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20世纪70年代以来,国外教育政策分析和研究人员把教育政策执行作为研究和改进的对象,从分析模型、执行模式和相关变量的视角,对教育政策执行的理论模式进行比较分析,并指出了不同模型的侧重点。纵观相关研究内容发现这些研究主要关注三方面主题,其侧重点虽各不相同,但每一研究主题都有恰当的目标设置、严格的研究设计,从各种不同角度提出了有价值的分析思路,这对我国的教育政策执行研究有着重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

语言在南非的教育领域始终是一个有争议的问题。在高等教育层面,南非的语言政策经历了英殖民地时期的单语制、南非联盟时期的添加型双语制、种族隔离时期的减少型双语制,到民主新南非的多语制。目前,南非多语制的政策主张和高校的语言实践存在着很大的差异:英语的地位日益显赫,阿非利加语的地位不断下降,而非洲本土语言被边缘化。语言实践中的单语倾向日趋明显。本文在系统梳理南非高等教育语言政策发展历程的基础上,从历史、政治、经济、文化、教育和法令政策等多个角度分析了现行多语制政策的实施困境。  相似文献   

Misjudging the ease of policy implementation is recognised as one of the most common planning mistakes. If implementation is not planned and structured, effective management of change may give way to ad hoc adjustments and short-term strategies for coping, with a subsequent dilution of policy efficiency. Developing countries can ill afford the wasted resources that result, but little research attention has been directed at providing information about implementation processes that policy makers can draw on. This article discusses a model of 'backward mapping' that was applied in India, and generated a variety of useful insights which have contributed to learning for policy. In contexts where comparatively little is known about the implementation process, the use of such models to generate this kind of learning can improve our understandings of the 'black box' of implementation, and open up new options for policy strategies to achieve policy goals.  相似文献   

中国教育政策的历史考察——兼论教育主权的行使   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育主权的行使是通过教育政策的执行来体现的。通过梳理历朝历代的教育政策概况来探讨当时教育主权的行使,期望从中总结出教育主权行使正确与否的规律,为探讨当前教育主权行使的合理性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

To help explain the differences in students' performance on internationally administered science assessments, cross-national, video-based observational studies have been advocated, but none have yet been conducted at the elementary level for science. The USA and Germany are two countries with large formal education systems whose students underperform those from peers on internationally administered standardized science assessments. However, evidence from the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Exam assessment suggests fourth-grade students (9–10 year-olds) in the USA perform higher than those in Germany, despite more instructional time devoted to elementary science in Germany. The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze fourth-grade classroom science in both countries to learn more about how teachers and students engage in scientific inquiry, particularly explanation-construction. Videorecordings of US and German science instruction (n 1?=?42, n 2?=?42) were sampled from existing datasets and analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Despite German science lessons being, on average, twice as long as those in the USA, study findings highlight many similarities between elementary science in terms of scientific practices and features of scientific inquiry. However, they also illustrate crucial differences around the scientific practice of explanation-construction. While students in German classrooms were afforded more substantial opportunities to formulate evidence-based explanations, US classrooms were more strongly characterized by opportunities for students to actively compare and evaluate evidence-based explanations. These factors may begin to help account for observed differences in student achievement and merit further study grounded in international collaboration.  相似文献   

外语课堂教学语码转换研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对语码转换在外语课堂教学这一特殊言语交际情境下的理论与实证研究进行了回顾和综述,并从社会语言学、心理语言学、会话分析、语用学等多重视角对外语课堂语码转换现象开展了理论阐释和实证研究方法策略的讨论。  相似文献   

Policy implementation research in general and educational policy in particular is loosely connected to policy-making processes. There is a gap particularly in the field of vocational education. This often leads to conflicts and contradictions between policy-maker objectives and end-user implementation. To avoid such a disconnect, the relation between the world of end users and the world of decision-makers should be carefully constructed. This might be done through connecting the process of decision-making to implementation and carefully developing methods that encompass the demands of decision-makers and the needs and informational requirements of end users. Our intensive case study research on the process of a vocational education reform in the marine sector confirms that the lack of robust connection and active engagement of implementers as the end-users in the design of the policy created challenges for its implementation. Using a theoretical framework based on the notion of boundary objects we bring an alternative to current practice by creating the potential to illuminate and remove tensions and challenges for policy implementation. From there we infer that adopting this concept for policy design may prevent such conflicts and contradictions and result in successful implementation.
Wolff -Michael RothEmail:

The aim of this paper is to provoke thought on the role of standard English in the early years of education. It examines the nature and function of a standard and highlights its close relationship with political aims and its potential for liberation and oppression. The reality of language variety and bilingualism is outlined and leads to a discussion of standard English and early schooling. The paper concludes with some suggestions for avoiding the standard English trap.  相似文献   

