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Evidence-based reforms that emphasize the identification and implementation of empirically validated practices are at the forefront of educational research, and recently, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC; 2014) published a set of standards for establishing evidence-based practices in special education. Although 30 years of research supports the effectiveness of ClassWide Peer Tutoring (CWPT), an instructional strategy intended to increase engagement and improve academic outcomes for students with disabilities, a formal evidence-based review has not yet been conducted on the practice. The purpose of this study is to examine whether CWPT, as developed by the Juniper Gardens Children’s Project at the University of Kansas, can be considered an evidence-based practice for academic outcomes of students with high incidence disabilities using the CEC standards. Sixteen single-case design studies met inclusion criteria; no studies addressed all the required quality indicators. Although results of multiple studies show that CWPT had positive effects, the lack of methodologically sound studies supporting the practice means that CWPT is not considered an evidence-based practice according to the CEC (2014) standards. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

我国网络教育质量管理范式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育质量管理大致经历了质量控制、质量保障和全面质量管理三个阶段或三种范式的探索.借用这种一分为三的分析框架,本文采用全部调查与个案分析相结合的方式,调查国家教育部正式批准试点的高校网络教育学院的质量管理情况.研究发现,教育质量管理的每个阶段或每种范式在我国网络教育质量管理活动中都时有体现.我国网络教育质量管理的典型规定表明,注重毕业生“零缺陷”、重视学员的“顾客”地位、质量管理信息公开已是其显著特点.教育理论界宜针对问题加强研究,在促进网络教育建构质量文化的同时避免消费主义倾向.  相似文献   

This systematic review intends to report on the strength of evidences supporting the quality indicators (predictors) attributed to higher education bilingual, plurilingual or multilingual practices and programs across four key dependent variables (outcomes) analyzed (i.e., student performance, second language proficiency, employment, and motivation and attitudes). The rapid growth of both offer and demand of this type of higher education and learning worldwide requires the implementation of high-quality evaluation strategies and techniques to measure potential causal links between interventions and results. To do so, a pre-specified systematic review protocol following the Campbell Collaboration (2015) recommendations is designed and implemented. The results suggest the urgent need to increase the primary research quality standards in this sub-discipline by reducing bias in the processes of designing, implementing and reporting research. Despite the scarcity of results sustained on statistical conclusions with the higher statistical power found in this review, specific results of the dependent variables indicate that this type of education benefits students’ performance and second language proficiency, with a higher impact on receptive skills. Although no results were obtained concerning student employment, other results point out that there is general satisfaction of participation with the programs. Finally, several recommendations on how to scale up those quality research standards in this sub-discipline are provided.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to derive a connection between the quality of accreditation and education in one country and the public protection function of professional regulation in another and to highlight the critical importance of international standards for quality assurance of accreditation and education for consumer protection. Using the United States as a case study, the author outlines the forces influencing the setting of educational standards. These forces include multinational factors such as NAFTA and GATS, the economics of professional regulation, and immigration reform in the United States. The conclusion of this paper is that the critical key to ensuring public protection within and across nations is the quality assurance of education and accreditation through international standards.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代、70年代和80年代先后发起的佩里计划、初学者项目和芝加哥亲子中心项目将理论研究与实践探索紧密结合,证明了有质量的学前教育干预在教育、经济、健康、减少犯罪等方面具有诸多的社会、经济效益,尤其是对处境不利家庭幼儿具有更为突出的效果与效益。不可否认的是,虽然学前教育发展对儿童早期智力与学业成就的影响逐年减弱,但是幼儿社会技能与学习品质的提升产生了更加长远的效益与可持续性影响。其中,学前教育干预项目的持续时长、质量要素及科学的衡量标准是确保学前教育有效的重要因素。虽然既有研究基本呈现了学前教育干预项目影响与收益的全貌,但由于学前教育影响的不确定,学前教育项目干预效果的对比性、可复制性、可推广性仍有待进一步循证论证。  相似文献   

Projects on science and mathematics education research supported by the National Science Foundation (US government) rarely employ a single method of study. Studies of educational practices that use experimental design are very rare. The most common research method is the case study method and the second most common is some form of experimental design. However, most studies use a combination of methods to study educational practices such as case study and survey. The types of methods found in this group of education researchers represent the best quality available to the education community. The proposals were selected from those carefully reviewed by a panel of senior researchers.  相似文献   

