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在开放教育资源中,视频是开放教育资源呈现的主要方式,其中视频公开课受到广大学生的关注,但目前的研究缺少基于视频资源的个人学习环境,文章以开放教育资源发展中存在的问题为切入点,总结了相关问题的研究现状,并在Web2.0理念的启示下,基于Moodle平台构建了个性化学习与协作学习相统一的个人学习环境,从而为学习者的在线学习提供了丰富的学习支持服务。  相似文献   

英国开放大学"开放学习"项目评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英国开放大学一直是国际远程教育界的开拓者和典范,目前又在全球开放教育资源运动中后来居上,成功开展了“开放学习“(OpenLearn)项目.本文首先介绍了“开放学习“项目的背景和目标、项目实施现状,然后概括了该项目在学习资源与学习活动设计、学习工具与学习支持服务,以及开放理念与举措等三方面的特点,最后,还对“开放学习“项目进行了总体分析和评价,并提出了对我国远程教育资源建设、开放和共享的启示.  相似文献   

Book Review     
The University of North Carolina's Plant Information Center (PIC) is a Web-based scientific learning center that connects students to a virtual herbarium of plant specimens and to a collection of botanical and educational resources. This article introduces PIC and reviews the concept of metadata and its relation to the evolving Web-based educational environment. The emphasis is on PIC's metadata applications, specifically the incorporation, development, and integration of a series of metadata schemas that underlie the project. Attention is also given to PIC's metadata research initiatives and how PIC's metadata architecture can contribute to the design of similar enterprises.  相似文献   

Despite a groundswell of evidence for transformative education, manifestos for ‘transformative pedagogy for global citizenship’ remain under-theorized and pay limited attention to implications for practice. This paper connects theory and practice through analyzing a curriculum development project that sought to produce a framework for ‘engaged global citizens’. It considers the political and philosophical framings of the self and other, citizen and world, that underlie this empirical work, especially with reference to reflexivity, hermeneutics, democratic engagement and co-production. The resultant pedagogical framework, based upon concepts of transformative learning, attempted to undercut the homogenizing tendencies within global citizenship education (GCE). This discussion highlights the tensions and reifying effects of educational frameworks such as the Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK and the proposed framework for ‘global competence’ in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment. Evidence is presented that frameworks which attempt to make explicit educational phenomena and processes are overdetermined by efficacy and metrics that become perverse ends in themselves. While the anticipated project output here was the framework itself, the substantive output was, in fact, practical: namely the ongoing deliberation and reflection upon the discourses that both do and undo the task of locating the transformative dimension of GCE.  相似文献   

As more and more on-line resources are becoming available, finding ones suitable for specific educational purposes is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only must the subject matter be appropriate and the content be accurate, but the resources must also match the educational level and background of the user. Once a suitable Web site, graphic, applet, or other resource has been located, additional problems must be faced if it is to be integrated into a learning environment. There might be software incompatibilities, legal issues, and questions concerning how it will interface with other components. This article offers a non-technical introduction and overview of metadata, an important and fascinating part of the solution to these problems. It gives the definition and examples of metadata, shows how metadata can help non-experts search for on-line resources, and explains how metadata can assist in the use and re-use of on-line pedagogic materials. It ends with a discussion of learning object metadata, the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee standard that has recently been accepted by the major pedagogic metadata efforts.  相似文献   

ActiveMath is a complex web‐based adaptive learning environment with a number of components and interactive learning tools. The basis for handling semantics of learning content is provided by its semantic (mathematics) content markup, which is additionally annotated with educational metadata. Several components, tools and external services can make use of that content markup, eg, a course generator, a semantic search engine and user input evaluation services. The components and services have to communicate, pass content and state changes, actions, etc including mathematical semantics and educational markup. The novel event infrastructure supports this communication. This paper focuses on the usage of the content's semantics by selected novel components and sketches the communication.  相似文献   

A Window on the World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The $4 million national Loan Video Programme is an ambitious project which has been operating in outback regions of Australia for two years. The Programme was originally intended to provide videocassette copies of ABC educational broadcasts to primary-school students studying by'correspondence'and living outside television reception areas. An examination of the effects of the Programme on teacher and parent attitudes, viewing patterns, integration with the curriculum, and educational concerns about televisual learning in Western Australian Schools of the Air and Distance Education Centre students, are given in this paper.  相似文献   

电子课本是泛在技术时代所涌现的技术丰富教学环境的一种新的体现,其创新应用不仅仅体现在电子课本本身的教学性设计上,还与电子课本支持下的创新学习设计密切相关。国际“一对一”数字化学习等技术丰富教学环境应用项目的经验表明,优质教学资源和工具与教学实践的整合是“一对一”项目教学实践创新的基础。电子课本在“一对一”数字化学习环境中的创新应用模式,综合考虑“一对一”项目实践的环境构成、学生学习模式、教师教学实践三个要素,引入学习活动,将学习内容转化为探究、交流、表达、知识管理、练习与测验等基于资源的学习活动设计,以体现数字学习的特性。同时,数字化资源、工具和服务也是电子课本适应性、个性化教学活动的基础。  相似文献   

优质教育资源分布不均衡、中西部农村地区教育相对落后是制约我国实现教育现代化和教育公平的主要瓶颈.作为促进优质教育资源均衡化分布的重要载体,大型公益在线学习平台提供丰富的优质教育资源,具备学生自主学习、教育教学质量监控与保障、优秀教师公开课示范和在线答疑等功能.当前,良好的软硬件设施、迅猛发展的开放式网络课程及在线教育平台,为大型公益在线学习平台建设提供了现实条件.而大型公益在线学习平台的准公共物品属性,决定了其建设、运营和维护等需要政府大力支持.因此,从助推教育公平视角,政府应大力支持和资助大型公益在线学习平台建设.  相似文献   

