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The potential differences in the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) and traditional instructional approaches regarding high school students' attainment of economics concepts and principles and attitude toward learning economics were examined. The authors also considered potential interactions between learning outcomes in PBL and traditional instructional contexts and differences in students' academic ability, entering knowledge of economics, attitude toward economics, negative feelings after failure, preferred level of task difficulty, and behavioral response to failure. No differences between PBL and traditional classes were found regarding unit-specific student learning outcomes, although there was a difference in changes in general economics knowledge measured at the beginning and end of the semester, with the traditional classes learning more.  相似文献   


The manner in which students manage their learning activities in response to perceived task or course demands describes their 'learning orchestration'. This paper addresses relations between a student's learning orchestration and their learning outcome as a function of prior understanding in first year university biology courses. A cluster analysis of 272 Australian students revealed three different forms of learning orchestration - understanding, reproducing and disintegrated. In one cluster, students felt their environment was more supportive of deep approaches to learning and they adopted deeper approaches. They were the students who had the better prior understanding and they did best on measures of meaningful learning. However, less than one third of the students showed this coherent (and desirable) learning pattern. A second cluster of students showed a coherent but less desirable learning orchestration focused on more surface perceptions and approaches and they had significantly worse learning gains and achievement scores. The third cluster of students saw the learning environment as being more supportive of deep approaches, but, unlike the other groups, they did not adopt an approach consistent with their perception. We describe these students as having a disintegrated learning orchestration. A key finding is that the students with this orchestration also have very poor levels of prior knowledge and also have very poor achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

This article reports on a two-part study designed (a) to find the relation, if any, between junior high school students' alternative frameworks on energy held prior to instruction and their cognitive level of operations, either preformal or formal, and (b) to determine the relation, if any, between junior and senior high school students' success or failure in learning about energy and their alternative frameworks, their levels of cognitive operations, and their tendencies toward open- or closed-mindedness. In Part 1, we found no significant relation between junior high school students' prior alternative frameworks on energy and their cognitive levels of operations. In Part 2, we found that significantly better learning outcomes were achieved by students who had higher cognitive level scores. We also found that the extent to which students succeeded in learning the energy concept was a function of their prior knowledge. That is, certain alternative frameworks held prior to instruction may have facilitated the learning process. Finally, we found that the two groups (i.e., those who succeeded in learning about energy and those who did not) could not be distinguished according to scores in open- or closed-mindedness. These finding reinforce the assumption that learning is more domain specific than earlier theorists believed.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that teaching concepts in high school economics first in a familiar mode or symbol system and then elaborating on them in a second or less familiar mode facilitates classroom learning. In an experimental design, 83 high school seniors were individually assigned at random to three classes, which in turn were randomly assigned to three different classroom instructional treatments, each having a duration of 10 hours and taught by the students' regular economics teachers. It was predicted and found that comprehension of economics is facilitated by a teaching strategy that initially presents the concepts in a familiar verbal mode and then presents them in a more abstract mode using graphs or other instructive imagery. This strategy compared favorably with two alternative procedures, one presenting the same content first in graphs and then verbally (p<0.001), and the other using only one mode of presentation (p<0.01). These results imply that the type and order of presentation of symbol systems influence the learning of concepts in high school economics classes by facilitating or interfering with the generation of relations between prior knowledge and new information. The results imply that presenting economics concepts in two symbol systems, rather than one, facilitates learning, provided, contrary to customary teaching methods, that the teacher uses the familiar verbal presentation first and follows it with an integrative but less familiar graphic presentation.  相似文献   

