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Engineering education has more than 200 years of tradition in Hungary. Chemical engineers are trained at the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) and at the University of Veszprém. The curriculum of the TUB chemical engineering education is given. Undergraduate environmental engineering education is offered at the University of Miskolc, at the Janus Pannonius University in Pécs and at the University of Veszprém. Curricula of the latter two are given. The TUB has several environmental specialization opportunities for engineering students, but at present no separate undergraduate environmental engineering education is offered. Such a curriculum is now under preparation and will be introduced in 1998. Several technical colleges also offer environmental engineering education, where the duration of the training is 3 years. Postgraduate education is a very suitable form to add environmental knowledge to the existing engineering knowledge of graduate engineers. The TUB and the universities in Miskolc and Veszprém are all very active in this field.  相似文献   

This article reports an undergraduate software engineering project in which, over a period of 2 years, four student teams from different cohorts developed a note-taking app for four academic clients at the students’ own university. We investigated how projects involving internal clients can give students the benefits of engaging in real software development while also giving them experience of a student-staff collaboration that has its own benefits for students, academics, and the university more broadly. As the university involved is a Sino-Foreign university located in China, where most students are Chinese and most teaching staff are not, this ‘student as co-producer’ approach interacts with another feature of the project: cultural distance. Based on analysis of notes, reports, interviews, and focus groups, we recommend that students should be provided with communicative strategies for dealing with academics as clients; universities should develop policies on ownership of student-staff collaborations; and projects should include a formalised handover process. This article can serve as guidance for educators considering a ‘students as co-producers’ approach for software development projects.  相似文献   

The paper starts by emphasising that final year engineering projects are regarded important in the training and education of professional engineers in Australia and Europe. The sources of projects available to students were also mentioned. Some Australian universities insist on individual projects but some not, each with their own reasons. However, it can be argued that all European universities run individual projects. In most cases, whether it is in Australia or Europe, the total load for final year engineering projects is about 6.25% of the load of engineering programmes. Assessment methods were also described. They were all different whether in Australia or Europe but not very significant. It was discovered that literature reviews, oral presentations and written reports or dissertations were important elements in the assessment schemes. Many university staff, in both continents, encouraged students to publish their work in international conferences and journals if the originality of the projects was high. It can be argued that the individual project is most effective in learning outcome; however, the cost involved is also very high and its sustainability in smaller universities in Australia is in doubt.  相似文献   

The theory of academic capitalism is used to explore US and EU marketization trajectories. Comparisons are made along the following dimensions: creation and expansion of intermediating organizations external to universities that promote closer relations between universities and markets; interstitial organizations that emerge from within universities that intersect various market oriented projects; narratives, discourses and social technologies that promote marketization and competition; expanded managerial capacity; new funding streams for research and programs close to the market; and new circuits of knowledge that move away from peer review and professional judgment as arbiters of excellence. We also consider the status of fields not closely integrated with external markets, and see fragmentation of the humanities, fine arts and (some) social sciences to be a sign of research universities marketization. We conclude that the US and EU are following very different paths to bring higher education closer to the market. The US move to the market was incremental and frequently led by a wide variety of non-governmental organizations, often with strong ties to the for-profit sector and participation by segments of universities prior to federal legislation or mandates. The European Commission is reverse engineering Anglo-American higher education models to reconstruct technologies of governance in uniquely European contexts that embed competition in nation-state initiatives. Although the discourse surrounding university marketization promises growth of high paying jobs prosperity, evidence to date suggests very uneven results for both the US and EU.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of Wikipedia by academics and students for learning and teaching activities at Liverpool Hope University. Hope has distinctive aspects but we consider the findings to be indicative of Wikipedia use at other British universities. First we discuss general issues of Wikipedia use within the university. Second, we examine existing research on Wikipedia use amongst students and academics. Based upon a sample of 133 academics and 1222 students, our principal findings were: (1) 75% of academics and students use Wikipedia; (2) student use is typically confined to the initial stages of assessments; (3) a quarter of academics provide guidance on how to use Wikipedia and (4) 70% of academics use Wikipedia for background information for teaching purposes, something that it is not influenced by whether student use is tolerated or not. Our conclusion is that whilst Wikipedia is now unofficially integrated into universities, it is not ‘the’ information resource as feared by many and that an enlightened minority of academics have attempted to assimilate it into their teaching.  相似文献   

