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Dramatic demographic changes in the cultural and linguistic diversity of people are occurring in many nations throughout the world. These changes have challenged higher education institutions to modify their curricula and instructional strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners and to prepare all graduates to have the awareness, knowledge, and skills to be effective in a diverse society. This article outlines a framework for changing curricula in higher education in order to prepare students to succeed in the culturally diverse, globally interdependent world. It also provides some practical guidance for undertaking such change, placing emphasis on increasing faculty expertise in multicultural and global/international education.  相似文献   

综合大学举办教师教育已经成为国际上教师教育的发展趋势,在此趋势下,我国一些师范院校通过合并、整合等方式并入了综合大学。这种合并型综合性大学虽然具有教师教育的传统,但是其在教师教育的发展中遭遇了对教师教育重视不够、管理不足和教师教育课程缺失的困境,这些困境可以通过加强对教师教育的认识、充分利用学校资源和探索教师教育课程的改革来突破。  相似文献   

IB(International Baccalaureate)国际文凭教育作为一种培养具有国际意识和全球化人才的高质量教育方案,一直受到世界教育组织的高度认可。概述美国发展IB公立教育的背景和项目规划,将美国IB公立小学的教育特色归纳为:在调查中学习、个性发展塑造、国际化意识的培养三个方面。希望对我国公立IB项目的学校建设,起到一定促进作用。  相似文献   

我国一流大学创新人才培养模式的新突破与老问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对北京大学等五所我国一流大学2008年或2009年关于人才培养方案的修订意见及实施政策文本进行了分析。结果显示,五所大学已经初步建立起以通识教育为基础,宽口径的专业教育和个性化多元培养的创新人才培养新模式。新模式反映出各大学自发地引进了通识教育理念,开始将学生的需求落实在课程上,开始重视跨学科能力的培养。但从国际化的视角出发,与美国一流大学相比,新模式在人才培养目标上尚待进一步明确化,通识与专业教育的衔接等课程连贯性与梯度问题、怎样落实全球意识培养问题等需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

儒家的践行之道即"忠恕"之道,它的思想真谛是"己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人""己所不欲,勿施与人"。这一践行之道不仅可以处理好个人与个人之间的关系,而且"齐家、治国、平天下"也可以从中引申出来。它是人类的普世伦理,是全球的底线伦理,是全球伦理的重要精神资源,是天下和平、四海无波的根本。若要走向世界和平,就需要在各个国家内部、不同国家之间实行"忠恕"之道。这样世界才能赢得真正而持久的和谐。  相似文献   

大学生态伦理教育是一种建构在人与自然关系基础上,以生态伦理学为理论基础的世界观、价值观、人生观教育。我国高校的环境教育虽然起步于20世纪80年代,但迄今为止,还缺乏完整的生态伦理教育的框架体系,使得生态伦理教育效果不明显。因此,大学生态伦理教育应该建立这样的目标体系:培养学生珍爱自然的情感意识,使学生形成万物平等的生态世界观,养成善待自然的行为模式。  相似文献   

美国社区学院职业道德教育特色吸引着越来越多的社会关注,职业道德教育与专业课程设置能够有机结合。通过校企合作提升职业道德素质,通过学生社团各种服务和活动提高职业道德修养,借助校园文化进行职业道德教育渗透,通过网络课程拓展职业道德教育。美国社区学院成功的职业道德教育为美国培养了大量德才兼备的技术人才,提升了大学生在就业市场中的竞争优势以及社区学院的社会声誉。探究借鉴美国社区学院职业道德教育特色,构建我国高职院校职业道德教育新范式,不失为职业德育教育的新思考。  相似文献   

高等教育机构对质量保证日益增加的重视以及初等和中等教育中评估学习成就的重要机构的出现,是教育领域中具有重要发展意义的代表性现象。全民教育(EFA)这一全球性运动表明,人们不仅意识到了世界各地的人们都有受教育的权利,而且承诺将教育扩展到世界各地。本文表明的是,尽管我们取得了重大进展,不容忽视的是挑战依然存在。笔者认为,目前在世界各地兴起的质量保证制度中关于质量构成的理解嵌入了个人主义概念。据此,笔者指出这是远远不够的,其他能够阐释我们作为个体、作为民族以及作为国家身份的更具概括性的概念需要被引入,这样才能获得关于质量的更广泛的观点。  相似文献   

由于基础教育阶段情商素质教育的缺失,使得当代大学生普遍存在人际交往能力差、集体凝聚力不强、心理承受能力差、社会适应能力低、责任感不强等问题.基于此,当前加强对大学生情商素质的培养刻不容缓.高校可通过思想政治理论课和心理健康辅导,教师日常教育教学引导,校园文化建设及社会实践活动等,不断开发和提升大学生的情商素质,增强其综合素质.  相似文献   


Students must be taught to understand the ethical issues associated with engineering and technology, which includes microethics and macroethics. This research examined the influence of cultural environment by comparing ethics-related education outcomes between educators in (1) the United States, (2) non-US Anglo, and (3) Western European countries who teach engineering students. In an increasingly globalised world where companies and projects draw from talent across countries, it is important to understand how different cultures educate future engineers about their ethical responsibilities. Survey results revealed that a majority of educators in all three groups viewed undergraduate and postgraduate education on ethics as insufficient. A higher percentage of non-US Anglo and Western European educators taught sustainability and environmental issues in their courses compared to US respondents. US educators taught codes of ethics, ethics in design, and safety more than those in Western Europe. Open-ended responses illuminated challenges and opportunities to improve ethics education.  相似文献   