The relationship between university students’ perceptions of their academic environment, their approaches to study, and academic outcomes was investigated for first and fourth-final year students. The responses of 88 first and 92 fourth year students were analysed using a path analysis model. Students’ perceptions of the learning environment were measured by an instrument based on the Course Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ) and Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) inventories. The Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) was used to assess students’ approaches to studying. The structure of the ASI inventory was explored by factor analysis. The analysis gave two factors which reflect the deep and surface approaches to studying. Workload does not predict any of the studying approaches and academic outcomes. There was a pattern of relationships between deep approach, perceptions of learning environment which encourage this approach, and outcomes. Assessment methods was the best predictor of satisfaction for all of the students. For the first year students, University grade was not associated with any of the explored variables but the level of satisfaction was predicted by relationships with tutors and fellows. For the fourth year students, good teaching predicted achievement both directly and indirectly through the deep approach to studying. The findings indicate that fourth year students’ perceptions of the current learning environment are a stronger predictor of academic achievement than prior academic ability (university entrance examinations’ grade). The study suggests further exploration of the impact of affect in learning especially for the newcomers.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence and nature of learningin a university first year Introduction toGeomorphology course, and its relations with priorknowledge taught in a prerequisite course, and withthe prior knowledge in the to be learned subjects. Tendimensions of knowledge were tapped before and afterthe course by conventional and cognitive structuremeasures that were derived by the concept mappingmethodology. The fine-grain analysis of learningoutcomes yielded the following results: (a) studentsacquired only a small portion of the content in thecourse Introduction to Geomorphology, (b) the priorgeological and geomorphological knowledge did notaffect the learning of the new geomorphologicalcontents, (c) the minor effects appeared within ratherthan across knowledge dimensions, and they affectedmainly the learning of smaller knowledge units, and(d) concept definition cannot be considereda valid probe of knowledge. The differential effects of prior knowledge question thecentral, global and undifferentiated role that schematheories ascribe to prior knowledge in futurelearning. They call for greater reference to theexposed dimensions of knowledge by suggestingadditional factors to be considered in the sequencingof courses, as well as to the acquisition of complexknowledge with partial meaning of the basic knowledgeunits, and the use of new cognitive structure probesof knowledge.  相似文献   

Previous research has established a close link between students'conceptions of learning, approaches to study and learning outcomes.Until recently, there have been few studies of lecturers' approaches toteaching in higher education and their relationship with conceptions ofteaching. This study aimed to characterise the alternative approaches toteaching of university lecturers, and to examine the relationshipbetween lecturers' approaches to teaching and their conceptions of goodteaching. This study adopted an open naturalistic approach. Seventeenlecturers in three departments in a university were selected forinterview based on their rank, years of teaching and industrial orprofessional experience. Lecturers were interviewed individually abouttheir conceptions of good teaching, motivational strategies andeffective teaching. The interview records were then content analysed bythe two researchers of the study. The study found that (a) it waspossible to characterise lecturers' approaches to teaching with onemotivation and five strategy dimensions; (b) the conceptions of teachingof the lecturers were best described by two main orientations oftransmissive and facilitative teaching; (c) lecturers who conceivedteaching as transmitting knowledge were more likely to usecontent-centred approaches to teaching, while those who conceivedteaching as facilitative tended to use learning-centred approaches. Thestudy concludes by suggesting that fundamental changes to the quality ofteaching and learning are unlikely to happen without changes tolecturers' conception of teaching.  相似文献   

Hypermedia learning environments (HLE) unevenly present new challenges and opportunities to learning processes and outcomes depending on learner characteristics and instructional supports. In this experimental study, we examined how one such HLE—MetaTutor, an intelligent, multi-agent tutoring system designed to scaffold cognitive and metacognitive self-regulated learning (SRL) processes—interacts with learner’s prior domain knowledge to affect their note-taking activities and subsequent learning outcomes. Sixty (N = 60) college students studied with MetaTutor for 120 min and took notes on hypermedia content of the human circulatory system. Log-files and screen recordings of learner-system interactions were used to analyze notes for several quantitative and qualitative variables. Results show that most note-taking was a verbatim copy of instructional content, which negatively related to the post-test measure of learning. There was an interaction between prior knowledge and pedagogical agent scaffolding, such that low prior knowledge students took a greater quantity of notes compared to their high prior knowledge counterparts, but only in the absence of MetaTutor SRL scaffolding; when agent SRL scaffolding was present, the note-taking activities of low prior knowledge students were statistically equivalent to the number of notes taken by their high prior knowledge counterparts. Theoretical and instructional design implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Four cognitive principles of learning-strategy instruction are proposed. These principles call for strategy researchers to: (a) develop learning strategies that are appropriate to one's desired cognitive outcomes, (b) conduct routine component analyses of both learning strategies and learner processes, (c) take into account the match between the particular learning strategy and the learner's specific knowledge and skills, and (d) perform controlled empirical validations of learning-strategy effectiveness. A preliminary model that distinguishes among the processes of understanding, remembering, and applying is presented to amplify the first cognitive principle.  相似文献   

