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Thirteen years ago,I was born in a beautiful city—Guangzhou.Every day,every year,I live here with my family,my friends.I spend my happy life in the city,in my city,Guangzhou. Guangzhou is really a modern city.In the streets,the cars come and go,and people walk in a hurry.Department stores are full of customers.Tall buildings are everywhere.All these happen because of the busy life.Everyone here is busy.We don't have much time to waste.Children go to school with a large schoolbag.Adults go to work in order to earn money.The olds go to shops to buy things for their families.Everyone has a lot of things to do.Every minute can't be wasted.The life in Guangzhou is busy.  相似文献   

<正>沈阳城市学院坐落于东北地区重要的中心城市、国家先进装备制造业基地和科技创新中心——沈阳。学校足辽宁省首批应用型转型发展试点单位。2019年,在艾瑞深中国校友会网中国大学排行榜中,学校跻身中国顶尖民办大学,名列辽宁省民办高校第一,中国民办高校第18。沈阳城市学院成立于2001年,其前身为沈阳大学科技工程学院。2003年12  相似文献   

目标:学习描述城市各处的实用英语单词和表达。想一想:你上次去图书馆是什么时候,为什么去?你通常多久去一次剧院,你喜欢看什么戏剧?你上次去电影院是什么时候.看了什么?你多久游一次泳?  相似文献   

城市人是城市的建造者和居住者,城市反映了城市人的精神、意志、审美情趣。由于城市人生存于城市之中,城市人的生物生命、精神生命和社会生命在城市中都能得到满足。城市人的生存与城市有种种深刻的联系,在这生命体验之上会产生不同的情感体验,当人的三重生命都能得到满足时,这时获得的情感体验就是美的体验。这种对城市羡感的分析属于城市美学的基础性工作,希望能抛砖引玉,引起更多的反响,真正有益于美的城市的建设。  相似文献   

<正>武汉城市职业学院(武汉工业职业技术学院)是由武汉市政府主办的面向全国招生的全日制综合性高等职业学院。学校前身是1904年清末湖广总督张之洞创办的两湖总师范学堂,是湘鄂两省近代师范教育的重要发端。2004年更名为江汉大学实验师范学院,2007年更名为武  相似文献   

浙江大学城市学院成立于1999年7月,是国家教育部和浙江省人民政府批准设立,由浙江大学、杭州市人民政府合作办学,并与浙江省电信实业集团共同发起创办的全日制本科普通高校,是全国首家按新型模式办学的独立学院,被誉为全国独立学院的办学典范。[第一段]  相似文献   

惠州城市规划与发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从研究惠州行政区划的历史变迁和城市规划与发展历程入手, 着重分析了惠州目前在珠江三角洲城市群中的综合竞争力、发展潜力和角色定位, 并从城市规划的角度提出了框架性的战略构想和应对策略.  相似文献   

城市文化与现代化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市化之所以能够成为现代化的重要内容和特征 ,不仅由于城市化对经济发展和社会进步有巨大的推动作用 ,而且因为城市化能够产生日新月异的城市文化。现代城市文化是具有现代人格的人创造的文化 ,是现代人生产活动和生活的文化体现 ,它集中和鲜明地代表了现代化的文化特征。积极发展城市文化 ,既是最重要、最可靠的基础设施投资 ,又可以切实地推进现代化建设  相似文献   


This article mingles stories and concepts of young Jewish Israeli children about God, with reflections on the roles of faith, memory, imagination, and cognitive development in children's Religious Education. The stories are meant to illustrate, among other things, the purity and innocence of young children's faith, which is largely untroubled by fact. Then, using Vygotsky's notions of children's spontaneous concepts and the development of more mature and accurate conceptions in the “zone of proximal development,” a central dilemma in Religious Education will be explored. How can religious educators help young people acquire accurate historical information, textual skills, and theological methods of inquiry, while at the same time nurturing the precious flame of faith? Can we do better at combining systematic learning with pure faith? Toward this purpose, three complementary goals of Religious Education will be suggested: cognitive, practical/moral, and spiritual.  相似文献   

学校坐落于上海市松江区,周边是国际花园城区和大学园区,有轨道交通9号线通往市中心。学校占地面积240亩,建筑总面积7万平方米,现有教职工320人,专任教师238人,其中85%以上具有中高级职称。学校拥有现代化的教育、生活、体育和艺术活动设施,建有上海市汽车运用与维修开放实训中心和上海市建筑与装饰开放实训中心。学校现有120个班级、5000多名学生。学校设有建筑工程部、机电专业部、数控技术部、信息技术部、商贸管理部、综合教学部等6个专业部。学校坚持以就业为导向的职业教育办学方向,以正德立身.砺能树人为校训,  相似文献   


This article addresses the question of what is entailed in enhancing teacher quality and student achievement through university-school partnership. It compares two different secondary schools working in partnership with Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. University Park Campus School (UPCS) is a small, neighborhood-based school that spans grades 7–12 and serves 215 students. South High School is a large comprehensive high school, with grades 9–12, and 1500 students. UPCS has attained an exceptional level of effectiveness, as reflected in student achievement; all students have passed the statewide test on their first try, with most scoring in the top two performance categories (“proficient” and “advanced”), and qualified for postsecondary education. In contrast, South High, committed to a major restructuring initiative, marks improvement more slowly and incrementally. While scale looms large as a factor in explaining the effectiveness of each school (an instrumental factor), the story of the differences between the two schools is more complex. The comparison focuses on the most salient dimensions in an effort to understand critical cultural dimensions of effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文介绍了成都市的森林资源概况,并分析了森林旅游在成都打造"田园城市"中的促进作用、存在问题及对策。  相似文献   

目标:学习英语国家的文化。 想一想:你去过纽约吗?如果你去纽约旅游的话,你会去哪三个地方?你想住在纽约吗,为什么?The 1920s was a decade of wealth, decadence and social change. They were known as the Roaring Twenties, and the best place to experience this exciting time was New York City. But what was it really like?  相似文献   

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