system mirrors that of the state universities in Kenya. The paper concludes by arguing in favor of the theory of isomorphism as a more comprehensive analytical framework for assessing complexities of the development and role of internet-based education in developing countries.  相似文献   

尉明宇 《成人教育》2011,31(5):104-105
2010年7月以“上海开放大学”正式挂牌成立为标志,电大教育已经走上以“开放、自治、远程教学”为鲜明特征的开放大学之路,在“制度创新”方面已抢占了先机,未来将在学历层次、生源群体、教育资源、教学手段、考核方式等诸多方面会给自学考试带来巨大冲击。从矛盾发展规律、公共行政资源配置和自学考试自身发展分析,自学考试未来的出路将在于主动融入中国的开放教育,找准“考试和评价中心”的定位,与电大教育的先进教学手段融合,共同开创协作共赢的“中国式开放大学”之路。  相似文献   

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