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This article represents a snapshot of ten state secondary schools in the north of England immediately prior to the implementation of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. It includes data from interviews with the citizenship coordinator of each school and offers a range of responses by schools to the change. The two authors respectively, bring to the study their experience of Educational Management and Humanities and offer two different perspectives on the management of change, curriculum planning and implementation. Practical issues of status of the subject, resources, structures and staff development sit alongside contested issues of philosophy, content, pedagogy and outcomes.
Whilst recognizing the qualities and the commitment of the citizenship coordinators, a number of issues are raised that might give cause for concern at the medium to long-term future of this curriculum development.  相似文献   

中职学校教育的宗旨是以服务地方经济建设而提高职业素养,培养适应社会需要的技能型人才。对当代在校中职生而言,信息素养的核心目标是不但要掌握相关的方法与技能进而提高学生生存能力,而且要树立起终身学习的理念。随着信息时代发展的需要,传统的教学模式、知识应用型人才已经不合时宜,而现代教育非常注重实践性教学,因此,教学改革势在必行。  相似文献   

This article explores the implementation of various K–12 one-to-one computing initiatives to determine if patterns exist. These initiatives are funded in times of limited resources and constitute a serious investment in technology for the schools and districts adopting them. The goals of this study were to understand how and why one-to-one computing initiatives are being implemented, how these initiatives are funded and supported, and expectations or assumptions of stakeholders that are driving adoption of this type of technology. The results suggest that these school districts, and those like them, will face many challenges—some financial, some technical, and some procedural—as they work to integrate technology into instruction and assessment. Common themes or challenges identified from this work, and linked with previous research, include leadership and vision, funding, teacher professional development, and project evaluation.  相似文献   


This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.

The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   

本文探究了柔性管理的内涵,阐述了在中职学校实施柔性管理的必要性,再结合现实,具体探讨了柔性管理在中职学校教师管理和学生管理过程中的运用,以具体的建议、措施为中职学校实行柔性管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article represents a follow-up snapshot of a group of state secondary schools in the North of England. It examines the progress of the schools in the second year of the statutory inclusion of citizenship in the revised National Curriculum. The writers use the same modus operandi as in the previous article (Calvert and Clemitshaw, 2003) to present a picture of both the management and curriculum aspects of the changes. The article draws on data from interviews with the citizenship co-ordinators (CCs) of each school, and there is an overview in the form of a grid. Readers are encouraged to look back at the previous article to track the changes that have taken place since September 2002.
The study reveals that there are some common patterns and difficulties emerging, particularly with regard to assessment and reporting and some of the problems that have always beset PSHE and pastoral care. These same issues are predictably affecting the progress of the initiative. Principally, the status of the subject, resourcing and levels of understanding, training and commitment of staff are ongoing problems. A leitmotiv running through the interviews is the constant pressure of other initiatives and their effects on change at a time of internal turbulence for a number of the schools. Some progress is being made and it would have been unrealistic to expect all schools to adopt the subject without difficulty but, in spite of the CCs' best efforts, there are still issues that might give cause for concern and that are graphically highlighted by individual cases.  相似文献   

有效的课堂是指课堂教学有魅力,能给学生带来愉悦的心理体验,能吸引学生自主学习,自觉地去预习、复习或者拓展加深。该文以中职酒店英语中的一课为例对中职英语课堂有效性进行初步的讨论。  相似文献   

This article examines the definitions of literacy in operation in secondary schools, and the relationship between official literacy policy and the practices of the agents responsible for implementing this policy. We trace the history of national 'policy' back to the Language Across the Curriculum movement of the 1970s as it provides an illustrative point of comparison with the first five years of the National Literacy Strategy. Drawing on empirical data which illuminate the views, perceptions and practices of key agents on a number of levels, we critically review the concept of 'school literacy' promoted in government policy, defining it as 'school–centric literacy' and question its ability to facilitate participation in the practices associated with the media and technological literacies which are increasingly a feature of school life. There is evidence of some unplanned effects of the current national policy but also that levels of agency, for literacy teachers in particular, may be rapidly diminishing.  相似文献   

