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随着科教兴国战略的实施,素质教育的发展和教育改革的深入,对教师的素质提出了更高的要求。“办好教育的关键在教师”,随着高中专任教师本科化和小学教师专科化的推进,师范专科教育有了前所未有的发展空间和机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战,师范专科教育改革必须适应小学教师专科化的要求。因此,研究小学教师的素质结构和知识结构,搞好师范专科教育的课程设置和管理,确定适合时代要求的人才培养模式是师范专科教育改革的关键之所在。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):137-143
Many developing countries are in the process of restructuring their higher education system to meet their nation's socio-economic development. As their educational budget is not unlimited, working with international educational institutions has become one of the attractive solutions to improve the quality of their education and to make it relevant to meet their nation's educational demand for economic development. This paper identifies some key issues which have prevented the Vietnamese higher education system from serving effectively its country's open-door policy and provide necessary recommendations to help Vietnam overcome its short-comings and weaknesses. The issues identified together with recommendations, on the other hand, may help some educational policy makers from developed countries select their fields of assistance or cooperation as well as to establish their long term educational strategies to deal with developing countries such as Vietnam.  相似文献   

在当今这个知识爆炸的社会,素质教育已然成为时代和社会发展的必然。提高学生综全素质和适应社会的能力必须从大力开展素质教育着手。而高职院校开展素质教育既不能照搬本科院校的模式,也不能全面套用中专学校的管理模式,要探索出一条适合高职院校自身特点的有效途径。针对高职院校自身的特点,我们需要在实施技能教育的过程中为学生营造一个注重创新能力和综合应用素质的教育氛围。  相似文献   

A worker is said to be overeducated if he/she has acquired more education than is required to perform his/her job. In the absence of data measuring the number of years of schooling required to perform particular jobs, we propose a new approach to testing for overeducation. Overeducation is confirmed if we observe that education levels rose in jobs that offer very low returns to education and that underwent little technological change. Using labor force surveys from four developing countries, we find evidence of overeducation in unskilled jobs in the Philippines, mild evidence in Mexico, and little evidence in India and Thailand. We show that a job's mean and modal years of schooling are poor proxies for required education. We also show that overeducation sometimes increases within unskilled jobs, even while a growing share of educated workers enter skilled jobs. This may be because the quality of education segments the labor market.  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的增强,实体经济的发展以及制造业的加速推进,技术性人才的需求不断增强,缺口不断扩大。职业教育因此越来越为人们所重视,其地位也被提升到了新的高度。但在现实中,由于社会长期存在的偏见以及职业院校自身的诸多问题,导致职业教育的发展受到重重阻力。本文以高职院校为立足点,从发展产教融合,优化教育体系,建立校企联动机制,强化师资力量,加强职业素养五个方面进行探究,以期对提升高职院校的社会认可度起到促进作用,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

就近入学与择校是一个两难问题,尽管多数西方国家和少数发展中国家在20世纪80年代后尝试推行择校政策,但择校带来的问题也不少,引起的争议依然存在,没有一个国家找到了比较好的方法解决。在我国,就近入学是我国义务教育阶段的主要政策,但现实中择校广泛存在。解决这个两难问题,可以让部分地区先制定择校政策,待成熟后逐步推广。  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育近年来迅速掘起。并校改制创建的职业技术学院,如何保证教学质量,办出特色,培养高水平的人才,以适应经济社会发展的需要,是当前亟待解决的问题。从明确培养目标、制定发展战略、强化专业建设、建设双师队伍、改善教学手段、实现校企合作等六个方面阐述了办好并校改制职业技术学院的基本观点与思路。  相似文献   

人类进入工业化时代之后,无限放大了自身的“技术权力”。作为培养“技术人才”的一项“技术权力”,现代学校教育表现出规模化、标准化、任务化和官僚化特征。中国职业教育是中国工业化和现代化快速发展的产物,不可避免地把“岗位技能训练”作为其最主要的人才培养模式,职业院校被动性“适应市场需求”或理想化“引领经济发展”。随着学习化社会来临,“学校即社会”和“教育即生活”将回归教育本质。  相似文献   


Debate about manpower forecasting has continued for 25 years or more. The investigation reported here is an attempt to add to the debate. It focusses on the provision of secondary technical education in Egypt and the demand for technical school graduates, especially graduates from courses in agriculture. Egypt's secondary school system is more strongly vocationally oriented than that in most other developing countries. The approach used in the investigation has two components: interviews with potential employers and interviews with secondary school graduates. The supply of graduates from agriculture schools is seen to be far greater than likely demand. Severe constraints on the effective working of the labour market are apparent.  相似文献   

民办高校理工科大学生是一个特殊群体,无论在知识结构,还是思想认识、行为习惯等方面都具有鲜明的特点。他们人文素质的缺失有自身、学校、社会三方面原因,应当加强课堂教学,加强软硬件建设,净化社会环境,以提高民办高校理工科大学生的人文素质。  相似文献   