A consortium of seven universities and two polytechnics is developing an international postgraduate degree programme consisting of course modules and directed research to train effective leaders in aerospace engineering. The programme's initial funding is a jointly awarded grant from government funding agencies in both the USA and the EU (DGXX II, European Commission, Agreement No. 98-00-USA-0010-00, US Department of Education, DUNS No. 00-743-1505). The purpose of the Masters programme is to train effective leaders for aerospace engineering development, by developing both their professional capabilities and their understanding of the operation of global markets. Course content and management structure is currently under development. This programme comprises the formation of an International Master of Science (IMS) Degree Programme in Aerospace Engineering. Under the IMS programme, qualifying students at each participating university will assemble a personalized degree programme, choosing course and project modules from among the partner universities. Approximately one-third of each student's chosen modules will be taken in overseas institutions. The IMS Degree Programme will include both coursework and research project work in aerospace engineering. Students begin the exchange programme in the year 2000, and the first degrees will be conferred in the year 2001. The project was successfully introduced to the European Forum for continuing Engineering Education in 1999 (Smrcek and Horner 1999, The 4th European Forum for Continuing Engineering Education, Trondheim, Norway).  相似文献   

‘Capstone’ is a metaphor used to describe a final achievement that builds upon previous works and encapsulates them. Capstone projects are included in engineering curricula to integrate multi-disciplinary subjects and teach professional skills that are difficult to impart in a traditional lectured course. Since these projects serve to transition students into professional engineers, they have a direct impact on a university's industry reputation and ranking. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the capstone programmes implemented at the world's top-ranked engineering universities to discover common elements which characterise them. In this paper, common elements of the capstone programmes implemented in mechanical and aerospace engineering undergraduate programmes in the world's top-ranked engineering universities are identified and analysed to determine established best practices. These practices can be modelled and applied to the pedagogy of engineering programmes at universities around the world to improve the development of professional skills of future graduates.  相似文献   

This paper reports on and draws conclusions about the international course called European Global Product Realization. It was organized to provide university students with knowledge about distributed product development in virtual enterprises. The philosophy of the course is discussed together with its structure, contents, organization, infrastructure, deliverables and the experiences. Necessitated by globalization, the principles of operation of virtual enterprises were used in organizing the course. The knowledge accumulated in global product realization by the participating companies and academic sections provided the basis for the course and for the student projects. The organizers put the students of three European universities into the position of evolving young professionals who act as both knowledge producers and knowledge consumers. The design and engineering students took part in academic lectures and industrial case studies in a virtual classroom and practised collaborative product development in the emulated virtual enterprise. The academic virtual enterprise framework has been confirmed to be a solution for opening the conventional educational institutions. Our future work will concentrate on how to exploit disciplinary and operational research as the engine behind academic learning and teaching.  相似文献   

The internationalisation of higher education in Australia over the past two decades has brought about dramatic changes in Australian universities. Growing numbers of international students have enrolled in Australian universities and the number of students studying offshore has also increased dramatically. While considerable material has been published on the ramifications of the increased numbers of onshore international students studying at Australian universities, there is relatively little published research on the specific challenges facing academics participating in offshore programs. The aim of this project was to examine the current pre-departure cross-cultural training taking place in the business faculties of three Australian universities in order to gain a better understanding of the adequacy of the support given to Australian academics teaching offshore. Twenty staff involved in offshore education were interviewed as part of this project, including academics with considerable offshore teaching experience, senior academic managers and cross-cultural trainers. While these institutions engage in little formal preparation for offshore teaching, a great deal of informal mentoring and briefing is taking place. We consider the implications of the new quality assurance framework for Australian universities, which requires that institutions be able to demonstrate the ways in which they ensure the quality of teaching and learning. Under this new system, universities are bound by the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee's guidelines for the provision of education to international students. It appears that Australian universities will need to establish more formal mechanisms to ensure that offshore staff are adequately prepared for offshore teaching posts.  相似文献   

