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With the conclusion of 1994, Cambodia will have ended its first year of rehabilitation under a freely elected government. Since the 1993 elections, Cambodia has moved cautiously towards a modern era and there has been considerable international effort to ensure that all sectors of the economy achieve the improvements required to achieve political and economic stability towards 2000. The education sector has been a major focus. Cambodia is ready to move into the next stage of development of the education sector-reconstruction. With the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) having provided support in this sector for over 10 years, the restoration of bilateral and multilateral aid will see a growing involvement of foreign governments and donor organisations in the restoration of the sector. This activity will need to be coordinated. Cambodia had a rapidly expanding education system before Pol Pot's Year Zero. Largely based on French colonial models and structures that system served a society very much in transition - a transition from colonial dependency to a possible so-called 'new tiger'. The current period will see a different 'system' emerge; one that is neither French nor Western nor indeed 'modern'. The transition of the education system will be predicated on an overhaul of the existing bureaucracy, training regimes and school curricula before modernisation processes are installed. This paper provides a historical backdrop for the current situation. It also examines current policy priority areas in education in Cambodia and the level of international assistance.  相似文献   

This study critically examines Hong Kong's environmental education initiatives beyond schooling in the last 5 years with reference to the engagement of environmental non‐governmental organisations (NGOs) in this process under an emerging sponsorship regime. It highlights that the manifested form and mode of environmen‐talism in general and environmental education in particular are embedded within the socio‐political context of colonial governance, the proliferation of green ideas and the local adaptation of ideas of environmental education. It is observed and argued that environmental education programmes in the last 5 years, promoted mainly in the mass media domain, have been partially successful in changing people's perception on environmental affairs, but environmental groups' autonomy is questioned under a sponsorship regime. The paper ends with remarks on the future of environmental education under a new political regime in 1997 and beyond.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the theoretical and empirical starting‐points for a research project addressing the role of parents’ organisations in the education system. It argues that a study of relationships conducted between homes, schools and parents’ groups and organisations has the potential to illuminate key concepts in education, considering as examples ‘citizenship’ and ‘community’. The paper is divided into three main sections. The first briefly describes the study's background, its scope and methodology. The second section considers the use of some of Antonio Gramsci's work in providing a theoretical starting‐point with which to explore the construction and maintenance of hegemonic discourses surrounding parenting. The concluding section of the paper widens the discussion to consider two key concepts, community and citizenship. It is argued that the discursive positioning of these concepts, in other words, how they are understood and defined, influences the ways in which relationships between parents and the education system are perceived and construed. This is illustrated with reference to readings of'citizenship’ and ‘community’ which emphasise, not consensus and homogeneity as in traditional definitions, but conflict, difference and multiplicity. The paper concludes that there is a continued need for empirical data focusing on everyday citizen and citizen‐state interactions which reveal how individuals live within, and understand and experience these relationships.  相似文献   

Many policy systems and education systems have grown more complex in the last three decades. Power has moved away from central governments in different directions: upwards towards international organisations, sideways towards private institutions and non‐governmental organisations and downwards towards local governments and public enterprises such as schools. Where once we had central government, we now have governance, which can be defined as the processes of establishing priorities, formulating and implementing policies, and being accountable in complex networks with many different actors. Steering in such complex education systems emerges from the activities, tasks and responsibilities of state and non‐state actors, operating at different levels and from different positions and often has un‐deliberate, un‐intentional and un‐foreseen consequences. There are many conceptual models that encapsulate this complexity, but this article suggests that there is a real need for empirical research. Without empirical research it remains unknown whether and how steering in complex networks works out in practice, what are its effects and for whom. Moreover, it is only through empirical research that we can find out whether central government has become less dominant, or rather whether its appearance has changed and it has become less visible, but not necessarily less influential. Foucault's governmentality perspective is a useful notion on which to build such a framework for empirical research which allows for a careful study of the interactions that signify steering. Inspired by Foucault, this article develops a trilogy of assumed conditions for steering to take effect in modern societies. Following this reasoning, ‘something' first needs to be made thinkable, calculable and practicable by different actors for steering to occur. This trilogy is a promising starting point for empirical research into very specific phenomena which can help us to understand how steering in complex education systems works.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT How are educational theory and practice to respond to the problem of the fragmentation of value, characteristic of modernity? This paper criticises Susan Mendus' recent examination of three different arguments for revaluing past traditions. While endorsing her rejection of proposals to return to the past, the paper challenges the converse proposal that education should rely on the development of critical understanding. Such a proposal attends to only one of two features of modern consciousness which are of central relevance to education. The paper further argues that liberal education's theoretical framework itself impedes a more adequate response to this and to related questions of individual and social development.  相似文献   