Public higher education in the Philippines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Clearly, the national government of the Philippines has decided to increase the number and comprehensiveness of its public colleges and universities. While private colleges and universities are likely to dominate higher education in the Philippines for the remainer of this century, it appears that public, tax-supported higher education will become increasingly available there. The Philippines is not a wealthy country but it is devoting a substantial portion of its national resources to public higher education. In 1983, higher education received 2.85 percent of the national budget, a figure that has been rising for years. Compared with some highly developed countries, this is not a large percentage, but for a country that has traditionally relied on private higher education, it is a major and growing investment in the public sector.While many of the better universities in the Philippines are private, many other private educational institutions are small and struggling. As their financial resources become more limited, and as less expensive, tax-supported higher education becomes increasingly available, a lot of the struggling private colleges will probably close. This process is also being hastened by actions of the government to upgrade quality, for example in the case of the many private colleges that developed after World War II. In an attempt to improve the academic quality of these marginal institutions, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has been given extensive authority, and while its intrusion into private institutions has been modest by some measures, its requirements are affecting them all and will speed the demise of some. This is bound to lead to a stronger role for public higher education in the Philippines, a country that is striving diligently to improve the education and hence the quality of life of its people.The author is grateful to several officials of public and private colleges and universities whom he interviewed in the Philippines in March, 1983, and particularly to Mr. S.B. Bangug, Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, and Dr. Amado C. Dizon, Executive Vice President, Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities, who provided major assistance.  相似文献   

针对当前高校"岩体力学"实验教学过程中出现的本科学生多、实验设备不足、实验教学学时相对较少、学生创新意识不足等一系列问题,结合工程教育认证中学生的毕业标准,提出了"以现场问题引入实验教学"、"鼓励学生创新实验方法"和"利用新技术多途径实现实验教学"的新时代改革方向,并以岩石单轴压缩试验为例,详细阐述了"七步法"实验教学模式的主要内容。该实验教学模式符合工程教育认证要求的学生毕业标准,解决了当前高校"岩体力学"实验教学存在的诸多弊端,可为新时代高等院校"岩体力学"的高质量实验教学和高水平人才培养提供指导。  相似文献   

我国高等职业技术教育供求失衡与对策研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着我国高等教育规模的扩大,高等职业技术教育出现了社会供给大于个人需求的现象。从我国经济发展对技术人才的需求来看,目前应该是高等职业技术教育个人需求旺盛的时期,为什么会出现这种供大于求的现象呢?这里既有发展高等职业技术教育政策的原因,即对高等职业技术教育的政策定位存在偏差;也有劳动人事制度、户籍制度的原因;还有高职院校自身的师资力量、专业结构和办学水平有关。为此,一方面必须进行相应的政策调整,另一方面高职院校与必须改善自身办学条件。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展和对初、中级技术人员需求的增加,职高教育招生规模迅速扩大,社会各界对职业高中的教学质量也越来越关注,保证职业高中的教学质量问题是其生存与发展的关键问题。针对职业高中数学教育教学的特点,提出建立和健全职高数学教研组教育教学质量管理体系,切实保证与提高职高数学教育教学质量。  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育发展的政策支持和办学思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国高等职业教育办学经验不足,在办学的政策支持、教学模式、社会评价等方面,还存在着许多亟待解决的问题。加速我国高等职业教育发展的对策包括:政策和舆论支持,建立灵活多样的办学机制,提高教育质量等。  相似文献   

The focus on human capital as a driver of economic growth for developing countries has led to undue attention on school attainment. Developing countries have made considerable progress in closing the gap with developed countries in terms of school attainment, but recent research has underscored the importance of cognitive skills for economic growth. This result shifts attention to issues of school quality and, in that area developing countries have been much less successful in closing the gaps with developed countries. Without improving school quality, developing countries will find it difficult to improve their long run economic performance.  相似文献   

The requirements for engineering education are changing. Sound technical knowledge is still the basis of the engineering profession but multi-sectoral skills are becoming increasingly important. In the Baltic countries, increased environmental and socio-economic problems have made it clear that narrow curricula are not sufficient. Tampere University of Technology (Finland) and Tallinn Technical University (Estonia) have jointly organized postgraduate courses in water and environmental management. Much emphasis has been placed on economy, policy, management and environmental issues. When the participants come from several countries and their background education is not only engineering, very interesting and useful interdisciplinary discussions have been experienced.  相似文献   


Traditionally, community colleges serve students who live within the school’s local region. Some community colleges are looking for strategies to increase geographic access to their technical education programs. Exploratory research on online technical education programs found some programs are using online and distance-learning strategies to make their programs more accessible. This paper examines two such technical education programs and the different ways they are making their programs available to students across the country. Looking at these two programs revealed that the types of online and distance-learning strategies and tools these programs chose to deliver instruction are, at least in part, dependent on characteristics of the technical equipment students are being taught to master. These characteristics include the equipment’s availability and accessibility, as well as how expensive and/or dangerous this equipment can be.  相似文献   

针对高等职技师范院校原来的“工科十师范”拼盘式教学体系中存在的问题,结合普高、职高两种生源和技术基础课教师、专业课教师两种培养对象,用模型法构建了职技高师机械类专业的基于生源和培养对象的教学体系,经过几年的实践,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

网上党校是互联网时代的一种党员教育新方法,在网络教育发展的新形势下,高职院校在技术条件、党员素质水平等方面均具备了开展网上党校的可行性和必要性。各院校应通过选派技术人员、建立知识体系、加强资源共享合作等途径,积极开展网上党校。  相似文献   

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