This article aims to appraise insights from participationist approaches to learning for understanding students' knowledge acquisition. The first part explicates the concepts of positioning, recognition, and identity through presenting a common ground for participationists and discussing different views on (a) the relationship between learning the content domain and positioning, recognition, and identity negotiation; (b) dynamicity of situativity; (c) relation of moment-to-moment situativity to long-term interaction patterns; (d) awareness of positioning, recognition, and identity. This allows an appraisal in the article's second part of a claim inherent to participationist views: It is necessary to adopt a system's view on learning opportunities presented to students in class because of the way positioning, recognition, and identity negotiation influence students' engagement with curricular content. A fifth issue emerges concerning the nature of this influence. Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence combine to support the conclusion that the claim holds some, not all, of the time.  相似文献   

Recently, many insights have been gained into the design of powerful learning environments. Teacher training must take account of this knowledge when educating the teachers of the future. This study investigates possible approaches within teacher training which could encourage student teachers towards learning-focused teaching activities. The main question is whether students from institutions where these activities were taught in a more inductive way pay more attention to these aspects during teaching practice than those from other institutions. This inductive approach is concretized by the following: (a) modelling of these teaching activities by the teacher trainers; (b) coaching the teaching practice experiences and giving hints; (c) taking the students’ learning experiences as starting points for reflection. Three existing teacher-training institutions were chosen to provide different and ecologically valid settings in a feasible way. Comparisons of the institutional approaches with the approaches during teaching practice confirm the importance of an inductive approach in which different practice experiences, systematically aimed at making the students restructure their conceptual frameworks of learning and instruction, are used for reflection.  相似文献   

This paper is a discussion of the use of the SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) Taxonomy (Biggs & Collis, 1982, 1989; Biggs, 1991, 1992a, 1992b; Boulton‐Lewis, 1992, 1994) as a means of developing and assessing higher order thinking in Higher Education. It includes a summary of the research into its use to date as an instrument to find out what students know and believe about their own learning, to assess entering knowledge in a discipline, to present examples of structural organization of knowledge in a discipline, to provide models of levels of desired learning outcomes, and in particular to assess learning outcomes. A proposal is made for further research.  相似文献   


This study compares classroom problems of novice teachers who had completed either a traditional 4‐year baccalaureate or 1‐year graduate level preparation program. Problems encountered were remarkably similar. For both groups, the three most frequent problems are shared and identically ranked: (a) having adequate time for planning and preparation; (b) having every student work up to his or her ability; and (c) providing for individual learning differences. Of the 20 most frequently experienced problems for each group, 15 are common to both. Furthermore, problems these teachers encountered are highly comparable to those encountered by novice teachers of two decades ago. When viewed from a teacher development perspective, these results may indicate that beginning teachers have a similar set of problems to work through regardless of their preparation program. The results also indicate that graduates of a 1‐year master's level program are no more likely to encounter problems in their first years of teaching than are graduates of a traditional 4‐year baccalaureate program.  相似文献   

Relationships between approaches to learning, as measured by the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ), prior knowledge of subject area, and performance on a multiple-choice test following a 15 × 2 hour unit in basic psychology were investigated. Subjects were 105 first year tertiary students, of mean age 19.9 years, and predominantly female (82.9%). Approaches to learning were unrelated to assessment performance, and prior knowledge did not relate to a deep approach although it did predict performance. The findings were interpreted in terms of additional elements in the teaching-learning process, and the role of the SPQ was seen as a stimulus to thinking about that process.  相似文献   

Relations between classroom behavior problems early in the preschool year and elementary school literacy and language outcomes were examined for an entire cohort of four-year-old Head Start children (N = 2682). A cross-classified random effects model was used that controlled for the variance in literacy outcomes attributed to: (a) child-level demographics (age, gender, ethnicity), and end of the preschool year cognitive skills; (b) Head Start, kindergarten and first grade classrooms; and (c) kindergarten and first grade schools. Preschool behavior problems were assessed across structured learning situations, and during peer and teacher interactions at the beginning of Head Start. Preschool behavior problems in structured learning situations differentially predicted lower literacy outcomes across all time points. Findings extend previous research and underscore the importance of early identification of problem behavior using developmentally and ecologically valid tools within early childhood classrooms intentionally designed to foster literacy skills.  相似文献   

