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Small primary schools have often been criticized for their staff's inevitably limited cur‐ ricular expertise and consequent difficulty in providing a full National Curriculum for their pupils. Yet in terms of standards of attainment and quality of teaching such schools are rated rather more favourably than larger ones in OFSTED inspections. Based on an investigation of policy and practice in thirteen small primary schools this article attempts to examine the reality of small schools’ planning and implementation of National Curriculum requirements at Key Stage 2 and suggests possible reasons for their ‘better’ performance, at least as judged by OFSTED inspectors.  相似文献   

Spirituality is a concept which is hard to define, not least because it is not a neutral idea. How you understand it depends in part on your belief system. However, the quality of a school's contribution to spiritual development of its pupils is something included in OFSTED inspections. This paper describes an investigation which sought to answer the question, 'What are the professional perspectives of OFSTED inspectors and teachers with regard to the provision for spiritual growth of children in schools?' A small sample of inspectors and teachers were interviewed and asked to define spirituality. They were also asked what they looked for to indicate a spiritual dimension in children. The results showed a significant gap between the views and understandings of inspectors and teachers. The writers highlight the significance of these and make a number of suggestions about their implications.  相似文献   

A lay inspector is an essential part of the team conducting an Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspection in England. Evidence from a small research project focusing on interpretations of policy for primary mathematics at different levels of the OFSTED system revealed some tensions and lack of clarity about the role of the lay inspector. While expressing positive feelings about many aspects of lay inspection, primary inspectors interviewed felt, on the whole, that limitations in lay inspectors’ experience of teaching and learning meant that the responsibilities allocated to them relating to subject inspection (in this case mathematics) should also be limited. But boundaries were blurred and extensive experience of lay inspection itself could bring its own, perhaps worrying, form of ‘expertise’. Concerns about variations in the quality of lay inspectors were raised by both inspectors and key personnel in schools, variations which might impact on both the process of the inspection itself and the resulting inspection report  相似文献   

This is a study of 14 inspections of primary and secondary schools carried out by local inspectors in five widely separated areas during 1992 and 1993. The inspection approaches varied and in two cases followed the new OFSTED pattern. Reactions to inspection were gathered through interviews with headteachers and discussions with groups of teachers. Teachers’ reactions are described in relation to: the preparation for inspection; the inspectors as individuals; the inspection process; reporting and follow‐up. It is suggested that some of the concerns associated with these issues will be met by the new OFSTED arrangements. However, OFSTED practice may be less satisfactory in meeting other concerns such as the provision of adequate teacher feedback and the organisation of follow‐up advice and support  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of inspection findings for 22 secondary schools, selected from a larger sample of 100, in order to explore the nature of, and the responses to, OFSTED inspectors’ recommendations about the use of internal monitoring and evaluation to improve classroom practice. Inspectors’ reports, and schools’ action plans, were examined in order to determine inspectors’ expectations of senior managers in schools in relation to monitoring responsibilities and the means managers intend to use to meet these expectations. In their action plans some schools respond with bureaucratic procedures, while others indicate a more collaborative approach. This paper describes the first stage of a research project; the differences in implementation of the planned changes in schools will be the subject of further research.  相似文献   

In the UK there has been strong governmental pressure on schools to adopt a technicist‐rational approach to management. This paper reports an investigation of the relationship between the efficiency of resource management and school effectiveness using data from 117 secondary school inspection reports undertaken by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED). School effectiveness is assessed in terms of qualitative and quantitative measures of the quality of learning and teaching reported by inspectors. Quantitative indicators of the extent to which schools are assessed as ‘efficient’ in managing resources were derived. Statistical analysis suggests a positive association between school effectiveness and rational management practice.  相似文献   