This paper describes findings from a recent UNAIDS-funded study of how education systems in selected countries in East Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific are responding to HIV/AIDS-related education. Data were collected by means of postal questionnaire and key informant interviews in Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Vietnam. Sources of information varied but included ministries, non-governmental organisations and other interested bodies. Findings suggest that the education provided is largely information-based, but with a developing emphasis on life-skills such as assertiveness and negotiation. Specific sexual practices are rarely discussed in the region's schools, except in a somewhat mechanistic way, focusing mainly on human reproduction and anatomy. However, those countries most affected by the epidemic are beginning to re-think their approaches. An increasing openness about sexual and drug injecting practices, and how to communicate these issues with young people, is beginning to become apparent.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its starting point Kant's analysis of freedom in the Critique of Pure Reason. From this analysis, two different types of freedom are discerned, formative and instrumental freedom. The paper suggests that much of what passes for the pedagogy of learning in UK universities takes the form of an instrumental freedom. This, however, involves the neglect of formative freedom—the power to put learning to question. An emancipatory concept of education requires that formative freedom lies at the heart of the educative endeavour, to which learning must be seen as secondary. The proposal of the two types of freedom is based on a relatively detailed consideration of Kant's Critique—this is necessary in order to ensure that the concepts of instrumental and formative freedom have a credible philosophical basis.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to present the findings of a new research project on teacher candidates' learning style preferences and the implications thereof for their teaching styles. The researchers utilized two different learning‐style assessment instruments based on Dunn and Dunn's learning style model—one paper and pencil and one online learning style assessment instrument to identify course participants' learning styles. Within the same institution of higher education, the learning style concept was introduced and operationalized in two different ways. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, teacher candidates' individual and group learning style profiles and their reflections on their own learning and teaching styles are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper discusses strategies for internationalisation in Norwegian research and higher educational institutions in terms of understanding them in relation to the organisations’ relation to environments and/or in relation to the organisations basic values and identities. The empirical material consists of six case studies (3 universities, 2 university colleges and 1 research institute). Points of departure are observed through increasing competition, normative transformations in terms of increasing economic justifications of internationalisation and impetus to coherent strategic actions. To what extent does the Norwegian landscape of responses to internationalisation fit such interpretations? Based on this case study we may safely conclude that increased competition as a major driver of internationalisation policies and practices in these organisations is still to come. An economic justification of policies and practices is not the major reason to internationalise, given the perceptions of these organisations. They are currently deeply embedded in academic rationales for internationalisation.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of the ways in which the women's movement was able to effect change in educational policy and practice in Australia and Canada between 1970 and 2000, drawing on interviews and document analysis in both countries. While the movement in both countries drew on similar international texts and conversations, it had more sustained state support in education in Australia. Despite the different degrees of institutionalisation, similar trends emerged in both countries. There was more public visibility for the movement in the 1970s and 1980s than in the 1990s, and a shift in discourse from 'women's liberation' and 'sexism' to boys and social justice. It is argued that the movement continues to be a creative source of ideas and change even when it is less visible and less formally represented, and that differences in outcomes are not easily linked to differences in institutionalisation. In both countries, major change has occurred, although the demands of the movement have not been realised.  相似文献   