提高中小学学生媒体素养的策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于笔者对我国11个城市的部分中小学教师访谈和中小学学生对媒体态度的选择率、使用频率的调查分析,根据教育传播理论,从教育者角度、教学信息角度以及受教育者角度提出了提高中小学学生媒体素养的策略。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,美国加强绩效责任制的应用来推进中小学的均衡发展,进一步引入灵活性和差异性元素,建立更加符合学校改进实际的差异化绩效责任制。通过这种灵活的新模式,联邦教育部希望对落后学校、学区进行有针对性、实质性的干预和介入,从而改善这些学校或学区的绩效状况,提升其教育教学质量,促进学区之间、学校之间在更高水平上的均衡发展。  相似文献   

教学改革是课程改革中非常关键的环节,教学改革的成功不应该只是教学理念的转变、教学内容的革新、教学形式的变化,而应该主要体现在教学的实际效果上.本文从多个角度阐述了如何培养学生物理学习的理性思维;提高学生的科学素养;探索在中学物理新课程背景下,实施课堂教学的有效方法和策略.  相似文献   

教师防灾素养的高低在一定程度上决定了防灾教育的实施效果。经调查发现,我国教师防灾素养整体偏低,主要制约因素为师资培训、教材建设、教学研究、教学评价、长效机制与制度保障。为促进灾害教育的开展,保障灾害教育效果,应尽快通过灾害教育师资培训和防灾素养调查以推进灾害教育。  相似文献   

当前我国将逐步推行免费中等职业教育,而中等职业学校众多,学生基数庞大,中等职业教育市场的完全竞争性,中等职业教育产品属性逐渐演变为公共产品,如何在这种背景下让广大学生、家长享有充分的择校权,如何提高政府免费提供的中等职业教育资源配置的公平性与效率性,实行中等职业教育券将是最可行的直接答案.  相似文献   

备课是课堂教学的重要组成部分,其是否有效直接影响着课堂教学效果。该文浅谈了中职数学有效备课的几点策略,旨在进一步提高中职数学教学效率。  相似文献   

论中职与高职学制的有效衔接   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中职学制与高职学制实行高效衔接,既是提高高职教育质量的关键,也是我国建立终身教育体系的必由之路。中高职学制衔接的关键在于课程标准的衔接,本文就其出口和入口问题,课程标准内涵、制定原则、弹性,教学组织及学习年限等问题提出若干意见与建议。  相似文献   

二级学院学分制实施过程问题及成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析二级学院在学分制实施过程中遇到的主要问题,从管理人员素养的培养、师资力量的建设和学生学习主动性的调动上就本院的实际情况进行介绍,为二级学院配合学校实施和完善学分制提供借鉴.  相似文献   

钱莉华 《天津教育》2021,(11):106-107
在我国普通高中各个课程中化学这门基础课程与其他的学科有很大不同,它的教学应用性和教学实践性非常强。随着现代化教育改革的逐渐深入,各种学习教育方法不断涌现,而生活化教学更加能让学生感受到这门课程的魅力。  相似文献   

对中小学教师信息素养培养的再思考   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
信息素养是关于信息的综合能力系统。信息化社会,信息素养是每个成员必备的基本素质。中小学教师,作为教学前沿新课程的实施者,具备良好的信息素养有着重要的现实意义。针对目前中小学教师信息素养培养的误区,该文从系统的角度探讨了其培养和提高的具体策略。  相似文献   

中小学生音乐素养是从基于个体又超越个体的知识认知与技术技巧,转向更加注重综合、情境、内隐和适应性的社会化概念。本文结合相关实证调查和顺序性音乐教学研究,分析了当前在中小学生音乐素养培养上的问题本质,并针对中小学生音乐素养培养方式、体制上的障碍和束缚,提出了六项主张,以促进中小学生音乐素养教育健康发展。  相似文献   

我国中小学心理健康教育存在开展面不广、师资缺乏、评价机制不健全等问题.鉴于开展心理健康教育的重要性,要将心理健康教育渗透到学校教育的全过程,加强心理健康教育师资队伍建设,学习他人的成功经验和做法,改善教育方法和评价手段,强调行为训练,注意集体心理健康教育和个别指导.  相似文献   

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