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俄国批判现实主义画家列宾的著名油画《伊凡雷帝杀子》和英国著名剧作家莎士比亚的作品《威尼斯商人》在诠释"莎士比亚化"戏剧创作原则的重要性方面有着异曲同工的作用。二者都是通过对文学艺术作品中典型环境和典型人物的描写,重申"莎士比亚化"戏剧创作原则的重要性。文学艺术的多样性并不排除其创作原则在总体上的一致性。  相似文献   

This paper problematises the notion of the "knowledge society" found in two recent initiatives: the OECD's International Adult Literacy Survey, and the New Zealand Foresight Project. The author supports a broadening of the concept of literacy, as suggested by the OECD reports, but points to some of the limits of "information" as the focus for such a re-definition. The principle of theorising social and economic futures is also endorsed, but the form this takes in the Foresight Project is seen as unnecessarily restrictive. To date, the Foresight Project can be seen as a synthesis of elements of market liberalism and scientific rationalism. Both projects ignore crucial political and ethical questions in their accounts of the "knowledge society" and the process of globalisation, and both are wedded to a technocratic mode of policy development and planning. The author calls for further critical work on changing patterns of literate activity in the information age, and stresses the importance of contemplating futures other than those driven by the imperatives of global capitalism.  相似文献   

协商互动是交际的过程,也是思维联想、判断和语言创作的过程。在此过程中学习者运用所学知识进行实际应用,以达到交际的最终目的。协商互动作为语言习得重要环节之一,已引起了国内外众多语言研究者的重视。文章就目前国内英语专家和英语教育工作者的研究热点问题——英语人才"思辨缺席"展开深入探讨,从内容协商视角探索思辨能力提升办法。并提出协商互动一些具体策略企图来提升语言学习者的思辨能力和交际能力。  相似文献   

李道  张艳  况蕾 《科教导刊》2021,(1):37-38
近年来,为了有效的促进我国护理专业"教学做合一"式的教学模式,学校就必须要积极地反思护理类专业教材长期滞后的原因,积极地寻求各种各样的护理学教学模式,从多角度分析护理学专业应该如何从管理、教材、历史、发展等多个角度出发,实现专业的"教学做合一",在教学的过程中,培养学生们的批判性思维,重视起学生们的专业知识和实践能力的培养,有效促进护理学专业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

编者按:究竟如何理解英美的批判教育学思潮,尤其是近年来其阵营内部存在纷纷攘攘、似大有碎片化的趋势,本刊特约请当代批判教育学的代表人物之一,世界知名学者、教育思想家阿普尔教授,加州州立大学助理教授韦恩·欧,对批判教育学的历史、目前内部不同取向间的分歧以及在当代保守主义复兴语境中所面临的挑战和应对策略,予以全面的梳理和分析.批判教育学对于中国教育学界并不陌生,但是,对于它的历史缘起、理论全貌和时代境遇,我们少有系统和整体的关注.本文之于我们的价值不仅在于可略补此憾,更重要的是,它会启发我们反思,在中国时下教育改革的潮流中,我们的教育、政治、文化和经济内涵是什么?教育在社会的现实变革、社会的发展远景中,究竟应该扮演什么角色?因本文篇幅较长,故分上篇、下篇两次刊发,敬请读者谅解.  相似文献   

中国古代文学批评对批评态度的重视和研究始于魏晋时期的曹丕,其著作《典论*论文》首先提出了批评态度问题,其核心是提出对"文人相轻"的批评,从而引起人们对批评态度的重视和研究,构成了中国古代批评态度观.  相似文献   

关于高校“三个代表”重要思想“三进”工作的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校应切实抓好“三个代表”重要思想“三进”工作。高校抓好“三个代表”的“三进”工作应提高认识 ,明确要求 ,做好理论联系实际 ,学以致用抓好教师、教材、科研、制度四项建设  相似文献   

The critical path method/program evaluation and review technique method of project scheduling is based on the importance of managing a project's critical path(s). Although a critical path is the longest path through a network, its location in large projects is facilitated by the computation of activity slack. However, logical fallacies in oft‐repeated statements of the relationship between slack and the critical path make it easy to overlook the phenomenon of zero‐slack, noncritical paths. This article points out the fallacies and then describes and illustrates the phenomenon. We conclude with teaching recommendations to avoid suboptimal decisions in reducing project duration.  相似文献   

This paper is a cross-cultural comparative study in education philosophy. A comparative and philosophical approach is used to interpret texts from the Analects of Confucius and to find connections with ideas of critical educators. In comparing Confucius’ educational thought with that of Paulo Freire, John Dewey and other theorists in critical pedagogy, this paper finds four common threads between Confucian concepts of education and critical pedagogy: mutual learning, integration of theory and practice, importance of reflection in teaching and learning, and democratic purpose of education. By presenting these interwoven themes, this paper contributes to a cross-cultural dialogue on global understanding in education.  相似文献   

