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俄罗斯是一个能源大国。但它目前的能源情况是:产量严重滑坡,市场非常混乱,俄罗斯成了世界能源利用率最低的国家之一。造成这一局面的原因主要在于,俄罗斯向私有制转型后,由于法制上的纰漏,政府官员播身一变,成了各类能源寡头。他们大肆抢摊国家能源制高点,导致能源严重流失;此外,俄罗斯虽然巳向市场经济转型,但由于能源寡头排斥和打击外商投资,因此,实际上俄罗新的能源业并没有对外开放,俄政府无法有效地利用外资开发能源。俄罗斯能源的前景取决于新政府怎样解决寡头对能源的垄断问题。  相似文献   

现有教育税收优惠规定是在实施民办学校分类管理前出台的,针对的是非营利性民办学校。营 利性民办学校虽然登记为企业法人,但企业减税降费的利好政策对其影响甚微。此外,还存在非营利性民 办学校同等税收优惠落实不到位、营利性民办学校税收优惠不系统、现有民办学校转设税收政策不明确等 问题。建议切实落实非营利性民办学校税收优惠政策,针对营利性民办学校进行税收政策系统设计,同时 参照企业重组、改制的经验制定现有民办学校转设企业法人税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

Lagos is home to 12,098 private schools catering to 57% of the state's enrolled children, from ultra-rich to relatively poor households, with many schools targeting those of lower socio-economic status. Government schools were intended to provide a just and equitable option for all; however, they have not kept pace with demand in terms of both capacity and quality, causing concerned parents to look elsewhere. This paper draws on original household survey data to investigate why parents living in slums would put considerable strain on their household budgets to access fee-paying primary education for their children, and discusses the equity implications of this situation. Context is provided through data from the first comprehensive private school census in Lagos during the school year 2010–2011. It is found that parents choose private schools because government schools are perceived to be failing (or too far from home), but also that they have higher expectations than can be provided by private schools run on incredibly tight budgets with often untrained teachers. It is highly questionable then how under such circumstances social justice can be served through this scenario.  相似文献   

民办教育法律规范是教育法学学科发展中重要的研究议题。1997-2002年,推动民办教育立法是 学者的共同呼声。2003-2010年,学者们对民办学校的法律地位、“合理回报”与“分类管理”、民办学校监管 与治理进行了学理探讨。2011-2019年,“分类管理”何以可能成为学界的关注焦点。已有研究对民办教育 法治进程具有推动作用。未来的民办教育法律规范研究应置于民办学校发展的复杂情境,吸收借鉴法学学 科的研究方法,合理确定研究主题。  相似文献   

东西部经济发展水平产生差距的部分原因体现在私营经济的发展差异上,西部大开发中应加强对私营企业的保护。当前,西部大开发中加强对私营企业的法律保护能够吸引投资、维护稳定、解决纠纷,使西部经济走上快速发展的轨道。法律保护的基本思路是创造公平竞争环境、扶持私营经济健康发展、保护私营企业的合法权益、发展社会主义市场经济。私营企业立法中突出的缺陷是产权问题和法律责任问题。  相似文献   

分析了民办教育及合理回报制度的内涵及性质,研究了合理回报制度的法律规范和实际案例.认为,应对民办学校进行分类,并用多元化的手段鼓励民间资本投入民办学校建设,从而更好地为社会提供公共服务.  相似文献   

Parents in the United States have had the legal right to choose the school their child attends for a long time. Traditionally, parental school choice took the form of families moving to a neighborhood with good public schools or self-financing private schooling. Contemporary education policies allow parents in many areas to choose from among public schools in neighboring districts, public magnet schools, public charter schools, private schools through the use of a voucher or tax-credit scholarship, virtual schools, or even homeschooling. The newest form of school choice is education savings accounts (ESAs), which make a portion of the funds that a state spends on children in public schools available to their parents in spending accounts that they can use to customize their children's education. Opponents claim that expanding private school choice yields no additional benefits to participants and generates significant harms to the students “left behind” in traditional public schools. A review of the empirical research on private school choice finds evidence that private school choice delivers some benefits to participating students—particularly in the area of educational attainment—and tends to help, albeit to a limited degree, the achievement of students who remain in public schools.  相似文献   

《民办学校分类登记实施细则》第7条规定,非营利性民办学校可以登记为事业单位。这不仅与《民法典》等上位立法发生冲突,存在操作障碍,而且背离事业单位改革趋势。产生该规定的根源在于未能科学认识我国非营利性民办学校的法人类型。对此,应回到基本法层面,对非营利性民办学校的法人类型予以体系化重释。一方面,坚持事业单位法人的国有属性,将其从民办学校法人类型体系中去除;另一方面,摈弃将非营利性民办学校统一定性为捐助法人的解释范式,承认社团型非营利性民办学校这一类型。同时,配套完善非营利性民办学校扶持及国有资产监督管理机制,从而形成社团型非营利性民办学校与财团型非营利性民办学校并存的“新二元体系”,从根本上解决非营利性民办学校的法人地位问题。  相似文献   

