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Language is a crucial feature of national and personal identity. Where Nationality is contested or controlled a particular language may be promoted or prohibited and the language of instruction is often informed by a ‘national’ political agenda. In Spain Franco attempted the suppression of Catalan identity prohibiting the public use of Catalan, schooling was conducted in Castilian. After Franco, in 1975 the new constitution promoted autonomy and self government for Catalonia. The regional government developed an educational policy, teaching Catalan to all children and using Catalan as the vehicular language in schools. The present population of Catalonia is approximately six million, over four million speak Catalan as their first language but there is significant population whose first language is Castilian. The article moves from a discussion of identity and nationalism, to an account of the dynamics of language in Catalonia and the development of Catalan education policy and its implications for questions of identity, nationality, education and language.  相似文献   

全球化背景下,中国应借鉴美国积极推行全面外语教育改革的路线,明确新的外语教育政策规划应当遵循的基本原则,提升外语教育的战略层级,优化制定外语教育政策规划的各项环境,促进多元文化的双向交流,从跨学科的视角进行外语教育改革。同时,要增强民族文化意识,有效抵制外语教育对民族文化的渗透,制定一个相对稳定的、和谐的、科学的外语教育政策。  相似文献   

语言具有社会交际工具与民族文化和身份认同的双重功能。在多语社会或国家,通常是通用语言承担较多社会交际工具功能,而少数民族语言承担较多文化认同功能,二者互相补充又互相不可替代。因此在语言的工具认同和文化认同意义上,我国国家通用语言和少数民族语言没有根本的冲突。在少数民族语言内部,由于存在强势语言和弱势语言、主体民族语言和非主体民族语言、简单语言环境语言和复杂语言环境语言、保持母语程度不同等复杂情况,所以对于不同民族语言来说,语言的民族认同也存在较大的区别。  相似文献   

语言教育政策是美国多元社会结构中重要的教育政策。美国双语教育法在实施 30年后 ,目前遭受严峻的挑战。《双语教育法》开始由《不让一个孩子掉队》、《语言获得法》替代。维护和反对双语教育政策的立法、研究和运动呈针锋相对的态势。语言教育政策在教育层面 ,人们关注它的是效率和机会均等的效果问题 ;在社会架构更深的层面 ,潜伏着国家的稳定性、语言文化权利的维护、美国社会的多元性和开放性等复杂的政治意涵。  相似文献   

论区域教育政策制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟婉娟  杨润勇 《教育科学》2003,19(6):1-3,34
区域教育政策正逐渐成为制约区域教育发展、影响国家宏观教育政策落实效果的重要因素。但现实中区域教育政策的内容、制定过程以及区域教育政策的决策者本身都存在着大量问题,本文认为区域教育政策系统本身不完善是造成这些问题的根本原因,并对此提出了相应的现实应对之策。  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the expansion of Finnish higher education between the 1960s and 1970s, exposes its background in the light of the policy decisions that were made, compares the unique features of this expansion with those of certain other countries, discusses the impact of the controlled ‘top down’ governance of higher education policy, and describes the Finnish higher education system today. The paper argues that the driving forces behind universal mass higher education were, on the one hand, changes in the structure of society, and on the other hand, individual demand for education but also increased need for skills in production processes. This was the case in Finland as well but the Finnish higher education expansion was also characterised by regionalism. The actual location of universities in the era of expansion was a function of local political actors who were able to have an influence on ruling political parties.  相似文献   

外语教育政策是国家教育政策的重要组成部分。外语教育政策对国家外语教育方向和力度的影响力不言而喻。在经济全球化的背景下,科学、合理地制定外语教育政策关系到一个国家的全面发展和下一代人才的培养。外语教育政策研究已经引起了国内外语界的重视。文章分析了国内外外语教育政策的研究现状,着重探讨了外语教育政策的研究内容,为提升研究质量打好基础。  相似文献   

西方哲学以人为起点,寻求智慧的外扩和知识体系的完备,这一求索过程导致了人的深刻分裂,同一性成为一种乌托邦似的幻想。西方哲学在中国的传播既有待通过语言的融合达成文化的融合,也给我们一种期待:借东方思维与西方思维的互补以弥补理性制造的巨大裂痕。  相似文献   

Identity is the crucial characteristic to people, as it is the defining factors of what they are and what they are not. It concludes lots of things, and among which, the national identity and regional identity are the most important ones; though they are often confused in some occasions. Therefore, this essay discusses the question of the relationship of these two identities with the examples of two British films— Bloody Sunday and Kes. From the discussion, it concludes that though on some degree the region...  相似文献   

发达国家的母语课程往往通过渗透于教材之中的“国民主体性教育”来培养学生对本国、本土文化的认同意识,以塑造学生的精神与人格。《美国语文》是这方面的典型代表,其教材编写的方式给了我们有益的启示。我国语文教材的编写者、语文教师也应树立“国民主体性教育”的意识,让学生通过教材的学习,对中华民族的悠久历史与文化有一种认同感、归属感。  相似文献   

This study focuses on how teachers of minority ancestries construct and represent their family language identities. Drawing on poststructural (Hall, 1996; Norton, 2000), postcolonial (Ang, 1994; Luke &; Luke, 2000) and sociocultural (Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, &; Cain, 1998) theory on culture, identity, and language we explore the complex nature of the linguistic identities of 25 teachers of Chinese and 20 teachers of Punjabi ancestries. We consider the different ways in which respondents of these ancestries represented their identities in minority languages in various sociocultural settings and the implications of these representations for employment. Accounting for this diversity should contribute to reconstructing authoritative discourses (Bakhtin, 1981) regarding employment of racial minorities in public education and thus to making mainstream institutions more equitable and inclusive.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on analyzing regional identity and language attitude of local students in Ningxia University(NXU).Through analysis and examples,the author provides that the local students in NXU do have regional identity and hold different attitudes towards dialect,Mandarin and English.The paper aims to give educators in NXU some inspiration and help them improve the quality of intercultural education.  相似文献   

The authors, Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the Swiss Center for Educational Documentation, express their gratitude to the Pro Helvetia Foundation, Zurich, and the International Bureau of Education, Geneva, for their assistance in making possible this English version of the booklet L'enseignement en Suisse.  相似文献   

论区域教育政策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
区域教育政策不同于国家教育政策,区域政治、经济、文化、教育要员对区域教育政策的影响机制也不同于国家政治、经济、文化等因素对国家教育政策的影响,具有自身鲜明的特性,区域教育政策的决策必须以此为依据并处理好中央与地方、上级与下级、内部与外部三种关系。  相似文献   

试论政策执行中的政策认同   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政策认同在政策执行过程中具有极为重要的作用,政策认同障碍是导致政策规避的重要心理原因.要强化政策对象对政策的认同和支持,顺利实现政策目标,就必须加强政策教化,注重沟通,协调利益,奖惩相济,改进与政策对象的互动方式,充分发挥政策对象在政策执行中的积极性.  相似文献   

前苏联时期的语言政策对吉尔吉斯斯坦的文化教育产生了巨大影响。在吉尔吉斯斯坦独立前后颁布了"国语法"和"官方语言法"以后,大力开展双语教育,促进了经济文化的发展。吉尔吉斯斯坦语言政策及其双语教育的历史证明,用一种大民族语言强行替代别的民族母语的语言政策完全背离了语言平等的原则。在一个双语或多语的环境里,如果正确对待不同语言,恰当地处理主体民族与少数民族语言之间的关系,能够推动社会发展、经济腾飞。语言和谐发展是构建和谐社会的基础。  相似文献   

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