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香港课程改革的实施策略评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了香港推行2000年课程改革的实施策略,并评论其所带来的影响。这次课程改革的实施策略与以往课改不同,主要表现在三方面围绕新管理主义问责文化的硬措施;逐步推动课改,旨在增强学校与教师变革能力的软措施;及改变教育系统的行政架构。这些措施有效地增强了变革的能力,有较高的课程推广度及教师接纳程度。但是在实施过程中,也呈现出一些值得关注的问题,特别是问责性的措施,带来一些副作用,如政府学校与教师压力增大等问题。如何避免在实施中扭曲变革的目标,适时检讨课改的实施策略,从多角度来思考课改的可持续性是十分重要的。  相似文献   

本文采用基于学校培养方案或课程计划的文献分析方法, 运用图表及数据的统计分析, 对香港与内地较具代表性的八所高校英语专业硕士研究生的课程设置进行课程性质与学习内容两个维度的对比,总结出两地高校在相关专业课程设置上的异同, 归纳香港英语专业研究生课程设置对国内相关专业课程设置的启示, 期望对英语专业研究生教育有一定的参考价值 。  相似文献   

我国香港和台湾的教育信息化发展战略及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育信息化发展战略对于引导教育信息化的发展具有重要作用,不同地区的教育信息化发展战略有着不同的特点。文章介绍了我国香港和台湾地区的教育信息化发展战略,并对其进行了分析,总结了关于教育信息化发展战略的一些启示。  相似文献   

Teachers beliefs about their ability to affect students’ performance is an important part of professionalism. This study compared 725 Hong Kong and 575 Shanghai primary in-service teachers on their teacher efficacy. Two Chinese versions of the 12-item Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale were used in this study since some wordings of the Hong Kong version of the Scale (HK-TSE) were different from the Shanghai version (STSE) as a result of cultural differences. Basically, the Shanghai teachers reported significantly higher efficacy than did the Hong Kong teachers. After reviewing these quantitative results, 86 follow-up questionnaires from Shanghai in-service teachers who also participated in the first part of this study were collected. Results of this qualitative part showed that the three most commonly cited factors for the contribution of teacher efficacy were: respect and confidence placed in them by students and parents, the training they received from universities and the experience they gained from daily teaching practice. Though Hong Kong in-service teachers had lower efficacy scores than the Shanghai counterparts.  相似文献   

An increasing emphasis on the need for provision of career development programs for all ages has prompted a parallel call for greater provision of training for career personnel. The present study surveyed career personnel in Hong Kong who were undertaking additional training, and Masters level students at an Australian university who were engaged in some careers work in their schools but who were not employed in a formal role as career teacher or counsellor. The survey focused on competencies of careers coordinators. The findings generally high-lighted a need for more training in the area of career development competencies.  相似文献   


This study adopted a discursive institutional framework to examine how teachers make sense of and understand transformation in their work and workplace during education reforms. Examination of this process is highly significant because it helps us to understand the often misplaced emphasis on workload in analysis of teachers’ work pressure in public and academic discussions, which might not reflect the whole picture. In-depth interviews were used to obtain information from the teachers’ perspective as front-line practitioners in the education institution. The study identified the discursive processes contributing to the institutionalization of new ideas and practices introduced during education reforms. This article argues that through situating teachers’ response to the reform in the relevant sociohistorical context, we can better delineate how meaning negotiation is possible in the moment of institutional change.  相似文献   

When Hong Kong is moving towards a knowledge society in the new millennium, research is clearly necessary to provide a knowledge base for educational development and reform to meet the challenges of globalization and high technology in the world. This report aims to review the education policy environment in Hong Kong and see whether research can be encouraged to support policy development and practice improvement. Particularly, the report will give a brief introduction to the recent initiatives in Hong Kong school education since the establishment of the Special Administrative Region in 1997 and discusses the potential research agenda to support the ongoing education reforms at the school system. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The university of education might be seen as a new type of university, which has emerged in recent decades in Asia, and which may be able to contribute both to teacher education and the needs of the knowledge society in new ways. This article begins with a historical overview of the development of universities and normal colleges in Western and Asian societies. It explores the value orientations of these two types of institution, and their links to the different historical periods in which they emerged. These contrasting value orientations are schematized in the second part of the paper, which addresses its core question: how can teacher education attain a level of excellence parallel to that of universities, while maintaining those values of the normal college that are relevant to the knowledge society? A comparative historical analysis of three Western and three Asian societies in the third part of the paper gives an overview of different ways in which this dilemma has been resolved. The fourth part then draws out four distinctive models of teacher education that have emerged historically, and evaluates them comparatively. The paper concludes with comparative reflections on teacher education in Singapore and Hong Kong, suggesting the model of a university of education as uniquely suited to the Hong Kong situation, and possibly only culturally viable in an Asian environment.  相似文献   

This study examined the factorial structure of the Collectivist Coping Style inventory (Heppner et al. Journal of Counseling Psychology 53:107–125, 2006) and investigated how the effects of stress-related events on psychological distress are mediated through coping strategies. Three hundred and five Hong Kong university students participated in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the five-factor structure of the original inventory. Although family support was widely used as a means to cope with stressful events, students with specific relationship-related stress reported greater use of avoidance strategies. The mediating effect of coping strategies on the relationship between stress-related events and psychological distress was generally small. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1997, Hong Kong's reintegration with China has been founded on the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’, which serves to guarantee the sustainability of the capitalist system in Hong Kong under the rule of the socialist motherland. This paper is an intra‐cultural and inter‐regional comparative study of the curricula of two systems (socialist and capitalist) under one country, using the junior secondary History curricula in Shanghai and Hong Kong as a case study. In addition to tracing the differences and similarities, divergences and convergences in the junior secondary History curricula of the two systems, the paper also generates proposals for the future improvement of History education in both cities.  相似文献   