Women's empowerment is a concept that has acquired substantial recognition in the past decade. However, it is better known among international development organisations, NGOs, and grassroots groups than in academic circles. This article examines the concept of women's empowerment as a foundational element in a theory of social change in which the oppressed must be key actors in the change process. On the basis of empirical evidence, it highlights four dimensions of empowerment: economic, political, knowledge, and psychological. The knowledge dimension is fostered by one of the most respected and universal of institutions: formal education. Yet schools do not always provide friendly or even safe spaces for girls; moreover, the school curriculum emphasises academic subjects and avoids ‘life skills’ discussions. Most successful cases of empowerment through education have occurred in non-formal education programmes that specifically promote critical reflection on gendered social norms and encourage corrective responses. The article argues that the empowerment process must consider the close connection between the private and the public arenas, as the private space seriously constrains women's availability and possibilities for transformative action; therefore, both macro- and micro-level interventions are needed to create a modified gender division of labour. The promotion of agency — at both the individual and collective levels — plays a major role in the development of women's empowerment. Such a process requires the engagement of non-state actors, particularly women-led NGOs. The article ends with challenges for policy.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to broaden the debate about whether the arts are generic or not by devising a more thorough way of analysing their relationship based on several different points of comparison including: symbolic codes, modes, functions and their status as performance/non-performance arts. This approach is combined with Michael Polanyi's ideas about the way perception and understanding are linked through focal and subsidiary integration which offers a rich way of analysing the subtle and holistic way we make and read the arts. Polanyi's notion of focal and subsidiary integration is supported by reference to a social and holistic view of mind which in turn provides the necessary basis for cognitive repertoires, allowing synaesthesia and metaphor to take place. Metaphor and synaesthesia are put forward as the closest the arts get to something like generic features. They act to unify our understanding across modalities, and consequently should be understood as the key for teaching the arts in a relational way.  相似文献   

To date, few studies of state-funded pre-kindergarten have fully addressed questions about the association between teachers’ education, major, and credentials with classroom quality or children's academic gains. The current paper uses data from the National Center for Early Development and Learning's (NCEDL) Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten, involving 237 pre-kindergarten classrooms and over 800 children, randomly selected from six states with well-established state-funded pre-kindergarten programs. The study includes multiple days of classroom observation, direct child assessments of children's early academic skills in the fall and spring of the pre-kindergarten year, and questionnaires from teachers. For the current paper, teachers’ education has been operationalized in three different ways (years of education, highest degree, and Bachelor's versus no Bachelor's). Additionally, the paper considers the role of college major, state teaching certification, and CDA credential. Consistent with findings in the K-12 literature, this study finds few associations between any of the measures of education, major, or credentials and classroom quality or children's outcomes. Teachers’ education, regardless of how it is operationalized, is linked to gains in children's math skills across the pre-k year, and the CDA credential is linked to children's gains in basic skills; however, education, training, and credentialing are not consistently related to classroom quality or other academic gains for children.  相似文献   

Bourdieu's work has attracted considerable interest and, not withstanding criticism of his style and obscure theoretical formulations, has introduced some powerful concepts into social theory. This paper examines Bourdieu's contribution to the sociology of education and especially his account of socially differentiated educational attainment. Particular attention is given to issues of structure, agency and habitus, the cultural autonomy of the school, arbitrary and necessary school cultures, and the distinction between primary and secondary effects on educational differences. Some specific criticisms, for example Elster's charge of a double account of domination, are also addressed. Bourdieu's concentration on habitus as the most significant generator of practice is held to be a theory of socialisation and the paper examines the nature of the explanation of social practice provided by such theories. The argument concludes with a plea for critical tolerance with respect to Bourdieu's work but with a suggestion that his account of socially differentiated educational attainment in terms of habitus is finally inadequate.  相似文献   