慕课:本质、现状及其展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOOC译作“慕课”,其所持信念是“将世界上最优质的教育资源,送达地球最偏远角落”。当前,MOOC发展现状可以概括为:自下而上席卷全球;教学短视频精制化;教学应用日渐增多:应用领域由高等教育向基础教育拓展;商业运作模式多元化。可以预见,MOOC的未来发展将呈现如下趋势:构建新的网络课程文化;以核心知识为主线的课程设计;建构新型的教与学模式;建构系统化的深层次学习分析;促成大规模互动与参与;为公益事业注入成熟的商业模式。  相似文献   

我国有各级各类学校51.88万所、专任教师1672.85万人、在校生2.76亿人,教育系统在疫情防控期间面向全国亿万学生开展大规模在线教育是历史上从未有过的创举,在全球也属首次。我们可能正在经历一个全球最大的信息化基础设施升级改造工程和一个师生信息素养提升培训工程,一次全球最大的信息化教学社会实验和一次开放教育资源运动。面对新型冠状病毒疫情防控期间各级各类学校在线教学开展中遇到的各种难题,基于网络研讨会的专家观点和校长、教师和局长对一线在线教育实施情况、困难、经验和建议的分析,本文从超大规模互联网教育组织的视角出发,围绕流畅的通信平台、适切的数字资源、便利的学习工具、多样的学习方式、灵活的教学组织、有效的支持服务、密切的政企校协同七个要素,论述了在线教育如何有效支撑“停课不停学”,以期为政府及各级各类学校制定相关政策方针提供理论依据,为一线教师和学生开展在线教学提供操作指南,为相关企业、家庭、社会等多方参与和支持在线教学提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

阿萨巴斯卡大学是加拿大最著名的开放与远程教育大学,近年来开展了一系列卓有成效的改革:从传统远程教育模式向在线课程与服务模式转变;推进移动图书馆建设;开发和利用开放教育资源;对多种学习管理系统进行评估与整合;减少与信息交流技术相关的温室气体排放,向低碳型远程教育大学转化,这些改革推动了该校开放与远程教育的高水平发展。  相似文献   

As more opportunities for enrolling in online courses and programs become available, ensuring the quality of such educational experiences will continue to increase in importance. One factor determining quality concerns the student support services available to distance learners. Unfortunately, these services are often underdeveloped or overlooked, especially those support services associated with the 'extracurricular needs' of distance learners. The inclusion of wellness resources within the instructional design of an online course is one approach attempting to meet the challenge of providing such services to learners. The purpose of this study was to determine which student support service resources should be included in an Online Wellness Resource Center (OWRC) available within an online course. A needs assessment was conducted to determine whether learners perceived a need for access to wellness resources. Finding that they did express this need, the assessment then identified the specific wellness resources to include in an OWRC.  相似文献   


The Preservice Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Programme has been developed on a vision of bridging the East and West dichotomy by harmonising Eastern learning with Western knowledge. This programme is one of the two foundations for Xu and Connelly’s 7-year Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Partnership in teacher education and school education in 2013-2020. The Programme, ‘provide[s] an exceptional cross-cultural experience with international engagement … to broaden teacher candidates’ horizons for a society of increasing diversity in today’s globalized world’. This article’s purposes are to discuss how reciprocal learning is both a concept and an approach for international and cross-cultural teacher education and school education and to present the learning outcomes and educational significance of the East-West reciprocal learning programme in teacher education. The Programme has created opportunities for both pre-service and in-service teachers to understand and appreciate a culture and educational system different from their own, thereby reciprocally contributing to educational opportunities for those they teach. The research theory and method utilised in this work are found in a companion paper in this special series and are briefly discussed below in the project overview and later in a discussion of student outcomes. This work has implications for other school settings where increasing immigrant student population and cultural diversity have become the norm.  相似文献   

With increasing student numbers and a diverse student body, it is crucial to consider a range of methods to engage students in learning and teaching activities. This project was used to encourage 1st-year undergraduate students to engage in out of class activities between taught sessions. The project used a virtual learning environment (VLE) known as Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework (WOLF) to encourage collaborative working within learning sets. The central aim was to investigate the potential to improve communication and mutual support between students and also to encourage students to make links between taught sessions. They were given weekly tasks that needed to be completed within their learning sets and they then posted the work in folders within WOLF by a set time. This allowed for timely feedback from the tutor and it facilitated sharing of resources across the sets. The final element involved students using their new knowledge to peer-teach the whole group in short presentations at the beginning of the next taught session. Feedback was collected in three ways, including focus groups, module feedback forms and a short questionnaire about the use of the VLE. Overall, the students' feedback was positive and they commented on gaining a number of skills including, using technology, group working and presentations. In addition to this, the overall pass rate for the module was higher and the average student grade had also increased.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of online courses in higher education has led to developments in the field of e-assessment. This paper presents a study, which examined the quality of online academic courses using a multidimensional assessment of students' activities and perceptions, using educational data mining and an online questionnaire. The assessment focused on four aspects: instructional, communication, course workload and overall learning experience. The course instructional model was found well-structured. The video lectures, assignments and materials designed for the online course were the most used and contributing learning resources. However, the number of students who entered the video lectures decreased as the course progressed. Low activity was found in the discussion forums. Students perceived the course workload as low. Overall, the learning experience was high and the students were highly satisfied. These findings provide insights that may assist in improving the quality of future online courses.  相似文献   

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