基础教育质量指数的构建可以为教育质量提供科学、有效的评价方法。本文首先回顾了对教育指标体系和教育指数的相关探索,总结了基础教育质量指数构建的模式,为构建我国基础教育质量指数提供参考。结合我国提升基础教育质量的目标和新时代教育评价机制改革的趋势对基础教育质量指数的构建提出的具体要求,本文提出了基础教育质量指数构建的可能途径:以CIPP框架为出发点初步构建并不断完善指标体系;基于效度证据选择投入、过程和结果指标;建立多方参与的综合评价系统;基于质量标准科学地使用和解释指数;在评价质量水平时兼顾公平。同时,为落实我国基础教育质量指数的构建,我们认为,还需要一系列教育实证研究的支撑,未来研究应关注数据链接和填补、质量指标的本土化效度验证、不同水平指数的效度验证、“互联网+”时代的指数构建、综合指数合成方法的比较、结合质量标准的指数使用案例,以及融合质量水平与公平的指数构建等研究主题。  相似文献   

Following decades of quality management featuring in higher education settings, questions regarding its implementation, impact and outcomes remain. Indeed, leaving aside anecdotal case studies and value-laden documentaries of best practice, current research still knows very little about the implementation of quality management in teaching and learning within higher education institutions. Referring to data collected from German higher education institutions in which a quality management department or functional equivalent was present, this article theorises and provides evidence for the supposition that the implementation of quality management follows two implicit logics. Specifically, it tends either towards the logic of appropriateness or, contrastingly, towards the logic of consequentialism. This study’s results also suggest that quality managers’ socialisation is related to these logics and that it influences their views on quality management in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

加强教育科研 促进教育创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)一贯重视科学研究在增强国家社会经济发展潜力 ,尤其是促进教育创新及改革过程中的作用。在国际教育发展大背景下 ,教育研究的地位相应提高。教育研究注重加强与教育决策和创新实践的联系 ;注重对影响教育质量和学习成绩因素的研究 ;加强对生本课程和学生学习标准及相应的教师专业标准的探索 ;从新的广度及深度探讨信息通讯技术对教育的影响 ;教育研究日益全球化。教育科研要促进教育的全面发展 ,提高改革的成效 ,还应关注和解决诸如教师在教育科研中的作用、恰当地认识和加强研究与决策的关系、教育研究成果的推广应用、教育研究方法的改进等方面的问题。  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of educational markets means that quality of higher education has the character of open signifiers of periodic occurrence, embedded institutionally as ways of consensual communication on how to go on as smoothly as possible. This promotes the growth of context dependent and local interpretations of how to meet in agreement regarding quality in everyday practices. All interpretations are contextualised and as a result are nullified outside the context in which they occur. Discourses on quality promote flexibility and create periodic legitimacy through discursive nullification processes. On the other hand, institutions have to adopt standards in education as a measure of outcome indicators for benchmarking. When quality is replaced by standards and if standards are equivalent to labour market relevance this might signal the beginning of overall external control over higher education. In the long run it will hardly benefit educational programmes if institutions of higher educations fail to ‘stand for’ quality that, in the very least, can supplement the fulfilment of politically determined targets and standards. In this way the market will have not only graduates who are going into employment but also engaged citizens who can transform and challenge the market.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a major expansion by higher education institutions in setting up ‘for-profit’, offshore programmes and campuses. It has been claimed that for-profit provision in a free, or unregulated market, responds to student demand and acts as a catalyst for innovation, thus fuelling arguments for a global ‘free market’ in higher education. There are few opportunities to test these claims since higher education is overwhelmingly provided within national systems of education and is generally subject to strong local regulation. Israel, in the 1990s, offered a rare case of an unregulated market in higher education for foreign providers, albeit one which contained significant distortions: British institutions took the leading part in developments. This article examines that experience in the light of documentation in the public domain and of practitioner research and argues, contrary to unsubstantiated claims, that provision fell below acceptable standards. The article concludes that, in this field, consumer demand did not operate on the basis of quality and that the market-place cannot assure standards of higher education in overseas provision. Furthermore, until international standards are agreed, governments have a responsibility to regulate provision which directly affects the lives of their citizens.  相似文献   

This paper considers the question of what education for sustainable development (ESD) research might signify when linked to the concept of “retention”, and how this relation (ESD and retention) might be researched. It considers two different perspectives on retention, as revealed through educational research trajectories, drawing on existing research and case studies. Firstly, it discusses an ESD research agenda that documents retention by focusing on the issue of keeping children in schools. This research agenda is typical of the existing discourses surrounding Education for All (EFA). It then discusses a related ESD research agenda that focuses more on the pedagogical and curricular aspects of retention, as this provides for a deeper understanding of how ESD can contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning within a wider EFA retention agenda.  相似文献   

