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This article outlines the co-operation links of the University of Turku in Finland. Currently it has bilateral agreements with thirty-nine overseas universities plus links with a number of nongovernmental organizations devoted to higher education. The University of Turku is reevaluating these links so as, in the future, to stress those with its immediate international (Baltic) neighbours. It is in the process of contributing to the establishment of a formal Baltic Sea Region University Network and participation in European Union-sponsored Northern Dimension-sponsored projects. The university links parallel and intersect those also established internationally by the city of Turku. International strategies have become a major part of the total activity of the University of Turku.  相似文献   

The University of Oulu in northern Finland is a regional university that is not only surviving but developing during an era of economic turmoil. Its secret of success has been, first of all, to fulfil its regional mission, developing specialities, like northern studies, for which its geographical position gives it an advantage. But it has also developed co‐operation links with nearby Finnish and Russian universities as well as with one Swedish and one Norwegian university. Finally, it has been able to establish good working relations with certain specialized Finnish government research and development centres in northern Finland. Having both mission and vision statements and being guided by them are important to the University of Oulu in generating management/staff/community/region synergy.  相似文献   

Research Collaboration Among University Scientists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the growing importance of collaboration in research there have been very few investigations of the practice of research collaboration itself. The study we report investigated this practice by analysing 444 collaborative projects undertaken by staff in the Science Faculty of a New Zealand university. While the results support the sociology of science model of vertical collaboration up and down the academic hierarchy, we also show that significant collaboration now takes place across levels in the hierarchy, that is among peers, in what we call horizontal collaboration. This shift from vertical to horizontal collaboration has not been readily apparent in bibliographic studies of co-authored papers in top journals. One of the questions this study raises is the often assumed positive association between collaboration, research output and research quality, and the implications such assumptions have on the institutionalisation of research within the university. We end by suggesting that the shift that is occurring in the location of research from conventional departments to research centres within the university may signal an attempt to resurrect the practice of vertical collaboration.  相似文献   

阿尔托大学是由芬兰政府主导、在整合全国教育资源基础上组建而成的创业型大学。阿尔托大学努力构建知识创新能力、创业能力和人才培养能力,以提升国家竞争力;组织保障、战略引领、要素支持与基于设计工厂的创新平台等,则为学校的发展提供了有力的支撑。其创业型大学发展范式为我国建设创业型大学提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   

Focusing on the situation of Åbo Akademi University, a Swedish-language higher education institution in bilingual Finland, this article discusses the problems of operating higher education institutions in two or three languages in a country in which 11 percent of the population are Swedish speakers and 89 percent are Finnish speakers, with many who are bilingual. Finland has two monolingual Swedish-language universities plus a monolingual School attached to the bilingual University of Helsinki. In addition to the latter, five other institutions, four of them highly specialized, are bilingual. The remaining institutions are monolingual, operating in Finnish. Most of the Finnish higher education institutions are increasingly offering programmes in English. Institutions offering courses in Swedish co-operate among themselves in the provision of full course programmes. The three universities in Turku, where Åbo Akademi University is located, co-operate in offering joint programmes requiring students to work in Swedish, Finnish, and English. Although multilingualism works well in Finland with a minimum of friction, the author concludes that a monolingual university, if affordable, is the best safeguard for minority linguistic rights.  相似文献   

从无到有,香港科技大学在短短十几年时间内迅速成长为一所国内外知名的研究型大学,堪称高等教育发展史上的一个奇迹。其初创时期的某些办学经验对于当前国内创建世界一流大学的目标应该不无启示。  相似文献   

大学理念是大学组织意识形态的表征,它对于阐释大学的组织性质和引领大学的发展方向具有非常重要的作用。从理论上说,大学理念应当是大学组织独特品性的真实反映,但现实却并非如此,外部影响无处不在。大学是历史文化的产物,更是文化的载体,大学组织在建构其理念的过程中必然受到其所处的历史文化的影响。基督教文明和儒家文化所代表的东西方不同的文化特质以各自不同的方式影响和切割着大学组织的意识形态。大学也毕竟不是存在于真空之中,尤其是民族国家产生以后,国家政治制度的类型和社会时局的态势也以不同的方式影响大学理念的形成与表达。  相似文献   

论文以大学组织系统为研究对象,从其产生、演化、模式、本质属性作了较深入探究,阐明了高深知识的传承、研究、创新与应用是大学组织的本质特征,大学组织系统的结构形态的演变与分化都是这一本质特征的体现。  相似文献   

作为世界上历史最悠久、影响最深远的大学之一,牛津大学在其八百多年的办学历程中形成了独特的人才培养模式。牛津大学发展定位明确,办学目标一贯,始终把建设世界一流大学、培养领袖型精英人才作为追求的目标;为培养一流人才,设计了"学院制",与大学分工协作,达成学术发展与人格养成的统一;而在学院里,又通过"导师制"熏陶学生,把课堂教学与个别辅导结合起来。  相似文献   