增强思政教育融入专业课程的实效性是推进高校课程思政建设的重要内容。发挥专业课程思政育人的价值,落实专业课程思政育人的要求,必须本着专业教育的初心和使命,强化社会责任、职业道德和规矩意识,遵循“课程自身”到“课程体系”和“外引”到“内生”,以及“灌输”到“启发”的转变路径,才能进一步提升专业课程思政建设质效。  相似文献   

This paper presents an inclusive and emergent approach to identifying ethics courses and revealing their pedagogical methods and goals. It outlines a two-year study of undergraduate and professional courses at a private university addressing ethical themes. The study began with three assumptions: 1) ethics education occurs across the curriculum; 2) instructors are master practitioners with learning theories and goals that are often implicit; and 3) education contributes to three domains of human development: existential, civic, and vocational. These principles informed the development of a method for describing ethics education based on instructor reports of what and how they teach. Results of an application of this method are presented, and implications for ethics teaching and assessment in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

As education systems the world over acknowledge the significance of supporting students with disabilities and related conditions to maintain school enrolment, building the capacity of educators to fulfil an inclusive ambition is frequently promoted through activities like awareness training. Here, the intention is to potentially change how people living with disability are understood and related to. Traditionally, awareness raising work relies on psychological interventions targeting human being’s cognitive-behavioural triumvirate – thoughts, feelings and behaviours, nudging public policy and individual attitudes to sustain such changes. Yet, an inevitable lament typically befalls researchers and practitioners when inclusive ideals are not reached through the promotion of human rights, individualised support and positive attitudes. Advancing a conceptual approach to orientating to difference resourced by theory from critical psychology, critical disability and affirmative ethics, our discussion seeks to question the validity of current orientations to awareness training in favour of engaging difference differently. The discussion is relevant to education policy makers and practitioners seeking to reduce inequities, particularly among students living diverse ways of being within mainstream populations, so they might engage difference differently to reduce school exclusion.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1996, the world population of kindergarten through to higher education students grew from 919 million to 1.13 billion. There are at least three typical global higher education student profiles. Distance education - the delivery of education courses from one location to students at another location - is an alternative way to reach many students within these profiles. Distance education has a different set of characteristics from that typical of place-bound education, and transnational education brings yet more features. Regardless of the ways in which education is delivered, its quality assurance and maintenance of standards is of paramount concern among many national and international institutions, organizations and private sector companies, and students. Organizations such as the Global Alliance for Transnational Education (GATE) provide a prototype for achieving such standards.  相似文献   

全面发挥高校课程的育人功能和教师的育人作用,是高校教师对大学生进行思想政治教育的重要责任。本文从大学生职业发展与就业指导课程教学出发,寓思想政治教育于教学之中,从世界观人生观价值观、党的就业创业政策、职业理想和职业道德、正确的职业观就业观创业观教育、社会主义法制观教育、就业心理健康教育等多方面探讨了对大学生进行思想政治教育的内容、方法和途径。  相似文献   

地理教学应该重点培养学生环境保护参与意识、可持续发展意识、人口意识、人均与国情意识、环境资源意识、环境科技与经济意识、环境法制意识、环境公德意识、全球意识。  相似文献   

大学生信息安全教育探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
互联网络已成为大学生学习、交流和娱乐的重要平台,但大学生的信息安全意识普遍非常薄弱,大学生信息安全教育还存在不少问题.文章给出了大学生信息安全教育的具体内容,提出了如下建议:在计算机基础课程中加强信息安全知识教育;开设全校性的信息安全选修课程并采用无教材的教学模式;在思想政治课程中融入计算机法律法规、伦理道德的内容等.  相似文献   

在城市化进程中,城市文化诉求伦理道德成为必然。因此,在城市化进程中,必须以城市人为中心,通过对古今中外道德资源整合创新、城市文化伦理制度建设、城市文化伦理“知行合一”道德实践等途径,建构城市文化伦理。  相似文献   

奥林匹克的文化教育功能在对传播世界优秀文化,对大学生进行的伦理、道德及社会规范方面的教育,具有其它方式所不可替代的独特功效.从(1)大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的必要性;(2)奥林匹克人格教育的内涵;(3)大学生奥林匹克人格教育的过程三个方面展开论述,进一步明确我国大学生奥林匹克人格教育的特殊内涵,提出了对大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的内容及教育程序.  相似文献   

Educating and training the dementia workforce is a global challenge, given the expected increasing number of people living with dementia across the world as the population ages. Two projects from the UK (one regionally and one locality based) investigated courses available to the workforce and mapped the content of identified courses against a locally developed dementia care pathway. The locality project included a survey of what percentage of staff time was spent with people living with dementia, and what percentage of staff caseloads were devoted to people living with dementia. There was a great variation in the extent of education and training available, with some stages of the dementia care pathway poorly addressed. An educational strategy for the dementia workforce in the UK might include four categories of education and training: basic dementia awareness, intermediate level, advanced level, and dementia awareness for managers. Staff requiring education and training might be divided into three groups: those employed to work specifically with people living with dementia and their families; those working with people who have other conditions but some of whom will have a coincidental dementia; those working with other conditions but in settings where a high proportion of their patients have a comorbid dementia. To improve workforce skills in dementia care will require actions across the whole of education and training for professionals and untrained workers who provide services to this group.  相似文献   

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