There is a lack of critical, interpretive research on marginalized youths' schooling experiences. There is a significant need for research that furthers theoretical and empirical understanding of how these youths experience school. I posit that a specific type of critical, interpretive research is required in order to understand and improve the educational experiences of marginalized youths. This paper argues that the vast majority of current delinquency and education research, while providing important and useful information, is limited by its adherence to the positivist paradigm and quantitative methods. I suggest that researchers must critically investigate schooling objectives and processes to explore how the educational system may be implicated in reproducing marginalized youths' academic failure and delinquency. Such critical research would investigate how the substantive content and processes of schools correspond with students' everyday lives and values. Such an approach will enable us to learn how to make better schools that serve marginalized youths and create more effective learning environments.  相似文献   

新型工业化:中国现代化的必由之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
走新型工业化道路是党中央在十六大报告中,在总结发达国家经验教训的基础上,基于我国国情所作出的一项重大举措。深刻认识走新型工业化道路的必要性和主要途径,对于全面建设小康社会,实现现代化建设的第三步战略目标,具有重大约现实意义。  相似文献   

该文通过对大型仪器使用现状的统计分析,说明对管理体制进行改革的必要性,提出“资源共享先在院内共享,对外开放先在本单位开放”的想法,阐述了打造大型仪器平台对科技创新平台的重要意义。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,为了应对全球经济对学生技能水平的要求,西方国家开始广泛关注学生批判性思维的培养,使之逐渐成为各国高等教育改革的重要议题。但是,关于批判性思维的内涵、属性和影响因素等几个关键问题却一直存在论争。从批判性思维的内涵、属性和影响因素来看,西方国家存在强调"思维技能"还是"社会参与"、适用于"所有学科"还是"特定学科"、受"东西方文化的差异"还是"教育环境的差异"影响等几个方面的论争。  相似文献   

段玉裁之所以提出定"底本是非"和"义理是非"的校勘理论,源于其疑经辨伪思想及对经籍致误因素的认识。他以小学治经史,以考核求义理,在校勘中注重从"义"出发,寻本探源,并综合运用多种校勘方法,在经籍校勘上有杰出的成就。但其思想受时代及各种因素局限,段玉裁也有轻断臆改之弊,对此应客观对待。  相似文献   

对于舞蹈教学而言,如何摈弃传统的教学思维模式,以新的教学理念开辟舞蹈教学的新领域,这是提高舞蹈教学质量的关键性问题所在,而扩大和科学应用舞蹈课堂教学的"信息量",正是开启新的教学理念的钥匙。本文通过论述"信息量"重要性及其与舞蹈教学的关系,认为,在舞蹈教学中不断吸收当下舞台表演和训练中的先进经验,科学运用"信息量",才能使课堂教学不断融入新的内容、新的知识,使舞蹈教学更加科学化、系统化。  相似文献   

The present study assessed the associations among higher-order thinking skills (reflective thinking, critical thinking) and self-monitoring that contribute to academic achievement among university students. The sample consisted of 196 Iranian university students (mean age = 22.05, SD = 3.06; 112 females; 75 males) who were administered three questionnaires. To gauge reflective thinking, the “Reflective Thinking Questionnaire” designed by Kember et al. (Assess Eval High Educ 25(4):380–395, 2000) was utilized. It includes 16 items measuring four types of reflective thinking (habitual action, understanding, reflection, and critical reflection). To assess critical thinking, the “Watson–Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal”(2002) was utilized. It comprises 80 items and consists of 5 subtests (inference, recognizing unstated assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation). Self-monitoring was measured via 8 items of the self-regulation trait questionnaire designed by O’Neil and Herl (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 1998). The results demonstrated that critical thinking and all components of reflective thinking positively and significantly predicted achievement with habitual action having the lowest impact and reflection exhibiting the highest influence. Self-monitoring indirectly exerted a positive influence on achievement via understanding and reflection. It was also found that among the four subscales of reflective thinking, reflection and critical reflection predicted critical thinking positively and significantly. Self-monitoring had a positive and significant impact on critical thinking. It also significantly and positively influenced understanding as well as reflection.  相似文献   


Investigation was made of differences in "continuing motivation" between preschool and third grade children. A paradigm for the study of continuing motivation is described and an attempt made at explicating some possible antecedents of this construct. In particular" the effects of various types of reward received for performance were considered. Results suggest that the addition of extrinsic reward to an intrinsically interesting task reduces one's motivation to perform the task. Further" some possible developmental aspects of continuing motivation were suggested. The importance of considering continuing motivation as a critical educational outcome was discussed.  相似文献   

金融部门实现“干中学”效应从而促进经济增长的前提条件是金融部门的规模必须达到临界值。以金融部门规模是否达到临界值为标准可以将金融发展划分为两个阶段,不同阶段需要实施不同的金融发展政策。在金融部门达到临界规模之前需要政府干预和扶植金融发展,而之后就可以实施自由化改革。  相似文献   

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