The Convergence process in which European Union (EU) universities are at present involved supposes that these institutions not only have to re-structure their degree programmes, but also their teaching and learning methodologies. We study the impact of this EU process on Database teaching, comparing the practices of three different European universities and using the Convergence goals as criteria. In our discussion, we identify which aspects in each university are closer to the Convergence goals, and which are likely to help in achieving these goals.  相似文献   

Development of mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The implementation of the Bologna protocol in the European Union has set new goals for the whole higher education system as: (a) a quality assessment for university courses; (b) a framework for the exchange of students and academics; and (c) an opportunity for changing the teaching/learning procedures and methodologies. Within the context, the mechanical engineering curricula at the University of Minho have been comprehensively formulated in order to meet these and future challenges and expectations. The whole process has been based upon various cornerstones: the legal framework for the higher education system; the introduction of new learning methodologies and an accurate survey and understanding of the existing strong and week points of the previous experience. For this purpose, a comprehensive evaluation has been carried out with former students and a detailed map has been formulated regarding their professional careers and experiences. Furthermore, a discussion has been carried out in order to define the mission of the graduate in mechanical engineering. In brief, such mission may be referred by his ability to participate in the wealth creation through technology based innovation. Within this context, the curriculum has been structured in order to meet such goals. In addition to strong foundations in physics and mathematics, new subjects are introduced into the curriculum. The whole education is based upon project development which stimulates the students' initiative, responsibility and their ability to integrate knowledge. Throughout the curriculum, students are enrolled into research projects developed in the department and it is expected that a few selected projects may be taken into a quasi industrial stage.  相似文献   

The current study endeavours to find out whether there is a relationship between university academics’ competence and their customer-based brand equity from the perspective of students. It also seeks to investigate the mechanism of the proposed relationship through trust, likability, and commitment. Data were collected from 384 postgraduate students in Malaysian universities using a structured questionnaire. Results of analysis using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) revealed there is a significant relationship (total effect) between academics’ competence and customer-based brand equity. We found that the path from competence to brand equity goes through trust, likability, and commitment. Given the growing popularity of higher education in the new millennium and important role of academics in leading students to success, findings of the present study can enhance our understanding of academics’ branding and universities’ overall image. The implications and contributions of the study to university administrators and academics are discussed.  相似文献   

Academics are increasingly required to balance the expectations of the ‘old’ academy with a future model of universities as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ‘problem solvers’. This paper highlights changing expectations of academics in producing alternative research outcomes in collaborative, practice‐based research. Through a series of workshops with 20 researchers, preferred research outcomes and tensions in achieving these outcomes were identified. The tensions identified are presented as three dichotomies comprising the tension between: (a) ‘I versus We’ ‐ individual versus team expectations & outcomes. (b) Disciplinary outcomes versus inter‐/transdisciplinary outcomes. (c) Learning versus research objectives for the students and academics involved. These tensions reflect the authors' experiences of working in three international sustainability projects, drawing on lessons learned from these projects, with recommendations for universities seeking to implement interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary doctoral and postdoctoral programmes. Recommendations include the need for formal and informal leadership models, strong communication skills, empathy and willingness to learn from each other. A need for more systemic changes within university administration to better reward and value the breadth and depth of collaborative work, while facilitating open learning cultures and practice‐oriented learning opportunities and curricula across faculties was also identified.  相似文献   

Place is a concept used to explore how people ascribe meaning to their physical and social surrounds, and their emotional affects. Exploring the university as a place can highlight social relations affecting Australian Indigenous students’ sense of belonging and identity. We asked what university factors contribute to the development of a positive sense of place for these students. Findings are presented from two Australian universities, based on focus groups with Indigenous students, and interviews with Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff. Students prioritized relationships with academics as a key theme, stressing academic’s flexibility and understanding enabled their persistence at university. Students situationally manage self-identification, requiring academics to engage effectively with diverse students, but staff felt they required further professional development. We argue that academics can ‘make’ university places in their pedagogies and mentoring roles, but require universities to recognize this pedagogical caring as a legitimate and valued element of their work.  相似文献   