This article examines how New Zealand's Education Review Office (ERO) and England's Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) attempt to construct school failure as the clear responsibility of schools in order to gain ideological power as agents of accountability. These 'politics of blame' are contested in both settings by an alternative 'contextual' claim which seeks to take account of broader social and political constraints on schools. It is argued that whereas New Zealand academics have been distrustful of the ERO's agenda, English school effectiveness and school improvement researchers have often provided support for OFSTED's politics of blame. However this relationship represents a double-edged sword for OFSTED because some school effectiveness/school improvement researchers also partly support the contextual claim. The article concludes that the politics of blame and their contestation will continue to be important in these settings and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of an interview study of the reactions of local education authority (LEA) chief inspectors to the OFSTED inspection model and Handbook. Although inspectors generally commended the thorough nature of the inspection approach, substantial reservations were nevertheless expressed about certain aspects, particularly the logistics of conducting inspections. Inspectors’ views of the methods and procedures are discussed in the light of the implicit rationale of the model and the findings of an OFSTED‐initiated review of the first 100 OFSTED inspections. The paper concludes by suggesting that some of the fundamental assumptions underpinning the model should be questioned  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first study of aspects of the reliability and validity of judgements of teaching quality made by independent inspectors in the classrooms of primary and secondary schools in England. The study shows, in particular, that two trained inspectors, independently observing the same lesson, are likely to identify the same strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and to arrive at similar conclusions about its overall quality. The strengths and weaknesses identified reflect appropriate application of the evaluation criteria specified by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), and the better the teaching is judged to be, the more the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. The agreement between inspectors reported here is comparable with that found by the Dutch Inspectorate in similar studies. Résumé Cet article présente les résultats d’une première étude anglaise sur la fiabilité et la validité des jugements émis sur la qualité de l’enseignement par des inspecteurs indépendants dans des classes d’école primaire et secondaire en Angleterre. Cette étude montre notamment que deux inspecteurs, formés à cette tâche, qui observent de façon indépendante la même leçon, vont probablement identifier les mêmes points forts et faibles de l’enseignement et parviendront à des conclusions semblables sur sa qualité d’ensemble. Les points forts et faibles qui sont identifiés reflètent l’application appropriée des critères d’évaluation définis par le Bureau pour les standards de l’enseignement (OFSTED). Plus l’enseignement est considéré comme bon, plus les points forts l’emportent sur les faibles. Le degré d’accord entre les inspecteurs décrit ici est comparable à celui qui a été mis en évidence dans des études du même type par des inspecteurs néerlandais. (Traduction: Liliane Jeanneret Clerc, IRDP, Neuchâtel / Suisse)  相似文献   

Reports on Books     

OfSTED's criteria for inspection are published and available to all. However, it is quite possible that there will be a mismatch between schools' interpretations of what OfSTED means by good practice in primary mathematics and those of the inspectors who come to inspect them. The research reported here focuses on the responses of a small set of primary schools to the inspection of their mathematics: their anticipation of issues, their expectations of what would be found and their views of how the inspection would contribute to the development of good practice. Inspectors' reports seemed frequently to match the expectations of the schools. Interpretations appeared to coincide, but in some cases there appeared to be mismatch and disagreement which raised questions about expertise or interpretations of both inspector and mathematics co-ordinator and might, in turn, affect the development of mathematics following inspection.  相似文献   

This paper questions a central assumption of OFSTED, that inspection is an effective and, moreover, a cost‐effective method for improving schools. In particular, doubts are expressed about the capacity of OFSTED inspections to identify the ‘worst’ schools and provide them with a sure mechanism for improvement. It is argued that applying OFSTED inspections to all schools discourages diversity and encourages conformity to the OFSTED school model. This would appear to be in contradiction to the Government's avowed policy of diversity and choice. A case is made for ‘reforming’ OFSTED so as to carry out a modified form of the original HMI functions of monitoring, identifying good practice and offering advice and assistance. Some further specific suggestions are given as to how the new OFSTED would operate  相似文献   

This article analyses aspects of the implementation of the National Curriculum for initial teacher training (ITT). It focuses on the impact of the standards upon course design and structure and particularly the emphasis on the development of subject knowledge. The assessment of students in terms of subject knowledge and the standards for qualified teacher status (QTS) are explored alongside the development of partnership schools and mentoring programmes. The impact of external agencies such as OFSTED and the TTA is included in the discussion. Future implications for primary and secondary ITT programmes are considered.  相似文献   

