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The role of social dynamics in the establishment and maintenance of aggressive and disruptive behavior is reviewed and discussed in light of consultation. Three key areas are outlined: the contributions of social structures to interpersonal conflict, the relation between peer associations and problem behavior, and the relation between social positions and problem behavior. This article suggests that direct intervention efforts (e.g., social skills training, behavior management strategies, peer support strategies, grouping practices) can be augmented by information about ongoing social dynamics in the classroom and school. Specific ways that behavior consultants can use social dynamic information to support the direct intervention efforts of teachers and administrators are discussed.  相似文献   


English education policy has increasingly focused on the need to intervene in an intergenerational cycle of poverty and low attainment. The accompanying policy discourse has tended to emphasise the impact of family background on educational outcomes. However, as the capacity of parents to secure positive educational outcomes for their children is closely linked to the quality of their own education, low attainment is rather more closely connected to what happens in schools than this focus suggests. Pupils from groups known to be at increased risk of low attainment are also known to be at increased risk of involvement in the disciplinary processes of schools. This paper draws on the findings of a small-scale qualitative study to highlight some of the limitations in the educational provision accessed by Secondary age pupils involved in school exclusion processes. The assumptions and tensions at practice level that underpinned this provision are also discussed. In the conclusion it is argued that a much stronger focus on the learning of these pupils could improve their attainment and contribute to a reduction in social and educational inequalities in the future.  相似文献   

马克思的社会有机体理论是关于社会有机运行、全面发展的理论,是唯物史观的重要内容.社会是一个由多种要素组成的具有一定结构的复杂巨大的有机系统,其特征表现为整体性、层次性、人本性、拟人性、动态性.马克思的社会有机体理论具有重要的方法论意义,与系统科学相吻合,对认识当代社会建设机制、实践科学发展观具有重要的现实意义.社会建设遵循系统性、主体性、自组织、开放性原则.  相似文献   

以辽宁省2所小学的137名六年级儿童为被试,采用实验法探究儿童社会排斥对亲社会行为的影响以及自尊的调节与中介效应。结果发现:(1)社会接纳和不明确社会排斥能够提高儿童的亲社会行为,明确排斥降低儿童的亲社会行为;(2)特质自尊在儿童社会排斥对亲社会行为的影响关系中起调节作用,高特质自尊对其关系影响不显著,低特质自尊儿童的亲社会行为更容易受到排斥的影响;(3)在低特质自尊的儿童中,状态自尊在社会排斥对其亲社会行为的影响起中介作用。  相似文献   

This article explores the importance of considering transportation mode when calculating commute time for a child’s school choice options. While proponents of school choice argue that students can attend any school that will provide them the best education, several have argued that commute time is as important for families as a school’s characteristics. However, research to date models commute time using either distance as a proxy or minutes driving. In Philadelphia, a context where most people use public transportation to work and school, the authors argue that commute time to school must be calculated using this mode of transit. Using geospatial network analyses, the authors create choice sets for each neighborhood public high school. They first calculate the commute time between each zoned public high school and each public high school choice in the city by driving and by using public transportation. These two sets of commute times are then evaluated for the differences. The authors then calculate choice sets based on the average commute time in the city based on both modes of transportation. Finally, they compare the choice sets for each service area for spatial equity of public school quality. Findings indicate that the commute times between driving and public transportation are statistically different. Furthermore, public school choice sets within Philadelphia are spatially equitable, although the overall school quality needs improvement. The article concludes with policy implications and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the basic tenets of social contructionism. Four implications of this perspective for social work education are described: social theory and the linguistic representation of knowledge, critical thinking, historical and cultural relativity, and morality and values.  相似文献   

初中生社会性学习目标的表现及对教师动机激发的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用团体访谈的形式对初中生的社会性学习目标进行调查,得出以下结论:(1)初中生在成就情境中,除了掌握目标和表现目标之外,还普遍存在社会性学习目标;(2)就社会性学习目标的表现而言,可归纳为社会连带目标、社会赞许目标、社会关系目标、社会贡献目标和社会地位目标五大类别;(3)社会性学习目标对学生的影响可能体现在学业成绩、情感体验、学习行为等方面;(4)不同类型社会性学习目标对个体而言的意义不同,对学生的影响也存在差异.研究结果为教师激发学生学习动机提供了全新的理论视角及教学启示.  相似文献   

Social justice in the education of all K‐12 students begins with school counselors; preparing school counselors as advocates and leaders who can implement these principles in U.S. schools begins with counselor educators. Suggestions for intentional preparation of school counselors to be social justice advocates in schools by integrating the principles of the National Center for Transforming School Counseling with the American School Counselor Association National Model for School Counseling Programs (2005) and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs 2009 Standards are described. Ideas for educating school counselors as effective advocates in the context of specific training experiences throughout counselor training programs are provided.  相似文献   