The University of Birmingham was planned, advanced and established with both national and German models of a University in mind. Civic reasons for the planning of the University need to be viewed within a broader motivational context. Even with a strong sense of civic place, the University was conceived as a modern University with multiple founding visions. The set-up goals shifted as the size and complexity of the University increased and early ideas of social mission were either restricted or largely absent in practice. The paper examines the nature of the original institutional commitment to the ‘civic’ dimension of the University between 1900 and 1914 and highlights the many tensions that emerged between the growing academic standing of the University and its continued enthusiasm for the City and regional links.  相似文献   

美国研究型大学的教育改革与创新——以杜克大学为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜克大学在短时间内成功实现从一所地区性大学向全国一流大学的跨越,教育创新功不可没.本文在对杜克大学成功的原因进行深入分析后发现,先进的教育理念、前瞻性的发展规划、完善的资金管理与筹措制度、教学模式和管理体制的创新是研究型大学实现跨越式发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

升本以来,惠州学院根据区域经济建设与社会发展需求,以学科建设为依托,加强科研制度建设规范科研管理,积极营造浓厚的学术氛围,改善科研环境,深入推进产学研合作,充分调动了教师的科研积极性和主动性,大幅度提升了科研成果质量和水平,不断增强了科研综合实力。  相似文献   

论大学教师学术创新力的基础:学术合作能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作教学与研究已经成为当代大学学术创新的重要途径和方式,学术合作能力是大学教师创新力发展必不可少的基础能力之一。大学教师学术合作能力包括六个基本要素:学术组织能力、学术沟通能力、学术协调能力、学术分享能力、学术表达能力和学术评价能力。大学应重视教师学术合作能力的发展,积极创造各种条件和机会提升大学教师的学术合作能力。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of university education on developments relating to people's choice of residence in Iceland. In order to gain answers to the research questions, secondary data were obtained from official sources, trade unions, the data bank of the Social Science Institute, University of Iceland, and by interviewing 20 nursing and business administration graduates in Akureyri and Reykjavík. The conclusions indicate that a university education strongly affects various aspects of regional development. Graduates from the University of Iceland are a great deal likelier to settle in the area of the capital than graduates from the University of Akureyri, and vice versa . University education also has a notable influence on earnings, depending on the constituency in question, and a survey demonstrated that the origin of the persons interviewed and the residence of their parents were highly significant factors concerning the university they selected for study and their choice of residence after graduation. Furthermore, project work undertaken by the interviewees and their professional training during their course of study also had a considerable influence on their choice of employment after they had completed their studies. This is explorative research based on a restricted sample. The project provides important information, but the reader is warned against excessive generalisation based on the conclusions.  相似文献   

高校实验室管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
实验室是高校进行教学和科研的重要基地,也是培养学生动手能力和创新精神的重要场所。本文分析了目前高校实验室管理存在的问题,并就如何进一步完善实验室管理提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

建设创新型国家于中国而言,是建设科学中国.科学中国的观念基础在于科学发展观,后者的精神实质是人文.而人文,则又是大学的基本品格.大学以人文精神为灵魂.作为以创新为己任的组织,大学在国家创新体系建设中肩负着培养人才,引导科技创新,和为制度创新、文化进步奠定基础的重任.大学人文,正是大学完成新的历史使命、为科学中国提供智慧源泉的精神根基.建设科学中国,必须加强大学人文.  相似文献   

如何创建世界一流大学——香港科技大学的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
香港科技大学虽然建校仅十五年,然而它却产生了许多令人瞩目的学术成果。本文从办学理念、师资建设、研究与开发等方面对该校进行分析后认为,立足本地、着眼世界且小而精的办学理念,高标准、人性化的师资建设,及有选择、合作性的研发活动是香港科技大学办学特色之所在,也是其在短时间内迅速崛起的重要因素,这些经验值得内地高校创建世界一流大学过程中思索与借鉴。  相似文献   

高校组织管理随着内外部环境条件的变化,越来越多地表现出复杂的非线性系统特征。将源于自然科学的复杂性科学理论作为观察问题的新视角,研究高校管理,分析影响高校管理的基本因素,揭示高校管理绩效发展的规律,指导高校组织结构的构建和管理决策,为高校管理开拓一个新的视野。正是基于这样一种思考,本文应用非线性复杂性科学的管理熵和管理耗散结构理论的基本原理,对高校组织结构及其知识体系管理中的具体表现和运用作了一个简要的分析和研究。  相似文献   

大学理念是大学的精神和灵魂.在广播电视大学向开放大学转型之际,从教育理念、大学理念的历史变迁来探讨开放大学理念,有利于从发展的角度把握开放大学的本质,以推进我国的开放大学建设.无论是全人教育理念、终身教育理念、开放教育理念,还是古典大学理念、现代大学理念、当代大学理念,都是人们对教育本质和规律的认识,反映了人们对教育活动的价值追求和期望.开放大学最基本的办学理念是人的开放、地点的开放、方法的开放和思想的开放;国家开放大学的核心理念是开放、责任、质量、多样化、国际化.  相似文献   

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