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Managers and personnel within tertiary institutions colonised by neo‐liberal ministrations and buffeted by the winds of a ‘change culture’ formed within the philosophical shifts of the last century can be considered in terms of ‘immigrants’ or ‘refugees’ within this new territory. The case story of this article is set in a college of education newly situated within a traditional university culture. Superimposed on that scenario is an ontology shift from academia to a neo‐liberal business model. The article considers how people, enculturated with an already established socio‐cultural paradigm where research, collegiality, democracy and the concept of academic freedom predominate, are challenged to reform their epistemologies to fit the definition of the new culture. The article is a theory‐based, qualitative report of a case study using anthropological parameters and terminology of cultures and culture change to map the impact of the change process on the epistemologies of people involved in claiming the post‐colonial space.  相似文献   

Organizational actorhood is a term that has gained prominence in literature about higher education as a way to describe some of the key global change processes with emphasis on organizational accountability, formalization of structure, focus on goal definition and managerialism. At the same time, there is less knowledge about how organizational actorhood is constructed in professional higher education institutions. Based on over 100 interviews and document studies of two case institutions, this article argues that professional higher education institutions show many characteristics of aiming to construct organizational actorhood, while their understanding of accountability is broader than would be in traditional comprehensive universities.  相似文献   

社区教育的建制与发展模式   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从考察个人与社会的时空变化中进入社区命题,综述社区教育的理论、建制以及操作建议,对发展模式提出设想。文章预测,进入21世纪后,社区教育将是未来国际社会的一种“学习型组织”,对于教育科学发展有着重大意义。  相似文献   

目前,政治教育尤其是思想政治教育理论课体系为一些国人所漠视和轻视,造成这一现象的重要原因是人们没有很好认识思想政治教育的价值意义.结合新时期的具体情况在全球化语境下探讨思想政治理论课的价值意义.  相似文献   

本文从“成为”理论、体验理论、建制理论角度探讨儒家休闲哲学的基本内涵。认为,在“成为”理论方面,儒家休闲哲学以成圣成贤为目标,以角色履行为途径,以自主性为特征;在休闲体验方面,儒家以情感原则为基础,提倡从摆脱自身、社会和“天”的约束中体验生命的意义与人生的快乐;在休闲建制方面,儒家走社会休闲化的道路,礼乐作为一个红线贯穿在整个社会建制中,使社会建制成为人自我实现、体验快乐的制度保障和社会环境。  相似文献   

The engagement of academics in organizational change in higher education institutions is generally understood as involving a wide range of behaviors, and previous studies have situated academics’ actions at various points along a continuum between passivity and pro-activity. This article complements this approach by asking how—rather than in which contexts—academics act as central agents for change in higher education. Rather than trying to assess their global level of proactivity in a given change situation, we aim at identifying the actions which show them behaving more or less strategically. We argue that the notion of ‘bricolage’—widely used in organization theory—can be useful in this respect. Based on a qualitative study of the creation of 20 post-graduate nanotechnology programs on French university campuses, the article shows that academics participating in curriculum change engage in three distinct forms of bricolage. We suggest that the bricolage lens can identify two types of actions via which academics implement more or less pro-active strategies—identifying a repertoire of resources, and assembling those resources—and so allows us to reflect more deeply on how these actions may demonstrate several forms of agency, as well as several different relationships with norms, in each organizational change situation.  相似文献   

Ann Whyte 《Open Learning》2013,28(1):27-33
Based on the assumption that corporate learning is a growing sector that will be serviced by companies providing learning opportunities and services quickly and efficiently on a business-to-business (B2B) basis, using electronic technologies, the paper argues on the basis of Australian experience that higher education will undergo very considerable change. In Australia universities are being encouraged to become trading enterprises; they are forming cartels and partnerships; and they are increasingly focusing on the global market. However, they are at risk of competition from large, global, non-university sector players who see education as a market. This article explores the paradigm shifts that are driving change, and provides an insight into one company's vision of what the future might look like.  相似文献   

文章研究提出我国远程教育新的历史发展大纲为:一大目标,远程教育的发展从以“量”增长方式为主的人才培养的开放,乘势向以“质”增长方式为主的人力资源的开发的转变。一大定位,巩固远程教育、发展职业教育、提高教育质量。三大任务,学历教育、非学历教育和远程教育公共服务体系的建设。两大增长点,为“建设新农村”和“发展创意产业”服务。一大跨越,从“发展创新”模式到“概念创意”模式。  相似文献   


Understanding climate change is becoming an urgent requirement for those in education. The normative values of education have long been closely aligned with the global, modernised world. The industrial model has underpinned the hidden and overt curriculum. Increasingly though, a new eco-centric orientation to economics, technology, and social organisation is beginning to shape up the post-carbon world. Unless education is up to date with the issues of climate change, the estate of education will be unable to meet its task of knowledge transfer. This article covers the basic science and ethical policy debates, and begins to outline the questions that will necessarily entangle education as we orientate ourselves to the new world that is upon us.  相似文献   