教育政策执行是将政策理想转化成政策现实的过程,然而政策的理想目标与社会现实之间的矛盾和冲突,往往会导致教育政策难以有效执行.从农民工子女教育政策执行的社会实践出发,探讨教育政策执行的四种机制:政策认识的差异机制、政策利益的博弈机制、权力对政策的重塑机制和“关系”在政策中的嵌入机制.这四种机制相互联系、共同作用,形成一个整体性的中国式教育政策执行的机制模型,解释了从政策文本到地方策略的过程.这一模型对于教育政策制订和实施具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

中国和博茨瓦纳的双边关系自建交后稳步发展,中博教育合作在中非合作论坛建立后,更是取得快速发展.本文通过梳理中博教育合作交流的主要内容,总结中博教育合作交流的经验,反思其中存在的问题,结合目前博茨瓦纳基础教育面临的困境,提出推动中非教育交流的政策建议.  相似文献   

对教育政策执行中的复杂性予以关注意味着对教育政策执行简单性的反思与超越。这将有助于追求多种学科研究的综合,丰富政策科学、认知科学和复杂性科学等学科内容;有助于从复杂性与教育政策执行的耦合出发,为教育政策执行提供可借鉴的操作性建议,提高教育政策的执行效率。  相似文献   

Margaret Irving 《Prospects》2012,42(4):389-402
This article compares key features of the labour markets for teachers across Botswana and South Africa in order to seek possible explanations for the apparently larger teacher shortages in South Africa. It is argued that South African teachers earn relatively lower wages when compared to professionals with comparable qualifications; they have also been subject to a more haphazard series of reforms in teacher training, and are the product of a teaching culture shaped heavily by powerful trade unions. The impact of these factors on both the quantity and quality of teachers is considered.  相似文献   

随着《不让一个儿童掉队》(No Child Left Behind)法案在美国遭到的质疑越来越多,奥巴马政府颁布了新的教育改革政策。其中包括加大学前教育投资、提高课程及评价标准、改革教师相关政策、发展特许公立学校以及普及高等教育等措施。与《不让一个儿童掉队》法案相比,此次改革具有更强的实践指导意义,但同时也遭到了反对派的质疑。新教育改革政策不仅承担着提高教育整体水平的职责,而且还肩负着使全美各领域从金融危机中复苏的政治任务,因此奥巴马教育改革政策在引起社会公众关注的同时,也引发了学术界的深刻反思。  相似文献   

我国教育政策在实施过程中陷入了困境。究其原因在于我国学校在制度化过程中的内在价值分裂,即显性制度化和隐性制度化的出现。要摆脱这一困境就必须进行学校制度的变革,对我国学校进行“自组织”建构。  相似文献   

外语暗示教学法也叫启发式外语教学法,是基于教育心理学理论框架下的一种教学方法。本论文介绍了其教育心理学依据和三大原则,并对其展开了论述研究。  相似文献   

以"管理人"假设为逻辑起点、和谐型博弈为基础的教育政策和谐型博弈执行模式,既是对教育政策执行中利益博弈存在这一客观事实的有效回应,也是解决"不和谐博弈"带来的政策执行滞变、梗阻和低效等问题的最直接方式。它与当前理性竞争、和谐共赢的社会理念相吻合,也是弥补教育政策制定不足和办好"人民满意的教育"的需要。该模式主要围绕和谐型博弈的文化营造、规则确立、平台搭建、组织结构和运行机制优化以及信息公开五个方面展开构建。  相似文献   

裕固族是中国人口较少民族之一.在中国现代化进程中,随着民族政策的制定、调整和族群文化自觉意识的觉醒,裕固族地区先后开展了两次语言教育试验,却都以失败告终.通过对这两次语言教育试验的民族志描述和之所以失败的归因分析,并对民族自治地方教育政策的制定和实施过程中存在的问题进行讨论,发现有三种效应--应激效应、黑箱效应和计划效应值得注意.  相似文献   

新时代为教育政策执行提出背景要求。其中,"地位新"为教育政策执行提出方向要求;"体制机制新"为教育政策执行提出框架要求;"矛盾新"为教育政策执行提出路径要求。在这样的新时代背景下,教育政策执行遭遇"自上而下"行政驱动执行路径、"自下而上"民间执行路径、"由内及外"专家智库执行路径、"由外及内"民意表达执行路径的新问题。从制度选择的视角产生了对教育政策执行问题的新思考:教育政策执行受正式制度与非正式制度的双重规约;在这个制度规约框架下,既要有对教育政策执行合法性与合理性相统一的遵循,也要有对教育政策执行民意表达的考量。  相似文献   

北朝时期,为了加快改革进程,历代统治者相继采取了一系列加强语言文字建设的政策措施,如推行汉语、整理规范汉字和重用语言学人才等。这些政策和措施在改善当时的语言文字状况、提高人们的语言修养、推动语言文字研究以及促进民族间的交流与融合等方面都产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

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