欧美知名高校对大学生社会实践项目化管理的理念、方式以及社会效应,对我国高校社会实践有很强的借鉴意义。对高校社会实践进行项目化管理是实现大学生实践创新的有效途径。在典型个案分析、对比探讨我国大学生社会实践项目化管理缺陷的基础上引入项目管理方法,可以使大学生社会实践走上一条科学化、规范化的持续发展道路。  相似文献   

2005年美国工程教育协会的调查结果表明,美国大学根据学生的知、情、意、行四方面设计工程顶点课程,它不仅整合了学生过去学习的知识,还让学生把先前所学知识和技能应用于实践中,帮助学生理解理论和实践的相关性.围绕课程与项目的结合,美国大学工程顶点设计课程形成了自己独特的教学模式、教学方法、教学组织、教学评价目标和手段.美国大学工程顶点设计课程的成功离不开教师、资金、项目、设计流程的保障.美国大学工程顶点课程的设计经验对我国培养高质量工程人才具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

文章针对地方高校培养应用型人才的特点,对机械工程基础类课程进行了基于创新能力培养的课程改革,使学生以创新项目为载体,解决科学问题并总结表达其过程及成果。对于机械工程基础类课程的学习,可培养学生围绕具体创新项目,在项目探索与实践的过程中,以项目组的形式展开学习和实践,培养学生发现问题与解决问题的能力,以及应用型研究能力。为了提高大学生机械工程基础学习和实践能力,需要形成基于课堂学习和基于创新项目学习的两大学习主线,结合教育改革和教学方法改革,把基于创新项目的学习贯穿于教学计划内外和本科学习的全过程。  相似文献   

A new approach to projects for undergraduate electronic engineering in an Australian university has been applied successfully for over 10 years. This approach has a number of projects running over three year period. Feedback from past graduates and their managers has confirmed that these projects train the students well, giving them the ability and confidence to work independently and collectively in the industrial world. Due to their importance to universities, staff and students alike, together with the potential heavy financial burden on the universities, careful planning has to be undertaken before implementing such projects. This paper presents some detailed suggestions on how such projects should be administered and operated as well as setting out possible criteria to assist supervisors in evaluating the final product from such projects.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to identify the contexts and conditions that allow for successful education transitions and opportunities for the Roma minority in Europe. Thus far, transnational and national policies have failed to ensure Roma inclusion and education equality, even though some progress is visible. Using a combination of policy analysis and interviews with NGO and European Union actors, University academics and Roma students, the article examines the key contexts that frame education policies and create the necessary conditions for education transitions. It identifies the problems and challenges within the contemporary EU education policy frameworks and highlights the tensions between political rhetoric and policy commitments that are visible at national, transnational, and local levels. In addition, through a focus on individual student experiences, the article captures the lived reality of Roma students who have managed their education transitions with success.  相似文献   

Conclusions The result of the series of East-West cooperative projects so far has been a continuous reflection on the nature of learning and a revitalization of the ancient question, how schooling efforts can help restructure society in general and an economic system in particular. The concise review of ongoing Tempus and Copernicus projects shows that the major appreciation of ICT is in its flexibility, its just-in-time nature, and its orientation toward students as customers. These opportunities and the articulations of unorthodox schooling paradigms make it quite complex for traditional institutes to integrate the benefits of ICT-supported learning into practice. Adjacent ongoing Tempus projects show that traditional state-driven universities need to be structured as entrepreneurial rather than academic organizations. At the same time there is general lack of commitment by the highly versatile commercial training enterprises. a third alternative is the so-called “learning communities” that attempt to establish mutual learning as an ongoing process, without any institutional basis. It is unclear at this moment how the balance between the three will gradually evolve in Eastern European countries in the coming years. Having particutated in ongoing Tempus and copernicus projects and at the same time having seen the synamics of new, yoing, up-and-coming entrepreneurs that play a role in the free market, it is my expectation that they finally will become dominant on the propagation and dissemination of expertise. Looking from the aspect of societal reform, however, it is my estimation that further investments in EU projects should continue in the direction of traditional state schooling institutes as they are able to maintain the momentum of evolution of a learning culture in the long run.  相似文献   

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