Empirical research exploring the spiritual lives of young children in Australia is a field in which scholarship is beginning to emerge. This article reports on one particular finding that emerged from an Australian study seeking to identify some characteristics of children's spirituality in Catholic primary schools. The characteristic has been termed spiritual questing, and pertains to the way in which these children were spiritual seekers, finding authentic ways of connecting with self, others, the world, and with God. In the light of the emergence of this characteristic, this article presents some implications for religious education in faith contexts for nurturing children's spirituality.  相似文献   

The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) aims to improve school performance through inspection. A government indicator of a secondary school's performance in England and Wales is the students' success in examinations. The examination results of over 3000 OFSTED inspected secondary schools offering students for General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination during the 1992 to 1997 inspection cycle were modelled statistically. For kinds of schools where achievement was already much higher or lower than the average (e.g. selective schools), inspection was associated with slight improvements in achievement. For county, local education authority maintained, comprehensive schools (the largest single group), inspection did not improve examination achievement. Some implications for school improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Focusing on ‘Whole school action on Numeracy’, research began in six primary schools undergoing an Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) inspection during the year September 1997 to 1998, as part of the Leverhulme Numeracy Research Programme. The Numeracy Task Force was working during that time to prepare the Numeracy Strategy with its implementation date of September 1999. Schools were aware that this was coming, but had the major innovation of the National Literacy Strategy to implement in September 1998. This paper reports on the ways in which three major outside constraints — OFSTED inspection with its attendant Action Plan, a national focus on Literacy and the impending National Numeracy Strategy — caused conflicts for schools as they planned action to raise attainment in numeracy.  相似文献   

Although well documented from a British perspective, empirical research exploring the spiritual lives of primary school children in the Australian context is a field in which scholarship is beginning to emerge. This article reports on one particular finding which emerged from an Australian study seeking to identify some characteristics of children's spirituality in Catholic primary schools. The characteristic has been termed weaving the threads of meaning. It describes the way in which the children who participated in this study appeared to use their sense of wonder as a means of expressing their spirituality by piecing together a worldview based around their attempts at meaning making. This article argues that the existence of this characteristic presents a challenge for religious education, in particular for those programmes which operate within faith schools where the Christian narrative forms a source of the authoritative wisdom to be handed on to its students.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles outlining research into the understanding of the concepts of rational planning in secondary schools. The OFSTED Framework suggests that rational planning fosters school effectiveness and in earlier research the team found that this was broadly true. However, there are examples of schools which are criticised for their lack of rational planning but which are nevertheless successful in their outcomes. Four case study schools were selected for further investigation, two of these having been the subject of some critical comment from OFSTED. The investigation probed the relationship between leadership and effective planning and resource management in each of the schools. In the first article the importance of managing the relationship of the school with its environment in each of the four schools is considered. Understanding, moulding and living with the culture of the school appears to be of considerable importance to effective leadership. In these aspects of management heads appear to be working along a continuum which has a balance between systems organisation and an integrative culture. Our conclusion in the first article is that schools which are strongly rational in their approach to planning are also systems dominated, whilst those which are more pragmatic are likely to have a more open and integrative culture. However, all four schools are seen to be successful by their internal and external communities.  相似文献   

This article explores whether private adventure and dame schools were anything more than ‘nurseries of ignorance’ in nineteenth‐century Wales. It traces the origins, development and make‐up of these small schools, through an analysis of educational reports, biographical material, census returns and other sources. Private adventure schools have been subjected to strong criticism, most notably in the 1847 report on the state of education in Wales. The article considers why this was so. While falling short of expectations held by inspectors, civil servants and other middle‐class social commentators, the article contends that private adventure schools had much to offer working‐class communities set against state‐funded and regulated schools. The article concludes by exploring the demise of private adventure schools post 1870, against a backdrop of increasing state control over elementary school provision.  相似文献   

This article addresses teachers' understanding of spiritual development in public and religious schools in Boston and Chicago. It examines how teachers define spiritual development in different educational contexts and looks at the way they relate spirituality to a number of factors including community, identity, and character. The data from the research indicates that teachers understood spiritual development within the specific environment of their school but that they all located the need for spirituality within education as part of the reaction against the perceived negative side effects of modern society.  相似文献   

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