Since 2001, the Chinese government had passed a series of policies known as ‘the two primary responsibilities’ to allow the rural migrant children to attend urban public schools. However, what the migrant children actually experienced in and after negotiating access to these schools deserves serious attention from educators, scholars and policymakers. Based on prolonged ethnographic fieldwork in a Beijing public school, this study demonstrated three key aspects of exclusions in migrant children’s schooling experiences, namely, (1) access to school, (2) in-class participations and (3) peer interactions, and examined the ‘hidden curriculum’ in the existing school practices that prevented migrant children from integrating successfully in the urban school settings. We found that academic performance lay at the root of social exclusions, but the local educators’ perceptions of migrant children as outsiders, the urban-oriented school curricular and urban children’s involvement (vis-à-vis migrant children’s little involvement) in the extracurricular activities at school as well as the paid supplementary trainings outside school together formed the ‘hidden curriculum’ that led to the marginalization of migrant students in the urban school system.  相似文献   

Drawing on contemporary theory and research related to social support, the author provides a rationale for incorporating work on social support into existing models of counselling. Some informal methods of assessing social support are described, and a number of implications for intervening in the client's psychosocial world are outlined.Plenary address to the XIIth International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, June 1986, Lund, Sweden.  相似文献   

School library provision for students with disabilities was evaluated in a four year study completed in 1999. The study focussed on the relationship between library and special education staff, and the effect this had on access to library services and the acquisition of information literacy by students with disabilities. Empirical data reflecting the current level of service provision in two Australian states was collected in a survey. This data was complemented by observations and interviews with special education and library staff and students in 15 case study schools. The research showed that as the number of students with disabilities enrolled in mainstream schools was increasing, school librarians had to be aware of the needs of these students, in order to provide them with adequate library services. Although examples of good practice were found, there is need for improvement in service delivery for these students. Much of this could be achieved by enhanced communication and cooperation between school librarians and special education teachers.  相似文献   

This article reviews school effectiveness theory, concentrating on the unidimensionality of the school effect concept, and focuses on differential school effectiveness, by which is meant the capacity of the school to be effective with different groups of pupils. It presents findings from research exploring the associations between sex, social class, and school attended with Cypriot primary pupils’ progress in Mathematics. There was no evidence of significant differential effectiveness in relation to sex and social class, the gap between boys and girls, and between different social classes increased in all schools, reflecting the national picture. Implications for school self-evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业过程中的“社会排挤”问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往对高校毕业生就业困难成因的分析,并没有揭示出全部事实。“社会排挤”理论可以为我们研究这一问题提供一个更为全面的分析视角。当前,高校毕业生在职业地位获得过程中,遭遇到体制内、体制外、从业经验、薪资水平、社会性别、先赋地位、社会舆论、自身相貌、荣誉符号等方面的排挤,这种排挤已造成了比较显见的后果,应从多方面着手加以消除。  相似文献   

Recent educational journals on both sides of the Atlantic have seen a resurgence of debate about the nature of educational research. As a contribution to these debates, this paper draws on theoretical and methodological ‘thinking tools’ of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Specifically, the paper explores what Jenkins [Jenkins, R. (2002). Pierre Bourdieu. London: Routledge and Falmer] refers to as Bourdieu's “reflexive epistemological pluralism” and its implications for research into higher education, with a particular focus on assessment as social practice. This particular theoretical and methodological understanding is used to critically reflect on a study conducted in 2005 on the impact of a policy on anonymous examination marking which was implemented at the University of Cape Town in 2004. The study collected both quantitative data of student examination performance pre- and post-policy implementation, as well as interviews with course conveners. The paper argues that when viewed interdependently the data offers insight into some of the “principles of vision and division” [Bourdieu, P. (1996). The state nobility: Elite schools in the field of power. Cambridge: Polity Press] at work in assessors’ judgment-making process. The assessors’ deliberations expose ideological tensions between the dual challenges of equity and excellence in the context of a historically white liberal university under transformation.  相似文献   

目前,中国的义务教育资源分布不均情况比较严重,突出表现为地区间、城乡间以及校际间办学条件差异巨大。日本义务教育均衡发展的有益经验给我们的启示是:稀缺的义务教育资源应得到公平而有效的分配,应该以全国统一的中小学建设标准作为我国基础教育均衡发展的切入点,以教育资源配置的均衡作为基础教育均衡发展的基础,以办学水平和教育质量的均衡作为基础教育均衡发展的内涵和追求的目标。  相似文献   

Teaching and learning are fundamentally social enterprises. In attempting to understand, explain, and predict social behavior, social psychologists have amassed scores of empirically grounded, fundamental principles. Yet, many such principles have yet to be applied to classrooms despite the social nature of these settings. This article illustrates how infusing novel concepts from social psychology into teachers’ repertoires holds untapped potential to improve their pedagogy, ability to motivate students, and capacity to enrich students’ understanding of subject matter. This article first examines three domains of social psychology—social cognition, influence/persuasion, and interpersonal relations—and illustrates how applications of principles from each domain could benefit classrooms. Next, two exemplars are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of past interventions that are rooted in social psychological principles. Finally, pathways through which teacher educators can introduce new social psychological concepts and applications to teachers are explored.  相似文献   

This article presents a selected review of research on the social functioning of students with learning disabilities (LD) and draws implications for the inclusion of students with LD in regular education classrooms. Four areas of social functioning are addressed: social skills, self-concept, friendships, and social networks. Research in these areas indicates that some, though not all, students with LD demonstrate problems in the social domain that may have consequences for their inclusion in regular classrooms. In light of the trend toward inclusion of students with LD, we argue that the social dimensions of placement decisions for these students should be considered.  相似文献   

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