In 2012 all Hong Kong universities will be extending the length of the undergraduate degree from 3 to 4 years and adding General Education as a degree requirement. This reform initiative represents a unique case of comprehensive organizational change of higher education on an unprecedented scale. This paper examines several of the most significant contradictions and tensions facing this initiative—the current structure of higher education based on the British system and the prevailing culture of teaching and learning in Hong Kong. The nature of these pre-existing conditions, and their contradictory relationship to the substance and purpose of general and liberal education, are outlined. The contradictions and tensions generated by the general education initiative are situated within the larger organizational tension between theory and practice, and structure and action. The paper delineates some of the strategies developed to address the existing and emerging tensions.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(2):187-195
The Philippines is one of the signatories to the historic Agenda 21 and was the first country to establish a National Council for Sustainable Development. Ten years after Rio, global society is again confronted with the question of whether sustainable development as a concept, philosophy and practice has improved the lives of peoples in different countries and cultures. This article attempts to discuss initiatives through which tertiary education has helped bring about sustainable development in the Philippines. It posits that for sustainable development to happen it must take root in the consciousness and cultures of society, a task in which education plays a very important part. The article discusses the efforts of two national networks for environmental education, the Environmental Education Network of the Philippines, Inc. (EENP) and the Philippine Association of Tertiary Level Educational Institutions in Environmental Protection and Management (PATLEPAM). Both advocate the integration of sustainable development in school curricula as well as in campus administration and organizational culture. It also examines the efforts of one institution, Miriam College, to integrate environmental education in its programs as part of its mission and commitment to produce a genuine “steward of creation”.  相似文献   

信息技术和人工智能已经并将持续对教育的变革产生重要影响。我国已进入信息化2. 0时代,以信息化带动现代化正式被写入国家战略。教育信息化改革落地的关键因素在于"人",但这同时也是历次技术介入教育改革的难点。因而从人特别是一线教师的视角审视信息化改革的形态与影响,就成为重要的理论和实践课题。本文以"一师一课"作为考察的政策样本,通过对S市若干区县近年来推行该项活动的情形的实地考察,呈现了教师对该项政策实施的感知、态度和评价,分析了该项政策对教师及其群体专业发展的现实影响,并就如何进一步完善有关政策提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

This paper argues that a new patriotism has emerged in New Zealand over recent years. This has been promoted in tandem with the notion of advancing New Zealand as a knowledge economy and society. The new patriotism encourages New Zealanders to accept, indeed embrace, a single, shared vision of the future: one structured by a neoliberal ontology and the demands of global capitalism. This constructs a narrow view of citizenship and reduces the possibility of economic and social alternatives being considered seriously. The paper makes this case in relation to tertiary education in particular. The first section outlines the New Zealand government's vision for tertiary education, as set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy, 2007–12 (Ministry of Education, 2006). This is followed by a critique of the Strategy and an analysis of the model of citizenship implied by it. The paper concludes with brief comments on the role tertiary education might play in contesting the new patriotism.  相似文献   

Richard Pesik 《Compare》2011,41(6):735-750
This article analyzes recent policy proposals to reform Czech tertiary education. A brief overview of the evolution of Czech tertiary education presents the background against which emerging policy trends in education are examined. We relate the changes in tertiary education to the policy framework and recommendations of the OECD, underpinned by the ideology of neoliberal globalization. Finally, we discuss some issues that the Czech government is encountering while trying to implement its new policies in tertiary education and the consequences these policies may have on Czech tertiary education, academia and students.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of organizational autonomy and control in higher education reform and related expectations as regards the performance of universities. Our analyses draws on principal-agent models as a normative theory of policy reform, and institutionalist approaches in public policy and institutional design as an analytical theory of policy reform. We discuss how the dominant narrative of political reform moves away from traditional beliefs in university autonomy that are built on institutional trust and linked to professional autonomy. In the emerging narrative of political change, autonomy becomes re-defined as the ‘new organizational autonomy’ of universities as both strategic actors and as an addressee of governmental control. The concept of ‘regulatory autonomy’ captures the use of organizational autonomy of universities as a tool of a new regime of governmental control. Exemplified by the Dutch case, we analyze autonomy policies for strengthening managerial discretion and internal control of universities that are combined with regulatory policies for external control that steer organizational choices. Regulatory autonomy thus aims at aligning universities more closely with governmental goals and improve respective performance. Our literature review shows, however, that there is scarce, inconclusive and methodologically problematic evidence for a link between ‘organizational autonomy and performance’. We point at promising avenues for further research on autonomy and performance as two core concepts in the contemporary higher education debate.  相似文献   

This article introduces a strategic argument and examples, in subsequent articles in this special issue, about sociocultural research opportunities for HPT practitioners and scholars. The authors take the view that recent criticisms of Instructional Systems Design have merit when considered from an organizational performance point of view. We see the problem as historic overuse of one theoretical perspective at a microlevel of theory and application. We argue that adding recent sociocultural perspectives and expanding the levels of theory to include groups and complex organizational structures will offer an opportunity for more rigorous and diverse research agenda and create new insights for problem solving in practice.  相似文献   

李菁 《高教论坛》2007,(4):144-146
实行专业技术职务结构比例管理,优化事业单位专业技术人员结构,科学设置岗位,实行岗位聘任制,逐步变"身份管理"为"岗位管理",是国家实行事业单位人事制度改革的一项重要措施.广西实行这项改革几年来取得了明显的成效,同时也存在着一些困难和问题.本文通过对广西高校实行专业技术职务结构比例管理问题的分析,提出了进一步完善专业技术貂职务结构比例管理的对策.  相似文献   

The first section of this article examines the current models of "virtual universities" that provide various forms of distance education. Distance teaching at university level is offered, nowadays, through at least five major organizational models: single-mode distance teaching universities, dual- and mixed-mode universities, extension services, consortia-type ventures, and new technology-based universities. The article analyzes the merits of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the context of each of these five models, as well as the problems associated with their implementation. The second section discusses future trends in the development of distance education in higher education systems and touches upon five domains: potential student constituencies, new roles for the academic faculty, new forms of knowledge generation and delivery, the restructuring of the organizational infrastructures of universities, and the impact of globalization on higher education markets. The conclusion highlights some of the major difficulties in the processes of implementing the new ICTs into various higher education systems and offers a few suggestions as to how to proceed in tackling major problems.  相似文献   

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