The multidisciplinary study of complex systems in the physical and social sciences over the past quarter of a century has led to the articulation of important new conceptual perspectives and methodologies that are of value both to researchers in these fields as well as to professionals, policymakers, and citizens who must deal with challenging social and global problems in the 21st century. The main goals of this article are to (a) argue for the importance of learning these ideas at the precollege and college levels; (b) discuss the significant challenges inherent in learning complex systems knowledge from the standpoint of learning sciences theory and research; (c) discuss the "learnability issue" of complex systems conceptual perspectives and review a body of literature that has been exploring how learning sciences pedagogical approaches can lead to student learning of important dimensions of complex systems knowledge; (d) argue that the cognitive and sociocultural factors related to learning complex systems knowledge are relevant and challenging areas for learning sciences research; and (e) consider ways that concepts and methodologies from the study of complex systems raise important issues of theoretical and methodological centrality in the field of the learning sciences itself.  相似文献   

知识经济时代的知识有三大特征:知识增长速度加快,知识的失效率增高;学科的高度分化与综合,在知识经济的社会里发展自我的首要途径就是自觉学习,学习观念需更新;学习内容要求新;学习方法要革新;学习实践应创新。  相似文献   

Recently, more students have entered Dutch higher education. This is a consequence of the possibility to offer students to enter higher education, with a certificate from senior secondary education (SSVE). In earlier days most students in higher education had passed senior general secondary education (SGSE), or even pre-university education. It is to be expected that these ‘new’ students approach learning in a different way compared to the ‘traditional’ students in higher education. The goal of this study was to examine the possible differences between the two groups of students mentioned, and to gain insights in the role possible differences play in the way the two groups of students approach learning. Students' personality characteristics, regulation strategies, learning conceptions and motivational orientations were studied in relation to study approaches. It was assumed that patterns of relations between the variables mentioned would be different for the two groups of students. More specifically, it was expected to find stronger and more crystallised relations between variables within the group of SSVE students. Indeed, when entering higher education, SSVE students scored higher then SGSE students on the personality variables autonomy and conscientiousness; as to their personal orientations on learning and instruction they were more self-test oriented and they scored higher on concrete processing and construction of knowledge. However, the strength and direction of the relations between the variables are the same for both groups. Our findings increase insights into relations between students' personalities and their approaches to learning when entering higher education; this concerns two groups of students from different educational backgrounds. Practically this implies that intake assessments considering personality and self-knowledge might help teachers, coaches and policy makers in advising students how to approach learning, when entering higher education.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of different types of feedback content (elaborate versus global) and feedback timing (immediate versus delayed) for learning genetics in a web-based learning environment as a function of learners' prior knowledge. It was hypothesized that learning outcomes of students with low prior knowledge would be fostered by immediate elaborate feedback, whereas those of students with more prior knowledge would be enhanced by delayed global feedback. Students' perceptions of the feedback they received were explored. Results showed a significant positive effect of global feedback on learning outcomes for higher prior knowledge learners, although those who received elaborate feedback gave a higher appreciation rating. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for the design and delivery of feedback in web-based learning environments.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of schooling during children's first and second years of preschool for children who experienced different amounts of preschool (i.e., one or two years), but who were essentially the same chronological age. Children (n = 76) were tested in the fall and spring of the school year using measures of self-regulation, decoding, letter knowledge, and vocabulary. Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), preschool was not associated with children's development of self-regulation in either year. For decoding and letter knowledge, children finishing their second year of preschool had higher scores, although both groups of children grew similarly during the school year. Thus, our results suggest that the first and second years of preschool are both systematically associated with decoding and letter knowledge gains, and the effects are cumulative (two years predicted greater gains overall than did one year of preschool). Finally, children's chronological age, and not whether they experienced one versus two years of preschool, predicted children's vocabulary and self-regulation outcomes. Implications for preschool curricula and instruction are discussed, including the increasing emphasis on literacy learning prior to kindergarten entry and the need to address self-regulation development along with academic learning.  相似文献   

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