要从根本上消除腐败,不仅需要纪检监察机关加强对政府及公职人员的监督,也需要社会公众的积极参与。降低腐败容忍度是提高公众反腐败参与意愿和实际行动的关键。基于全国314个地级行政区的数据分析发现,政府治理、经济发展和社会文化等三个维度对公众的腐败容忍度有显著影响。地区的政府科教事业支出越高,城乡收入差距越大,离首都的距离越远,则公众的腐败容忍度越高;地区的社会信任度越高,对中央政府的政治信任度、索贿指数越高,则公众的腐败容忍度越低;中西部地区的经济发展与腐败容忍度呈倒U型曲线关系。当前需要持续提高经济发展水平,缩小城乡收入差距,增强公众的政治信任和社会信任度,进一步加大反腐败力度,清除群众身边的腐败现象,从而切实降低公众的腐败容忍度,形成政府与社会共同反腐的合力,巩固发展反腐败斗争压倒性胜利。  相似文献   

随着对“幼儿是如何学习的”这一问题认识的不断深入,世界范围内的幼儿教育从知识传授向知识建构教育范式转变。本文对当前香港主流的幼稚园教育实践以及影响香港幼儿教育的社会文化因素作了探讨。系统观察研究的结果显示,香港幼稚园普遍采用直接教学和探究式教学相结合的教学方式。在语言教学中,逐渐接受早期读写萌发教学的观念;在数学教育中,从传统的以讲授和练习为主的教学转向以活动为基础的教学。关于幼儿社会化的文化观念反映在教学实践以及与幼儿的互动过程中。虽然关于幼儿怎样才能更好地进行学习的理念在当前幼儿教育实践中得到了较好的体现,但是中国传统文化中的相关观念仍然在课堂情境中占据主导地位,二者彼此交织和融合在教学实践中。  相似文献   

中国大陆与香港地区高中物理教材比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱红 《物理教师》2004,25(4):47-49
物理教材是物理思想、科学知识、科学方法、科学品质的载体.历史背景和社会发展等诸多因素对物理教材产生很大的影响.中国大陆地区的各科教育受前苏联教育体系的影响甚深,而中国香港地区由于历史的原因。在教育模式上基本与英国相似,因此,我国两地区的物理教材也表现出较大差异.本文试以人民教  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the differences between high and low academic achieving Hong Kong University students in terms of learning and study strategies. A total of 180 Hong Kong University students participated in the present study by completing a revised Chinese version of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory. Results indicated that there were significant differences between the two groups' study strategies. The author also found that attitude and motivation were two major factors that differentiated high academic achieving students from low academic achieving students.  相似文献   

One of the most important changes in the environment of schooling during the last decade has been the establishment of educational markets and inter–institutional competition which, in turn, has led to the development of a new management culture in schools. In the light of these developments, this paper draws together the research on heads' responses to marketisation and suggests theoretical hypotheses on the impact of its underlying features on their psychological well–being. Our argument is that the major features of educational marketisation may promote the emergence of both the determinants of professional growth and self–renewal and of occupational stress and job burnout among headteachers. These determinants, in turn, lead to the appearance of two types of well–being among school heads. To support our hypothesis we refer to the work of others and empirical findings from various fields of study.  相似文献   

本研究采用多元系统理论对香港地区近三十年来英文科测评改革的变迁进行梳理,分析了香港促学评价改革在实施中经历的冲突与妥协,揭示香港地区英文科测评改革的复杂性。基于香港地区的经验教训,文章探讨了香港英文测评改革对于内地改革方向和改革举措的启示。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,香港逐渐形成了完备的半官方教育智库体系,在政策制定中发挥着重要作用。香港政府对于政策咨询和多元利益诉求的重视造就了半官方智库的两大特点:第一,"半官方"属性;第二,兼具"专家智慧集合体"与"利益诉求集合体"的属性。香港半官方教育智库的功能在于提供"专家智慧"、整合利益诉求、体现程序民主、进行政策宣传。  相似文献   

在过去的20多年里,法国对教师教育进行了大刀阔斧的改革,不仅建立了专门化的教师教育机构和统一而严格的教师资格证书制度,而且不断改革教师教育课程与教学、提高教师培养的层次和专业知能、完善教师教育相关法令法规。法国在推进教师教育改革的过程中积累了一些有益的经验。  相似文献   

银行进入规制直接影响到银行的集中度和市场结构,本文对香港和内地银行集中度和市场结构进行分析,得出进入规制壁垒是造成内地银行业高度垄断型市场结构和低效率竞争的主要因素。内地银行业自1978年以来所进行的改革成果是垄断的打破、银行机构数量的增多、竞争程度的上升、银行服务质量与经营效率的提高等。这些进步得益于中国银行的规制的放松。但是,与香港以及其它国家或地区相比,内地对银行业的规制仍较为严格,特别是在市场进入规制上,国家对特定银行的积极干预等非市场化行为,导致银行业处于极高寡占型和低水平竞争格局并存状况。  相似文献   

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