Research on policy borrowing is a well-established research area of comparative education. Over the past 20 years or so it gained prominence among globalization scholars. Of great interest is not so much the question of which reforms “travel” internationally, and which ones are homebound, but rather why traveling reforms resonate in a given context and at a specific moment, and how they are subsequently translated or locally adapted. In addition to issues of reception and translation, questions on the politics and economics of policy transfer are central to this research area. Empirical studies have shown that borrowing reforms from other countries, from other sectors within a country, or from “international standards” broadly defined often help coalition-building in a country. Policy borrowing also helps to mobilize financial resources, especially when it is preceded by political talk of falling behind some international standards or “best practices.” Therefore, the methods of inquiry used, the type of research questions asked, and the conclusions drawn in this body of research tend to address political and economic aspects of educational reform. Arguably, a transnational perspective is indispensable to carry out this kind of intellectual project. The academic preoccupation with policy borrowing has helped to formulate the contours of comparative policy studies. The article provides a brief overview of the main tenets of policy borrowing research and then focuses specifically on three aspects: policy reception, policy projection, and the rise of the global education industry as a new actor and beneficiary of global education policy.  相似文献   

高职素质教育的文本高位与偏重术业的实践低位,需要科学发展观与教育哲学基本原理的矫正和大学文化精神的张扬;高技能人才培养需求的高位与实际教学中本科减量的低位,需要针对类型性职业性特征与区域性差异,创新素质教育理念、目标、实践的科学体系;高职院校素质教育宏观共识的高位与组织实施弱化泛化的低位,需要脚踏实地的校本微观实践探索创新可迁移性优秀个案。在对高职素质教育长期思考、实践、反思、完善中,本院试图建构符合社会需求与高职大学生发展特点的素质教育科学体系,解决高职素质教育宏观理念目标、中观制度机制、微观模式途径的内涵逻辑关键性难题,并在不断扬弃中积累创新。  相似文献   

本文采用数理统计和教育测量的方法,对2005年广西体育高考的篮球考试进行研究.结果表明,2005年的篮球专项考试项目设置合理,将全场比赛考试取消是有根据和较合理的;一分钟投篮和往返运球投篮的评分标准不合理,使考试的难度和区分度降低,考生比较容易得高分,评分标准不能客观和有效地评定和鉴别考生的优劣.应对这两项考试的评分标准进行修改.  相似文献   

Single-case research designs are useful for learning disability researchers interested in refining novel interventions (e.g., new mathematics intervention) before scaling, small n populations (e.g., students with comorbid learning and emotional and behavioral disabilities), and testing unique conditions (e.g., remote locales). Much attention has been devoted to developing research quality standards, which is essential for replication and implementation fidelity; however, little is known about the reporting quality of single-case design studies. To gain insight into the quality of learning disability single-case research design study reporting, we analyzed 72 articles published between 2010 and 2021 in six learning disability-focused journals using the Single-Case Reporting Guideline In BEhavioral interventions (SCRIBE) standards. Findings suggest that reporting quality has remained stagnant, and none of the studies reviewed met all of the reporting standards. Alignment with standards ranged from 33% to 77%. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

以质量标准规范引领高等教育发展既是国际高等教育发展的趋势,也是目前我国高等教育发展的重要抓手。厘清高等教育质量标准的类型特征,把握其发展特点与趋势,对于构建我国高等教育质量标准具有重要的指导价值。通过对国外成熟且有影响力的高等教育质量标准进行理论分析和实践考察,可以将其归纳为四种主要类型:基于条件的质量标准、基于绩效的质量标准、基于学术资历框架的质量标准和基于学生学业成就的质量标准,进而得出未来国际高等教育质量标准发展的趋势特征,包括标准的制定主体从单一到多元、标准的价值取向从合格到增值、标准的制定方法从量化到质化、标准的功能从鉴定到促进发展。据此,对我国高等教育质量标准的启示在于,需要厘清高等教育质量标准的意义与价值,明确高等教育质量标准的定位与类型,确定高等教育质量标准的主体与机构等。  相似文献   

有效的课程标准是提升高等职业教育人才培养质量的关键因素。梳理高等职业教育课程标准的内涵、建设主体、原则、路径、存在的问题,分析研究现状与特点,对未来高等职业教育课程标准的研究具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to argue that using market forces to raise education standards casts doubts to quality education, although this is seemingly an international trend, for such practice presents challenges to many issues such as equity. Using Hong Kong as a case, the paper analyses the practices of quality school education by focusing in particular on the difficulties that newly arrived children encounter. A multi-level framework is employed to critically examine the current government policy on quality education with reference to nine schools from five levels: individual student, institutional, government, societal and professional learning community. Discrepancies between policy goals and school practices are highlighted. The paper then addresses options for improvement and consideration if quality education is to be the hallmark of Hong Kong schooling.  相似文献   

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