As governments, donors and implementation organisations re-focus Education for All Goals in terms of quality of education, increasing concerns have been raised over low literacy levels in developing countries. This paper provides key learning from the application of an early reading intervention applied in post-conflict Liberia, which included a robust assessment tool (Early Grade Reading Assessment) to measure the impact of the programme on students’ reading levels. A rationale for the design and methodology applied by the two implementing organisations (Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and Concern Worldwide) is provided, situated within the Liberian education context. The paper demonstrates the positive impact on programme quality, contextual relevancy and scale-up that a diagnostic baseline assessment has when linked to a tailored literacy intervention. Lessons learnt are presented to guide the identification of best practice in early literacy interventions at national-level and internationally.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):380-394

This article looks at how the application of the concept of a ‘learning organisation’ can be used at a specific organisation in South Africa to change the work performance of its employees. We do this by exploring different theories, models and definitions of organisational learning, learning organisation, organisational knowledge and knowledge management in the field, and against this background examine the perceptions of employees at a South African Organisation. The article underpins this approach by uniquely balancing conceptual rigour with practical experiences of employees at this institution. The view is taken that organisations are living systems that have the capacity to renew themselves by continuously reflecting on their practices and thereby create new knowledge, share and leverage it. Knowledge acquisition and sharing is closely linked to the core values of the organisation in order to achieve business competitiveness, set goals, efficiency, and overall strategic success. The purpose of this article is to understand how an organisation's training department could use the concept of a learning organisation within the South African context to sustain change. To achieve this objective we (the researchers) used a qualitative research paradigm. A phenomenological design presented the research with opportunities to analyse, interpret, and describe the perceptions, feelings and experiences of the participants at the organisation. Eight semi-structured individual interviews provided data for the purposes of this research. The data was analysed to identify categories, themes and sub-themes. The five main themes discussed are organisational learning, organisational culture, organisational change, globalisation and knowledge management and these were linked to the theory of learning organisations and were based on the findings.  相似文献   

A highly skilled maintainer is the most important organisational asset pivotal for achieving quality software, strategic for improving maintenance and development processes, essential for remaining competitive and critical for business survival. This requires that universities properly prepare students to enter the maintenance workforce and that maintenance organisations actively build and maintain their human knowledge and skill base. In this paper, we present Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model (CM 3): Maintainers' Education and Training – a maturity model for educating and training maintenance engineers within corrective maintenance. This model is presently being developed at ABB by the Software Maintenance Laboratory (SML). Our goal is to provide guidance to ABB and industrial organisations worldwide in the process of building or improving their most important asset – people. Each process element presented in this paper is matched against its corresponding process element at ABB. Hence, this paper may also be regarded as a report on the state of the current practice of educating and training maintainers at ABB.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):181-189
In this article Alison Partridge considers two examples of developing the participation and inclusion of children and young people in public decision‐making in Oxfordshire. The projects are compared with research findings focusing on the impact of participation on children, young people, adults and organisations. The author highlights the value and the challenges of such activity and outlines the learning in relation to developing a culture of participation within organisations. She concludes positively in relation to the depth of the contribution and the creativity that children and young people bring to decision‐making, while emphasising that the commitment, skills and resources required to effectively embed such approaches are considerable. At root involving young people in public decision‐making demands a willingness to challenge deeply held assumptions about children's rights and the existing power relationships between adults, professionals, organisations and children and young people.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of the two first‐year core units in a teacher education course over the decade of the 1980s in one of Australia's largest teacher education institutions. The two units were interdisciplinary in nature, and involved around 1000 students per year, prompting a major structural and pedagogical reorganisation. The unit development used Basil Bernstein's analytical framework to trace the various aspects of that period of development: the construction, the constraints, the possibilities. Key questions are posed about the constraints, and possibilities for building on this expertise in future course development in teacher education are discussed. It is argued that there is a nexus between pedagogic and social structures and that much of the resistance to interdisciplinary programs comes as a result of resistance to alternative social and organisational structures.  相似文献   

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