第十届全国人大二次会议通过了宪法修正案,内容符合我国当前的国情。特别是宪法修正案完善并提升了对公民合法的私有财产的宪法保护,可以进一步解除合法的私有财产所有者投资生产经营的后顾之忧,进一步调动民众将富余资金投入生产经营的积极性,有助于搞活经济,椎进我国社会主义现代化建设新局面。  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to promote ethnic, racial and socio-economic integration, segregation continues to challenge education administrators and legal scholars. Privileged parents seeking to avoid integration employ various strategies such as attending private schools or buying houses in neighbourhoods with good school. This paper offers a combined empirical and legal research of another such strategy: the resort to religious schools. The research is conducted within one specific context, that of Israeli Religious State Schools. The empirical study examines whether “Torani” religious state schools (a category of religious schools that offer enhanced Jewish studies and a strict religious environment) induce socio-economic segregation. The findings indicate that “Torani” schools are indeed socio-economically segregated and serve children from higher socioeconomic class than regular religious state schools. It also shows that “Torani” schools are less reflective of their surroundings than regular religious state schools, and are more likely to be established by privileged parents in poor areas, where they are dissatisfied with the local state schools. The legal research offers an explanation of how legal regulation can determine whether religious schools will become a means for avoiding integration. Specifically, it points to three areas in which “Torani” schools are regulated differently than regular religious state schools – the rules regarding the establishment of new schools; the rules concerning school funding; and the rules concerning student enrolment – and argues that special treatment meant to protect religious interests is responsible for making “Torani” schools socially segregated.  相似文献   

从博弈论角度剖析了民办学校营利与政府资助的“囚徒困境”,并提出破解民办学校发展困境的思路:政府转变观念,认可民办学校是和公办学校长期并存的整个教育事业不可缺少的重要组成部分;进一步健全民办学校的管理体系,监督民办学校的财政状况和教育质量;对于过度“营利”行为,依据其事先制定的规章惩罚,从而使民办学校走上规范化、法制化、可持续的健康发展轨道。  相似文献   

Fixing Special Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current system of educating disabled students provides financial incentives to schools to overidentify students as disabled and underserve those that are identified. The incentive to overidentify is caused by providing schools with additional funds as more students are placed in special education categories that are ambiguous to diagnose and require relatively low additional expenditures to address. The incentive to underserve is caused by high information and transaction costs imposed on parents using the legal process to obtain desired services. An efficient alternative to the current system is to offer disabled students vouchers worth the cost of their education in public schools with which they can attend a private school if they wish. This article considers empirical analyses of the relationship between financial incentives and overidentification as well as the potential benefits of vouchers for special education. It concludes that vouchers for special education are a promising idea for improving the quality of education for disabled students while constraining growth in special education enrollments.  相似文献   

公私法的区分 ,是建立法治国家的前题 ,有利于区分两类不同的法律关系 ,采取不同的法律调整方式 ,使市场经济成为真正的法治经济 ,从而实现法制的现代化。  相似文献   

尽管土地国有制的屯田制是建安以来具有曹魏时代特色的土地所有制形式,对曹魏政权的立国具有举足轻重的意义。但是恢复私有小农经济仍然是曹魏政权施政的主导方向。西晋占田制是曹魏屯田制瓦解的必然结果和法律确认。占田法就是课田法。西晋政权在确立私有小农经济的同时,对地主庄园经济也给以法律上的承认。重获生机的私有小农经济,在摆脱屯田制度压抑的同时,又立刻面临着封建庄园经济的蚕食。  相似文献   

俄罗斯打破了单一的高等教育国家办学体制,逐步形成了国家、社会、个人等多主体举办高等教育的局面。全面分析俄罗斯私立高等教育的发展现状,总结俄罗斯私立高等教育发展的成功经验,对发展我国民办教育有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的私立学校从其产生至今已经走过了20多年的历程,现在已经形成一个相对完整的体系,发展态势良好,对俄罗斯整个社会及其教育体系产生了重要的影响。虽然俄罗斯的私立学校还存在地位不平等和质量等问题,但是,为保证私立学校的长远发展,俄罗斯政府、社会力量以及学校自身都在努力采取各种应对措施。  相似文献   

教师身份泛化:法治视野下亟待消解的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在法治视野下,教师身份泛化会带来很多问题,如教师作为公民身份的某些权利被限制;本不该由其承担的义务强加于教师;学校超越职权限制教师私人生活领域的自由等。有必要消解这一问题,用理性的、法治的精神改造我们的教育管理思想和行为,既不把教师妖魔化,也不把教师神圣化,还教师在不同时间和空间上的不同身份。  相似文献   

对私有财产的保护不力,大大挫伤了民营企业的积极性和创造力,资本外流严重束缚了我国社会主义市场经济的发展。文章通过对私有财产保护的基本现状及其原因的剖析,探讨十六大及第十届全国人大二次会议提出的保护合法私有财产的现实意义以及当前保护私有财产工作中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

泉州民办学校招生案件是个教育变革时代的典型案例,从宪法上解答这个案件具有重大意义。从宪法的受教育条款的逻辑结构可以分析出办学自主权的存在,并证明把考试作为招生方式是民办学校的权利;另一方面,分析受教育条款中的义务教育性质,可以得出民办学校的招生方式不属于政府监管的范围,民办学校没有义务免试招生。这个案件使人们直接认识了办学自主权的内容、范围及其界限,从而更深入认识了宪法受教育条款特殊的三方主体的逻辑结构,社会权和自由权兼具的两个层次的价值结构,以及三方主体各自的法律权利义务的界限,生动地阐释了宪法第46条。  相似文献   


The central tenet of the revisions to the Law on the Promotion of Private Education is the implementation of categorized management of private schools, establishing a legal basis for categorized management. Private education is characterized by publicness, and upholding and guiding private schools in exercising their public nature is the target value of legislation on private education. Publicness determines the criteria under standards for the categorization of private schools, and differences in publicness provide an analytical foundation for private school categorization standards. Publicness defines the focal points of private school standards, including the subjects of the law for private education, as well as the rights and obligations of these subjects.  相似文献   

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